Manifesting Your Best Life

How I Manifested $54,000 in 3 Weeks

Today I’m here to share with you how I manifested $54,000 cash in 3 weeks.
And so far in December I’ve manifested over $75,000 in liquid assets!

None of that came in the way I had envisioned it showing up!!

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Let Me Tell You the Story

On the new moon in November, I set an intention to attract 14 new clients and manifest $50,000 in December.

I Did These 3 Things to Manifest the Money

Every day I would tap for dollars – (EFT) for $50,000 to clear any blocks. I did this years ago when Margret lynch was first getting started and 3500 dollars showed up in my mailbox totally unexpectedly.

Most days I wrote this down on with pen and paper, but also repeated often in my head and for sure every night as I was falling asleep these 20 words:

Join the Million Dollar Experiment for 2024 and see if you can't manifest your dreams...

I am very grateful for the abundance in money and health that flows to me effortlessly and consistently every day.

~Jill Hart

Then, the next step…

I make these affirmations which are actually true, but it helps me to repeat them:

I am a millionaire
I am significant
I am enough
I am making a difference

~Jill Hart

Next, I thought about all of the things I am grateful for especially as I fall asleep at night. I will be journaling daily my gratitude for the things that I am grateful for going forward. My intention for 2024 involves manifesting 2.6 million over the next year.

Important Part of How to Manifest Process

As part of the intention process I wrote down why I wanted the money and visualized what that would look like, including the feelings I would feel.

I also joined the Million Dollar Experiment for $25 FOR THE WHOLE YEAR which will actually start in January of 2024. But as part of that I decided to invest the $44 for December to go through Joanna’s HEAL your abundance. Cause in my mind, in for a penny, in for a pound.

And Started Looking for the Confirmation Bias

And then I looked for evidence of the things and money I wanted materializing. Specifically, I watched some investments I have grow by thousands of dollars over a couple weeks. It started out only a couple hundred dollars on a few days. Because you know investing – things go up and down. however, over the weeks it’s gone up over 2500 in this one account and 11,000 in another, and that’s the increase not the initial investment. In the one case that’s a 110% increase (in other words the money in that account more than doubled) and in the other it went up 30%.

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Working Out the How

Of course, I had the “how” all worked out in my mind, cause I don’t know about you, but before now, I used to be all about making things happen.

Because of that, I went to work to “make” something happen. I felt like what I was “working” on was in alignment with my mission so was pretty confident that it would all work out the way I had intended.

But it Didn’t!

On the new moon in November (November 13th, 2023) my father-in-Law (who had lived with us for more than 18 years, though he had moved out about 4 years ago to live on his own) was in pretty good health for being 86. Having lived with congestive heart failure for 12 years, my father-in-law was a big believer in the power of the mind. And though medical people told him he only had months to live (12 years ago) he was certain he would live to be 100). So, he went for pizza and beer with my husband on the Thursdays after the new moon. Up until Monday December 4th.

December 4th

Do you remember Monday December 4th? Yep, that was day one of the 4 days to attract clients with podcasts online training & challenge. That night my father-in-law called my husband around 7pm to inform him that he had fallen down 3 times that day. And that he had laid on the ground for hours each time. He was disoriented and didn’t know if it was morning or night. Needless to say, my husband was out the door and on his way in 15 minutes to go help his dad who lives an hour away.

my father in law many years ago when he had only been with us a short time.

My Father-in-law

My husband and his dad both had a cold going on which was diagnosed as Covid for dad eventually. This lead to my husbands decision to just stay up there with his dad until he felt his dad was well enough to stay on his own.

By the next Thursday – the day of the masterclass – my husband was in the emergency room with my father-in-law. The Physician’s assistant on call was demanding that my father-in-law be transported to a real hospital another hour away. A big winter storm had started so he would have to be transported by ground. My husband had called me 5 minutes before we were going live to talk to me about all of this… my mind was swirling.

The Friday …

Friday, when I was supposed to be promoting the Podcast Alchemy Academy, I was driving up to collect my husband. Then on to see my father-in-law in the hospital.

That afternoon the cardiologist came around and told us there was nothing they could do for him. He would be going on hospice this weekend.


Okay, so I’m naive about hospice and think, “great, he will get to go somewhere to recover and have help, my husband can come home, and Medicare will cover the cost”.

Around 5pm on Friday afternoon, the hospice nurse calls to set up hospice – we are driving back to my FIL’s house through mountains, so service is kind of spotty, he informs us that hospice is in our home.

Our Home

Our home is 1400 square feet with 3 bedrooms My husband & I in one, my daughter in another and the 3rd is tiny, needs paint and a floor and is my office.

Panic sets in. Where will we put him?

The hospice nurse arranged to have a bed and other equipment set up to be delivered Monday morning and to have dad transported Monday afternoon.


Saturday, we travel back to Pocatello with a printed note for dad to read – did I mention he is almost entirely deaf? Because of his good spirits on Saturday, we have hope he will rally when he comes home. We tell him the plan (minus the hospice part) and that we will be fixing up the room on Sunday so we will see him on Monday.

We’re feeling okay about the plan, I spend all Sunday moving my office to my bedroom, painting the room and installing flooring. Monday rolls around and the equipment is delivered as promised – can I tell you how impressed I am with Symbii? Every person I met did what they said they were going to do when they said they’d do it.


Monday is December 11th, my 8th grandchild was born in the wee hours to my FIL’s 1st grandson who was named after him (my son’s other son was born on my FIL’s birthday 3 years ago). Father-in-law arrives in bad shape, and the hospice nurse shows up shortly after he arrives.

After 3 hours of training and meds we are set to care for dad. My husband stays up to administer morphine until 3am and then I relieve him so he can get some rest.

December 12th The New Moon and the EXACT Day I Had Expected to Manifest the Money

My father-in-law passed about 7:40ish on the morning of December 12th. He left us $54,000 in cash on the EXACT date that I had intended that the $50,000 would materialize. Remember that masterclass the Thursday before? I was going to be doing a replay on Friday and talking to my community about going all in to attract clients with podcast over the weekend ending the offer on Monday. As you can probably imagine by now, all of that went out the window with news of dad going into hospice.

Long Strange Story About How I Manifested $54,000

I know this was a long a strange story but there are some things I’ve taken away from this.
that I’d really like to share with you…

You only have to tell the universe what you want. You do need to believe it’s possible, you must allow it into your life – easier said than done. Have you ever wondered why it is easier to make your second million than your first?

It’s not enough to simply want something in general terms you need to want things in specific terms and be grateful for the little signs that show up along the way to confirm for you that positive things are happening.

I also know it is easier to manifest things when you have a group of committed people around you all moving in the same direction and supporting you.

It’s easy to get discouraged when things show up in ways you aren’t expecting. When you have a group, others can help you see things you are missing.

My Thoughts on How to Manifest Specifically Money

With that in mind I’d like to leave you with a couple thoughts

  1. Pay the $25 and join the Million Dollar experiment – it’s a whole year of coaching plus a book plus a group – the $25 for the WHOLE YEAR!!
  2. I’m forming a mastermind for next year around stepping into your power and manifesting your great commission. You can learn more about that here

I appreciate you all and wish you all the abundance you desire in 2024!

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