Manifesting Your Best Life

Own Your Decisions – Powerful Yes Confident No

Own your decisions! There is so much power when you make the decision to embrace the things you say yes to and confidently say no to.

Embracing your “yes” and saying “no” with confidence can have a positive impact on your life in many ways.

Decision Making When You Own Your Decisions

a woman weighing stacks of books - owning your decision
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First, making decisions with confidence can increase your sense of control over your life. When you are able to make decisions that align with your values and goals, you are more likely to feel that you are in charge of your own path. This can lead to increased self-esteem. And it leads to a greater sense of personal agency.

Saying “no” with confidence can also help you to set boundaries and prioritize your time and energy. By being selective about what you commit to, you can ensure that you have the resources necessary to fully engage in the things that are most important to you. This can help you to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Or spread too thin.

Relationships When You Own Your Decisions

In addition, embracing your “yes” and saying “no” with confidence can help you to build stronger relationships. When you are clear and decisive in your communication, others are more likely to respect and trust you. This can lead to more meaningful and fulfilling connections with friends, family, and colleagues.

Furthermore, making decisions with confidence can help you to feel more grounded and sure of yourself. When you are able to confidently assert your wants and needs, you are more likely to feel comfortable and at ease in a variety of situations. This can lead to increased self-confidence and a greater sense of well-being.


It is important to note, however, that embracing your “yes” and saying “no” with confidence does not mean being inflexible or unwilling to consider others' perspectives. It is possible to be decisive and assertive while also being open to negotiation and compromise.

How to Say Yes with Confidence

Here are some tips for saying “yes” with confidence:

  1. 1. Make sure you have a clear understanding of what you are committing to. Take the time to fully consider the request and any potential consequences before making a decision.
  2. 2. Trust your instincts. If you feel excited or energized by the opportunity, it is likely a good fit for you.
  3. 3. Communicate clearly. When you say “yes,” make sure you are clear about your expectations and any conditions that need to be met.
  4. 4. Don't be afraid to ask for what you need. If you need support or resources to fulfill your commitment, be upfront about it.
  5. 5. Be confident in your abilities. Believe in yourself and your capacity to handle the challenge.
  6. 6. Remember that it's okay to change your mind. If you later realize that you are not able to follow through on your commitment, it is important to communicate that as soon as possible and work to find a solution.

By following these tips, you can say “yes” with confidence and enthusiasm, knowing that you have made a well-informed and thought-out decision.

Setting Boundaries Owning Your No

Setting boundaries and owning your “no” can be challenging, but it is an important part of taking care of yourself and maintaining healthy relationships. Here are some tips for setting boundaries and saying “no” with confidence:

  1. 1. Know your limits. It's important to have a clear understanding of what you are and are not willing to do. Take the time to think about your values, goals, and what is important to you.
  2. 2. Communicate clearly. When you say “no,” be direct and assertive. Avoid making excuses or apologizing excessively, as this can undermine your message.
  3. 3. Use “I” statements. Instead of saying “you shouldn't do that,” try saying “I don't feel comfortable doing that.” This helps to clearly communicate your feelings and boundaries without placing blame on the other person.
  4. 4. Practice saying “no.” It can be helpful to practice saying “no” in low-stakes situations so that it becomes easier in more challenging situations.
  5. 5. Remember that it's okay to change your mind. It's okay to say “no” and then realize later that you are actually able to do something. Just be sure to communicate any changes in your availability clearly.

By setting clear boundaries and being assertive in your communication, you can own your “no” and take care of your own needs and well-being. This can ultimately lead to more fulfilling and healthy relationships.

Maybe is not How You Own Your Decisions

Saying “maybe” can be a way of avoiding committing to something and can be interpreted as a lack of conviction or indecisiveness. When you say “maybe,” you are not taking a clear stance on the matter and are leaving the door open for further discussion or negotiation.

Saying “maybe” can also be a way of avoiding taking responsibility for your decision. By not fully committing to a “yes” or a “no,” you are not fully accepting the potential consequences of your choice. This can make it harder for others to plan and can create uncertainty and confusion.

In contrast, saying “yes” or “no” with confidence allows you to fully own your decision and be clear about your intentions. This can lead to more effective communication and better outcomes for all involved.

It is important to note that it is okay to take time to consider a request or opportunity before making a decision. However, if you find yourself consistently saying “maybe” or avoiding making a clear decision, it may be helpful to examine any underlying reasons for this behavior. By addressing any issues or concerns, you can build the confidence and conviction needed to make decisions with clarity and assurance.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, embracing your “yes” and saying “no” with confidence can have a positive impact on your life by increasing your sense of control, setting boundaries, building stronger relationships, and increasing self-confidence. By making decisions with conviction, you can take charge of your life and find greater fulfillment and well-being.

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