
Daily Affirmation – Choose to be of Service to Others

I choose to be of service to others and use my positive energy to care for those in need of upliftment.

How to Choose to Be of Service to Others

There are many ways to choose to be of service to others. Here are a few suggestions:

yellow flower with green leaves - being of service
Photo by Lara Jameson on Pexels.com
  1. 1. Volunteer your time and skills: One way to be of service to others is to volunteer your time and skills to organizations or causes that align with your values and interests. This could involve volunteering at a local food bank, helping out at a school or community center, or providing support to a nonprofit organization.
  2. 2. Donate to charitable causes: Another way to be of service to others is to donate to charitable causes that align with your values and interests. This could involve making a financial contribution to an organization, donating goods or supplies, or providing other types of support.
  3. 3. Help out in your community: Being of service to others can also involve helping out in your local community. This could involve things like participating in neighborhood clean-up events, helping out with local charity drives, or simply being available to lend a helping hand to neighbors in need.
  4. 4. Practice acts of kindness: You can also be of service to others by performing small acts of kindness on a regular basis. This could involve things like holding the door open for someone, offering to help someone with a task, or simply being there to listen and offer support to someone who is going through a difficult time.

How Being of Service Helps the Server

Serving others can have many benefits for the person who is doing the serving. These are a few ways that being of service helps the person doing the service.

Studies show that volunteering and helping others has a number of positive effects on physical health. These include reducing stress, improving cardiovascular health, and increasing life expectancy.

Serving others can also have a number of positive effects on mental health, including reducing stress, increasing self-esteem, and improving overall well-being.

It can foster a sense of community: Serving others can also help us feel more connected to others and the world around us. When we work together to help others, we can build strong, supportive relationships. These relationships provide a sense of connection and belonging.

Finally, serving others can also promote personal growth and development. By stepping outside of our comfort zones and helping others, we can learn new skills. We gain new perspectives. And we develop a sense of empathy and compassion. So, serving others can be very beneficial for us in many ways.

How to Find Your Purpose as a Woman – Live Life Ignited

I choose to be of service to others
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It is Better to Give than to Receive?

Not necessarily!

Evidence suggests that giving and receiving can elicit similar physical responses in the body. For example, research has shown that both giving and receiving can activate the brain’s reward and pleasure centers. This leads to feelings of happiness and satisfaction.

One study found that when people engaged in acts of kindness or generosity, they experienced increased activity in the brain’s ventral striatum. This is associated with reward and pleasure. Similarly, other research has found that receiving acts of kindness or generosity can also activate the brain’s reward and pleasure centers.

Additionally, both giving and receiving can lead to the release of hormones and neurotransmitters in the body that are associated with positive emotions. The main two are oxytocin and dopamine. Oxytocin, in particular, has been linked to feelings of social bonding and connection. And is often referred to as the “love hormone.”

Overall, it appears that giving and receiving can both lead to similar physical responses in the body that are associated with positive emotions and feelings of happiness and satisfaction. So, giving can elicit the same physical reaction as receiving.

How to Make Affirmations Work for You

Giving without Spending

There are many ways to give to others without spending money.

You can volunteer your time and skills. One way to give to others without spending money is to volunteer your time and skills. This could involve volunteering at a local non-profit organization, helping out at a school or community center, or providing support to a charity or cause that you believe in.

You can also give to others by simply offering a helping hand. This could involve things like assisting a neighbor with a task, offering to run errands for someone who is unable to leave their home, or simply being there to lend an ear and provide support to someone who is going through a difficult time.

You can also give to others by simply offering a helping hand. This could involve things like assisting a neighbor with a task, offering to run errands for someone who is unable to leave their home, or simply being there to lend an ear and provide support to someone who is going through a difficult time.

Also, you can give to others by performing small acts of kindness on a regular basis. This could involve things like holding the door open for someone, offering to help someone with a task, or simply being there to listen and offer support to someone who is going through a difficult time.

Discover Your Passion to be of Service

Be sure to read the book. Ignited: 5 Steps to Realizing the Life You Were Created to Live. Or bybooking a callwith us


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