Explore the Essense of Reality & Shifting Consciousness

Janaki Mayhill embodies the spirit of transformation and serves as a powerful guide to those seeking self-healing. Rooted in the principles of love and divine connection, she draws inspiration from her rich cultural heritage, including her Sanskrit name, meaning “Mother Earth,” which reflects her deep bond with the earth and the divine feminine.

The Power of Naming and Conscious Parenting

Janaki’s personal story highlights the significance of naming with intention. She explains how her mother chose her unique name to reflect her spiritual journey, and Janaki continued this tradition with her own children, giving them names that carry deep spiritual meaning. As a mother of four, Janaki emphasizes the importance of conscious parenting, viewing children as wise teachers who mirror the alignment—or lack thereof—within ourselves.

Working with the Subconscious and Inner Child

In her work, Janaki focuses on helping clients reconnect with their inner child and heal deep-seated wounds. She believes that by revisiting past experiences through a lens of love and divine perspective, individuals can shift old perceptions and gain wisdom. She refers to this process as moving from “the illusion of confusion to clear wisdom and vision.” Janaki shares how she helps clients heal by guiding them to revise their memories and transform their perceived weaknesses into strengths.

Spiritual Integration and the Quantum Field

Janaki draws from her experiences and expertise to guide others through what she describes as the “quantum field.” This field, representing the interconnectedness of all things, allows individuals to transform their lives by changing their internal narrative. Janaki explains that everything exists in real time in this field, and we have the power to rewrite our stories and experiences by aligning with our divine wisdom.

The Role of the Divine Feminine and Unity Consciousness

At the core of Janaki’s work is the restoration of divine feminine energy. She emphasizes the importance of balancing masculine and feminine energies within, symbolizing the union of the mother, father, and Christ child. Through this inner union, she believes individuals can achieve deeper self-awareness and peace. Janaki advocates for the healing power of love and believes that everything in life, from relationships to individual experiences, is rooted in unity consciousness.

Embracing the Human Experience

Janaki encourages her clients to fully embrace the human experience and all of its complexities. Rather than striving to be more spiritual, she reminds people that they are already divine beings, here to enjoy life’s full spectrum. She uses the metaphor of a disco ball, with each piece representing a unique reflection of our human and spiritual selves. Janaki believes that by accepting and integrating all parts of ourselves—both light and shadow—we can achieve true healing and harmony.

The Power of Perception and Relationships

In her coaching, Janaki teaches that everything comes down to perception. She shares personal stories of how shifting her perception of her husband completely transformed their relationship. She believes that our inner perceptions shape how we experience the world and others, and by changing our internal stories, we can change the dynamics of our relationships. Janaki encourages her clients to see relationships as mirrors that reflect back to us what we need to heal and integrate within ourselves.

The Importance of Play and Surrender

Janaki highlights the importance of play, joy, and surrender in the healing process. She believes that we often take life too seriously and reminds us that Earth is our playground. Through play, we can access deeper levels of creativity and transformation. She also speaks about the power of surrender—letting go of the need to control everything and trusting the process of life. For Janaki, surrender doesn’t mean giving up; it means embracing the present moment and allowing life to unfold naturally.

Janaki’s Work and Offerings

Janaki offers a wide range of services, including one-on-one coaching, group workshops, and retreats. Her “I Am” journeys focus on helping clients transcend their perceived limitations and embrace their true potential. She also teaches classes on topics like chakras and manifestation, helping individuals connect with their divine essence. One of her signature offerings is a retreat in Bali, where she guides participants in awakening their divine genius and embracing love as the path to personal evolution.

Aligning with Your Highest Self

Janaki’s mission is to help others reconnect with their highest selves by embracing love, unity, and divine wisdom. Through her multifaceted approach, she empowers her clients to heal their inner wounds, shift their perceptions, and live more joyful, harmonious lives. Whether through one-on-one coaching, group sessions, or retreats, Janaki’s work is centered on helping individuals transform their lives by embracing their true nature and divine power.

For more information on Janaki’s services, you can visit her website at bhaktilight.com or follow her on social media for updates on her upcoming events and offerings.

manifestation activation – IAMManifest is the code




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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. I'm your host, Jill Hart, and with me today is Janaki Mayhill. Janaki embodies the essence of transformation and serves as a conduit for the divine at the deepest level. She stands as a beacon of change, an alchemist of well-being advocating for restoration of our innate.


Our rooted in love as a mother of four Janaki carries the sacred codes of the divine mother within her DNA and her very name reflects her profound connection with Mother Earth. Janaki is a multifaceted artist channels divine inspiration through music, poetry and words. Welcome to the show.


Thank you. Thank you.


So how did you get started channeling and?


And tell us about your name and what it means and how you got that name. That's very interesting.




So yes, my name is Johnny Key and my mom was going to be a nun and she ended up being a yoga instructor instead and following the Hindu religion a lot. Although she raised us with truth is one and paths are many. So she gave us an opportunity to experience.


Multi verse of.


Religions and experience a lot of diversity growing up and so my name actually means Mother Earth and it is a Sanskrit name. And so she had a very common name growing up in the 50s, Patricia or Patty, and she chose to have her kids have a unique name.


I love that.


Did you carry on the tradition with your own kids?


Well, yes. Although so I have it's kind of a a mutual like my son's name is Sebastian. It's not necessarily a Sanskrit name. And Samuel came from a friend of ours who had a channeling.


Vision in Egypt that he was going to have a son and I saw him as my mentor, slash spiritual father. And so I chose to take on that. His middle name is Samuel and then Amaya means opposite of illusion in Sanskrit and Shanti is the.


The calmness, the peace within and then I have Serena. Which Serena Leona. I call her my calm lioness.


And then Ariana, it means holy Grace, Ariana Ray. So, and I. All my girls, I have made-up songs.


Just talking.




About you. She heard her name. She's like, ohh, talking about me.


So which one are you honey?


Ariana Rae.


Ah, it's a beautiful name.




You're very fortunate to have a mommy that named you intentionally.


Because we really do grow into our names and it's.


A beautiful name.


Yes. She she's. I call her. She's a lot of my wisdom. They all are my wisdom children. And there's so much that my children will repeat back. And I'm like, wow, because as you know, children will example what you do and who you be versus what you say.




Of course.




They're they're the the greatest books of wisdom that we ever come across. They they show us so much about ourselves and about our lives, and they teach us so much. If we're open and it's just.


They are.


It's really a beautiful thing.


Beautiful, clear mirrors. I call them because they will show you where you are in alignment and they will show you where you're not in full alignment as well and call you forward in magnificent ways. They all have.


Giving me they all have their gifts in their own way, if that.


I love that. I love that a lot. So as a coach, what? What are you? What are you doing and how are?




Doing it I work a lot with the subconscious unconscious mind.


So I do a lot of inner child work because.


Was what was it I believe? Was it no, Serena, my middle one. Today she goes, Mommy said true. I really don't have to grow up. And I said yes, baby, you're always going to stay connected with your inner child. You'll get bigger and you'll have different responsibilities. But you're always going to let your inner child. And So what I found is through my own.


Journey. I've been an expert in my life experiences and I have mastered turning my perceived weaknesses into now my great strengths and turning any perceived wounds into.




And that's what I support so many of my clients with because it's all a matter of perception and when we can go back in, in real time because everything is in the quantum field anyways, everything now and and we can go back and and revise that.


It all exists.


Memory from a new perspective, from looking through the lens of love, seeing through the the eyes of God.


From a new perspective, and once you shift that perspective, what once used to look like this lens now becomes this lens, and then you I say you move from the illusion of confusion into your new clear wisdom and vision.


So yes.


I like that a lot. Did you ever see that movie? Everything all at once or something like that? I've got it. Had Jamie Lee Curtis in it.


No, I've heard of it though.


Really good.




It's it's kind of long and it it's a little confusing when you first start out into it, but it's all about the quantum field. It's what we're talking about. It's it's different life experiences that she goes through and.


And then she realizes that she's actually jumping timelines.


And it's just really good. You know, Jamie Lee Curtis is really good anyway.


She's not even the star of the show. She's she's a side character. The woman who's in who's the star of the show is.


That she's not even famous or anything but. But that's what makes the thing so good. It's just like.


I'll, I'll. Yeah. I'll look at that. Yeah, I'll remember that one. Thank.




You and I butchered the name I for some reason. I I screwed the name up all the time. But if you just look for everything all at once and and something.




You should find it.


It's beautiful. Awesome. Yes, I love.


And that's what is everything all at once. And like in my, I am journeys. That's some of the things I'll do to scrub, scramble the conscious mind. I'll say your conscious mind integrates with your conscience and like everything and nothing, everything and nothing in your the microcosmic, the microcosmic, the microcosmic thing. It don't go really really.


Fast because it scrambles.




That's fine, and that's what we are, where everything and we are nothing and we are the microcosmic and the macrocosmic. We are world within.


Worlds universes within universes. If you look at us on a like a biological field, all those bacterias and everything, we're we're walking universes.


Yeah, multiverses, because it's it, it's like.


Right, yeah.


I'm not even sure that one cell is in its own like Galaxy.


Or universe I mean it.


I once thought of writing a book about that would be a fiction story, but about the they discover that outside the cell. Really.


Oh wow.


Isn't the end.


Or infinite infinite beings.


Yeah, inside other infinite beings.


What what? I received that.


Remember how?


OK. Yes, yes. And I will be present with you in a moment. OK. Thank.


Type of mails.


No, I'm just saying I want Tiffany.


You. Thank you.


Dad's friends and I want that type of names and just saying look how cute it is, yes.


OK, I hear you. I hear you. And I know that's important. And will you honor right now? Mommy is present. OK, I hear I see it.


So, so children, they love to be acknowledged. That's one of the things that I received through an experience one time with my son. I was giving him unsolicited advice and like, Oh well, this is the way I do it. And he wasn't choosing to receive that. And what I received, I was out there playing with my girls.


And this was this was an experience I had, and my husband goes. I'm gonna go talk to him and he goes.


He comes back, he goes. You may not like this. He goes. You were acting like your mom. He goes. You were giving him unsolicited advice and you were trying to and. And so once I realized that and I was playing with my girls, I said children simply choose to be acknowledged. All we're asking for is to be heard.


And to be seen and to be witnessed.


And that's what our inner child asks. And then I start going ohh. What about my feeling world? Because our feeling world is connected with our subconscious unconscious mind, and when we can acknowledge what we're actually feeling.


That is so liberating.


And like my journey in the beginning was I was raised with a lot of spiritual wisdom.




And I was that a lot of consciousness unconsciously.


And so with that I my joke is my parents would fistfight or meditate. And so there was a lot of I got to have the gift of polarities.


And that's what I have received is the integration of divine Union is actually the Holy Trinity of our Infinity.


The the mother, Father, God and the Christ child. And when the mother God is fully supported by the masculine internal, this is all internal and the mother God raises with the masculine and through their love they birth in the Christ child. And that's that's one of the things that I.


Deeply stand for is our unity consciousness and the restoration of our Nate Power. Rooted in love and it all comes back to the inner child.


And we never, we never do grow up.


We can. We can be forced to assume roles.


And those rules tend to we mimic other patterns that don't really serve us or the people that were around very well or we can just relax into being who we are and allow those.


Those feelings to be acknowledged, you know, hearing you were talking about, you know, children want to be heard.


You you want to be heard by yourself sometimes, and and it's important to acknowledge if.


If not to anyone else to yourself what you're feeling.


And what you're thinking?




What you want? You know it's not.


And and.


Whether you can do it or not or you even want to pursue it on on a larger level, it doesn't even matter. It just matters that you acknowledge to yourself that, yeah, I had that feeling or I had that thought or I I maybe want to explore that more. It's a potential.


There's potential there. I don't have to fulfill that.


Potential, but the potential exists and I can explore it.




And it's it's really fun being in these human costumes.


Because we get to one of the things is that I've recently remembered is we're already spiritual beings. So many of us are trying to be spiritual, and that's the cosmic joke. We're already infinite source intelligent beings. Sometimes we forgot. And so I look at us.


As a disco ball.


We are the disco ball as a whole, and we're also the fractal pieces of each of those mirrors, getting to experience ourselves in all these different ways and. And so we're really here for the human experience and the hue of the all the shades, all the colors.


All the rainbows of life, and that's what I support with, is our human experience and at the same time, it's the integration of both. It's it's the head and heart coherence, aligning the head and heart.


Where we can acknowledge what am I actually feeling? Because those things we resist is actually persist. And when we let go of our own resistance, this is where the liberation is. And so that's that's the fun part of life is the juiciness is the dance to avoid the storm. We're here to.


Dance through the storm. I love the metaphor analogy of the Buffalo. The Buffalo run into the storm, and the storm quickly passes. The cows run away and the storm chases them. So it's like who are you gonna be? And with every perceived storm, there's always a rainbow. So it's letting yourself be in these.


Our life experiences.


And not expecting them to take on like a forever. It's all it's. Yeah, it's always moving. It's it's always transitioning when you're talking about the the Buffalo and the cows, it reminded me of truck driving when I first started truck driving, I was deathly afraid of the winter.




And snow cause you know, I I hadn't lived in places where it snowed very much, so I wasn't really comfortable with driving in the snow. And the thought of driving, you know, £80,000 down the freeway in the snow was horrifying to.


Me, but what I came to realize is that you travel through storms. It's not like when you're at home and you have a snowy day and it, like snows all day long. It never does that when you're in a truck. You might travel very slowly, and it may take you hours, but you will pass through it and.


It's it's not going to be like days and days and days where you're sitting, driving.


Yes, yes. And in in, in.


In the snow.


The that and that's what I work a lot with all of my clients is those things that we avoid, those things that we run from, those things that we deny, those things we hide are actually our greatest gifts. This is the value of shadow where people sometimes get scared when they say, oh you.


Do shadow work.


Because it's it's the 5% of the conscious mind.


Go beyond the knowing if you know if you think you know what it is, it's not it. It's what you don't know yet. It's allowing yourself.


To enjoy the mysteries of the universe and letting ourselves be surprised in each moment I I've found recently the best, juiciest moments are the ones I got. I wasn't expecting that.


And and and and it's a trust it it truly is building a try.




With your highest self. Actually I called. Now the other day I heard that I've been the one keeping myself perceived separation and it's actually your true self. I'm like, oh, it's my true self. It's that's not necessarily like levels of it's my true self.


It's just who you are.


And it doesn't have to be.


It doesn't have to be like an onion, it can just be the onion.


Yes, yes. And and in the enjoyment of the journey, the trust of the process. Enjoy the process. It's not about. I got to get to that destination. That's.


Used to be me.


And actually it's the getting that keeps us further away. It's the one team that believes we don't already have.


I heard something the other day it.


Was about enough.


You've always had enough.


There's never a time when you did not have enough, even if it was meager, it was enough. It was all you needed, and you have enough today.


Everything is there. It's available to you.


You are enough just by virtue of the fact that you are continuing to breathe, you have you have a breath.


And you will always have enough.


You can just depend on, you know, the past is indicative.


Of the future.


There will always be enough. It may not look like you think it should look.


But I would say you you need to get better at.


Imagining what it could look.


Like and then it will.


That's that's yes, it.


Is where what the situation you're in is because of what you were thinking.


About yes. And and that is one of the things I do support my clients is because imagination is image in the door of the temple opens in. You truly choose to have transformation.


That we've had it backwards where we want to go out, out, out, out.


I have witnessed so many relationships in my life, completely transformed because of the internal work I'm doing, and I've witnessed this with my clients as well. Things that they thought would never shift, like with their parents or their partner or whatever it is what you see in someone else, you spot it, you got it. That's my thing.


And I've made that ability from a very young young age, except the difference is I spot it. I got it. Except for I took on this over responsible of the blame. Shame.


And I was like, oh, what's wrong with me? And then that internal judgment comes up, which fogs the lens versus, oh, I see this in this. Like, we get to experience the perception of darkness. So we can remember our light. We get to experience this perception of opposite because what?


Is true. Is the opposite and we get to experience that.


And it's all true, and it's all not true.


It's really about having fun. That's what I keep receiving. That's what I keep receiving all over. Like my true self keeps telling me.


You've been taking life. You humans have been taking life so seriously. It's really earth. Is your playground. Have fun, have fun. And that's why I do a lot through my play. Because I tell people they're like, like I did this rewriting story. And it was all through a game. And my friend goes.


Where'd you come up with that? I go. I just make **** up he goes. That's perfect. I love that. And we were really quantum only laying down stories and picking new ones up. And it's that simple. We're the ones who make it complicated.


It is that simple and your past is the same. You know, if there are things, there's stories you're telling yourself about events that happened in your life, you are free to change those stories. You don't have to keep that same narrative because the other other beings that were involved in the situation they're telling themselves.


A different story than the one you're telling yourself.


So as Marissa appears, she says, you know, tell yourself a better lie because they're all lies.


It doesn't.


Yeah. It's like what, like, that's been my new thing is like, what ******** story have I believed in and let that.


Be my truth.


And and be alive be be either be a lie or be alive. In which perception do you choose to look at it?




And and when you change the way that you tell that story to yourself, it changes the way that you interact with the others that were involved in that story. And a lot of it has to do with your parents, you know, because we have all of these stories that we hang on to from when we were little and we were wounded. And, you know, the.


The victim mentality, because really we weren't victims. We were little kids. We we we didn't know any better and we didn't realize that, you know, our parents were just kids too.


Not done. None of us are done. We're just able to have kids.


Yeah, I have an epic experience of this exact thing that you were saying. So I teach a chakra class and this is my 11th or 12th here. Anyways, it's been over.


A decade of me teaching.


And for solar Plex, we got to become friends with anger and and and become friends with our ego. Will it's not about a lot of us have been like, no, no, no. And so through this experience of allowing ourselves a rupt, letting our emotions come through versus holding them in and turning disease disease in the body the next day I had a new lens.


And I went to my husband and I go, Oh my God, I have been project projecting my mother's lens of my father onto you. And I had no, I idea I was doing.


This and I started tears pouring down my eyes and I go. Will you forgive me? You are not this. You do not deserve this. You are such an amazing man. And I like literally. People have were seeing him as this old man and then for throat chakra. He it did something within him.


And then I received a new husband where he became his full expression, where he became his authoritative self and taking, I'm like, who is this man? He's so sexy. It's because I.


That's that's the power of our perception. Because of that old lens, I held him in everyone else around me saw him in that lens, and now I let that lens go and he has completely changed.


He is complete.




And and that's one of the things I've been masterful with.




Relationships because everything is about a relationship. Everything. Words are relationships. So you give it new meaning. That's all you require to do. Again the story.


Yeah, it really is as simple as that. I didn't, you know, things that you.


I've been married a long time.


In fact, I've been married for 40 years of of my life to two different men. I married them serially.


Like I had four days when I was single in the last 40 years so.




My current husband, I've been married to for 28 years.




You can you can look at the things that that other person is doing and it can be your husband, your kids.


The person you work with.


And you can choose to be annoyed by it, or you can choose to accept it as.


That's how it is and I get to.


I get to reframe how I think about that situation, and the more that you reframe how you think about whatever it is that's bugging you, the less.


The less other things that are going to come along from that situation that are going to bug you. But if you continue to Stew and the thing that's bugging you, then everything else is going to start bugging you and you're going to destroy the relationship.


Yes, yes, it's like the we're not meant to wallow in our perceived ****. We're not meant to. I even found out through pain in my body. I was trying to rise above and overcome. And I heard my true self yell at me and say, stop trying to rise above. Stop trying to overcome and be with your pain and all of a sudden.


And then I felt it was around my father. And then I started decreeing because that's one of my tools.


And I said I am my father, fully home in his body. I am my father fully home. Until I felt me being home. And then I watched. Of course, the ripple effects of his shift and change. My mom's like, trying to keep a miracle. Your father, like he ended up doing something which may have seen small took himself to the dentist, which he had an infection that could have killed.


Which are the translation of will and that's what I've seen. My men is having the restoration of will return. Oh, isn't that funny? That's received with my husband around that. Wow. And and it's it's so it's a matter of like you were saying let we're not meant to.




Wallow in it. We're not meant to rise above or overcome. We're meant to simply be in the moment. We can be through our perceived ****. We alchemize it. Then there's so much gold.


So much gold.


Yeah, it's like looking at storms. You can look at storms in life and think, Oh my God, it's the end of the world. Or you can look at the storm and say, hmm, what opportunity exists right now that's different than the opportunity that exists in a different.


Climate it's just like every.


Yeah, it's it's a matter of, again perception. It all comes down to perception. You change your perception, you change every thing in your life, everything.


And it's instant instant it really.


Jump in time.


That's how you jump timelapse. You just change your mind and then everything is different. It's no longer, it's no longer that. It's different and you know the people that were part of that timeline. Once you change your mind, you'll find that they they just disappear.




That's it.


Or yes it it they it it's it. I tell people I said I don't believe in like me personally. I don't do boundaries. I do standards. It is such it shifted my whole ball game with everything.


Boundaries were bound.


In yourself, standards were standing in our power and and then also protection is like why do we require protection when everyone is ourself anyways and it's simply aligning with your vibrational frequency of what you are then that vibrational frequency will dissolve.


Under your life, if it's not meant.




Be there so one of my prayers is God bring forth those and things in my life that light me up and spark my joy and anything of what no longer serves my highest light. Let it dissolve with ease and grace.


Yeah, I like that a lot.


It's just the way it should be. So how do you work with people? Do you do you do group coaching? Do you do one-on-one? What? What actually do you do?


I have no clue. I am multifaceted. I do one on ones I work with, one on ones. A lot of my clients call me the Mary Poppins of tools. I've had some called, like my mom called me the cosmic garbage woman because support it. I did it. I did it. Forgive and fully live. These are some of the sessions.


And really powerful that it's like really precious because.


Forgiveness. We hold so much energy and resentment. So we're sending our energy away. So forgiveness is clearing the lens. And. And so my mom's like I did 50 years of healing with my father. Never have I been able to see him in this way. So I work one-on-one. I do group sessions as well like with my I am journeys. Those are both in person.


And virtual and each month it's a different one. Matter of fact, in July we're moved out. We're alchemizing impossible into I am possible.


Going beyond constructs of our conscious mind, and then I also, I'm starting a divine mirror of I am perfect where we get to embrace the imperfections of the messy pieces because that is embracing the wholeness and fullness of who we are, not just those perfect pieces.




Not the pieces we love all the pieces. We walk in all worlds. We're here to embrace all of who we are. Both the shadow, the light, the dark, all of it. And then I also have a retreat coming up in Bali.




And we are shifting it from all women's retreat into a sacred beings retreat of the called evolve, because the way we evolve is through love. So this is connecting through our primordial love, awakening our God essence and activating our God genius and dissolving the lens of separation.


Into divine union with self, so those are.


Some of the ways.


And then I do festivals and I am. I've done a lot of volunteer work. I've did some recent with the the VA department. So wherever I am called, no matter who I am working with, I come from a place of service where I am serving from.


My heart, and I'm serving of my heart, and I allow me be a pure channel of source creation and God inspiration through me. So it's whatever comes through in that moment.


Oh, I love that.


So how do people get in?


Touch with you.


My website is a great way which is bhakti, light, BHAKT, ilight.com. I also have a lot of people on Facebook as well which is under my name.


Janaki JA&AKI mayhill MAYHIL.


And also bhakti light on Instagram and those are some of my easiest ways as far as virtually anyone who chooses to contact, yes.


And you do offer manifestation activation to anybody wanting to.


Yes, it's a very beautiful meditation that that's how I work with sound. That's one of my all of my things. No matter what I'm doing, I partner with sound because we're all sound frequency vibration. And so it's a visualization.


Amplification and allows you to connect with your already being self, because when you can imagine it and feel in your body then you start attracting those frequencies into your life.


I love that.


So what's the one thing that you hope the audience takes away from the conversation today?


Oh my goodness. One thing. OK, let's see. One thing we are not human doing. Stop being stuck in the Doo Doo. I got to do. I got to get somewhere.


There because when we are in the Doo Doo self we get in the stinking thinking. The more you can slow down, you actually speed up for what I call the quantum field because that's where love is is when we can slow down and be with ourselves. So the more you can connect with your heart frequency, whatever that is aligning.


Bringing your head and heart into coherence.


You'll start attracting things. Things will come to you, because what I found my true self said is the more you do, the less I can support you.


So it's the.


It's the balance. It's not cancel clear. On balance, it's the harmony of the dance of it all.


Of taking action and when you take action from inspired action, it's a totally different.


Frequency. It is totally different. So connect with your innermost being and hear your hearts call and respond.


Love that. Thank you so much for joining me today.


You are so welcome. I am very honored to be here with you. Thank you.

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