Shayna Bergman – Executive Coach – Bringing Deeper Meaning to Life Through Clairty of Purpose

Shayna Bergman is a passionate, results-oriented executive coach who empowers motivated individuals to unlock their potential. She has a proven track record of helping people to achieve deeper meaning and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives through authentic leadership and clarity of purpose. With a focus on parents in executive and leadership positions, Shayna challenges her clients to look deeply at themselves by reflecting on their values, dreams, limiting beliefs and inner critics. She then helps them create an action plan that inspires breakthroughs and leads to sustainable change. Known for her perceptiveness, insights and ability to speak the truth to leaders at all levels, Shayna’s most successful clients are those who are dedicated to evolving their best selves and fostering that growth in others.

You can find Shayna:

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To the You World


Order Showcase program, the platform dedicated to highlighting visionary entrepreneurs and coaches who are shaping you world economy. Each week, we're celebrating the power of the individual and coming together to uplift and empower one another.


To reach new.


Heights of growth and prosperity, as we showcase a coach, company or entrepreneur stepping out to be the change they want to see.


In the world.


With our collective efforts, we're creating a world where every person has the tools to realize their full potential and thrive like never before.


Join us today as we chat with this week's guests to learn how they got started, what they're doing, and how they're making a difference in shaping.


The EU world order.


I think for the huge world order.


Today, we're speaking with Shayna Bergman, who is a passionate results oriented executive coach who empowers motivated individuals to unlock their potential.


She has a proven track record of helping people.


To achieve deeper meaning and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives, through authentic leadership and clarity of purpose, with the focus on parents and executive and leadership position.


Shayna challenges her clients to look deeply at themselves by reflecting on their values, dreams, limiting beliefs, and inner critic.


She then helps them create an action plan that inspires breakthroughs and leads to sustainable change.


Known for her perceptiveness insights and ability to speak the truth to leaders at all levels.


Jane is most successful.


Clients are those who are dedicated to evolving their best selves and fostering that growth in others.


Please help me welcome Shayna to the show.


Welcome Shana. It's so.


Nice to have you here.


The New World Order Showcase program.


So tell us a little bit about yourself.


What are you doing?


So I am an executive and leadership coach and I partner with parents who are in executive and leadership roles.


Who are feeling like they are on the hamster wheel, feeling like there's got to be more to life, feeling like there's maybe they want a promotion.


Maybe they want more work life balance.


Just knowing that there's got to be more in them and helping them tap into that.


How old do you think your normal clients are?


Ohh gosh, they range they range.


They range everywhere from early 20s to late 60s, early 70s.


Had people that even.


Fall outside of that, but I'd say.


Typically you know on average it's probably somewhere between.


I don't know 30 to 50 somewhere in.


And So what would you say?


That your normal.


They're in leadership positions mostly.


They are. They are now. I look at the concept or the term leader, maybe a little bit differently. Sure our roles can define that our titles can define that and typically I tend to get a lot of executives, CEO level, C-Suite level clients. But I also have people who are managers managing others.


I have people.


Who aren't yet managing people but are a leader in their family in some way.


And so I think that term can be a little bit broadened if we really think about how we lead in life, lead ourselves.


So I never want somebody to feel like they can't meet with me if they're not a typical leader by definition, so to speak.


So do you provide a?


Program. Is it one-on-one coaching? How? How does that look when you work with people?


Yeah. Yeah. So I do one-on-one coaching mostly. I also do presentations, podcasts, group work, lunch and learns all that kind.


Of stuff workshops.


And then I'm also looking to in the near future start to hold group coaching conversations with just me outside of an organization.


But typically people come to me for one-on-one.


Coaching and it.


Varies. I'd say most people.


Typically start with a six month package.


Many of them will renew and end up doing longer because they want more.


They see how much they've grown and they want to see.


Growth and then some people kind of want a shorter taste of it and we'll work with me for maybe three months.


That's not very long, as you know, in the world of professional development, that doesn't get us super far, but it's usually a start it.


Can kick start us a bit.


What actually do you do with them?


Solutions do you provide I guess is the.


Way to answer that.


So my belief is that everybody has the answers within them.


So I take them through a journey of helping them discover what they have within them, the strengths that they have within them to get them where they want to.


It's like if you think about it.


It's like I think about like my mom, when I was little would say like take a raincoat and I'd be like no, even though I knew I needed to take one because I was told not to told to take one.


I wouldn't. We do.


That even as adults.


When we're told.


Go do something, usually our.


Immediate reaction is one of being defensive.


Or being feeling that somebody maybe doesn't really know our story.


So as a.


Coach, I'm trained to deeply hear what somebody's saying, but also what they're not saying and ask questions that they haven't asked themselves or questions that maybe a spouse or partner or a boss doesn't know how to ask in a way that is empowering so that somebody can get to their own answers because the.


Truth is, we all.


Have the answers, it's just it takes the right question.


So what I do with my clients is very customized.


It's not one-size-fits-all, although there are certain things that I bring in pretty regularly because we're all human and we're all the same in many ways. So we often will get into things like values work. We'll get into goal.




Setting sort of but in a way that I do it, which is a little bit unique compared to what people typically do.


We'll get into understanding their inner critic, the inner voice that tells them they can't do something.


We get into understanding what are the limiting beliefs that they have.


What are the ways that they make assumptions about the world, or how do they interpret people around them?


What are the?


Stories that they're telling themselves that they think are truths that are made-up. And so I take them through this process, this journey, which is quite in depth for a lot of people and can.


Even be uncomfortable.


At times, that allows them to have these like aha moments.


These moments of enlightenment where they're like, wow, I didn't even realize how I was holding myself back in some way.


And typically that is exactly what they need to propel them forward.


So people will say to me it's like they feel as though all the doors are shut.


There's nowhere to go.


They're stuck and I'll say.


Did you see this window over there?


Let's open it up and.


They're like, Oh my gosh, now I can see the light.


So that's what I do.


That is very interesting.


And how did you get started?


What inspired you?


So I grew up with two.


Self starting parents who ran their own business and when I was a little girl, we would go on Rd.


Trips and most.


Little kids at that time were listening to Raffi on tape.


And my parents wouldn't let me listen to Raffi because they were busy listening to Tony Robbins.


So I grew.


Up listening to the motivational speaker Tony Robbins.


Now this was back in the old.


Days he was also.


On tape at the time and.


I started to learn about the power of potential and the power that we have and how typically what's in our way of what we want.


Is us and so hearing that even as a little kid, I started to understand.


How that work?


Worked and it's silly in a way.


That that sort.


Of sunk in, but it did sink in over time.


And so as I was growing up, I knew that I wanted to help people be their best selves.


I didn't know what that looked like.


So for me, I took the route of human resources.


I studied communications and organizational sciences in college, and then went on to get my Masters in HR.


An executive coach.


And really started to understand how people ticked and what motivated them and what demotivated them.


And while I.


Had a very long and successful career in HR.


It wasn't quite the coaching piece that I wanted.


It wasn't that one-on-one. Let me help you feel inspired and empowered to go after what you want.


And so I made the leap out of that business, which was very bold of me to do that.


Because it wasn't easy when.


You know you've got the golden handcuffs, so to speak.


But I knew that I was not totally aligned and I knew that this is what I wanted to do.


So at some.


Point with support of a.


Lot of people around me saying you got this.


And starting my own business to be able to do this and it's the most fulfilling thing I've ever done to see people literally change their lives after working together, taking these big, bold moves in the same way that I.


Did especially parents who?


Have this it's a ripple effect, right?


They impact their children, they impact their families, they impact their communities.


It impacts the world.


I wanted to help the world in that way and so that's kind of how I got started and and what.


I why I do what I do?


So what would you say is your biggest success?


What's the thing you're most proud of?


So there are a lot of.


Client stories I could share but.


I think at the.


End of the day, success comes down to how we define it.


And I've been sort of honing this definition for myself because I do this work and what I've come to is.


Do I feel at the end of the?


Day how I want to feel.


And that's it.


It's very simple.


Do I feel like I made a difference in the life of somebody else?


Do I feel fulfilled in that way?


Was I able to give everything that I have in all the places in my life where I wanted to give it and am I not?


Burnt out and if I can answer those questions at the end.


Of the day and say yes.


I feel like I made a difference.


In somebody's life, I feel fulfilled.


I feel like I gave to my family.


I feel like I gave to my job.


I feel like I.


Gave to my community.


In some way then like.


It was an amazing day for me.


So what do you do when you have a not so amazing day?


How do you cope with that?


Yeah, I'm human.


I'm human, right?


So it's not all roses and puppies and rainbows, but you know, a lot of it is.


Our mindset right?


It's like we all wear different glasses, different lenses.


Some people have a bad.


Day and they decide my month is ruined.


My week is ruined and they live in this place of why me?


And some people have a bad day and they.


Say I'm going to go to sleep and.


I'm in the latter category and I.


Realize a lot of times it can be hard for some people, absolutely.


I also believe.


That we have choice with how we operate and my choice is to start again.


And so I can learn.


I asked myself what didn't go well today.


What do I want to change and what did I learn from it so I can?


Do it differently.


So rather than seeing something as.


I see it as.


OK, there's an opportunity to try this.


Or maybe it's some kind of data for me, right?


OK, that didn't work.


That didn't go as planned.


How do I pivot so that I can do it differently and feel?


Success the next day.


And so that's kind of my approach, you know, like I said, I'm human.


Not all days are beautiful, but in many ways, when you look at it from the aspect of what did I learn, you have an opportunity to just try again.


You have a.


A tip that you want to get.


Our audience for making that happen for themselves.


So there's this really cool assessment that I give to my clients.


So I'll share kind of high.


Level what it is.


It's called the Energy Leadership index assessment and the concept is it helps you understand how you operate on your best days.


How engaged you are, how confident you feel, how motivated you.


Are and then what happens to you when you're stressed?


How does that impact how you show up in?


The world and there are 7 levels that I teach my clients and they learn about them and basically it goes all the way from starting at.


This place of being a victim or feeling stuck.


All the way through feeling complete passion and joy, and that everything has a place and.


And there's a continuum and we don't all operate.


At one place on that spectrum.


We all operate at different places depending on our individual makeup, and they're all normal for us, but I do help my clients understand you do have a choice.


And what I would tell people is everything goes back to.


Your thoughts, your thoughts, impact, how you feel, which impact how you.


Act and so if you can get a handle on your thoughts, even if you try a new thought on something from why is this happening to me?


To take that to what am I learning in this situation?


It changes how you feel about it and then you're able to either stay stuck and and wallow or you get to carry on.


And so if we realize how powerful our brains are and how much more control over them we have, then we realize you can change everything in your life.


It's pretty incredible.


And it's not like a switch, right?


I'm not suggesting.


It's just overnight.


It's a practice, but the more that you build that new muscle in your brain, the.


Easier it is to access.


Like little paths we develop these grooves in our brain that it's easy to just go in the rut and follow that train of thought.


But it is, and it's been proven scientifically that you can change those pathways.


So where it might be a pretty deep rut, you can smooth it out over time just by.


Following practices of changing how you think about things, so that's very powerful.


Yeah, that's exactly right.


And I teach my.


Clients the same.


Thing, and they'll say it's too hard, or I'm scared.


Of course it's new.


Of course it's scary.


And to your point, just try it on, try it on, and watch what happens and then try again and try it again.


And before you know it, that's your new.




And it's the catching yourself, you know?


I'm following in that bread again.


Maybe I'll try this on.


And you, you succeed and you fail succeed, and then you succeed.


And then you fail and.


Then three more times, you're succeeding.


But then it gets to be the new normal.


And then you have to like guard.


Against making other little ruts.


And we do.


We're normal, we're human.


But it's.


Can we catch them?


And that's the beauty of of having a coaching relationship, right is that you've got somebody to say, OK, I'm seeing.


I'm seeing a pattern here.


Are you seeing what?


I'm seeing right and somebody says oh.


Yeah, I always do that.


And it's like, OK, how are we going?


To how are we going to take that and shift it?


And that is really powerful.


Another question for you.


What do you think is the biggest struggle you have in your Business Today?


OK, this is a really easy one for me.


The biggest struggle I have is.


Not walking outside my front door or walking into any store and shouting.


You all need a coach.


Realize how powerful this is.


Is that is the.


It's like really having.


To to keep it in because when I'm when you're in this business, you just see such incredible things happen.


You see people.


Having these little tiny whispers of dreams and then blowing them out of the water in a way that they never thought was.


And I see it every day.


Time and time again with my clients.


And to see that it makes me want to tell everybody and I feel the same way about my my own journey.


Like if I.


Had had somebody by my side in this way earlier on, I would have been where I am now so much sooner and with so much more ease.


But I thought, well, I'll do.


It myself, I don't.


Want to invest in myself?




I don't want to spend the time spend the money.


Spend the energy we all make up these excuses, but now that I know, I'm like, oh, man, I really missed out.


So it's hard for me because I have to be human and interact in a normal way, but I want to tell everybody like go do this because everybody has dreams and desires and there's so much more within reach than we realize, so I know it might be a a funny struggle, but that's a it's a real struggle.


My husband has to be like, OK, calm yourself.


I know you're excited about this.


Yeah, he's my husband.


He's always yanking on my ankle because I'm up in the class.


When you know something's powerful, yeah.


And it it's just like you want.


To tell everybody.


Everything that's right.


Well, maybe you're not.


There yet and you're maybe not ready to hear what?


I have to say.


But when you're ready, I'll be here.


That's exactly it. That's right.


So what is the?


One take away that you want to leave with our audience.


Hmm, it's a.


Good question. Yeah.


I think what?


I would say is.


Pay attention to.


The whispers that you.


Have pay attention to those little.


Dreams that keep coming back.


Those little thoughts where you say to.


Yourself. If I weren't doing.


This I really wish I could try that.


And I would challenge people that in all likelihood, those things are probably very possible, or will what you're hoping to feel by doing those things is very possible.


So don't keep touching it.


Maybe you listen a little bit.


See, maybe if there's one.


Tiny itty bitty teeny tiny baby.


Step you can take to get a little closer.


To whatever that thing is.


And if you can take that first step, then see what happens.


If you take a second step and a third step and before you know what momentum kicks in and you don't even realize that you're not ten steps.


Into the thing that you really wanted.


Because I believe that all of those things are within our reach, I know they are because I see it.


So I would just say listen to those whispers.


I I'd like to add just a small part to that, and let's write it down.


Write down that thing that you think you want and don't forget to go back and look at it in six months.


I can't tell you how many times I've.


Been watching clients on Facebook and it's like.


They're they're putting down some.


Great thing that happened in their life and it's like.


That was the vision that you had.


Not that long ago, but they forgot.


They forgot that that was the vision that they actually had.


And it came to life and it.


It just like.


Just getting to see it is so.


Exciting to me.


Yeah, I mean, I tell my.


Clients I say or at.


Least potential clients, I say.


To them, part of why you might want to.


Think about this is.


All those mushy thoughts you have in your head.


They're not real until they're spoken, until they're written down until they become tangible.


Then we can do something.


With them so.


Getting it out of your head, I think to.


Your point is critical.


So how can people get in touch with you?


So they can find me on LinkedIn at Shayna Bergman.


They can also find me on Instagram and on Facebook at Shayna Bergman coaching.


Or they can go to my website which is SHAYNABERGMAN.




And we'll put the links in the description below.


Thank you so much for this interview.


It's been great chatting with you.


Thank you, Jill.


Thanks for having me.


Thank you for tuning in to You World Order Showcase program. We hope today's episode has inspired you to consider how you can leverage your unique skills and talents.


To be the change you want to see in the world. If you're ready to take the next step and turn your passion into a 5 figure part time business, we invite you to schedule a private console at during our passion to profit breakthrough session, we'll work together to identify your strengths.


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Don't settle for mediocrity or let fear hold you back from pursuing your dreams with the right guidance and support, you can build a thriving business that brings you joy, financial freedom, and the opportunity to make a positive impact in the world.


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