Introducing Kasey Lian: A Journey of Passion and Impact & Our New Host

In this episode of the You World Order Showcase Podcast, host Jill introduces a special guest, Kasey Lian, who will be taking on the role of a new podcast host for her upcoming show, Kasey's Corner, under the You World Order umbrella. Kasey's unique journey and background make her a perfect fit to bring a fresh perspective to the podcast. The episode sheds light on Kasey's diverse experiences, her passion for helping people, and her evolution from various roles, including working in a mental health agency and the pharmaceutical industry, to eventually becoming a certified health and wellness coach.

Kasey shares her excitement about this opportunity, as it marks her debut in the podcasting world. She highlights her eagerness to step into the spotlight after usually working behind the scenes. Her extensive experience and desire to make a positive impact on people's lives have culminated in her collaboration with Jill on this podcast venture.

The hosts discuss the vibrant landscape of coaching and transformational work. They emphasize the significance of coaches in guiding individuals toward personal growth, and how these coaches are catalysts for positive change in a world where people often feel lost and overwhelmed. The conversation touches on the importance of authenticity, uniqueness, and the genuine desire to help others that each coach brings to their practice.

Jill and Kasey express their admiration for the diverse coaches featured on the podcast. They underline the coaches' commitment to making a difference and their dedication to solving specific problems, while also discussing the challenges and entrepreneurial aspects of coaching. The hosts share their belief in the far-reaching impact of coaches' work, creating a ripple effect that touches the lives of many beyond the immediate client.

The episode concludes on a note of excitement and anticipation for Kasey's upcoming episodes, which promise to explore the stories, insights, and transformations of various coaches and their clients. Jill and Kasey's genuine enthusiasm for the podcast's mission and the opportunity to connect with coaches and listeners alike shines through, setting the stage for engaging and impactful future episodes.

Join Kasey and Jill as they embark on this journey to amplify the voices of coaches and celebrate the power of positive change in the world.

Episode Duration: Approximately 16 minutes


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Hi and welcome to the You


World Order Showcase Podcast today we have somebody really special with us.


It's kind of a different podcast today because we have Kasey Lian joining us. Kasey is going to be a new podcast host for her own show called.


Kasey's corner.


Of the You World order.


But that won't take place for probably another.


Month or so.


Until then, she's going to fill in for a few of the podcast episodes that are going to be coming up that normally I would do, but we have just had so many people, coaches' life, health and transformational coaches wanting to get on the show that we just decided to bring on another host.


So why


welcome, Casey.


Just let us know a little bit.


About you how you got.


Started how we how we.


Met tell us your story.


Gee Jill, thank you so much.


I am so unbelievably super excited.


This is actually my first podcast.


I'm always in the background of everything that I do, so it's the first time that you know.


I'm a feature a little bit.


So this is a little bit of a feature moment for me.


So I'm super proud and I'm super proud that it's with you.


And I thank you very much and I'm really excited to get started.


But just a little bit about me, this is going to sound funny, but pun maybe intended.


I'm a Jill of all trades and.


Just the kind of.


Getting started, which actually is kind of a round circle that I ended up now and ended up.


You know, coming on with you, because I've always called myself into treats.


I've done everything in anything that I possibly can along my career.


But where?


I got to this point.


You know, one of my favorite jobs was working in a mental health agency quite a few years ago.


My children were.


Young and I loved it.


I had a passion for helping people.


It's where I really felt comfortable and where my passions of.


Just really helping people and making a difference really got started.


And then I kind of moved on from there.


I was a single mom and I had to, you know, you just have to do what you have to do and move on and bigger and better things.


And then I was working in the.


Pharmaceutical industry, which was definitely very, very interesting.


I have a very, very keen eye for detail.


So I was doing like auditing and things like that, again helping people.


And what was funny about that was that I was suffering from anemia and that particular pharmaceutical.


Was the treatment for low iron and things like that injectable.


So that was really cool for me to.


Next, so I also felt like I was helping while I was doing that.


So like I kept going on and on with different things and wow, I really need just like, I love helping people.


And then I started working for myself.


Whether it was in the insurance business or the sales business or anything like that, but always with a background of I want to help people, but I can't really find that niche in the world like I was still in my 30s and you know I'm early 40s.


Now and still wanted to know like what?


Do I want to be?


When I grow up, I'm still.


Still pushing along and, you know, trying to make an income at the same time.


And then health and Wellness.


Really became a passion of mine and fitness and I was able to get some certifications UM specially during the pandemic period and that's what I chose.


To focus on.


So after that I decided to go into more of like sales and marketing and things like that and that's kind of.


Gracefully How I Met you is through that Ave.


where my you and my fiancé were working together.


And I was just here to chill with this. And Jill, that Jill's doing this. And Jill.


'S doing that and.


This Jill sounds like it, you know?


Pretty cool lady.


And I would always be again, always helping him out with his business and that's.


Really how I got started?


And then Fast forward like a good year and a half, Jill and I were able to work on a project together, which was phenomenal and we got to get very close together working together and notice that we just have a lot more in common.


In life in.


Business and family and in pretty much everything right, jail.


So it's just been a great pleasure to see you evolve and me kind of evolve with you.


And now we're at the point like where?


We kind of are crossing.


And I can't be more proud and happy.


To get started with.


Yeah, we were just talking yesterday about, you know, we.


Life and transformational coaches out there, they they sometimes like to wander into the woo as I like to call it.


Yeah, that just like is so exciting to me.


I just like, I love it.


And Casey is really interested in it too, which just made it like a no brainer to have.


Her. Come on and.


And talk with you guys.


I think she's really excited to actually get the chance to talk with you all and explore what you're doing.


And because every time I interview one of you, it's.


Just like, wow, I didn't know that.


I kind of feel like in some ways it's private coaching sessions.


I was just gonna say that, you know, and I have, you know, obviously had the privilege of listening to all of the episodes that you've done.


Up until now.


And I think I told you this yesterday or the day before because we pretty much talk in one form or another.


All the time.


But I think what it was I kept saying like I'm.


Listening to these episodes and like I am.


Loving these people.


I'm loving what their message is.


I'm loving what their mission is.


I'm loving that.


They're just.


More people out there that are just wanting to help people with their little niche of expertise in the world, especially in such a chaotic and sometimes sad and trying time.


It's so nice to know that there's still.


A majority, I'm going to say, I dare say.


Of just trying to help people along, and I think it's just so phenomenal and so heartwarming and it doesn't.


Have to be.


All of this.


Woo Woo, like you said, Woo world and kind of crazy stuff cause I.


Think it's all-encompassing right?


It's just like.


We're we have to work on things as we evolve and.


And we grow.


So listening to all your episodes.


Has been great.


And then when you ask.


Me to start to talk to these people.


I'm like, oh, wow.


I'm like.


Yeah, I would actually love to.


Talk to these people.


Because it's just so interesting and wonderful.


To see what they're.


Anyway, so that's I.


Think what I'm most excited about?


I'm a talker, so.


We're better.


We're better way.


I Kenny always says.


Ah, you know, you talk to everybody.


Just it's interesting, I I love finding new things out and learning new things everyday.


Things that I didn't know.


We don't think we know so much.


And then you come in and.


I've learned so much.


Just listening to the folks that you've talked to so far on your podcast.


So yeah, really excited.


Me too.


Me too.


They just like they are so amazing and they're just.


You know the.


The tag lines being the change you want to see in.


The world they really.


Are changing the world the way the world interacts with each other and just.


Just the.


The mere idea that they're stepping out and they're trying to do something that's, you know, being an entrepreneur, is is kind of a a scary thing to do.


And most of the coaches that I know, they don't start out thinking I want to be an entrepreneur.


They start out thinking I just want to help that next person.


That's behind me.


Coming up solve the problem that I figured out.


The solution to.






And then then they get blasted with the whole idea of now we've got to be entrepreneurs and we're all these different hats and it's.


It's exciting that they're just.


Taking on that challenge because you know.


Most of them weren't even aware when they just decided.


I'm just going to help somebody, that they're starting their own business and that there would be all of these other things that they didn't even expect to come along.


But they're still standing and they keep slugging it out.


And I just like.


Kudos to them for doing that.


Yeah, absolutely.


Because I think in the last few years really kind of coming into.


Like that kind of sphere of entrepreneurship and being a business owner and how to balance, I want to help people, but I also have to run a business and I have to know the right way to do things.


But I also.


Really want to help people and I want to make it worth it.


I don't wanna just do this like it's just, you know, we don't want to just do it to do it like the like the McDonald's guy, you know, like he does.


You wanna truly help people.


And I love how each and every person has their own.


Spin of things and their own ideas.


And I think what's really great is that nowadays I believe that like people are requiring assistance with so much and they don't know where to turn.


So having coaches like this in such a positive way and.


To tap into people and and really trying to assist people with their needs.


It is really, I mean, we're such a tech world now, right?


People just get.


Lost in it and they think.


OK, if I go to the doctor that just been giving me meds, maybe he just need to jumpstart.


Maybe you just need.


Someone to kind?


Of teach you a new pathway in your life and and a new way to look.


At things and an alternative.


You know, to make positive changes rather than just going in our medical world.


And I'm not saying the medicine, you know, the medical world is bad, you know.


But it's not the end all.


It's not the end all and I think what these people bring.


Such a healthy balance to everything is just.


I mean, I wish we had more of it.


I mean and there.


Are so many?


Like you've opened my eyes that there's so many.


There's so many.


Everybody is so unique.


You know, you could have five different people that are financial coaches and each one of them has a unique spin on what they're doing and nobody is for everybody.


But your people will recognize you, and they'll resonate with you, and they'll want to be part of what you're doing.


There's 9 billion people in the world.


You only need to help a few to make a huge difference.


And there's lots of opportunities still in this.


In this coaching.


Paradigm. It's just like the.


More coaches we.


Have out there and the more we can showcase what they're doing and help them get seen by the people that they're meant to help.


Gosh, that's just it makes me feel good.


Like I'm fulfilling my purpose.


As a connector.


100% yeah, being the connector that's so perfect because.


I think it it and it goes into that right where it where it.


Branches out so like.


You are creating that opportunity for the coach, who's then possibly, you know, gonna say something resonated, maybe on a on a podcast or a conversation or, you know, and someone's gonna say, wow, that sounds actually right up my alley.


It seems like that's really aligned with what my needs are or what I've been looking for and I just haven't been able to find it.


And then that person.


Maybe he tells their friend and then their friend is like, Ohh really, that's interesting.


Let me look into that and then that friend is like talking to her sister or, you know, her brother.


And they're like, wow, that sounds really interesting.


And it becomes like this, you know, almost like a ripple effect and that's.


When you truly are.


Helping so many more people than you actually think you are, and I think that's why it's so important with these people in their unique way of wanting to help because they're not just helping that one particular person who's maybe coming into their program once that door is open.


You know that ripple effect?


Can go so.


Far and knowing that is just blind like you know, mind blowing to me, right?


Like thinking about that.


You know, that's such a strong word, right?


The impact and really knowing that what you could do and that's what I've been truly trying to find is, is something that I could do where I'm really, truly making an impact.


And I believe this is it just helping other people who are making an impact and empowering them to get their message out.


It's like it's.


So fulfilling to me, and I hope that you find it fulfilling when you're doing it too.


I I know I'm going to and you know that.


Sounds like very.


Ohh you sound positive of.


But I I know.


I think what it is.


I know you personally enough that I know.


Like I said, I've listened to all these podcasts, you know, and and what's really funny is that I I'm no stranger to.


Looking up coaches and and trying to find.


Balance for myself, right. So.


And these people coming on.


These podcasts are, so they're the real deal, you know, and you listen to their stories and you go to their web pages and.


Seeing what they.


Offer, and they all they're genuine in the real deal.


So you know that it's.


Not just this.


Thing you're gonna be thrown into to make them about like, these people have such a nice story.


To their coaching programs that you know it's genuine, you know that it's coming from a good place, that it's not just about.


Just being an entrepreneur and having a business, it's not just that and I think that's what resonates most on your podcast in particular, because you can really get to know these people and understand.


That, oh, these are this is like a real.


Person who has a background in this and they've chosen to say like this is the best way that I can think of to help people has many people.


As I possibly.


Can and I and I love that fact.


So for sure I, you know, obviously I'm just very like almost sound giddy because I'm super excited to to jump on my first.


You know podcast next week, I believe.


And you know, nervous at the same time because they've never been like on the air before.


I'm excited.


Very natural.


You know something that always wanted me.


It's just a conversation and we're sharing it with the world.


And that we've figured out I can do.


I can certainly do so if there's something that you're good at, which is what we always say, it's something that you.


Yeah, really good at.


Good at you should you know use that so.


I'm hoping that, yeah, I I feel very positive.


About it very excited, I hope they.


Get great value at it.


I know I'm going to get great.


Value out of it and I'm super.


Excited that it's with you.


So that's.


Even better, just like.


The icing on.


Yeah, I'm excited too.


So thank you so much for coming on and letting the audience get to know who you are and.


I'm looking forward to hearing your episodes.


Don't teach me too much, but I'm I play.


Kidding. I'm kidding.


No, that'd be great.


Thank you, Jill so much.


Thank you.

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