Wealth, Health & Relationships – Exploring the Intersection with Energy

Introduction: Embracing Energy Healing

In this episode of the You World Order Podcast, Cheri Petroni, an experienced energy healer and intuitive guide, shares her wisdom on the transformative power of energy healing. She delves into how understanding and working with our internal energy allows us to heal emotionally and spiritually, unlocking our true potential.

Understanding Energy Blockages

Cheri explains how emotional blockages, often stemming from past trauma or unresolved feelings, impact our personal growth. These blockages manifest as energetic imbalances, which limit our ability to heal fully. Through energy healing, we can clear these blockages and move toward deeper emotional and spiritual transformation.

Practical Steps to Align Your Energy

Cheri provides actionable steps for incorporating energy healing into daily life. She emphasizes the importance of mindfulness, self-awareness, meditation, and breathwork to clear negative energy and stay grounded. These practices help you stay connected to your energy, promoting healing and clarity.

The Journey of Personal and Spiritual Growth

Energy healing is a multidimensional process, encompassing physical, mental, and spiritual realms. Cheri shares how we can all tap into our innate intuitive abilities to listen to our body’s signals and align our energy with our true purpose. This alignment leads to greater fulfillment, inner peace, and personal empowerment.

Conclusion: Transforming Through Energy Healing

Cheri Petroni’s approach to energy healing offers listeners practical tools and deep insights into the power of healing from within. By embracing the process, we open ourselves to spiritual growth and lasting transformation.

She founded the world-recognized Oasis to Zen Transformation Spa in Las Vegas, Nevada, ten years ago on the guiding principle that inner and outer beauty becomes wellness.

aligning your energies for prosperity video series. https://cheripetroni.com/energy-optin



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Cheri Petroni Podcast.m4a



You know Vegas.


Hi and welcome to The You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with usCheri Petroni, who's from Vegas. We're just chatting about that. She's a transformational coach and author who supports women who are in pain over health, wealth and relationships as a foremost authority in aligning and harmonizing.


And physical, emotional and mental and spiritual bodies to achieve success in all four of these areas she founded the world recognized Oasis to Zen transformation SPA in Las Vegas, NV, 10 years ago on the guiding principle that inner and outer butter beauty becomes well.


Yes, so welcome to the show, Cheri I am really excited to chat with you. It's been it's been a long time coming.


Yes, thank you. Thank you. I'm very happy to be here. As you know, because I came in here ready to talk already before we started. Yes. So I'm ready to go.


We had a whole conversation before we even started recording, so we're going to talk about wealth today and aligning your energies for prosperity and all, all the things. So how did you get let's, let's back up just a little bit. So how do you tell the listeners how you got started and what you're doing?


And then.


OK, so in my former life I'll begin with. I have a masters in education and my specialty was early childhood development and therefore early childhood education. And so early on I could tell and I didn't know till later on that that I could see when somebody was talking from.


More of a childlike perspective. So Fast forward. Obviously. I'm not a teacher anymore. There were reasons that are not part.


This discussion, but I no longer teach and I became an aesthetician, which is skin care for those of you that don't really know the word. I'm not. I don't give drugs to anybody. People sometimes thinks it's the same as an anesthesiologist. But anyway, so I started working in the capacity of of an institution.


And being very holistic in nature, having some empathic abilities, sometimes getting messages for people and very strange things like that, I started looking at.


Opening my own business, which is Oasis to Zen transformation spot. But ten years ago I didn't have.


The wherewithal to really know how to go from one person in one, you know room, renting a space and running the business. And what happened was, as I figured out, but I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know why. I didn't know how, and all I knew was that I was miserable.


I was working all the time.


I wasn't making the money that I wanted and I was forgoing things like birthday parties for my relatives. Sometimes I'm late for my own kids party, staying up at midnight, trying to set things up, and of course they're adults now. But at the time I was missing out on everything and miserable.


And couldn't sleep. All of the things that go along with the worry and stress and burnout and everything, and so.


I have a joke in my world that when I need to take a look at something.


God gives me a a coaching program, something where I have to work through my own stuff in order to take care of my own stuff. And so a couple of years into it I started doing some different trainings and things and so clear beliefs, Coach trauma, informed Coach.


Nutrition coach, I mean everyone. So basically it comes down to I'm a transformational coach and an energy healer and all of those things that I can talk to you about, anything that has to do with mindset and what very quickly your issue is.


Quite often that childlike sentence gives it away because things happen when they're younger, and from there we're off to the races. And I started using it in my treatment room when I was doing spa services, because people would come in and discuss their challenges and whether it's health, wealth or relationships they.


All affect each other, which I kind of said in my story. So wealth is a great place to talk about all things that are mindset issues because that's the most pressing.


For most people.


And it really affects all the other parts.


Even though you might think.


It shouldn't it it if you're worrying about your finances, it's gonna make it worse. And B it's going to affect your health.


Even if you think it's not, your body will start talking to you eventually.


Absolutely yes, yes.




So how do you how do you combat that? How do you recognize it?


So that's the thing. The awareness is the first part, right? And so for me it was because I was. I was doing some of these. I knew, knew something was up. Like why? Why am I here 12 or 14 hours a day and I'm staying for three hours.


You can.


Just because someone wants an eyebrow wet. So for three hours I get $15 and maybe a $2.00 tip, maybe a $5 tip. And I just really didn't spend the time that needed to be spent with my family. So that's how it affects relationships when you're worrying about money. For one, like, things like that.


And I started going OK. Something's not right and then?


And so I did start doing trainings about it, thinking, Oh well, you know, my clients need it too. That was my excuse because I didn't know how to be anything but codependent at the time. And what was beautiful about that is, as I saw what I was wanting to do for other people. I was also seeing it at with me. So then I started saying.




My my daughter's going to graduate at 5:00 and you want me to come in at 4 and I'm trying to negotiate in my own mind how I can do both and make it in time and run in before she's walking across stage, which is insane. That's just, that's crazy. But we do those things, especially as women.


But, but we all do.


It's getting more and more that we are just to the Max and we don't choose sometimes based on things that happened when we were young. I mean, I'm a recovering codependent since I popped out of the womb. Really.


I totally understand that and relate to it as as a person who probably within the last five years really discovered boundaries. I think they are like.




The best invention ever, like and it sounds so silly to say that, but before boundaries was a thing. We were just like people pleasing everywhere. We would bend over backwards to accommodate other people, and they're they're the givers and the take.


And the takers will just keep pushing you because they want what they want and they want it now and you're trying to, like, accommodate them because you want to be the very best and you want them to think well of you and send other people your way. And it almost never works the way you think it's.


Going to work.


No, it doesn't. And how you know whether or not you might have to remove someone from your life, which is a little extreme because usually there's some sort of happy medium in between that ends up as a resolve is that you start saying no. They get mad. They kind of blow up. But then when we do a different action of course then the reaction is going to be different.




And so. So I've had to do a lot of that with my husband because not because he was a taker attentionally I was such a people pleaser. He learned he could push and push and push because that's what I did as a child. Now my mom will say to me, well, you know, we didn't ask you to do that. So that one time she said, you know, that's on you.


And I thought, wow, that's pretty harsh because I was a kid, like a small child, but things were not getting done in the household.


That I knew would help my brothers.


And sister. And then I started going well, I could do this. And then what?


Happened. I was.


This wonderful person, when I did those things and when I didn't, I didn't get any of those brownie points or that a girl or whatever it was.


And it just.


Rolled into something that was truly not me, not who I am when I am in alignment with myself.


Health and it was really a lot of not fun stuff to have to really take a look at and that will most I'll tell you where the money thing that, that, that.


Did to so OK, I'm trying to save this in a way that makes sense. My money story created that so that when I worked well, what is it? How can I?


Serve you whatever you need.


Ohh I can make that work. OK, so I'm I never hardly had a full day.




And I never took the self-care that I needed and I would. And and and I. Ohh. It's OK. It's OK. Until it wasn't. And I was so miserable because we have to start that awareness piece. And you don't have to know the why I had somebody the other day say this to me. I did a presentation, a live presentation. She comes up to me, she goes well, I'm still a little bit.


Confused because you say this, this and this, but I don't know what my belief would be behind that. And I said, well, that's the beautiful thing. I can help you with that.


I don't put words in people's mouths, but I can get an idea and they can solidify what it is for them exactly because of their words matter and.


It was so funny because she couldn't wrap her head around it. Now I know her well enough that I'll I'll have another conversation, but she got the seed right and the awareness is the biggest.




Not that you have to know at all.


But knowing there's.


Something off, something not right, and a lot of times it's our gut. It's that energy piece of like, I'm feeling a certain way and I don't quite.


Get it?


But we need somebody else.


You know some sort of mentor or someone to.


Be able to.


Help us see. I still work with people that I've I.


That are doing the same thing I am because I don't always see it. I'm I'm not a guru. I'm a person that's very good at it and I certainly.


Don't think I.


Could ever help myself 100% sometimes.


But there's those.


Pieces right. And that's also a good awareness. You don't want somebody that thinks they are, you know, to fix themselves.


All the time.


Yeah, you know, it reminds me of my chiropractor and I was.


I was wondering, you know, I live in a small town and I wonder who he goes to. We're joking. My husband and I, we walk every morning and he was.


Last, I think maybe it was two years ago now. He was out in his yard. I think he was standing on a ladder in his tractor scoop trimming trees with a chainsaw.


Because I live in the country and they do stuff like that here so.


They do stuff here too like that. So is that that that they don't might have not might not be on a tractor, but they might be on the route of the the hood of their truck or something, yeah.


On the.


Bed of their truck. They put the ladder up and. And yeah, just.


Remind to hold my beer. Watch this.




Well, and their parents might have done, like their dad might have done that. And you don't even think twice until someone falls and then go. Ohh. Maybe I should change that, which is a really great analogy for the mindset piece of doing it. And then you when you stop and you look back.




Hmm, is this really working for me?


No. OK, I need to figure out a different strategy, which begins with quite often what it is that is behind that. And and there's such a fun variety of things. It doesn't have to always be super painful. Sometimes it might be a little bit, but we don't have to do things that are.


You know, I I know when I think of like counseling and things. And there's a place for that. And I work with some therapists because they don't do this type of work.


But I've been to some.


Some therapy early on where I was thinking, are you even hearing me? No, because they go ohh.


What is that tell?


Me. Oh, well, here's your solution. Do this.


But they didn't even let me maybe finish the story or or OK, that might work. However, the trauma pieces that they acknowledge.


And the trust factor and knowing that this person is in it with you, right. And so that was.


Never happening for.


Me and I, I went down a kind of a I wouldn't say like dark night of the soul or spiral out of control. But there was a time when I'm thinking is is there nobody in the world that knows?


How to help me and and and and it is funny that it ended up being that through programs that I would work with, the person in charge, you know, the person that's created the program or as the master training and things because I needed more and I didn't want to be that person that still had a bunch of.


You know, and of course nobody's completely 100% clear of everything. My joke is that I'm going to be dead, I guess because it'll all be deprogrammed from my mind because it won't be working anymore.


But we need somebody to to do that because.


We can't if we have our own blocks in the way.


Then how can we see someone else's and and uh anyway? Yeah, it's it is a fascinating work to me absolutely fascinating. And I never know where I'm going. I have a.




Context and there's, you know, a few ways to go.


And I'm often more.


Surprised than the people that are sitting.


There. That. Wow, that's.


Just it tickles me like I am a kid.


I totally hear you with that. And I think part of it is just helping people recognize that they have options. I think sometimes we just get stuck in doing the same things over and over and we don't understand why, you know, we think we're changing, but we're really not because we can't see what we're doing.




Going from the inside looking out, we need somebody that's walking alongside of us going. Hey, did you realize that you just did that again?


Like. No, no, I did.


It they're like, yeah, yeah, you.






I have a friend who.


Who we were talking about this not that long ago because she and I have done versions of that over the years and she's a shamanic practitioner and I've worked with her from that perspective as well as we do. We do exchange services and things of that.


She I'm not going to do any more meditations. I'm not going to teach medium ship anymore. She's telling me.


All these things.


Right. And then what she does is she cuts them down. She only does maybe one a month of this and one a month of that. And and I'm going to do my singing. And this is really her passion is singing and and and so forth and so.


I'm watching her and then she kind of just a little bit of it, seeps back in and seeps back in. And. And I finally said we need to figure out why you feel the need to.


Do these other group things when you could just have meat doom, because I still do them at the spa so they're similar. You can come as a guest if you want, but I can set everything up and we can do something different and says Ohh no, no, it's not so bad. Anyway, we ended up doing the work and she figured out why that piece of and it was an unworthiness piece that if I didn't do these things.


I was, you know, not not doing what I should be and unworthy and a little bit of people pleasing as well. So it was kind of fun, but that's exactly what we do and we, we let it sit back in sometimes.


Because we're human. I mean, that's just part of the human experience.


We're energetic, but we're supposed to be human and experience that.


Fully while we're here. Which?


And we don't have to always be the same person. You know who you were as a kid is not the same person you are now and isn't the same person you're going to be as an old person, and it's OK to just, you know.


The whole plot twist thing comes to mind.


Well, The thing is, is the the real plot twist is the fact that when we get most of these programs, if you'll call them because really our brain is just a big computer that we kind of don't understand in a long ways. But then we do understand in other ways, but because that prefrontal cortex right here isn't fully developed till 25, which some people know.




Some people don't.


And when we get most of the programming we've already are thinking in a certain way that worked when we were little and they were coping mechanisms in a sense that when we use them now, like me, staying for three hours to do one thing because you know I I am supposed to be doing this because then I'll be loved or whatever it is.


And and it was a combination of those things. And when I go wait a minute, just waiting for me at home and I'm and and. But that wasn't the case when I was young, right? So really upgrading the whole.


Well, software piece of well, that didn't work. Let's shift and and it doesn't mean that you have to be a completely different person, although sometimes that's what ends up happening. But simple shifts that change everything about what you do.


And who you are.


And the joy factor.


That's how you get that which you know, I sadly sometimes people come to me and go yeah, I'm never gonna experience joy.


And I'm thinking I know. Ohh and I want to just take them and hold their little child. That saying that and you know and that's the awareness piece that not everybody is going to have unfortunately. And so I help those people that I can.


Yeah. And the more and more people that we can touch with the message that, hey.


Change is possible. You don't have to suffer. I don't think we're designed to come here to suffer, but many people do. They just like they keep.




Hoping somebody's going to come along and rescue them. It's really I think what happens and they don't realize that they can be their own rescue. They can be their own hero and there's people around that will come alongside you. You just have to make the decision that things aren't going to continue the way they are right now.


I'm just going to plant different seeds and next season I'm going to.


Sew it or reap a different.




Just the whole planting and sewing thing. You never plant in the same season you reap.


Right. And sometimes it can be something like a radish or a carrot that grows really fast too versus versus like the whole, the whole fruit tree. My fruit trees, actually they they come into fruition pretty quickly here because it's warmer. But but still a lot longer than than the.


No trees take seven years to break.


Yes, exactly. So you know we can keep doing what we're doing.


Or we can take a look at. Well. Oh, wow, that that.


I don't really like that that's happening.


All you have to have is something that you would prefer not to experience or do or say anymore. Something along those lines. And that is all you need to do to start having to shift because change is optional and so is.


Pain and suffering. So wouldn't you rather do the change so you don't have to have whatever level of pain it is and whatever suffering that is involved because you wouldn't be noticing that there's something not right there? If there wasn't some level of?


Uncomfortability at least, which gives sometimes really after it's chronically there for 20 years or whatever. I noticed at one point, probably 10 years ago, that my autonomic nervous system.


Was always on, always on, just that that little bit of a, a hum and and so that's where that trauma informed piece came in because I realized I I need to do something about this. And so the energy alignment and that that trauma piece and bringing in that so that.


I can bring down for myself. And then, of course, other people.


That enough to be able to then dig deeper because it might just be to learn how to somatically not have that happen anymore for for a bit.


So we can see what's underneath the rest.


And then make money.




And the money piece is easy. It's that other piece. Well, it's all easy. It's simple anyway, but it's it's.


Not so much that there's that we don't know how to make money. It's those little.


Little thoughts and.


I don't know. Some of us have voices in our heads that are actually, you can hear them, and sometimes they sound like certain people. And. And I can actually talk to them for you as well, which is a whole other. That's one of the strategies, but it it works. It works to find out why they whoever they sounds, because really us right.


It sounds a little kooky.


When they're speaking, they have something that they want to tell us because it's really something they want changed as well, and it's that stepping.


And listening to that other voice that's not being heard, it could be a shadow side. Some people will talk about it that way, but I guess it's whoever's coming up that's ready to shift.


And because yes, we have multiple.


Multiple multiple masks if you want to call it or what have you, but we do need to be different with what I do when I'm at A at a party without my kids might be different than what I would do with at my kids party. I would hope like I I and and I don't drink anymore. But there was a time when I I would. And so you know, there's just things like that.


You you've got to know when and where and how, and sometimes you might just want to go play in the sandbox, which is perfectly fine.


That's what I love my grandkids, you know, because I get to really be a kid now more than I ever was as an adult when I was with my.




Because my kids, I have thought I had to do all these other things and in a way I missed out and.


Not, I mean and and I get to do it.


Now and my kids are very, very.


Supportive and grateful that they see that with them, and sometimes they'll get in the.


Sandbox with me.


Which is nice.


Never too late to have a happy childhood.


It is never too late. It's never too late to change. And really, all you have to do is change your mind about what you're thinking about and.


And it helps if you have somebody.


To talk to about that, because not everybody is aware of the process or is open to the idea that.


You could just shift your thinking and it will. It will have physical effects.


On your finances, on your body, on your health, on your.


Emotional well-being, it's just like everything starts with what you're thinking about and how you're thinking about those thoughts sounds really weird, but.


No, because the brain doesn't know the difference between what you tell it. If it's true to you than it is, and if it's not true to you, then it is. So when we say, if you can.


Or you can't. You're right. It's the same thing. If you think you can or you think you can't, you're right. So why not up level the software? Why not change the belief and work with that for a little bit and make a whole new pathway in the brain? Because there's so much research on that, and it's why we can shift. And that's why.


Kids can be so imaginable. And do all these things. And then what do we do? Come along and you know, that's not really something you should be doing. And and sometimes it's not, but.


It almost never is not a good idea to encourage children.


Want to play and have fun? Get where.




To use their imagination, that's that's where things happen. Everything starts in your imagination.


Yes. And and.


Including and and so it's funny because I do have a piece of what I do that we call the imaginal realm and so I invite people in to do.


Some imaginal thinking and possibility shifts from that space to be more childlike and create something that's going to work as an adult as well.


And and uh.


As much there that they can do and.


Then of course, there's the support piece.


And it's magical.




Yeah, it is magical.




How do you how do you actually work with people? Is it one-on-one in person online? How does all that look?


So so I can do it in all of those capacities. I do have the SPA, but not most people aren't going to be here in Vegas doing this work in particular. And even if they are, they end up doing it on zoom. So it's very easy to do in zoom. I have people from all over the world.


That I work with either at as a coach because they're learning how to do some of this, or as.


A client and sometimes a combination of those, and I mostly work with people one-on-one. It is very diverse and custom to that person's psyche and mindset and their cultural things and whatever happened and and and and and very personal and to be.




Vulnerable. It is a little bit.


Sometimes just a place that people can't be if they're there are more than one person. So.


Primarily one-on-one. I can do groups. Sometimes I'll do groups with people in business, so we'll do business to business things, especially with money. And then there might be a piece where it's a hybrid and I work with a couple of the people more in depth that are having the other issues.


That maybe needs some further work, so yeah, I'm very accessible.




To do any of my work except for obviously facials and things which that would be an interesting thing to do. Somehow my hands come out to the other side.


For you that would you never know.


Know I don't.


Intentional work. You could do intentional massages.


Well, exactly. Exactly. And I do. With the energy piece. But yeah, so I am fully available for whatever combination that ends up being for someone because it's it is all dependent.




Who the person is and how they learn best. You know, I have those, those learning modalities as well under my belt. And so there's gonna usually be some semantic things, some visual things, of course, relaxation and sometimes people just need an integration, energy healing. So I can do full spectrum healing as well.


That's awesome. And so how do people get in?


Touch with you.




If if you, you can either I have two websites but just focus on one. So Sherry patroni.com, so Cheri. Well, my name is on there, Petro ni.com. And there is a place to schedule a discovery session. There is a place to also if you wanted to book one of those other sessions.


That sometimes the discovery session is.


A really good way to figure out why.


You're at with us just having a conversation and seeing. Let's see. Let's start here. Let's start here. Or. Oh, my gosh, I'm so ready to just throw everything away right now and then we might really get deep immediately. And so where you're at, we will go together. And then, of course, if you remember Oasis, Tizen, like, for some reason you actually do and.


You you can always contact me there because I'm still there working at a certain capacity as well. And there's online stuff there. So sometimes people remember that piece instead of my name.


So either of those.


And I may have to come see you next time I drive through Vegas.


That would be really great. Yeah. Yeah. I have a lot of people. The funny thing is being that I'm in in this city and people come to see the city or come to a convention or things of that nature. I've met a lot of people in person that.


Have been parts of either some of the cohorts I've been in or as clients or as colleagues within, say, the clear beliefs Institute or something like that. And it's been really fun to be able to to see that. And yeah, so it is, it is nice. And so yes, if anybody ever came to came here.


I could do any or all of that work as well, and you could still contact me and my by the way, if you can't remember anything else, Sherry at sherrypetroni.com is is my e-mail, so it's all pretty easy or.






People think now, which is hilarious, right?


Google Maps.


Yes, Google Maps as well. Yes. Yeah, yeah.


No way to hide these days.


No, no. Well, send your drone out. Track you down.


There you go.


You offer and aligning your energies for prosperity video to listeners. If they want to get.


Why don't you go ahead and explain?


What it is?


Yeah, so so.


A lot of people don't even realize there are energy centers or they hear about the chakras and oh, that's really woo woo. And it's very strange. And no, it's actually scientifically proven. The energy centers of the chakras or just of the body, we don't have to get and use that particular verbiage but.


Has been found in the body. It has been measured and it's connected with the neurological system. It's connected with the digestive system. It's connected with the lymphatic system. It is connected with the entire body. So when we're feeling a little bit strange or off, or we don't quite know what's going on.


There's a misalignment in one of the energy centers, and so they're broken down for ease of mental, emotional, physical or spiritual.


And they work with each other. So if you are driving a car that needs a tune up and it's your body, it makes it even worse because it affects everything. And so so your body is the same way. It needs to be tuned up and working together with those different energy centers. And it's basically physics. We are all energy.


And we are in a physical body that is run by that energy, and that's where the eating and all that and.


That's a whole other Ave.


But so these four, I have a series of five.


Videos for those those different energy bodies, as well as what you can do some ideas of how you'll notice that they are maybe out of alignment or you might be happy and find that you are in alignment and certain of those areas and they'll give you a really good idea of.


Where you're at and and then again have a discovery call with me and see where you can.


Well, you know, I I want to say pick my brain, but come in with with some sort of intention to see what we we could do together or not do together because I have friends and colleagues that can do things as well that I may not do and so but it's really informative, gives you a lot of really good strategies, things that you can do and it's my website.


My name with the forward slash or back slash, the one that divides the the the two two energy, a little dash and then opt in one word, all lowercase, energy, dash OPTIN.




Yeah, so this has been fantastic. Sherry, what is the one thing that you hope the audience takes away from our conversation?


So if there's one thing I.


Could share with you.




I hope will resonate with you is that we all have blocks. We all have challenges.


We all have things that don't work for us.




And it's OK.


To say I want to feel differently, I want to be different. I want to figure out a different way to do this piece. It doesn't mean you have to change everything about you, but changing one little thing will have an effect on other things as well. And I invite you to take a look at that.


And and opt in, at least for the very least, to get some of the ideas of things you can do, just simply walking outside in nature is one thing to.




Align all of the energy bodies.


And give me.


I want to say a call discovery call give me a little shout out if you decide you want to know more. But please none of us are perfect and none of us have everything figured out and there might be one little tiny piece of something that can absolutely transform who you are and how you see yourself in the world.


And you matter, you matter.


And with that, I will end.


Thank you. And that is perfect ending cause everyone matters. Thanks for joining me.


Cheri, thank you.

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