In this fascintaing episode, digital nomad and transformational life coach Andrea Hunt discusses her 25-year journey and discusses overcoming challenges. Andrea integrates Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) into coaching sessions, addressing anxiety, limiting beliefs, and self-sabotage, emphasizing its accessibility and effectiveness for emotional recalibration.
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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we are speaking with Andrea Hunt. She is a transformational life coach for expats and digital nomads. She really does help other people too, but she specialises in that group because they're near and dear to her heart. So welcome, Andrea.
::I really appreciate you joining us today. Tell us all about you and why expats and nomads.
::So first of all, thank you so much for letting me be here. Like it is truly a privilege and so expensive digital nomad. It's actually something dear to my heart because that's what I've been off and on for the last 25 years. I'm from Minnesota originally, but I always kind of felt like first.
::Of all it.
::Was very cold for.
::And I was just like, I'm not sure what I'm looking for, but I'm not sure. I'm not gonna find it in Minnesota. And so, like, I had kind of a difficult teenage years, and I was just like, I need to go out and explore the world and like, figure out myself, figure out who I am. And so I moved to Mexico when I was 20. Like, all by myself.
::d idea. This was like back in:::I've got two. The other time was when I moved to China alone, but it really kind of taught me to.
::Push myself out of my comfort zone because there might be something absolutely amazing waiting on the other side, and I'm not going to lie like the first night that I got there like I couldn't find the driver that was supposed to pick me up at the airport for like 4 hours and like I finally found him. And when we drove like back to something, which is where I was living, like the owner of the guest house.
::Like, let me in and I like sat down on my bed and I just cried. I was just like, oh, my God. Like, what have I done? You know, like, am I crazy?
::Am I stupid? Am I brave? Like what is this?
::But that was this transformation that really, like, pushed me into the rest of my life. And so I sensed, you know, took all the opportunities I could to study abroad, you know, work abroad. I taught English.
::Abroad a little bit.
::And so that led me to China and also Argentina and Italy, and I did volunteer work in the UK and then it brought me to.
::Germany, after China so and I've been here for a little bit over 10 years.
::I'm in Munich, Germany now, but I also kind of I because I work for my laptop. I mean I have my own business as a coach. Obviously I can work from anywhere.
::And that's amazing because then I can just be like, it's too cold. I want to go to Spain for three months.
::Or I want to go to Albania for.
::The summer or.
::I mean, my one of my main goals was to be able to go back to the US for a few months and like, spend more time with my parents and not have to worry about like, oh, can I?
::Only go.
::There for a week or something because that's important to me.
::Especially after the pandemic and you know, being so far away during that time, I was like, I have to figure out a way to be able to go back whenever I need to and stay there for a while, you know?
::Bless you. That was the big sneeze. I'm. I'm.
::Struggling with this cold? That's.
::It's going away.
::It's the autumn cold, everybody. Everybody's getting.
::It it's like.
::Yeah, it happens every year. Lasts a couple days, then, then you're on with.
::Your life.
::Yeah. Yeah. So that's pretty exciting getting to travel around everywhere. I really admire you. I've travelled around the world, but I've always done it.
::With the family and.
::Never just all by myself. That's that. Is really courageous. And I've known people who've lived in China for.
::You know, year.
::Couple of years at a time, but they went as a couple again. Just the idea of.
::Doing it all by yourself, man, that's really commendable.
::But again, I sat down on the bed the first night and I cried. And I'm like, oh, my God, what am I doing? I don't speak the language. I don't know anybody like, but again, it ended up being one of the best decisions that I ever did for myself in my life. And that experience, I would say, formed mostly.
::Like a lot of who I am as a person, like the just the experience of living 24/7 outside of my comfort zone, having to manage.
::Things also, just all of the amazing people that I met there both like Chinese people and international people from all over the world and really having an understanding of how, yeah, just different cultures and countries and how things work. It was it was life changing.
::It is. It's one of those things where and we're going to talk about your coaching here. Just a second. I spent five years in Japan when I was young and I went to an International School. So I understand the idea of.
::Living in an environment where you don't really understand the language and you have to communicate with people in other ways and it has weird repercussions when you do come back to the United States like you think that everybody's listening to you even though you talk really quietly.
::Because you don't really.
::When you live in a foreign country.
::You just expect that nobody's gonna understand what you're saying, and that's not really actually even true, because most people in other countries do speak English.
::They might not speak it with you.
::They're like they speak.
::English better than a lot of native English speakers that I know. Their grammar is impeccable.
::Right, right. The correcting you. That's not how you say that.
::So you are a transformational life coach. How does that look and what do you?
::Use. What's your modality?
::So basically like I have been using EFT on myself for about 10 years. And so when I got certified in coaching, I would be, you know doing these sessions and everything like that with clients. I was like man like I just know that that's something that EFT would be able to like resolve in like 15 minutes. You know whether it was.
::You know, anxiety about a certain situation that was coming up tomorrow or maybe something somebody said yesterday and sometimes like, you know, the brain has a way of, like, ruminating and ruminating and just going over and, you know, the arguments in the shower and stuff like that that, you know, you have enum with EFT. Like, I just found that it was such a quick way to be able to emotionally recalibrate.
::And so like, I decided like, OK, I want to use this in my coaching cause I know how valuable it's been for me. And then it was interesting because the more practise that I.
::Did and the more that I learned.
::About it, you know, through the courses and everything, the more range I really understood of how powerful it is because I've been using it for myself mostly for, you know, stress and anxiety like these are the kind of the normal things that people if you don't know a lot about it you it's very accessible. You can go to YouTube, you can watch a video and you can calm yourself.
::Down, which is amazing.
::But then there's also the other side, like in terms of limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome, and like fear of public speaking, all these things that, while you can definitely use YouTube videos for that because they're not personalised, you're not going to get the same results, you know.
::And so the more that I learned about that in the training I was just like this is amazing. So I integrated the two into my coaching. So it's a lot of like understanding where you are understanding where you want to be and then being like, OK, So what are what's holding you back? Is it a belief, is it a resistance? Is it a fear because a lot of times, you know, we want to do things.
::We have goals we have.
::Dreams. But then we end up kind of holding.
::Ourselves back, we're.
::You know, we fear rejection. We fear failure. You know, sometimes we even fear success because we're like, what if I couldn't handle being successful or what I have? I had to give something up for it. And so this is where EFT has just been so amazing as a modality to be able to integrate because, like, even though.
::It does look.
::A little bit funny. People are kind.
::Like, I don't really understand how tapping on your face is.
::Going to help you.
::You know, like and. And I admit, when I first saw it, I was like, I don't really understand and that that looks kind of weird. But the moment that I found it, I was so stressed out, like studying for finals exam. But like, I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't calm down.
::And no matter what I did, my brain was just spinning and spinning and it was just getting worse and worse. And so I found this Brad Yates video and I was.
::Like you know what?
::I love Brad.
::I love Brad like life changing. You know, I was like, OK, I'm gonna do it. It's called fear and panic right now. That's what I need. And so 10 minutes later, I.
::It's like.
::Oh my God, I feel like I feel a little bit better, so I did it again and so I ended up doing it like maybe three times and I was like, I went from like A10 to A2, you know, in this in the span of like 25 minutes. And I was just.
::Like this is incredible.
::Like, what is this sorcery I have to I have to figure what the you know?
::Out what this is and.
::And learn more about it. And so it's just been amazing because a lot of my clients have not actually heard of EFT, you know, before the sessions and then they realise that there's a lot of.
::Old memories, you know, programming that we get as kids, you know, a lot of times we're told certain things or we see it. Something happened to somebody else and we internalise all these fears, you know, and when I suggest you, if you there's like, well, I mean, I've had this for like 30 years. I would love to try to get rid of this belief because it's not helping me to think that I'm not good enough.
::Not smart enough. Nobody likes me. You know those kinds of things.
::So. So it's been amazing. Like I'm I feel very grateful that like I have it as a modality that I can share with people and really help them in their lives.
::I have. I have a couple stories about EFT and one is 1 is a money story. I discovered Margaret Lynch.
::Love her?
::Years ago now, it's been a minute when she was probably just first starting out and she was all about tapping for money and I hadn't really known that much about tapping. And I was kind of new. I knew that they used it for, you know, people that were suffering from PTSD.
::Me and that there was a lot of science behind it and so I thought, OK, I'm going to give it a try. You know, the whole I'm just going to try this and see.
::What happens?
::ife and like, the next week, $:::Arrived in my mailbox.
::No. Did you do the?
::Typical $:::just tapping for money. But $:::I've never had a class action suit that.
::I didn't even really realise I was part of.
::To just you know, drop a whole bunch of money in your mailbox so.
::When it comes to tapping for money.
::I can tell you that works.
::And then I had been dragging around this.
::This pain from something that happened when I was.
::A child.
::I had a friend.
::Who does EFT as well and she.
::She coached me through.
::Several rounds of tapping and at the end I.
::Went from like.
::Harbouring this this traumatic event, and it's not even like it's a conscious thing anymore. And it was so long ago that it it's kind of like it was stuck in my subconscious mind and it was just a little programme.
::That ran in the background all the time and.
::The shift towards.
::Wow. If that thing hadn't happened, I wouldn't be who I am today.
::Ohh yeah.
::It's like.
::Yeah, so now I can just be grateful for it. Yeah.
::Everything makes us who we are. You.
::Know and kills us.
::Everything makes us who.
::We are.
::And abilities and gifts and.
::Learning through things.
::But to be able to shift that.
::Instead of having the thing that wasn't serving me.
::Run loops to be able to just like not even think about it, it's just like.
::It's OK. It was even good.
::Wow, so powerful.
::Instead of like it's just.
::Terrible thing and you know, it's like 20 minutes. It's not like you have to go to see a therapist for years and years and years to make some progress on, you know, the trauma that everyone experiences as a child because your parents are just kids.
::Yeah, I mean and The thing is with my experience that there be a lot of times when I didn't have EF, I wouldn't have any way to calm myself down after digging up these really painful memories. And so I'd be, you know, I'd feel triggered for like a week afterwards. I mean, the worst thing I had, like, one time I had a lot of family things going on.
::So I had therapies on Monday and that was just the most awful way to start the week because I would start the week.
::Like angry, crying, resentful. And then it would just bleed into every single thing that I did because I didn't have a tool to emotionally calibrate my, you know, and, like, calm down my nervous system. So I would just.
::Yeah, it was. It was terrible. And so now being able to have that as a tool that like, OK.
::I'm uncomfortable. What am I feeling? Is it fear? Is it like you know I'm am I stressed like, what is it that I'm feeling so that I can tap in, like, lower whatever it is so that I can calm down and focus and ground myself. And that is extremely value.
::Share with people what exactly EFT is for those that are out there that haven't heard of it or don't really know what it is.
::Yeah. So it started with like Gary Craig like in the 90s, had it, and he was just mostly using it like because he had studied a lot of acupuncture. And so he realised that if you tap on acupuncture points on the face or acupressure points, that basically it can calm the body's nervous system by sending a signal to the amygdala that stops the body's fight.
::Light or freeze?
::The interesting thing is it's like they kind of kept using it for different things like phobias and like, you know, people who had, like, fear of flying or swimming and then they finally got more into, you know, studies with, you know, like you said, PTSD like veterans because around in the 90s. I mean, obviously, we had so many Vietnam Veterans that.
::No matter what, they could not release any of this trauma. And so he started, you know, working with them. And they had all these different studies.
::On how these people were able to kind of, I mean, because I saw these videos like at the beginning, the guy is obviously extremely upset. He's talking about something very horrific that happened, which I won't, you know, talk about or whatever, but he's visibly very Jarred very, you know, you can just see all of the senses going off in his body. And after, like an hour.
::He's talking about.
::About it as a memory, but it's not having the same emotional hold on it, which is just fascinating. So then obviously they've done a lot more, you know, scientific studies. I think there's like 100 now. Like the lead people that do, those are usually like Peter, doctor Peter, PETA Stapleton from Australia and Dawson Church. I think he's from the UK.
::If I'm, if I'm not mistaken, but so basically you can you can use it for two ways. This is like what I would suggest. So like there's the emotional health aspect. So whether you're stressed or angry or sad or you know.
::Yeah. Any of the emotional things that come up during the day that you need to recalibrate to kind of ground and centre yourself is really good. It can also be used in the morning as like a starter to your day like I do. Brad Gates every single morning because I like his amazing day YouTube video. And then of course, what I am really interested in is the.
::Aspects of the beliefs. Because you know beliefs. As I mentioned before, we can have certain experiences we can be told something we can as a society believe certain things, and it doesn't always mean that it's beneficial for us.
::And so for a lot of people, especially in terms of their confidence and the belief that they have in their selves, they have all of these memories from, you know, when they were kids or, you know, a time that they failed, that every time they try to have confidence in a certain situation now it just it, it removes all confidence that they have in any capability they might be nervous.
::Have anxiety.
::And so one of the examples that I always give.
::Is like if you're like, nine years old. Let's say you go up in front of the class to read your book report or something. And let's say the teacher insults you or criticises you. And let's say the whole class laughs at you and makes fun of you. And as a child you just learned it's not safe to be seen.
::It's not safe to be heard. It's not safe for me to put myself out there and try to share myself and my knowledge with the world.
::Called and if I step out of my comfort zone, there are going to be consequences. So even though it's, it might be like 30 years later, and let's say somebody's has an office job, they've got to do a client presentation and they freeze up like, you know, no matter how much they've prepared, they're just, they're sweaty, they're anxious and being able to have a tool of.
::Like EFT to kind of calm them down beforehand.
::Before this all happens.
::Is extremely invaluable. I don't know if I answered your question there, but anyway, yeah, about that. You could use it for beliefs and that's what I really like it also think.
::It's like.
::Resistance like I had a client a few weeks ago who she really, really wanted to go to the gym like. She really wanted to make this habit for herself. But the resistance that would come up is she didn't feel that she that her body was like, quote unquote good enough to go to the gym. So when she would go, she would feel really uncomfortable. She thought everybody was.
::You know, looking at her. And so it was so bad and she just felt.
::You know, like she was going to be made fun of and because she was made fun of as a kid, so she didn't want to have that repeated. And you know, our subconscious wants to keep us safe. And so she ended up self sabotaging and just not going to the gym at all. But then she felt bad about herself. So through one EFT session, we were able to kind of address those feelings of, like.
::Shame and guilt and like you.
::Know the internal belief of like they're gonna they don't. They don't like me. They're going to reject me.
::To reframe it as like you know what, this is something that I want to do for me. Like, I'm not going to be like this forever. This is a process like I'm allowed to, you know, go through the journey and be imperfect. Like we're we don't have to be perfect, you know. And I think that we're so much more compassionate.
::With other people sometimes than we are with ourselves and very harsh. But yeah, in one session we were able to reframe it for her so that she by the end was like, yeah, I don't care what they think of me at all, like. And plus, it's like if somebody's going to say to me, thinks about you, they probably feel crappy about themself.
::So once we keep that in mind.
::Easily happen. Either that's the other thing.
::Most of the time when we think.
::People are going to say bad things to us. We're saying them to ourselves. People aren't coming up to you and saying, hey, you're a fat, fat slab while you're here in the gym because if you look around there all that way or they started that.
::We're all on the journey. We're all trying.
::Way and so.
::To do our best, you know.
::We're the best with the tools we.
::Have you know like?
::And but I mean, she. So she went. And so she's she started going to the gym again, and she's been so like proud of herself. And it's just amazing because she's just like it removed this.
::This weight, this obsession that I had thinking that I had to please everybody else, and if I'm not perfect with like you know.
::Pack abs or something that I don't.
::Deserve to be there.
::Which is of course, you know, it's absurd. Of course, you know, we deserve to be there and.
::And yeah, so I mean like things like that, I mean it's just it's so powerful and I'm constantly amazed. I mean, even when sometimes when the client comes to the situation that I don't have as much experience. I'm.
::Like, well, I don't know. Like, I think we should. We should go into it and like and try it. And I'm.
::Always amazed at the results so.
::So how do you work with people?
::And I know.
::That you're putting together and you by the time this airs, you will have a workbook that helps people kind of get into EFT for themselves. Is that what you were creating, you know, talk about that a little bit and then how people can actually work with you and how that looks?
::Just you travel.
::So my.
::Main thing is like I wanted to create like a simple and very accessible ebook about EFT and what you can do with it from an emotional health standpoint and also from a belief standpoint. So you can show up feeling empowered and confident because you know as I mentioned a lot of people know that you know you can use it for stress but there's so many other possibilities.
::And So what I wanted to do is just kind of explain in a very simple way like what it is, what it does, what is a session look like. You know, we start with kind of going into the issues seeing what emotions come up. You know, are there fears are.
::There, you know.
::Emotional blocks, you know, are there memories tied behind it, and then we go through the negative round and the negative round is usually quite uncomfortable. That's the thing that's important to keep in mind is because you're articulating some of these negative feelings that you carry around with you. So it's not always comfortable, but as you're doing it, you're clearing it so that like.
::It can be released and go away, and so then you can put like a positive round on top with some positive affirmations and you feel.
::Amazing afterwards and.
::Yeah, for sessions like I usually do two different kinds. Like some people just want EFT because maybe they have, they want it as a supplemental thing because maybe they are seeing a therapist or something and they want to be able to deal with the emotional aspects that come up or some people are, you know, maybe they have a business coach or something and they just want the EFT. But then I have like the full package, which is usually what I.
::I recommend like if you haven't really had any coaching before and you kind of look around at your life and you're like I can do better.
::Or you know what, I get a lot is a lot of people that come to me, they've just gone through a huge life change. Like a divorce or a breakup or. I mean, the last couple of years, it was a lot of people who had, like, a job loss.
::Because I mean, with the pandemic, let's face it, a lot of people got, you know, laid off. And so people also started thinking like, OK.
::What should I? What should I do now you know cause like now like the positive aspect of that he's getting laid off sucks obviously. But like they were like OK, now actually, what do I want to do with this was that did I really like my job because I didn't, you know, because a lot of people realised that what they were doing was not really fulfilling them, but they were just.
::Kind of staying in there because for the security component, you know and so a lot of people realise that, wow, OK, I have a chance to do something.
::What should that be? And so that's where we kind of worked in. OK, what are your values like? What are the things that fulfil you? Where would you like to be in five years and then what are the things that are holding you back from reaching those goals and that's where the EFT comes in because a lot of times people don't realise how much those limiting beliefs are.
::Keeping them back like the I'm not good enough. I'm not smart enough.
::Those kind of things, like, I'll. I'll never. I'll never figure it out. I'll mess it up. And those are really powerful beliefs. Because if that's your first assumption, every time you try to have a good idea and you get that mean little voice in your head, that's like you liar. You can't do that. I mean, obviously it's not helpful and that's where we need to go with EFT.
::And look at what are the beliefs you need to let go of? What are the past experiences that you need?
::To let.
::Go of so that you can move forward in terms of your intentions and your goals for setting yourself.
::Up for a different life.
::And I'd like to say that EFT.
::When you're talking about the pain part.
::Be mentally prepared. It's a very personal experience doing this in a group isn't like.
::It's not as I don't think it's as effective because of the emotional component. I you do end up crying sometimes or having weird reactions in your body that you don't expect. And I mean, you could have been going along just fine and then all the sudden your experience in this.
::Interesting. We'll just call it that expression of stuff that's coming out. It's kind of like, you know, how animals when they experience a trauma, they'll shake.
::We don't, we don't allow ourselves to shake.
::Off the trauma.
::So it has to come out at some point and sometimes it when you're doing the FD, it can actually be shaking. You're you will just feel like you're shaking.
::But because if you're working with a coach and I highly recommend if you're doing stuff to try to dig up emotional stuff that you have somebody that knows what they're doing to help.
::You work through.
::It because you don't want to get stuck in that spot.
::And having a coach can.
::Help you go there. But then you go out of it.
::And it's important, like it's important that you trust the person that that you're working with, and also that they create this, this space where you feel held and supported and allow yourself to have your these feelings as they come up because we all you know, otherwise we carry around these feelings, you know, sometimes our whole lives and we don't allow ourselves to feel that because we're.
::Afraid of what would happen if we did?
::And I know that this this was exactly what happened. Like I didn't even do inner child work because I was like, I don't even want to go.
::There because I.
::Don't think I could handle it, and it wasn't until like I did like the EFT matrix reprinting on those things that I realised that as the feelings are coming up, you can just kind of keep tapping and keep.
::Tripping and especially when you're doing that kind of work like you do get a lot of emotions. Sometimes you might feel really angry because you might be like, you know, why did my dad say that when I was 5? That was horrible. You know, like, I remember this, like, you know, 40 years later or something, but it is a very therapeutic experience because.
::As you tap through it like and you can see the person like the person you know does get all might get all flustered about something, or they might get angry. They might cry, but then by the end of the round, they're just kind of like.
::And you can see visibly that they have.
::They've released something that has that has been a burden, you know, and a lot of times, you know, it can make you really tired afterwards, a lot of.
::Times people yawn.
::You know, like during the sessions and yeah, like you can be emotional. I mean, it really depends on what you're working on and everybody's very different because I had like 1.
::One male client and.
::He was American and he was not somebody who felt so comfortable, always talking about his emotions. But given that he had, like, a divorce and he had a lot of things he was like, I want some coaching I need and I need some guidance. Like right now. And so as we were doing this, like, he didn't cry or have any major, you know, emotions during the.
::Session but then later, like a few days later, he was just like.
::I had the biggest cry. I think I've had in like 20 years he goes and I can't tell you how much better I feel he goes. It was just like it all came.
::Count and I felt like I let it go and then I slept.
::Like a baby.
::He was just like I had no idea how much I needed to get that out. Like I just been carrying around pretending it wasn't there, knowing that it was always, you know, heavy and kind of sitting on me. So yeah, it's really amazing. I mean, people are just different, though. Sometimes people get it right.
::After some.
::I am.
::I'm somebody who, in my tapping it just all comes out like and then I'm just like, oh, God, I feel so much better. Thank.
::You so much, you know like.
::I have a daughter that she cries sometimes. She just cries. She's not. She's not. She's like. I'll ask her. What's wrong? She's.
::I'm sad and.
::And why are you sad? I don't know.
::It'll pass, and just like she's not upset about it. She's 19. She's been doing this since she was. Maybe.
::14 or 15 I.
::Think it has to do with their cycle. I think she thinks it has to do with.
::Her cycle also, but she just.
::There's like times during.
::The month where she just cries and.
::She lets it all out.
::And she's not mad at anybody. She doesn't try.
::To blame it on.
::Any she doesn't try to assign any.
::Anything to it? She's just like, OK, it must mean I'm sad, so therefore I just cried a whole bunch, and now I'm going to sleep.
::But like I mean, tears were very like it's like emotionally cleansing, you know, because you're just you're releasing it and you're allowing yourself to acknowledge those feelings because so many times I think like.
::The thing that's helpful about the negative run is it doesn't feel good, but it allows us to articulate what we've been feeling anyway. And a lot of times we walk around and especially you know, I think like women in business, you know we have this, I'm fine like, I totally have this. Like I I'm. I'm fine. I'm great. I can handle anything and then in.
::And you're like.
::I'm not fine, I.
::Am totally not fine, you know like.
::And so being able to articulate this and process the real feelings is so powerful because then you can let them go.
::And respecting that, you know it is part of a process that how we were designed, if we weren't supposed to cry, wouldn't have tears that fell out of our face. And telling people don't cry is.
::Exactly, you know.
::That's just wrong.
::You want to cry, cry.
::It's OK.
::You don't even have to.
::Have a reason for it apparently.
::Exactly. But I think it's more acceptable now than it was maybe 20 years ago or something like that. I think people are much more emotionally aware today. I think just, I mean, especially I have to say, like, I've worked with like, some younger people in their 20s and I'm just like, wow. But they're so emotionally.
::Where like.
::Way more than I was like, until I mean, it took me into my 30s to before.
::I was really.
::Self aware of why I was, you know, acting in a certain way or.
::Yeah. And so I just, I have to say that that's quite impressive. You got your general should be able to talk about feelings like Gen X we.
::Didn't really do.
::That's so much like. Yeah, and I have.
::I have lots of children and.
::They're wide variety of ages. She and she has a partner.
::It I have.
::Learned so much from the two of them, just watching them interact. They lived together for a short time and.
::My daughter was just like, no, I can't do this. I feel like I'm.
::Having to be your mom.
::And so.
::They broke up. I mean, she moved back home, which is totally fine. We love her and.
::I just love being around.
::Her because I learned so much from her that she they're still best friends. They go on.
::Dates she spends the.
::Night over there sometimes, but she doesn't have to be.
::His mom? Yeah.
::He's got a.
::Mom, she loves, you know, like just.
::It's just like.
::There's no trauma. There's still.
::Boyfriend and girlfriend. They're just not living together anymore.
::It's so practical.
::That he's another one. He cries when he's feeling emotional and it makes no apology for it. Yeah.
::I'm sad right now.
::That's cultural, too, I think. Like, I mean, because I have to say, like, after living in a lot.
::Of different places, I think.
::A lot of my American friends feel very uncomfortable crying, and I think living in Germany like they don't have that.
::I don't know. Like I just have friends from a lot of different places and it seems that in in.
::The United States.
::And maybe more people my age, like in their in their 40s, they've been taught that they shouldn't handle things in that way like men have. And I think the younger generation, I think is much better at being able to express themselves.
::And you know.
::Have without fear that that's going to be, I don't know, seen in a bad way.
::Or something.
::As weak.
::It was usually taught to you that if you.
::Cry. You're showing that?
::You're weak, but it has nothing to.
::Do with being.
::Weak or not, it's just different and.
::Like I said, I.
::So grateful I had her. She really.
::Has taught me so many interesting things about.
::Being a human.
::So we.
::And the opportunities to have.
::So how do people get in touch with you if they want to?
::Work with you.
::And or if they want your guide for the FT.
::Well, my website is like a place to start. They can go to www.DREA HUNT which is DREAHUNT dot com.
::I'm also on social media. My Instagram is living dot deliberately dot today.
::And also same on Facebook and Twitter and now I also have a YouTube channel that I just started. So I'm trying to kind of do a lot more with that. That was kind of the last is my social media stuff and I also do online workshops. I also am doing digital nomad Co working retreats.
::With some side kind of personal growth workshops EFT.
::We do like yoga in the morning, stuff like that. So if you're interested, for example, in doing a coworking stuff with.
::Some personal growth.
::That's a good opportunity and yeah. And of course like my ebook is always a really great place to start because you can download it, learn a little bit about EFT because it's being used in so many spaces.
::Right now, but it's still not something that's very understood by the general public. I would say. I think it's definitely becoming more common now like I mean, it's definitely like, you know, on certain podcasts, I've seen it on and also you know, morning shows they'll have Nick Ortner. Nick Ortner is very famous for the Tapping solution app and they have a sum.
::Every year and he'll go on different morning shows. And so it's really exciting to see that it is picking up, tractions and even I saw I googled the Brad Yates video the other day and they had it with like Russian subtitles.
::I'm like that is so.
::Cool I.
::Was like and then they had another one where it was an Arabic song. Like. That's really interesting because it means that people all over the world are trying to access what he's doing and he's my favourite. Like in terms of, I mean, I love Margaret Lynch as well. Like, she's great for business stuff. But Brady, it's just he has such a calming voice.
::Kind of a funny demeanour. Like he's just, yeah.
::Yeah, you just gotta love.
::Him. You just gotta love him. Yeah. So what's?
::Yeah, like.
::I'm sorry, go ahead.
::No, I'm sorry. And I was just gonna say like on my website you basically could just schedule a Calendly. There's a calendar link you could just schedule a discovery call and I'd be happy to work through like you know what you're going through now. What kind of changes you'd like to make? What are your problem areas that maybe you'd like to try changing and then we can look at which of the programmes would be best for you?
::Perfect. Perfect. And we'll make sure we put the links in the show.
::Notes so people can.
::Reach out to.
::You. So what's the one thing you would?
::Like to leave the audience with today.
::So I was thinking about this. So my biggest the biggest idea that I kind of came up with the last couple months that I think.
::Has been really important.
::To communicate to my clients when they've kind of been like, oh, but no, I couldn't do that. And I couldn't do that. And it's also something that I understand because I've been there as well. And then.
::Through EFT, through coaching, through personal growth, I've been able to just keep going and pushing through, creating more evidence that I can do it and like building confidence. It's not overnight. It's a muscle. You know, it's a skill. And so my biggest takeaway, I want people to have is if not me, then who, and if not now.
::And when?
::Because always ask yourself that because there's another quote that says, like, you know, there are people who are doing what you want to do just because they believed in themselves.
::So that's always something to consider when you start doubting yourself.
::And we create our own realities. So you may as well you know, create the reality you want to.
::Live not the one that.
::You're disappointed in which will get assigned to you.
::If you don't pick.
::Exactly. Yeah. If you don't pick one, will be assigned to you and you might not like that one.
::That's usually what happens if you. I mean, there's a difference between kind of having the intentions and surrendering and kind of letting things unfold versus.
::Not doing anything and not having any kind of focus or attention and just having things happen to you in life, you know.
::Thanks so much for joining me, Andrea. This has been a great conversation.
::Thank you so much. It's been a pleasure being here.