Unleashing Your Spiritual Message: The Foundation of Mystic Marketing

Welcome to the debut episode of The Mystic Marketing Podcast! 🎙️✨ Join hosts Jill Hart, “The Coach's Alchemist,” and Jay Matta, co-founder of Gnostic TV, as they introduce the vision behind this transformative series. In this episode, they explore why podcasting and broadcasting are powerful tools for coaches, healers, and spiritual entrepreneurs to amplify their message and connect with their purpose.

Discover how these platforms can help you unlock your potential, find your dharma, and even take the first steps toward your own TV show—all without the barriers of traditional media. Tune in to align with our vibration, learn what’s to come, and see how this journey can lead to breakthroughs for your life and business.

Next Up: Attracting your ideal clients with ease! Don’t miss it.

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April & Jay: What's happening? Everybody. How are you? And welcome to the mystic marketing? Podcast this is amazing. So I'm here with my good friend Joe Hart, the coaches alchemist. My name is Jay Matt.



April & Jay: Adam, co-founder of Gnostic TV. So we wanted to bring this together as just a way for you to connect with our vibration right? And just to really feel the essence of what we're going to do, what this is going to see. You're going to see multiple versions of this. If you would, or multiple little takes of this that give you different areas for you to be able to explore why broadcasting, why podcasting is a solution. And very well could be the solution that you've been looking for



April & Jay: coaches out there, psychics out there, people who are healing people who want to get the message out about their about their work. There's no better. There's no more effective way other than to do it. You know other than podcasting. I mean, Joe, would you agree on that one.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: Absolutely, absolutely and and podcasting is just the the baby step that you take into actually having your own TV show. And it used to be that you had to have millions of dollars in order to have a TV show, you had to be connected. But today that landscape has changed. Thanks to the platform, Gnostic TV network.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: You can.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: You can get your message out to millions and millions of people, maybe even billions. There's like.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: somewhere between 6 and 9 billion of us hanging around. Never sure what that number is.



April & Jay: Of us, you know. And it's important. It's important to know, too. It's like, you know, everybody's see, you know.



April & Jay: people think about podcasting and and broadcasting and having a channel, and there's great, because you can make incredible money, and we're going to teach you that part of it. But I will tell you some of the the fact about finding your dharma, your purpose. Through doing this you open up something within yourselves, everybody, something connects the dots and all of a sudden, that's how you. That's how things happen. It starts when you find your purpose again. This is the fastest thing that



April & Jay: Jill and I have ever found that is really helping people find their purposes one after another, after another. I mean, it's a. It just goes on and on and on in a really good way that we're seeing this play out for people. So we hope you're enjoying this. We hope that you get to join us, and learn more about what it is and the breakthrough, and make sure that you know we're a vibrational match, and you know for you and your journey in your life.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: So join us on our next episode, where we're going to be talking about how to attract rather than



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: has.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: One of my mentors used to say, hunt down



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the Mystic Marketing Podcast: your next client, we'll catch you on the next episode.

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