Tyler Mauler – Health Coach Coop – Explores Team Approach to Holistic Health Coaching

Tyler Mauler is a Holistic Health Specialist & Owner & CEO of Evolve Wellness. She is an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, Group Fitness Instructor, Yoga Instructor & Vinyasa Flow Specialist, & an AFAA certified Pilates Instructor. Evolve Wellness is a holistic health practice that offers a compassionate & collaborative approach to wellness with services for healing your mind, body & spirit.

Our website – https://evolveholisticwellness.com

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Hi and welcome to You World Order Showcase program.


Today we're speaking.


With Tyler Mauler, who is a holistic health specialist and owner and CEO of All Wellness, she is an ISA certified personal trainer, nutrition coach, group fitness instructor, yoga instructor, then Yassa.


Flow specialist and an AFA certified Pilates instructors evolve Wellness is a holistic health practice that offers a compassionate and collaborative approach to Wellness with services for healing your mind, body and spirit.


Please help me welcome Tyler to the show.


Welcome Tyler to the show.


So tell us all about you.


Who are you?


What are you doing?


Thank you so much for having me.


My name is Tyler Mauler.


I'm the owner of Evolve Wellness for our holistic health practice in Bel Air, MD.


We serve clients both in person and virtually, and we offer services for your mind, body and spirit, and we take a collaborative approach to your Wellness.


So how does that look in practice?


Yeah, for sure.


So when we first have a client, they do a phone consultation with me.


It's about 15 to 30 minutes and it's free and it's just an opportunity for the client to learn more about what we do and for us also to learn about them and what their goals are, where they might be struggling in their health journey.


And from that information.


We're able to recommend different services that we offer and like I said, it's mind, body spirit and it's a collaborative approach.


And so we offer everything for like on the physical side of like personal training and nutrition.


In in mental health, we have emotional coaching and therapy and then over on like the spiritual side, we have energy coaching and Reiki and also spiritual coaching and we also offer like supplements and cyto scans and yoga that kind of like encompasses all those things and relax in our services.


But what we find is people.


Often benefit from a blend of these services.


So we'll recommend what we think would be best help them and what we do is we offer what's called memberships and it doesn't cost anything to be a member with us.


We just really want you to be taking this collaborative approach to your Wellness and seeing multiple practitioners.


So as soon as you sign up for two or more services a month, the prices.


Automatically drop for you.


There's no catch.


There's no fee, nothing like that.


We just really want to encourage you to take that approach to your Wellness.


And then what we do is our practitioners meet on a monthly basis and we go through the entire entirety of our client.


So even if you aren't seeing all of our practitioners, all of them are looking at your case. So it's never situation we see it often in the health field where you're kind of shoved from doctor to doctor and no one's collaborating your case. No one's talking about it.


So you have to repeat yourself and you know you're getting conflicting information from different doctors.


That's not happening here.


We're collaborating on your case.


We're making sure nothing is getting missed.


We're making sure you get the best healthcare possible.


Level and then what we also do is on a monthly basis, I call every single client in our roster as well and just see how things are going.


If there's anything that we're missing, if you're doing well, if you need some different assistance, if something's not working and just making sure you're getting.


The best care possible.


So rather than actually just being a coach like I talked to a lot of coaches out there and and it sounds more like you're a practice where you're group of people who've come together, coaches who've come together to kind of cover all the aspects of a holistic coaching approach.


That's really interesting and it's all virtual or virtual and physical.


Virtual and physical, yeah.




And so when they become members, is there like a group that they join online or is it just?


No, we don't do a group like that.


We are hoping actually in the very near future to be offering different groups things for like women and menopause or people suffering from type 2 diabetes.


And those would be kind of educational groups and we might offer them both in virtual and physical platforms.


But we don't have like a group that you join just because of HIPAA and we respect your privacy.


There's nothing like that.


So is it?


Set up kind of.


I need to say like a doctor's office, but where you.


You pay for service or do you pay like to be part of a?


How do you how do you work?


Your finance, I am curious about that.


Yeah, you pay by the service and what we do is it just the service fee drops when you're seeing multiple of our practitioners, if that makes sense.


So that makes you automatically what we call a member.


For membership pricing and that's up to 50% off some services.


So then you.


And do you post your service prices?


Unlike doctor's offices they're supposed to?


We do prefer.


We do and we think it's super important to do that.


There was actually something passed recently that all physicians are supposed to be upfront about pricing, especially if you don't have insurance to like let you know what your cost is gonna.


Me and I personally always found it super annoying when I went on a site, whether it was a spa or a doctor's office or whatever it was where it's like the pricing wasn't listed.


It was the.


Last step, it seems like any service you look into.


I remember when I was planning my wedding.


Like it's like the last step.


It's like ohh it's.


Gonna be all.


This money, and you're like, well, why did I?


Spend all this time.


Looking into this and researching this, I can't afford that.


So now our prices are listed right there we have.


I think for almost every service, if not all of them are having our website updated.


So if not now it will be there where it has the list price and the membership price and then it has like a little parentheses and it's like this about memberships like what that means because we wanna talk to you about it.


And like I said our consultations are free.


You can hop on the phone with me anytime.


I'm going to give you advice in that phone call.


If we don't have something for you, I'm even going to tell you we're super connected in our community.


We don't have addiction counseling.


That's not something that we specialize in, but we're connected with a lot of practices that do and we know people there so we can get you connected.


We can help get you a therapist and you're still on my list to call in a month and see how things are going.


If you got connected and how you're doing, we care about our people, even if you're not seeing our practitioners.


That is amazing.


So what motivates you?


Started this way.


That's a great.


So I was diagnosed with Lyme disease when I was 10 years old.


And at the time, we didn't really know a lot about Lyme disease the way we do today.


We think it was probably pretty advanced.


I was already having bouts of temporary paralysis.


I was having widespread body pain.


I was having lots of fatigue and I was only 10 years old.


We know I had a very compromised immune system for years, so it's likely that I had it for years.


And they gave me one round of antibiotics super short.


Just taking it.


It wasn't like intravenous or anything like it should have been.


And after a month they said you're fine and I wasn't.


And so six months later, I had the widespread body, widespread body pain.


I had stomach issues.


I had awful headaches.


Every single day I had a headache.


And no one really believed me at first, and then it took a couple of years until I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.


And then for the next decade of my life, I got eleven additional diagnosis.


Everything from hypoglycemia to low blood circulation to IBS to leaky gut it.


Just the and.


Anyone who has Lyme knows that this is kind of how it goes.


You have all of these diseases, or you have Lyme.


And that really normally makes more sense.


But we didn't know about that.


And so it through that health journey trying to figure out what was wrong and how to get treated.


I was also put on 12 different prescription medications for each of those diagnosis.


And nothing was helping. I ended up I was a 4.0 student. I did super well in school. I had to drop out of school essentially because I was so sick that I couldn't go to.


That and through that health journey, I had a lot of different frustrations and most of them actually had to do with my level of care and the respect among practitioners more so than than being able to figure out what was wrong, because I understood that I had a unique case and it was difficult to find out what was wrong, but I did not understand being shoved from doctor to doctor.


And no one talking with each other and I would go to one doctor and they would say let's try this prescription medication and I would say I've already tried that prescription and then they would say well, let's just try it again and I would be like, why would it be different with you?


It's the same prescription.


Do you have the magic touch like it's?


Why would it be different, you know?


And then I also had frustration.


There was no respect among eastern and Western practitioners because I actually found a whole lot of healing through holistic means.


I found a lot of healing through food and movement and supplements and just drinking my water and getting sunshine and all of these things that boosted my immune system, which now I know, oh, I'm sorry that light does that.


Which now I know.


You know, that's the whole idea of eastern medicine is boosting your immune system so it can do its job of fighting the thing instead of Western approach, which is kind of like go in and kill the thing which has a place that works for certain diseases.


But Lyme is not one of them.


And if you didn't respond to the antibiotics, it just doesn't work later.


I found a lot of healing through eastern practitioners, but I would bring stuff I learned from the Western practitioners there and they be like, well, that's not a real disease.


I'm like, I think it's a real disease.


I think people have the disease and then I would take blood work from the eastern practitioner to the Western.


They would literally just throw it in the trash in front of me and be like I'm not even going to look at it because it's not real.


And I would say, well, it's lab work, it's from my blood.


It's from the same lab place that you sent me.


And because an eastern practitioner drew the blood or ordered for it to be drawn, they would not.


Look at it.


And I just thought, wouldn't it be great if there was a place where you could go where you weren't just a number?


You were a person.


You were a name.


You were a face.


People cared about you.


They cared about your Wellness.


And there was a team of practitioners.


All with different specialties, all with different modes.


That had mutual respect for one another that consulted on a case and you weren't shoved around, and that even though they didn't all do the same thing, they respected each other and what they did, and they understood that not every person that walks that door needs what they do.


But they respect what they do need.


They're they don't think they're the all all knowing person on that team, and that's how evolve was born and.


That's what we do.


That is amazing.


Such kudos to you guys for coming up with a solution.


I've recently been reintroduced to like the.


The vagaries of the medical.


Let's put it that way.


There's a lot of good in the medical community and there's also a lot that needs to be changed.


They're really good.


At critical care emergency care that they are, they excel at that.


But when it comes to investigating.


Things that are kind of on the edge of what?


What is known?


They're not very good at that.


Now I've told people so many times no one wants to be sick.


There's for some reason there's this sort of thought that goes around the medical community that if someone comes in and we can't see in their blood work, what's wrong?


It's all in their head.


And I strongly disagree with that statement.


There is no one wants to go to the doctor.


No one wants to feel bad, even if there is, like all in their head, in quotation marks, the brain is different from the mind.


And this whole idea of like, mind over matter, that doesn't work for most people.


The brain is a very separate thing and you know you can't mind over matter having different neurotransmitter deficiencies and things that aren't firing correctly and something wrong in the.


Of rain, you know.


And so the solution is not just oh, there's nothing wrong with you.


Sure, a therapist might be brought into this level of care, but we also need to dig deeper.


And we need to listen to this person, and we need to try other things to help them feel better, because no one wants to feel sick.


It's just it's not true.


I spent 20 years of my life with endometriosis so badly that I had things like morphine shots because I was doubled over in pain.


I had no idea I would go to the doctors and they would universally tell me I had a venereal disease.


It's like, you know, I'm a teenager, really.


Don't even get me started.


You don't need to be.


Saying that in front of my mother?


Yeah, well, don't even get me started on.


Women's Health cause it's atrocious.


There's so little research.


Because for so long, we didn't believe that women were capable of going through medical studies, right?


Only men could do that.


So traditionally, a lot of the studies we have are done on men, which is not the same.


These bodies are different.


Yes, they are.


They don't go through menopause, they don't go.


And now getting into.


No puberty, the same way we do.


It's not getting.


They don't have.


They don't cycle like we do and.


And having a place where you can go and.


And talk with a group of practitioners like you guys offer is just like.


So wish you were around when I was.


So who are your ideal customers?


Oh my goodness.


People that you like to see.


That is a great question and I'll start by saying we see a wide range of people, right.


We see everyone from kids to people who are older in age.


We see women, we see men, we see people who are exploring their sexuality and gender in different ways.


We see everyone.


But I would say the biggest thing is we are we have a client who's open minded.


The the distinguishing characteristic among everyone.


We want you to be open minded.


We want you to try something that's maybe outside of your comfort zone.


And if you're not comfortable with that, though, please know we're never gonna push something on you.


If there's one of our services and you're like, no, that doesn't agree with me for whatever reason, it doesn't align with my beliefs.


It doesn't align with my spirituality.


It doesn't align with my view of the world or how I wanna treat my body.


Way that's fine or I'm just not comfortable in the setting of talk therapy.


We're never gonna force something on you.


That's not what we're about.


We're about your Wellness and we understand not everything we offer is for everyone, but we want to have something for everyone.


And that's how we align our services and our team.


So you know, but if you are open minded.


We have so much that we can offer you and it's a really exciting and healing experience.


So how long have you guys been around?

::volve started with just me in:::And in:::

To build and I was hoping to make it something more and then COVID hit and killed a lot of small businesses, including mine, and so evolved really took a back seat.


It was just sort of a page on social media.


It didn't have much to.


That, and at the time my now husband, who I was dating or engaged to at that time was getting his masters in clinical mental health therapy and we had a lot of conversations about, you know, what he envisioned for his future private practice, where he saw shortcomings in health and wanted to be a better therapist and wanted to help people.


And a lot of what he talked about aligned quite a lot with what was on my heart and we talked a lot about evolve and he told me he's he had, he said you have something really special here and we should do it.


And so it was actually last year that we decided we were officially going to do it and we bought the DLC together and grew our team to a team of what is now 5 and still growing actively interviewing right now.


And so I would say we've been around for about a year and a half now as a team and.


Uh, we got our physical space just in May.


And so we're still growing in a lot of different ways and it's incredibly exciting.


But yeah, that's how long we've we've been around a long answer to your question.


Ohh it's a great story that the journey is.


Half the story.


What did you?


What would you say your biggest struggle is right now?


I think our biggest struggle is actually reaching our client base and helping people know who we are and what we are about.


In terms of.


We have a great community here in Bel Air.


It's very tight knit and it's been wonderful.


We've been doing different events and people are getting to know us in our name and what we do.


So but we have so much that we offer and a lot of people don't know about that.


And so we put a lot into our marketing and PR, but it's still a process and we're still just trying to help people understand what it is that we do and what we can offer them.


So what do you have?


What is the one thing that you would like you, everybody to take away from this conversation today?


That is a wonderful question.


Well, it's very important for me for people to hear if they have heard, had a journey, anything like mine or my husbands, who is also the owner of this business and actually has a wonderful story as well who he had a brain tumor that went undiagnosed for a.


Decade as well.


Has an amazing health story, but you know, I think it's important for both of us for people to know if they're going to that health journey, that they're not alone, that there's people that do care and are here to listen and want to help them.


I have given out a ton of free advice and consultations because I just want to help people and help them know how to care for themselves.


And you know, I want people to hear that and to know that, you know, hear it evolve.


It's a safe place.


All of our practitioners are safe.


You can tell us anything.


And we are here for you.


And we just want you to be the happiest and healthiest version of who you are, and we believe we have the motto here that all healing starts with self love.


That's why the word love is hidden in our name evolve, and we chose the name evolve because there's a lot in like the health industry where it's like.


New Year, new you, right and you're this new changed person.


You've become the person that you were always meant to be.


You were evolving and growing and you are never healed.


It's a constant journey of healing, but we really strongly believe it has starts with self love.


So if there's nothing else that you can do for yourself.


Just give yourself a little bit extra self compassion.


We can all need it.


So how do people get in touch with you?


You can find us on the web at evolveholisticwellness.com. You can also follow us on Instagram at evolve Holistic health.


And that would be the best ways to get in touch with us or you can e-mail me.


I'm Tyler at of all holistic Wellness.




And we'll put the links below.


In the show notes.


Awesome. Thank you.


So much for joining me today, Tyler.


It's been great learning about and evolve and all the great.


Things you're doing there.


Thank you so much for having me.


It's been wonderful speaking with you.

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