Sharlene Lynch – Thought Leader – Mindshift – Create a Life To Thrive – Healing Through Love

Sharlene is the Vice President of Healing Though Love, a not-for-profit organization that provides pamper days for women impacted by family and domestic violence.

After losing her only child to suicide and almost being swallowed up by alcoholism and hoarding, Sharlene found powerful transformation in the face of adversity…She is the living embodiment of her SHIFT program.

An international speaker, multi-passionate entrepreneur, and veteran workshop facilitator with 30 years of experience in business coaching and a background in accounting and holistic psychology,

Sharlene is a thought leader in MINDSHIFT – the future of mindset – a program that delivers tools and techniques to create lives that thrive.

And in her spare time, she is a Belly Dancer!!

As a speaker, Sharlene talsk on MINDSHIFT, the future of mindset …

yes, and as a business coach, I work with her favorite humans…

Service-based wellness practitioners that provide complex bespoke solutions on a case-by-case basis who struggle to convey the full extent of their value to prospective clients. I help them stand out, streamline and scale their consulting business so they can work less and earn more.






What problem do you solve:

As a speaker… MINDSHIFT for momentum

Business coach… the problem is lack of clarity and not being on the same page as their audience… she helps her clients standout streamline and scale.

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase program. Today, we're speaking with Sharlene and Sharlene is the vice President of healing through love a not-for-profit organization that provides pampered days for women impacted by family and domestic violence. After losing her only child to suicide.


And almost being swallowed up by alcoholism and hoarding, Sharlene found a powerful transformation in the face of adversity.


She is the living embodiment of her shift.


Program as an international speaker, multi passion in entrepreneur and veteran workshop facilitator with 30 years of experience and business coaching and a background in accounting and holistic psychology.


Sharlene is a thought leader in mind shift, the future of mindset, a program that delivers tools and techniques to create lives that thrive, and in her spare time, she's a belly dancer, so we'll have to be sure and ask her about that, too.


With that, help me welcome Sharlene to the show.


Hey, Sharlene, welcome to the show.


It is so nice to meet you.


We've been chatting beforehand and gosh, you've got like, so much going on.


It's really exciting.


You're like, you're like the person that the people that I help would go to like the next step.


So why don't you share with everybody?


What you're doing?


And how you're doing it and.


All the stuff.


It's so great to be here.


I'm passionate about your purpose.


And yeah, it I am a multi passionate entrepreneur.


So there's I wear several hats and I like that because ADHD, it's the natural progression for me to wear many hats.


It stops me being bored, although I'm actually never bored because there's always so much happening.


So one of my hats is I'm a professional speaker, so.


I love that it gives me an opportunity to stand on stage and also speak to camera and share the mind shift story for momentum and most of the people that I speak to in that space.


It's from a sales perspective.


Dev so I'm helping sales teams like multi level marketing companies help motivate their people.


It's been said that working in an MLM company is like herding cats and it's true because you've got lots of individuals that are making up their own rules and needing to get them that internal motivation so that they can.


Be everything that they want to be in their own busy.


And this is so I love it.


It's where I've come from and I'm very passionate about helping them shift their perspective and see what's possible with possible thinking.


And I love it.


And I love the live interaction.


And I love being on stage and I also love speaking on camera, but I like it when you know you, they can speak back to you.


So I much prefer it when you've got everybody on the screen.


You can have this beautiful conversion.


So that's what I do as a speaker.


I love it.


And as a business coach, I work with Wellness practitioners.


So a whole variety of Wellness practitioners, people that usually offer very bespoke, eclectic, almost methodologies.


So it might be they've got a little bit of an LP.


They might have a little bit of kinesiology, they might have hype.


Courses that, like any range of healing modality, it could be nutrition and but it's bespoke so that they're seeing their clients one-on-one and what they what they want to do is they're at a stage where they're fully booked and they now want to work less and they want to earn more. So they're looking at how can I scale this business, take it to the next level.


And the way to do that is with infographics and to streamline the.


So that's the process I take them through.


It's called the aligned process where we do a clarity session and then we unpack all this brilliance that's in their brain, have to say it, my clients are beyond brilliant.


I'm in awe of everything that they carry inside of their heads.


My job is to extract all of that, ask the coaching questions, collate the information, and then my graphics team create.


The imagery that explains the processes, the journey that they take their clients on, what their clients need to go through the journey and the KPI's, what are they gonna get at the end.


And that then creates their pitch deck.


It also creates their sales brochure and the body of the work that they need for their workshops, and also really the structure for their book, their online programs and also their their workshop.


So it's really a one stop shop for all of the information to upscale to get to the next level.


Many of my clients then can go on to franchise their business or license their business so that they can now expand and take it to another level.


So I love.


It it's just beautiful to watch.


It's like watching a butterfly.


It is great to see them step into that next level of their life.


And aside from those two things, as in.


Earners. I also run a not-for-profit a, a charity, a social enterprise. And this is where we create pamper days for survivors of family and domestic violence.


So this looks like 25 or the bigger ones. So we do boutique ones and we do larger ones, but the larger ones are 25 to 30 practitioners.


And these practitioners can be hairdressers, makeup artists.


They can be doing neck and shoulder massage, they can be doing facials, they can be shark relining any range of healing modality or beauty, modality and some of them are multi level market.


Others, and they provide their services for the day for free.


It is beautiful to behold.


We've got so many lovely stories of transition where girls have come one year as a survivor and they've come back with some mentoring the following year as an exhibitor.


It's just beautiful to see the growth in these women.


It also gives people the opportunities to see what else is out there.


Because we have the police come, we also have alanon and lots of other support groups in and around this, Catherine House, Zara Foundation, and then they supply information as well.


We have speakers we've had.


Answers all sorts. It's a beautiful day. You usually get the MP's coming as well so you know cause they like to get a bit of politics in there as well and that gives us some free advertising and marketing in the bigger papers.


So it's beautiful and we're just excited that we've now gone global.


So now we're reaching out to communities all around the world.


And if they feel aligned with this.


Then we offer a we offer an introduction to show you how to run this in your local area, and I have to say from a business perspective for myself and my business.


Under that, it has expanded our businesses to another level because I think it's like a calmer thing.


We're putting so much energy into something that's making a difference for so many other people and, you know, Zig Ziglar says when you help enough, other people get what they want, you get what you have want.


So it's elevated both of our businesses and it's really made an impact for the people that we work with.


And that's where our podcast comes in, where we interview people who have paid it forward and made a difference.


And we give them that opportunity to have some cause marketing.


So when I'm not doing all of that.


I'm belly dancing so.


I wanted to ask you about that.


There's a lot happening, so I'm 56. I'm a mature age belly dancer and I belong to the stars of the Nile.


When nobody's listening to you, we call ourselves the stars of denial because we're all over 50 and the eldest, Lassie.


Was in her 70s and we're still dancing.


But what we decided to do is dance in aged care facilities.


We're still young and.


So we put together a routine takes about 30-40 minutes and sometimes we've got three or four changes of clothes.


So it's very quick and it's just great to stay fit and still perform and have fun.


And yeah, just I love it.


I love it.


I love it.


I love that you're giving back in so many different ways.


I mean to, to be able to do the belly dancing, but you're doing it for a community that really needs to.


Have some life.


Pumped back in and you're doing this other thing for help.


And you know in, in battled women pretty much women who have suffered through trauma and.


They just need.


The special pampering, even for one day it makes such a huge difference in their mindset and their ability to like.


Just shift if you just start them on that path to feeling better or knowing that they can feel better.


Because I think.


Sometimes women just get in this position where they it's like there's no hope.


You don't know what you don't know, so you don't know that there's there's solutions to the the things that you're suffering through.


So how did you get started with?


All of this.


Ohh well which part?


So so we can work backwards with the belly dancing.


I had a sales team and we wanted some interaction.


This is more than 25 years ago, probably close to 30, and we wanted some. We wanted a team building exercise, so we went along to a WE a course which is like.


You know, low priced course.


And they use that as their front end of funnel for their bigger courses.


And we loved it.


So we all stayed and many of us stayed on and then went through classes.


And then I became a teacher.


And then, so, you know, decades later, we're all still running in a A, you know, performing.


So we love that.


So that's the dancing, the business coaching and unpacking.

::interesting story. So it was:::

Speaker and I noticed that it as much as I could explain what it is I was taking people through the process that there was still something missing.


So I went and did a course on creating the graphics and like instantly it took me from just being a regular speaker to being, you know, wow.


She knows what she's talking about.


This is interesting.


And so it actually took me.


Higher up the food chain with speaking.


So then I started to help my clients get themselves sorted and eventually then got a license and now that's what I do on the side as a business coach to help people unpack their intellectual property.


And so I've been a business coach for more than 30 years, but basically in and around the sales process.


So this has just.


Moved out of that and now really it's the marketing process.


So unpacking that intellectual property and now doing.


That it's great.


I've got a team of graphics cause you know that's not my bag and also a beautiful team that do the copyright.


I'm totally dyslexic, so hey, I need coffee.


Them and they put the they put all of that together, but I use my skill set in and around the well.


30 years of business coaching to help people do that extraction to get that gold out.


So I love that.


And the speaking world, that's a sad story.


So there's a little bit of a trigger alert for anyone who's listening.

::But in September:::

I my life was not in a good space.


I was alcoholic, had been for more than 30 years, OCD.


The point of self harm ADHD to the point of total distraction and totally overweight and very unwell.


Had lots of mental health issues, depression, anxiety.


I was a screaming mess and on top of all of that, I was like a world class hoarder. We're talking 33 cubic metres of stuff, so I was not in a good space, but you know that night that my son took his own life, I prayed that that the ambulance people would be able to bring him back to life.


They were unsuccessful, but I did get an answer to my prayer and my answer to the prayer was a loud bellowing voice which I thought everybody could hear, but apparently it was only me that heard it and it said forgive and it clearly was the answer to my prayers.


So God's message was forgive.


So when the ambulance officers.


Asked me if I wanted to go in and say my goodbyes to my son.


I went in and I I laid down on the ground and I rested my head on his chest because he's 6 foot two.


So Big boy, rested my head on his chest and I said.


Mommy loves you, baby, and I forgive you for your choice.


I didn't know until much later.


Is that going through that process of forgiving him was allowing me to heal at the speed of love.


Which is that doesn't happen every day.


So later on that night, while the police were investigating cause, that's what happens at a suicide.


The police were investigating.


I'm sitting on the couch with my feet stuck in underneath me, and I'm staring at my giant cup of coffee that's now going cold, and I said I'm not just gonna survive this.


I'm gonna thrive through this now.


The police thought that was so unusual.


They wrote it down in their report and later on questioned me about it.


But I was in a different space.


I was now healing at that.


Speed of love.


And I was in a space where I could make a decision.


I didn't know what thriving looked like cause hey, I was living in a mess of a life, but I knew it didn't look like what I was currently experiencing.


So being a woman of faith, I knew enough to give grace and to give thanks and to do gratitude.


So the next day, when we got out of bed, nobody slept.


We just sort of lied there instead of the ceiling.


But when I got out of bed, I grabbed A spiral bound notebook and I just started writing out all of the things that I was grateful for, and I just kept writing and writing and writing and writing and writing.


In hindsight, I can tell you that gratitude raises your frequency, and I still do gratitude every day, several times a day and the day of the gratitude.


Start the day of the gratitude and I'll do gratitude throughout the day when I need to lift my frequency.


So coming from that place of gratitude allowed me then to make the next decision, and that is to write out the list of what I wanted my life to look like.


And on one of those pages at the top, it's got world class.


I'm my voice is shaking world class transformational public speaker like how dare I write that down?


Well, have a look around, baby.


You're a screaming mess.


A physically you're a mess.


Mentally, you're a mess.


You're living in a mess.


How dare you.


But you know it taught me a huge lesson.


And that's part of the shift process that I talk about from stage and that is to see.


The big vision.


Of what your life could.


Be because many other therapies ask you to look at where you are right now, and so when you're already low frequency and that's what you're looking at, it just takes your frequency down.


But when you can cast your mind to a future that is different, bigger, more better, amazing than where you are then now you've got a place to pin yourself.


And then you know the next letter of the shift process is to hone in on reality.


So H you know where you are and now you can draw that line between where you are and where you.


Going so my speaking career really stemmed from the process that I went through, not only surviving, but thriving through my sons decision and how I've taken myself to become a world class transformational speaker and that beautiful journey which I love being able to share because people get real time.


In time, real transformation just through that conversation and I give them tips and techniques that they can take on straight away so that they can have lived the life of their dreams.


Basically, that's what I'm all about living the life of your.


James, if you think it, you can create it.


It's that simple.


It is really that simple, it's.


It's where it begins.


Is in your head.


And if you can see it, if you can feel what you think it will feel like.


You will find yourself in that space.


It is almost like magic.


How effective that is?


It is well, it's it's quantum physics really.


And it's about, it's about energy.


So we are energy in.


Motion and we are emotional beings.


And so it's about look checking in with your frequency, seeing where you are, what are you thinking about?


We're always manifesting every single day.


We're we've got more than 90 thousand thoughts a day.


Well, no, sorry. More than 70 thousand thoughts a day and 90% of them are the same thoughts day in and day out. So and I'm over 35. Julie, you over 35.


Yes, I'm 63.


Right. So then 95% of our thoughts are actually subconscious. So, and that's why that's why journaling is so important.


That's why I'm bringing in that subconscious thought process to conscious mind, so that you have a level of.


So you can have a think about what it is that you're actually manifesting because you know you've everybody listening here has manifested a great car park.


You know, everybody here has manifested.


You know you've thought about somebody and they've called you, like everybody here has had these experiences.


So it's not unusual.


It's about understanding.


How that thought process works and really dialing into it so that you can manifest the life of.


Your dreams it's not.


Not a woo woo.


And and that science and that's why I really I really lean into people and working with my clients understanding about frequency, thought process manifesting abundance.


You know, old stories that hold you in cycles where you are.


I love it.


And when we have these better.


Understandings of of of that aspect of life, we can we can shift, we can move, we can move forward and live the life of our dreams.


And not only just living the life of our dreams, but as we live and step into the life of our dreams, we empower other people.


To do that.


Two, because the more we move forward and the more we give, just as the process of creating, the more it ripples out and affects other people like we have this conversation today, other people will hear it and they'll it'll have a ripple effect on their communities.


And those communities will have a ripple effect on the other communities.


And so it just like, it's like throwing a stone in.


The water waves just.


Keep going out.


And then they men are mixed with other waves.


And it just makes a whole beautiful new picture of a of a reality that we can all live in together, which is part of the reason I.


Do this show.


It's because I love talking to people who are being the change they want to see in the world and contributing to making the world a better place.


And you, Shirley? Definitely.


Are doing that.


So I know that my mission here on this planet at this time is to raise the frequency of the planet, and what I do know is that it's not something that I can do.


So I'm a holistic psychologist and I realize very early in the piece, after the first couple of clients, this is going to be a tough gig.


If I'm gonna speak to everyone on the planet, but what I did realise is I can help enough other Wellness practitioners.


Raise their frequency and then raise the frequency of their clients and then collectively we can raise the frequency of the planet and that's where the magic is going to appear.


When we can raise the frequency this I I envision a world where there is no war.


I envision a world where it is based on love and peace and happiness and bliss.


I have an image in my head of what it looks like to live on that.


World and I know that when enough of us hold that frequency, the human race will evolve to the next level.


It will be all about love.


It's going to.


It's going to show up.


It's just like there are people that are are part of this movement and.


It's really exciting.


I I know there's a lot of doom and gloom out there, but to me there has never been so much opportunity to help each other.


And to just like move the energy around and and raise the vibration and help.


What's going to happen and how?


Future generations will live.


It's fine it it is so true and we're breaking so many family patterns, which is another letter in the shift process.


So that's efforts to focus on the patterns and when we break a pattern, you know it's been said that it breaks it not just back in time, but forward in time as well.


So it does both.


And depends on where you where your thought processes are. It's up to 700 years, so we can break a family pattern just by, you know, breaking it ourselves. So our children don't need to go through the same process.


So I just, it just blows me away, one of one of the family patterns, one of hundreds that I uncovered in my process of journaling was that I had a break with reality when I was 38 and had suicide ideation and when in conversation with my mother. That was the age that she had a nervous breakdown.


And she left our family home.


And then we put two and two together in the conversation and then said Ohh well 38 was the same age that her mother, my grandmother, committed suicide.


So like it it they're there, but we don't have the conversations about it, we don't journal it and put the dates down because time just gets a bit mushy after a little while.


But you know, this is just one example of hundreds.


That there are patterns in everyone's family and that when you bring that level of awareness to them, if you stop, they're not secrets.


Yes, they are things that need to be discussed, because if you haven't dealt with it in your life.


Time your children get to and if you don't have children, it will be someone else in your family.


So your brothers and sisters, children that will have that experience.


So if we can stop keeping the family secrets and we can have the conversation so that we can break those, those family, those family patterns, and we can move on.


That many of your listeners today are probably believe in past lives, so they might not even be in this life pattern.


They could be a past life pattern.


You're not gonna know that unless you can journal and bring that to light and see that level of awareness and then make a decision about living a different choice, a different.


And that might be where you need to go and get yourself a past life therapist to have a look at that.


So yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.


So exciting, this has been really fascinating for me, so.


Tell people well.


Let's ask you this question first.


What is the one thing that you would hope that the people listening to this podcast would take away from our message to?




Oh, you've got this.


You have got this.


You are uniquely designed with the skill set that you need to live the life of your dreams.


You just need to get out of your own way.


You need to get some focus and figure out exactly what it is that you want to do.


So you know S see the big picture of what's possible for your life.


Whatever it takes for you.


To do that, you know.


Grab a bottle of wine.


I'm now a recovered alcoholic.


But grab a bottle of wine, sit down and craft what your life could look like.


Hone in on reality about where you are right now.


Implement some quick wins.


Focus on the patterns and take massive imperfect action so that you can step into that next iteration of your life.


Because you have got this, you are designed that way.


So how can people get ahold of?


Ohh, beautiful. So I'm on LinkedIn, Instagram, our Facebook and our website. Everything's under my name Charlene. So spelled the Irish way because I'm an Irish girl.


So with an S, Charlene and my last name is Lynch and LYNCH, so you can find me pretty much everywhere.


I also do have lots of free resources.


There's lots of stuff on my YouTube channel that you can dive.


Around in and you know, reach out.


I'm that girl that wants to have the conversation.


So even if it's just something that's happened for you to.


Today, the lights gone on.


You've you've felt something that you really want to have a bigger conversation about, reach out.


There's always links and we've also got some free resources to share today that we'll put in the show notes.




This has been awesome.


Thank you so much for joining me.


Such a privilege and a pleasure.

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