Exploring Dragon Energy & Identifying How Your Inner Dragon Appears

Sandra Pelley – Coach, author & podcast host

Sandra guides people to discover – the Incredible U and live your inner Dragon, creating the life you really want live.

DragonTails podcast – youtube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaq-G8ZK8BL_f9AOk5qzOPGxpEsYxeyA1



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Sandra Pelley Podcast.m4a



Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Sandra Pelley who is a coach, author and podcast host. Sandra guides people to discover the incredible you and live your inner dragon creating the life you really want to live. Welcome to the show Sandra. So excited to talk about Dragons.


You know, I'm very excited too, especially since Dragons seemed to be making a a big, big, huge. I'm going to say come back now in our reality, which is just so magical. And thank you for the invite, Jill. I really appreciate being here.


Well, I am really excited to chat with you all about Dragons and and how they're how they're interacting in our everyday lives. And this is the year of the Dragon and it seems like this year they're.


They're just like.


Boldly breaking through into this reality that they've kind of been.


Click on the back burner for a long time.


They have Julie and you know he I think he really hit the nail on the head when you said interaction with Dragons myself. I've done a a lot of exploring with Dragon Energy for a little while now. I'm probably guessing about three or four years.


However, coming into the year of the Dragon, my Inner Dragon has really stepped up to the plate and it's just been a really I would like to say wild roller coaster with that because I have no idea how the inner dragon reacts with everybody. I do know how my inner dragon is reacting with me and that's what I've been really.


I I dislike the word busy, but that is what I've been playing in the energy of exploring is how does inter inner dragon want to play with each individual? And that's where I'm going right now with.


All this, yeah.


That's that's fascinating. So how do you, how do you articulate what your inner dragon is? This is like a separate entity. Is it part of you?


I love that question. I'm really into the number threes for a number of reasons. It's past, present and future, beginning, middle and end into Infinity. It's the me myself and I. It is the inner child.


Let's look.


The human body and the inner dragon it. It is the little you, the physical body and the higher self. So you can see where some of these are falling into place like the ME and the the inner child. The little you are all that, that protection. I guess if you will. Then there's us in the middle of that with that is the human aspect and then the higher self the.


Eye and the inner Dragon energy is what comes in now. Like anything we could say. Oh, it's a separate entity or what have you. However, technically everything is energy and when we think of it in that manner, then it all brings it home to it's within myself, right?


So when we talk about the inner dragon energy, it is actually our action taker. It is the thing that's helping us to move through things and experience things in a powerful way and maybe have a bit of courage to do things. And that inner drag is going to show up in different ways for different people. For myself, I've really taken to.


Consciously connecting with my inner dragon in very specific moments and moving throughout my day like that really connected in with that inner dragon so that I am recognizing those moments where it's it sees something and it wants me to go do something and for instance of that is I was walking home the other day and my neighbors are elderly people.


And they've got a big pale black dirt and shovels. Well, first of all, my inner child.


Is like woo. Yeah, let's.


Go play right and my inner Dragons like grab the shovel. Let's go help, right. So just really understanding as well too. It's how my inner dragon is showing up in my business world.


Which is one of the really big pieces that I want to bring in for a lot of people. One of my goals is to.


Help a million women empower themselves and the ripple effect that will cause with family relationships in the business world all over humanity, ideally. And so in doing that, it is OK, well, how does this inner dragon work for every India.


Individual knowing how it worked for myself, I got put into this situation where my truck broke down on the highway and I had to spend 3 days and two nights in a location that was not my home. In fact it was.


About 8:00.


Hours away and I literally asked, OK, what am I going to do in this time? Like instead of going?


Down the rabbit.


Hole of oh poor woe is me. My truck's broken down. I got.


To spend money on hotels and that.


I instead decided to go what am I to learn here and my inner dragon is said, in essence came up and said.


You know what? Why don't you ask me some questions about what inner dragon means for humanity?


And you know, you and I were talking just before we started recording about the different things that I have to offer. And one of them is the Dragon Tales Podcast, which is on my YouTube channel. Sandra Pelley, the sandini.


And I've done a whole series in there presently. There's 18 and there's there's a lot more that are coming, but there's at least 18 already on that podcast.


And a number of them are just just basic information. That's all by myself talking about the different Dragon energy. And then I go into a seven part series that's about Inner Dragon Energy. And I literally interviewed Inner Dragon for humanities energy. And then from there I've I've started to to interview other people who are.


Drag in people as well. So yeah, I guess that if that's.


A big nutshell, wasn't it?


Yeah, that's like.


I don't care. Where do I start.


Taking out the questions, there are a lot of people and I was just thinking in my own circle of I'm I'm starting to see more and more people that are talking about Dragons and and the energy of Dragons but.


How how do?


How does Dragon Energy differ from, say, a spiritual guide? Or I I recognize they are spiritual guides, but they're different too? I think. Am I correct in that?


I I would say yes you are.


I think it is far easier for humans to acknowledge angels, acknowledge power, animals acknowledge passed away, loved ones. It's not so easy for the human to acknowledge that there's Dragons out there, and that is one of the different parts of this also too.


I actually heard read something today. One of my people said that there's a big shift happening on the Earth and I think we can all feel that those of us who are in tune with the energy and that Dragons usually herald in the beginning of.


This, and that's really evident by how many people are suddenly seeming to be coming out of the woodwork with regards to, oh, I know, Dragons like we were speaking about a friend of ours earlier.


And how she's gone from, like, literally, she knew. No Dragons. Dragons weren't even on her radar. And then suddenly she's got, like, 102. She's creating an Oracle deck. She's in a book, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. And it's just like, this is what Dragon Energy is all about.


It's it's a more active participant of in our life that is going to move humanity into a much I don't even know what the words would be for it. Much more conscious awareness of the possibilities, I think is is probably the best way to word that.


Intentional creation. It's like we're we're working together to intentionally create a better place for all of us and where everybody has a role and is appreciated for their gifts. And there's not a lot of judgment like.


The whole past paradigm of, you know, judging people, if they didn't conform has really gone out the window to me. And I I applaud that because everybody can be who they are. We don't have to all be the same cookie cutter. Go to school.


Do all these things that you're supposed to.




Societal norms.


Yeah, yeah. They don't really serve a purpose. Whereas exploring who you are and and what makes you unique, I think is what.




What will make the world a better place? And I truly believe we're getting there. We're we're on the path.


Very much so. We may expand on this inner dragon. I've been doing some active work in helping.


Yeah, yeah.


People in my very close knit community right now.


With figuring out what this inner dragon means for each individual and what's really fascinating about that is I know what it is for me, and I know the potential that it is showing up for me, for how I'm stepping into my business, how I'm doing my, my launches, if you will, how every little aspect of my life has really been shifted into this.


I had a a person.


And asked me today, well, how does and I'm not even sure what inner dragon means for me. And I thought I sat with that for a little bit and then it came to me that because of who she is, she's an elderly woman. It's not like she's just going to jump into all kinds of things at this stage of the game. Like some of us have the potential to even at 60.


But those that are younger than us have so much, even longevity potential versus somebody who's in their late 70s and 80s having said that.


Given where this woman is coming from, it's not about running the business. It's not about the relationship with somebody else. However, what it is about is her potential of how she's tapping into.


Everything I guess you could say like the galactic energy. I mean she uses words that I have not even heard of before, except that these are words that are common in some places because of who she connects in with. So this inner dragon energy has the ability to aid her in an even stronger connection.


And bigger awareness of how she fits in into that, as well as bringing that to other people.


So it comes in at any place. This inner dragon energy.




And how how would?


We recognize it in our own lives.


I love that question again, this is so new to me and that's why I asked the Inner Dragon for guidance on this is I'm really recognizing that.


It's in those moments where we do do something.


OK. So it's like currently you're actively doing something in your group. That's your inner dragon coming up, right and showing that I want to, I want to show the world this. I want to help the world with this. And this is the way I'm doing it. And then from some people, it's like, oh, I want to be an artist.


I want to recognize my own talent, first of all, and then how do I bring that out into the world? Like whether it's to family or whether that's to into a school to help kids learn something about it. It's that action taker. It's that piece of us that's actually doing something.


So every moment that like, say you have found the courage to ride a bike for the first time, that's your inner dragon energy coming up.




It's also you can incorporate your inner child in that because your inner child wants to learn and have fun with that too. So.


Yeah, I that's a great explanation, I.


I can. I can see how I can. I can visualize what you're talking about in that.


And I I can see how that would fit in with.


The whole turn of the age, the Dragons precede that.


Or accompany it because they're the ones that actually inspire the.


The individuality.


To present itself.


In action and it it is actually in the action.


That the energy is created and the things are are realized, it's.


Yeah, that. Wow.


I mean, it's so deep, so simple and so confusing and so clear. Like it's like everything is so that.


Yeah, everything and nothing.


Like reality.


I was sitting in my living room, gosh, probably about eight months ago.


And just kind of sitting there thinking about things and I was doing some lunch work and connecting in with my guides and that and I knew that there was dragging energy around me and they basically said to me.


Dragon Ally, as you can see by my title on here, Sandra Pelley, the Dragon Ally.


And in the moment that they said that I'm like, oh, wow, OK, first of all, what does that mean? Do I need to know what it means and what is the potential of it? And like, question upon question upon question started running at me. The thing is is I sat there.


And not and witnessed myself as the Dragon ally first of all. And if you will, just it's just a matter of.


When I close my eyes in that moment, I literally could feel the energy of multiple multiple Dragons. Literally all around me. Yes, I was sitting in my living room, but I could feel the sizes. I could feel the different types of Dragons, and it truly is as simple as starting to do things like that.


Ask, ask, ask, ask.


Ask do I have a dragon guide? Let that dragon guide start to appear right?




A part of it is just recognizing that there is an existence.


And in recognizing it, it can become real for you.


That's correct.


Because everything is what we think.


So you better think well.


That's right, yes.


I I.


I have all these images going through my head as you're talking and it's like I'm seeing Dragons. I can feel feel what they're doing and then the thoughts of like the dragon. It's like it's a cartoon.


It's the dragon trainer. Yeah, I think that that came up and the just like the different I know from talking to different people who are dragon allies and Dragon Channel orders. And, you know, there's one woman, she's she's written.




I think a dozen at least a dozen books and maybe more, that have all been channeled by the Dragons that she has in her periphery. And she's got some interesting things that she's doing with that. But it's just I I feel like your job is, is to help people recognize that.


It's not just for special people. Everybody's got one.




And around that, how do you coach people are, are you coaching them in in terms like in a group setting or one-on-one? How how does all that look yeah.


I primarily work with groups. However, those groups usually have the ability to access me fairly frequently if they choose to, so that we do have one-on-one sessions per se.


The group sessions, it's like teaching them how even just to take the breath like I will do something along the lines of well, connect with your inner child, connect with yourself, connect with your inner dragon, take a breath as the inner child, take a breath as a human, take a breath as the dragon and a dragon and.


Even in my saying that you can feel the different types of breaths that are being taken in that and when you start to even recognize that piece of it, that's when you're actually incorporating it into all that you are.


So this is what the goal is. I I have a program called Live your Inner Dragon and that's what it is. Is is learning how to bring that dragon energy up and be in a beautiful balance with your inner child, your human self and your inner dragon.


I love that it sounds like it. It would keep people from getting in the the habit, I guess is one way of putting it of.


Let me put it this way. Sometimes we just get really active and we're like we're doing all these things and we don't slow down enough to just like let let it settle out and see what's see what's manifested and then and then we we flip over on the other side of the thing.


And we're like panic setting in and then and then we swing over to the.


Other side of.


Ohh yeah, we can do anything.


But it sounds like.




Harmony between the three brings you more back to the center so that you you can take action, but you're you're taking intentional action and you're allowing the process to unfold, but you're not running ahead of your headlights. I guess is 1.


Way of putting it.


Exactly. So I've been doing this thing the last couple days where I've been asking people five questions and in essence it's like discover, remember, childhood joy, remember the passion and emotional trigger. The next thing is, oh, I can't remember the next next thing.


But in essence, what you're doing is each of these steps is bringing you to the point where you can see how all of this is working together and it changes the energy of the things that you do have to do. For instance, I've got a room beside me here that is filled with stuff to the almost to the rafters, and it is something that I can think about in exactly the energy that you were just Speaking of that.


Oh my God. I got to get to it. It it it did, it did it. Except that now with the Inner Dragon energy and the inner child energy, my inner child can't wait to explore what's in there. The humans like. Yeah, we're getting to it. And the inner Dragons like.


Really. Could I could feel the active push to get started to really start to get in the process of doing and yeah, yeah, I love how you are understanding and seeing this. This is beautiful.




And the whole just getting started thing it holds people back so often.


From accomplishing amazing things, and because they want to know what it's going to look like at the end. Well, just.


Pictured in your mind.


And let it happen, but do something. Take a step towards.


Towards whatever it is.


That you think you want and.


And see what happens.


Yeah. And I want to actually expand a little bit on that because it's not that, you know, you say picture it, you can only picture it from the existence that you're in right now when you allow yourself to start, then that actually evolves and it's really remarkable what it can actually become. So starting it is so important.


Yeah, I so many times. And to your point, I.




Decided and it's usually a decision I make how something is going to turn.




And rather than allowing it just putting it out there saying this is what I desire.


And allowing it to happen. However, it's going to happen, but taking some action, I mean you need to take at least the first step.




And see how that settles.


And then you can just be surprised when.


When something, something magical happens and I have a story I want.


To share with.


You because this just happened. It probably happened yesterday, but I I became very aware of it today. So about six months ago I was kind of over.


We live next door to a granary. Well, the granary is actually behind us, but they have a piece of of property that is between in our neighborhood between two houses. So it's a just a lot. And it had become. It was getting to be a junkyard. There were, like old trucks were being parked over there. A refrigerator.


Was over there a bunch of trash. It was just like.


Hey, this is awful and I had such an intention to buy that property really from from the company that owns that that land and turn it into a park and give it to the city because it was just like it was such an eyesore and.


Over the last, I'd say the last three or four weeks it's been progressively better. They they've been cleaning stuff up. And today I noticed that these two trucks that had been parked out on the other side of our fence and in fact encroaching on our property.




They were gone and so now I can look out my windows and it's beautiful and there's they cleaned up all the trash. They've got one little pile left to go, but.


For the most part, it just looks like, you know gravel lot, which you know that's fine. I don't mind a gravel lot.


But you know the.


The junkyard. Things like. Hey, you know, I live here. This is my home. I don't want to look out my window and.


See your trash.


So it just like just.


Having the intention that something is going to.


Dare I say magically change?


You know, stuff like that.


Does happen just from holding positive intentions? I never said anything to anyone about cleaning it up. I I just like.


I had my own idea about how it was going to happen, but I didn't even have to do that. It just happened.


Love it and that's that's you're you're very accurate. That's why I said just ask.


You know when.


You start to put it out there. What you would like to.




You know, it's amazing what will happen. Yeah, very powerful.


And it it.


You just kind of have so much.


Joy, when it does happen, it's like.


Yes, it's beautiful.


So I didn't even have to actually do anything other than have the thought that, hey, this could be something really cool for a whole bunch of other people and and.


You know, I'm not going to go and complain to them. I'm not going to be. I'm not going to be obnoxious about this. I'm just going to hold these intentions of how I want it to be and and that was just got out of the way and.


Resolve well.


There it was.


That is, in essence, an action taker right there.


Like even though you didn't physically go and do something, you took an action. You made an action and it it the energy of it. Just.


Rippled. I love it. Yeah. So take a moment now to imagine.


What part of that felt like Dragon Energy for yourself?


OK, so the thing that comes to me is last night watching my cat, I have a I have several cats, but one of them has decided he's an outdoor cat most of the time and he lived in one of those trucks.


I don't know if they just got tired of them living in their truck and decided to.


Move it or not.


He was living in the truck and he lived in there like all winter. I know cause every time I call him for dinner, he come out of the truck and go under the fencing come home. Yeah. And so I saw him walking across the lot last night and those trucks were not there. But I hadn't. It hadn't really registered to me that the trucks were gone.


But he is. He's the dragon figure. He's like, he's a black cat. He's very tough, but he's really loving. But he likes to be out the outside. He doesn't really want to be in the house.


I love that. What I'm hearing you say is that you can witness, at least in your own pets, they're dragon Energy.


That's very magical. I love that. Wow.


Yeah. Well, when you put it that way, all of my animals are so very different and.


I've had a lot of animals over the years and they're all they all have their own personalities, even chickens. Chickens are weird little critters, but.


And I've had geese and and some keys are like, not not your friend and other case these I had.




Grace and.


Who is the and Fred, Fred and Grace?


Named after Fred Astaire and his wife. And so they were. They were sweet geese. I love those geese a lot, but I had some other ones that would bite.


I love it.


And they all had.


To go but.


Yeah, there's there's an energy to every living being. And the thing with animals, it's different than humans.


Is that animals just are? Yes, they are. Who?


They are and.


You can try to change them, but fundamentally they're just going to be who they are and they don't really care what you think of them.


Some some want your attention more than others, but they're just going to show up and do the thing that they do.


Whereas people we want to.




Be something different instead of just being us. We're enough. That whole I'm enough thing.


Life changing?


You know, I want to say thank you to you for this today because you just gave me a beautiful gift and I don't think you're even aware of that. I mentioned that this inner dragon energy is just so new and I'm in the process of discovering of what it means to humanity.


And the one person that I mentioned this morning, just the realization at her age of what it could mean for her to connect in with her inner dragon and connect in so much deeper to the galactic energy, etcetera, well, you have just given me another piece of this. You are witnessing your animals, your pets, what their dragging energy is.


And now that's another whole piece that I can bring in around this inner drag.


In is that you're what, whoever you are, the inner dragon part of you is going to be enhanced. It's going to like, I could see you becoming an animal communicator now because of that. Like it's just. It's so, so interesting. All the little different dynamics that can unfold. Like, even in your podcasts, how you can take it to just to the.


That much level of a difference in everything that you do because of your ability to see and witness animal.


Dragon energy.


Like they're inner dragon energy.


Right. Yeah, yeah. I I, I actually do feel that it it and it's in exploring that part of it. I think I can see it in people too. But you see it.


People as people and we started the conversation. I really didn't understand what the inner dragon was, but I'm. I'm starting to get a better idea of it and it's it's it drives the fundamental thing that we're here to do.


It's like it. It's our mission enabler and it pushes us to accomplish the mission that we're here to accomplish. And that's something that for the longest time, people didn't really even think about or not very many people thought about it. They're just like, we're here, we're going to have kids and die.


And and that was like work and have kids and die. And that was like the sum total of their lives. And when they got older, you know, was just like, what's the purpose? You know, I've I've already done all the things that I was supposed to do. So I'm gone.


And so we we missed out on all of the great.


Gifts that they were really here to to share because they didn't explore these, these.




They didn't explore their inner drag and they didn't let their inner dragon speak. And a lot of times we let our we cage our inner Dragons. So we're taught to not let that out, to hide who you are and just sit down and be quiet and don't share your opinions and don't.




Don't you dare be different because somebody's.


Gonna laugh at you.




You know, there's there's so much power and and taking all of that back.


A story yesterday about this little girl who who was she has she was in a an indigenous child, and she had corn.


Colored hair and everybody else had black hair and they used to color corn.




And and they mentioned it in a derogatory way, but when she went home and complained to her mom, her mom said, well, we'll just call you corn hare all the time. And and called her corn hair and hugged her and and kissed her and sent her off to school the next day. And the kids were teasing her again and.


Her brother came along and gave her a hug and said Ohh corn hair. You're so amazing. You're so wonderful and the kids stopped teasing her because she took.


Back the power.


Because she embraced that, that name that they.




Called it, you know, they meant it to to hurt her. And she just. She took all the power of the hurt out of it by embracing it and.


So often if we could just embrace that thing that that people are telling us is like, you're not conforming, you're doing XY and Z, and for me it's bossiness for most of my life, I was considered a bossy human being. Well, my spiritual gift is that.




I'm a good problem solver and I like to take.


The shortest route possible to get the.


Results you want to get.


And I'm pretty good at, you know, pointing it out. And so instead of.


Embracing the your bossy moniker? I I'm just overly helpful.


And by embracing that it, it makes me feel good. And I now realize that, you know, not everybody wants and that's fine.


I asked first.


I can relate to.


Sometimes I charge.


I can relate to what you're saying because I've been known as possibly being aggressive is the word that's been coming up and the reality of of it is that I tell it like it is. The thing is, is I maybe not.


Didn't have the best delivery before, and now I've actually learned how to deliver that message of telling it like it is. So yeah, I've taken back my power as well.


Yeah, and it it feels good. It's like.


So that.


I can be who I am. It's OK.


Yeah, yeah. And in doing that, we're helping so many more people because we've seen ourselves and how to use that power.


So beautiful.


And and we share it with.


The other generations that are coming up too, you can model that for other people and and young women because you know they really need, they need to have powerful women as role models.


Not not mean or aggressive, but powerful. And there's a lot of power and silence, and there's a lot of power in the doing.


You know and and actually that phrase came up this morning too, is that the inner dragon has discernment it? No, it it it's not ever really stepping back. But what it does do, it knows when to use its voice and when to have a a voice that's silent.


That gives space.






Very powerful. Well, Sandra, what is the best way for people to get in touch with you?


Sand or pelli.com, you honestly find most of my stuff on there and going from there? Yeah. Yeah. And and on. If you do that, if you look at my name santelli.com, you will find just about everything about me, or at least.


Access to me in that manner, yeah.


Perfect. And what is the one thing you hope that the audience takes away from our conversation today?


Oh wow, that they realize that they have an inner dragon, that it's been a part of them all along and with a little guidance, it doesn't matter where the guidance comes from as long As for for the highest, good for the most benevolent reasons.


And the greatest good of all? If they step into play, that they can really foster their own inner dragon and start to take action in their own lives.




Thanks for joining me today.


Thank you.

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