Noah Kowaloff – The Joy Profit – Exploring the Unexpected Joy of Play

Noah Kowaloff, The Joy Prophet, is best described as an experience. He blends many roles into one extraordinary package. As a coach, healer, channeler, mentor, entrepreneur, and creator, Noah brings fun and fabulousness to everything he does.

At the core of Noah's mission is the belief in the transformative power of play. Having overcome his own struggles with depression, anxiety, and addiction, Noah knows firsthand how tough life can be, which is why he's so passionate about his work – it saved his life. He now considers play, joy, fun, and authenticity vital for a fulfilling and happy existence, and incorporates them into all areas of his life. Noah helps his clients rewrite their life narratives, encouraging them to embrace play as a way of life, not something just for the weekends.

Noah Kowaloff | Instagram, Facebook, TikTok | Linktree

Noah's work is designed for those who are eager to break free from limitations, embrace their potential, and create a life brimming with joy, fulfillment, and endless possibilities. He offers retreats around the world, as well as private 1-1 coaching portals and VIP days. Noah resides in Framingham, MA, with his wife Dena and two cats.

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Noah kowaloff podcast.mp3





To the You world.


Order Showcase program, the platform dedicated to highlighting visionary entrepreneurs and coaches who are shaping You world economy. Each week, we're celebrating the power of the individual and coming together to uplift and empower one another.


To reach new.


Heights of growth and prosperity, as we showcase a coach, company or entrepreneur stepping out to be the change they want to see.


In the world.


With our collective efforts, we're creating a world where every person has the tools to realize their full potential and thrive like never before.


Join us today as we chat with this week's guests to learn how they got started, what they're doing, and how they're making a difference in shaping.


The EU world order.


Welcome to the you World Order Showcase podcast.


Today we're talking with Noah.


Kowaloff and he is the Joy Prophet.


His thing is helping people find happiness and play in the world.


I do have to forewarn you, this podcast is going to be a little bit more graphic than most of our podcast, so if you have young ones in the room.


Or you're not.


Open to discussing things that are a little more sensitive in nature, you're probably gonna want to watch or listen to a different podcast.


The F word is dropped liberally.


In this conversation, and I just don't want you.


To be shocked or surprised.


By what's by what's coming?


So it's a great.


It's a great podcast.


I'm sure you'll enjoy it.


We explore a bunch of different things from drag Queens to Oracle cards.


But if those things don't.


Aren't in your wheelhouse.


Then please turn off this podcast and listen to a different one with that.


Please help me welcome Noah to the show.


Hi and welcome to You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we're talking with Noah Kowaloff. The Joy Prophet is best described as an experience.


He blends many rules into an extraordinary package as a coach, healer, channel or mentor, entrepreneur and creator.


Noah brings fun and.


Fabulousness to everything he does.


At the core of Noah's mission is the belief in trance, the transformative power of play.


Having overcome his own struggles with depression, anxiety, and addiction, no one knows first hand how tough life can be, which is why he's so passionate about his work.


It saved his life.


He now considers play fun, joy, and.


Authenticity, vital for fulfilling and happy existence and incorporates them into all areas of his life.


Noah helps his clients rewrite their life narratives, encouraging them to embrace play as a way of life, not something just for the weekends.


And those work is designed for those who are eager to break free from limitations, embrace their potential, and create a life brimming with joy, fulfillment, and endless possibilities.


He offers retreats around the world as well as a private one-on-one coaching portals and VIP days. Noah resides in Framingham, MA, with his wife Dina, and two cats.


Please help me welcome Noah.


All right, that's right. Well.


We were chatting a.


Little bit beforehand we both agreed that f*** was our favorite word, so if you're easily offended.


Probably ought to watch a dare or listen to a different episode warning.


This may not be the f**ing one for you.


This might not be the *******.


One for you, OK.


I was telling them that it's.


My favorite word.


I don't admit that to many.


But now I guess I've admitted it to everyone.


So now it tell us a little bit about you, what you're doing.


So my name is Noah Koloff and I am the Joy Prophet I am.


I like to think of myself as a prophet of joy, literally like I am intuitive.


I I download messages from.


Other realms, but also like joy is.


Such an important.


Core value of mine as is play and fun and authenticity, so I also have called myself a play ambassador because like.


My vision for the world is 1 where?


Where we all prioritize these things, or at least where it is understood that it should be a priority.


I can't control what people prioritize or not, but.


I'm all about breaking out of the societal matrices and shackles that tell us we need to fit nicely in little ******* boxes and paint within the ******* lines and that we can only be happy, playful, joyful.


You know, on nights and weekends or something like that.


Like no, like, let's just have a party every day because we're alive.


Yeah, we're alive.


And that should be like.


What should be the main?


Thing not how are we gonna make money?


And how are we gonna live those?


Those things are part of life.


But they're not.


The main part of living.


We're human beings.


We're supposed to be being not existing.


And we're not human doings.


And like it's so true because.


I honestly, in my experience and in my belief structure, it's like the more.


That we're able to uncouple.


Being joyful or having fun or the good feelings in life from the circumstances of life, they are not mutually, like, intrinsically connected and that's the only way that they can be.


In fact, it's quite the opposite is that?


It is easier than people may realize to.


Be to prioritize feeling good.


Like Abraham Hicks talks about this all day long.


It's like you feel good.


You're in the vortex, right?


And you feel good because it feels good to feel good and you don't need to be.


Affected by what your boss says, or what your wife or husband says, or you know what happens in traffic or whatever, like the goal in life is to feel good and.


I don't even remember what where I was going with this, but just I as you can see I get so excited I get so just.


Jazzed up about this.


Because it truly is my mission in life and to run a movement around joy and to really.


Spread this message as much as possible.


Do you have tools and?


Techniques that you help people with, how do you how do you?


Actually like share this information with others.


You know, that's a great question.


It's more than just.


Me, you know.


Talking, you know, niceties into these into the ethos or ethos, but no, that sounds work, ethers, ethers.


I knew that was a very right.


It's more than me.


Just like speaking out into.


Oh, you should be happy.


I'm not pollyanna.


I'm not like I don't.


You know, someone asked me yesterday like, well, like, what if bad things are happening and it's?


Like, well, you know.


There are people, I.


Care about who are sick right now and they're.


Things going on in my life that aren't ideal, like it's not like everything in my life is perfect.


And when I'm around.


The people who I love, who are sick.


And it hurts and it makes me feel bad.


It's not like I'm just bypassing that like no, but.


I strongly believe it's like it's like when you work out all the time.


And then you have to like.


Like if you're physically healthy and then you get sick.


Your recovery is going to be better than if you're completely obese and out of shape and you get the same sickness like.


It so it's the same kind of thing, it's.


Like if if.


I'm constantly practicing being.


Attracting joy in my life like attracts like.


Then even the bad times might be a little bit less bad.


So specifically what are the tools and techniques I use?


Well one one thing I do is.


There are 4 pillars.


Of joy that I've come up with.


I will list them off for you guys and with each one of these you can do a spot check.


At any point in.


The day and say how am I doing on all four of these and?


I'm not perfect, I.


And not 100% on all four of these, but the mindfulness and the awareness has me a lot.


Better than I would.


Be otherwise, so those four are.


Authenticity and expression.


And how well am I doing at expressing myself authentically?


How well am I doing at feeling?


In my own skin.


And I'm comfortable with who I am.


And that I'm not playing small.


I'm not hiding who I.


Am from others.


Play and fun.


You know, and people think that that means you have to go to Six Flags or Disney World or something like no.


Like today I was driving and I was like, OK, what's the next?


What's the next thing I could do that lights me up?


Yeah, that's a great question to ask.


What's the what's?


What's the one thing I can do?


Now that would light me.


Up, even if it's just, you know, 5.


Percent more and.


And it was like I want to turn on.


The radio and sing.


So I did.


So playing fun, whatever that means to you, incorporate it in your life as much as possible.


Pain, fun, authenticity, expression, movement and ah, let's try this again.


Talking movement and embodiment.


You know how much are you walking?


How much are you dancing?


How connected to your body are you?


And you know, by thinking about that.


It's like that is a huge piece, right?


Geez, what is the other one?


The other one is spirituality.


You know, it's like how connected are you to your spirituality and you know, for me, I'm not very religious, but I have a connection to what I call God source universe.


Whatever you want to call it.


It can be in the big guy, the big energy.


I do Oracle card readings.


I do Akashic record readings for people.


You know, these are offerings that I have and I I often will just grab my cards and just do a reading for myself and.


That always lights me up.


It always gives me hope and.


You know, it's like each one of these.


Can I have your question about Oracle cards?


And tarot cards that kind of are the.


Same I've used them I I have my own.


Deck. It's just that.


It doesn't really.


Even matter to me what card comes.


Up because it always gives me a.


Place to start.


I can think about what's going on in my life and and.


That card, whatever the card is.


But it's just like.


So yeah, so First off, two things come to mind.


One is the answer I'm going to give you and the other is I want to do a real quick reading for you.


We're gonna come over there.


Let's do it.


So my take on on the on the Oracle cards, I don't do tarot cards, so I know less about them, but.


My deck came with a nice little book.


With a full page write up of every card and there's like, I don't know, 50 or 60 cards.


And so that's the generic way.


It's like ohh well you got this card. Let's go to page 47. What does it say? OK, so this is what it means.


That's not how I do it.


Mostly for myself.


If I there are times where I keep pulling the.


Same card over and over.


Again and I tried, I I I typically will just intuitively send you that give you the message that comes to.


But when it keeps coming to me and I keep trying to decipher it, then sometimes you know source is like no you need to go.


And check out the book.


And there's a message waiting for you.


Book has the message for you.


But generally speaking.


I see it as a very intuitive.


Guided, channeled process that.


And yeah, to an extent, maybe it doesn't matter what card you start with, but so are you saying that every card you get or every time you do a reading it's the same message?


No, it's a.


OK, good, good.


It's a different message.


Every card has a different message.


It has a different meaning, and it doesn't always have the same meaning every time.


You see it.


No, of course not.


And then a lot of it is.


Intuitive, but it's just the idea of.


I'm not sure that it matters which card shows up, because the right card is going to show up, it's going to start you on whatever thought process you need to go on, or answer whatever question that you're asking and probably at a deeper level because it's more of an unconscious.


It's looking to your subconscious.


To try to communicate with your conscious mind.


And so for me also it's like.


You know, to that I will only.


I shuffle the deck until cards jump out at me.


The card falls or jumps out of the deck.


That's the one to be read.


So you know I'm not going to do a huge reading here because a this is an audio podcast, right?


It it will be video at some point.




But you know, people may not want to listen to me.


Describe what a card looks like, or you describe what card looks like but.


And and and B it's like if something jumps out, those are the cards that are raising their hands saying pick me pick me.


So that said, three cards just fell out, fell out of them, and they fell out at the same time.


So let's play with these.


The first one is a picture of a gold chalice with the Golden Infinity sign above it, and it says Gold Cup of replenishment.


Yes, I love it.




And so as I look?


At this, what really.


What really is is strong to me is the notion of replenishment and of Infinity.


So if you look at it's like.


You're being invited to.


Replenish from source.


It's like maybe there are areas where you've been working really hard where you've been trying to.


Burn the candle at both ends or work.


You know in all directions or whatever, or handle it, you know, do everything on your own.


You're either are or you're going to start getting burnt out.


And the way to.


Counteract that is through spiritual connection and it's through opening to that source that will infinitely refill your cup.


And not only will it refill your cup, but like in doing that, you're golden, right?


Like it's not just.


So there's abundance.


There's wealth in this notion.


It's like if we think of the.


Therefore, of gold as money, it's like.


When you can come from a replenished refilled, having you know, reset or regrouped place.


The money comes that much easier because you're not trying so hard.


And so that's kind of what you're being invited to.


And of course with that comes you know, the next card which is go with the flow and it just shows a for our listeners, it shows a person on a canoe going down a river.


And so it's like.


As once you've replenished it, it's ever the the level of replenishment is never ending.


It's like a river.


So this abundance, this replenishment, it's like saying come, come with me.


Let's go downstream.


Let's go downstream and let's allow for.


You to continue, it says, paddle on also.


So it's like let's allow for you to continue moving having.


And staying connected to that ever.


Replenishing source of energy of life, of love, of of.


That when you're coming.


And it's going with the.


From that place.


Current instead of a fighting against it.


And I think this goes for everyone to an extent is the notion that, you know, what is joy?


Joy is going with the flow of life.


And it's it's going with what happens for life.


It's not just saying, well, I'll, I'll like the good things.


And then when bad things have come, I'm gonna fight it tooth and nail.


It's like, no, like, go with.


The flow cause.


Even the bad things may just be.


You dodged the bullet.


You know that relationship that worked out?


Maybe that's the person who would have murdered you in your sleep 10 years from now and.


Now you can meet the love of your life.


I mean, I don't know.


Just I'm just riffing here.


And then finally.


Where does that all take you?


It takes you to.


Creation expansion in your life and we see what is that the flower of life.


At the the sacred geometry flower of life in a rainbow pattern.


And so it's like as you go with the flow and as you are allowing the.


The divine to replenish you, you are also expanding.


So your container, if we go back and see the chalice of the first cart, your container continues to expand, it turns into the river and you are then able to continue expanding in your life and everything expands in your life.


Your life gets bigger, you get bigger.


You are allowing for more abundance.


For more gifts, for more happiness.


And adventure and prosperity and all these things.


Things because you are open to receive and you are open to receive because you have that cup of replenishment, that infinite source pouring into you at all times and that once it pours into you go with the flow that is already pouring into you and through you and you are allowed then to move down stream with that flow.


And in so doing.


You are expanding your life in all ways and it is all connected and so that, my friend, is a three card reading and how I incorporate the notion of spirituality and joy and play.


And it's all tied together, right?


And for anyone who can like personally my style of doing readings is that it's never just a three card spread, cause they're all interconnected or a six card spread or 40 card.


However many cards each card tells the story with its brothers and sisters.


And it's so.


I kind of like tearing.


Up because it it's so.




It was the message I needed to hear today.


That's so amazing.


So what got you started on this path?


Why didn't you?


Why did you become the Joy Prophet Noah?


Kind of think about it like this.


Is that I've.


My life, just like everyone has had its ups and downs.


I struggled with addiction and depression and anxiety and.


I've had more than my share of Hard Knocks.


And I haven't always been.


Happiness focused or the Joy Prophet or like that hasn't.


Always been who I am, I mean.


I have had moments of suicidal thinking.


It's been a very long time, thank God, but I have been absolutely miserable and.


Found a way out of that.


Through my own spiritual practice through.


My own just view of life.


These are core values of mine.


Joy play fun.


An authentic expression. It's because.


12 years of my life.


Working, you know, twenty 30-40 hours a week next to.


Miserable people, probably even more than that.


But there are two people specifically who I've worked with who are absolutely miserable and working alongside them and experiencing how miserable some people were.


It was definitely this feeling like.


A lot of sympathy and empathy for them.


And also like I want to find.


Ways to not have that be my story.


And as a healer and a coach, I I've tried in various.


Niches I've done.


You know, I helped.


I worked with….


I've worked with some business coaching.


I've done dating coaching and so everything was just sort of 1 iteration that evolved into another into another and.


I I don't know.


I guess not.


You know, eventually I was just like.


You know what?


I am is an embodiment of joy.


I am that person who is, you know.


Part Peter Pan.


You know, you're obnoxious friend who's like, hey, let's go to Vegas and you're like, it's Tuesday and I'm working.


And I'm like, yeah, I know, but let's go.


To Vegas like.


You know, part instigator, I guess you could.


Call it and.


This has nothing to do with my sexual orientation, but heart gay bestie.


You know, like the stereotypical gay bestie who's, like, we're gonna go out.


We're gonna have fun.


This is your day.


We're gonna make this happen.


Like, let's go get some some drinks.


Let's hit the town like and.


And it's like I am that person who is like, let's find.


What lights you up?


And go for it.


And if you.


Need help with that.


Well, let's play.


Let's figure it out.


Down and figure out what it is.


And that is how I show up in my relationship.


That's how I show up in my friendships.


That is how I show up.


It's like anyone who knows me knows that.


I will not be contained.


I will not fit in the box.


I will not paint within the lines that I am the.


Exuberant kind of flamboyant like fun.


Oh, what's that?


If we can break it.


Like, not.


Let's see how it.


Works this way.


Like let's what does it look like if we do it this way like ohh.


I'm not supposed to do that.


Well, that's a dumb rule.


Like, what if?


What if I wanna do what?


What if I do actually do that?


Like you know, and of course I don't go around breaking laws or anything, but like, I beat to the I go to the beat of my own ******* drum and will until the day I die, and then I'll come back as a ghost, going to the beat of his own ******* drum.


And to me it's just so fun.


Long way of answering that what?


How I got into it is that this is.


Who I am.


This is exactly who I am and it's not someone that I would could ever not be.


And it's so freeing, isn't it, when you can just be you and you're enough.


Yeah, it's it and.


Here's the secret you guys is like.


I'm not just, I'm not special.


We all can be us, and we all are enough.


Sometimes it takes some.


Courage to get started and to just.


Be like you know what?


Yeah, I'm gonna do what works for me.


But like any other muscle, the more you do it, the better you get at it.


And then before you.


Know it, you know.


You're doing all kinds of.


Crazy **** because it lights you up.


And people are like, who's that?


Ohh that's just so and so and that's how they are.


And people are like saying.


It's more than OK.


Like they're definitely.


It's necessary really for it.


When I.


Do people like that like not to get political?


But that's why I.


Love drag Queens?


Is they are.


They're just so authentically themselves.


And you know, they're just like, hey, this is what I'm doing, like and.


Like I've never seen a sad.


No, that's not true.


But like, I've never seen a drag queen who isn't.


That's kind of.


An oxymoron, right?


I guess they're.


just being they're so flamboyant and.


But they're it's juxtaposition with.


Being in drag it, you know.


There's this great show. I think it. I forget what? What platform it was on it, but it was on BBC originally but you can find it online somewhere. It was called drag 411 and basically it drag no.


No, no, no.


Drive. Yeah, 909, I think.


411 it's information.


All of the but.


Yeah, I think it's called drag 911 (it’s actually Drag SOS) and basically this group of drag Queens would go into these little British towns and villages and try to find people who would want to express themselves more authentically through drag and then they.


But it would be like you know.


The whole makeover, where they would help this person really come into their own version of drag, and then they would put on a like a lip sync performance at a local bar at the end of the episode.


And there was only one season, which is an absolute.


Tragedy, but like.


Guys you need to check this out because it you can't watch.


It and feel bad.


It's stupid in.


Me to play exactly.


These people are pretending to be something that they aren't, and you know, I know guys that do drag and they have families and wives and other things and.


It's like it's playing nothing.


But this just this is.


A play, we're just.


Let's play dress up.


Get a bunch of water balloons and go out.


In the backyard, let's do all.


Throw at each other.


The things that that.


As kids, we were told not to, because now we're growing up so we can do whatever.


The **** we want, right?


Yeah, that's one of my best memories growing up is we went to my cousins house and.


It was a barbecue, and all the adults were plastered.


And we got the hoses out.


Shot everybody and that went on for several hours.


It was really fun.


And until the woman who just had her hair done showed up.


Oh my God, that's hilarious.


Made a great impression on me.


I still remember that.


Let's talk about your greatest struggle with your business.


What do you what do you think?


Is the greatest thing you struggle with getting your message out.


So I think the biggest struggle for me is that.


In getting my message out.


I've noticed that in general.


Unfortunately, a lot of people may not share my vision as much as I wish they would.


You know, we live in a very.


Serious world where people are like.


Ohh, I'm really glad that Noah's having so much fun, but *** **** it, I gotta get work done and I have.


This I have.


That and so.


Is part of it.


This feeling that like people just aren't.


Picking up what I'm putting down nearly enough.


And it you know.


Being really candid here, it breaks my heart.


Because I see so much suffering and bitterness and hurt and pain in the world.


And I don't.


I'm not so grandiose to think I can fix all of it.


But I definitely know that I can help and I know that I want to help and I know that it can be helped without in additional pain that it actually can be easy.


And not super intense or heavy.


To make massive transformational shifts in your life, in your relationships, in your job, in whatever.


And you can do it.


All through fun and play.


And maybe there's some introspection and maybe a little bit of time that's a little.


Bit challenging but.


It doesn't need to be.


Stressful this whole this thing called life doesn't need to be painful.


There are moments where it will be.


So yeah, I think that's my biggest struggle is.


Is getting people to be like.


He's definitely onto something.


How do I join you?


How do I sign up for this movement that you're starting?


How how can I play with you, Noah?


And that leads me to how can they play with you, Noah?


So a few different ways, and I'm so glad you asked Jill. So i offer, as demonstrated, you know, like Oracle card readings I can do.


Akashic record greetings.


Those are both pretty powerful.


I also do.


Days and, you know long weekends, those type of things where you come.


To the Boston area where I live.


Or you fly me out to where you are?


I mean, we can figure it out.


It's all bespoke.


It's all custom.


But the idea is that we have an immersive experience together.


Designed to help you.


Embrace joy, play fun and authentic living as a way of life, and that I do sort of that intensive like, OK.


Let's see what's going on.


Let's diagnose it and let's flip it inside out and have fun with it.


And I use words like diagnose and intensive very lightly.


Because they are, they have heavy connotations also.


We also could do a bespoke or custom, you know, voxer online portal, but what really lights me up?


Really excites me is doing retreats.


I have a retreat coming up at the end of the summer and the mid-september 15th to 25th.


And that is going to be so fun and so amazing.


We're going to spend a week on the island of Crete in a luxury villa.


And you know it's gonna involve.


Sightseeing and and going to beaches and snorkeling and.


All the fun things you.


Do in Greece, but also it's gonna involve.


Down time to do whatever you want and just rest and relax.


It's gonna have.


We're gonna do ceremonies both in.


But we're also going to go to Athens and spend a few days there and we're going to do a manifestation ceremony at the Oracle at Delphi.


Very powerful spiritual site of the ancient Greeks and then a harvest equinox.


Their money on the fall equinox that we will do at Lu.


Where the Greeks, the ancient Greeks, did their ceremonies to welcome the harvest of the equinox.


It's going to be all these things combined.


Fun, downtime, excitement, spirituality, play authenticity, deeper connection.


Diving deeper into your own trust and trust with spirit.


I mean, we're going to cover it.


It's going to be life changing.


I'm so excited for that.


That's the big retreat.


And then I will be doing.


You know, stateside, into the fall or winter.


So no shortage of options on how to play with me moving thing.


Yeah, that sounds so fun.


I was in Creek when they overthrew the king and queen.


And he never did that.


In the hotel where the people that.


Were doing the coup.


My mother and my two sisters and I, we were there for that event.


The people that plotted the coup were in the hotel.


We were the only foreigners allowed in that hotel.


Do these things often follow you when you travel?


No, it was just one.


Of those things.


I was like 6 years.


Old and we were over there cause my dad was in the military and he was sent over there to set up this airfield or something.


And when he arrived they met him at.


The at the at.


Where he's deplaning and said.


And we're overthrowing the king.


It was a.


Coup but it.


Was a kind of.


It wasn't a big bloody thing.


The king at the time agreed to step down.


He was he.


I think he went.


To Spain but.


There was like one day the queen.


She's so beautiful.


Her picture is.


Huge behind the registration desk and the next day it was it.


And you know, a six year old girl.


She notices those.


Things and my mother's over there going.


Amazing, I love it.


I have fond memories of Creed come.


With us. Oh my.


God, it would be amazing to have you.


Well, to think about for sure.


Yeah, it has been.


Just excitement, that's all.


Such a pleasure having you on the podcast, Noah.


It's been such a pleasure for here.


I can sit here and chat with you forever.


Oh my God, totally.


Such a great person to have on.


Thank you for tuning in to the you World Order Showcase program.


We hope today's episode has inspired you to consider how you can leverage your unique skills and talents to be the change you want.


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:: during our passion to profit breakthrough session, we'll work together to identify your strengths, clarify your vision, and develop a tailored plan for achieving your goals. Don't settle for mediocrity or let fear hold you.


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Head over to today to schedule your passion to profit breakthrough session and take the first step towards creating the life you've always wanted. Thanks for listening and we'll see.


You next time.


On the You World Order Showcase program.

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