Revealing Long Term Cycles of Destiny and the USA Pt 1

Michael Oconnor Humanistic Astrologer and he offers life coaching Michael helps people become more clearly and consciously aware of their true nature, authentic, destiny and timing.

The Great American Eclipses:


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Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Hi and welcome to the U World order showcase. Podcast I'm your host, Jill Hart. And with me today is Michael O'connor, Michael's a humanistic astrologer, and he offers life coaching as part of his astrology packages. Michael helps people become more clearly and consciously aware of their true nature.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: authentic destiny and timing welcome to the show, Michael, we were talking about the reality I started recording, and I just wanted to get this kind of on. And we were also talking about cycles in astrology, we about



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: We were talking about mainly about the great American eclipse which happened April 8, th and how it's just it's



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: it wasn't the. It was an eclipse, but it's a larger. It's part of a larger cycle of eclipses and different things that intersect is astrology isn't so much about



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: predicting the future for you or telling you. You know what's gonna happen today which a lot of us, you know, we like to look at our horoscope and say, Okay, so today's gonna be a good day, or today's going to be a not so good day. But astrology is so much more than that. And that's why I love chatting with Michael about these things so.



Michael OConnor: Thank you, Jill, and lovely to be here and lovely to see you.



Michael OConnor: Yeah, it truly is. You know everything in existence is in motion, and that motion is cyclic.



Michael OConnor: From the molecular to the cosmic end



Michael OConnor: you can.



Michael OConnor: Every cycle can be seen to have an anatomy.



Michael OConnor: It has a fundamental anatomy, like an archetypal anatomy, means there's a a base like a



Michael OConnor: fundamental way, not not to say that the one we have is absolute. But the division of the 360 degree circle, which is symbolic of the cycle, is very tightly divided into quarters, at least 4 times 90 right equals 3 60, but then into eighths.



Michael OConnor: So you get these 45 degree segments. And that's the basic gist of it. When within that you get the waxing half, and then the waning half, and you can see how seasons are in there, and the very cycle of a day from 6 am. To 12 noon to 6 pm. To 12 midnight. There's your cardinal points. And



Michael OConnor: yeah, so there's it's all parallel principles. North, south, east, west, you know.



Michael OConnor: Winter, spring, summer, fall 6 Am. 12 noon, 6 Pm. 12, midnight



Michael OConnor: and and it goes from there even further. So you see these wonderful parallel principles. So yes, cycles and astrology is all about that.



Michael OConnor: All about that.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And intersecting cycles like we can talk about eclipses, but and they intersect with things. It's nothing is just like we don't just look at one star and say, Okay, that's it.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: We look at groups of stars and how they interact with the planets, and how the planets interact with the eclipses, and where we are going around the sun, and I just.



Michael OConnor: Precisely. Yes, you know. Yeah, when we get into the overlapping cycle principle and the the.



Michael OConnor: there's sort of an endeavor to achieve in a a generic



Michael OConnor: perspective on the cycles, which is valid like the biggest one.



Michael OConnor: generally speaking, for all intents and purposes, is the



Michael OConnor: ages like the 20. We're based on what's called the processional cycle, which is



Michael OConnor: calculated to be 25,910 years long. So that's



Michael OConnor: for all intents purposes. Once again, is the foundational



Michael OConnor: cycle, although there's larger cycles. We all know that. And you can weave those in and go crazy. But we you need not, because it's just too vast a time period.



Michael OConnor: Why, bother go further? You know it doesn't help us knowing that. You know. The galaxies are good, you know Andromeda is going to be closer to us in 5 billion years, you know it's not. But there's that kind of stuff out there. You're like, are we paying for this, you know.



Michael OConnor: But when you divide the processional cycle into ages, you get this age of Aquarius thing, age of Pisces Thing, and then you get these tidy little 2,160 year periods.



Michael OConnor: Once you get into that. Now, okay, you can start to see the context of history more closely. So yeah, so that's the bigger picture. So within the 2,160 year period, then you could also subdivide that. So each.



Michael OConnor: you know. And then within that subdivision you get into that contextual perspective where the fairly large other cycles are



Michael OConnor: like. For example, Jupiter at sorry Neptune and Pluto generally, there's other further plans. But basically, in current



Michael OConnor: mainstream, western astrology.



Michael OConnor: Pluto's the furthest out



Michael OConnor: by and large, although it has a highly elliptical orbit. Neptune's out. Further out sometimes. Okay, but those 2 planets have a very tidy 504 year cycle.



Michael OConnor: So there, so that's a big amount of time, isn't it?



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Thomas.



Michael OConnor: Okay? So you have these 2,160 year cycle. You can divide that by 12



Michael OConnor: which creates this. It goes on like that. On and on and on. Division Division Division, division, Division, Division, Division Division Division Division. So you're going. You're you're kind of like a zeroing in zoom, zoom until you get it's like the planet you zoom into a city. Then even there's a lot going on in any city, right? So there's and so you get this



Michael OConnor: 2,160. Then you get this 504, then say Uranus and Pluto is about a hundred and



Michael OConnor: 40 year cycle.



Michael OConnor: So it goes quickly. Very smaller, right? It jumps. Boom.



Michael OConnor: Okay? And then you get into others like



Michael OConnor: Uranus Neptune. And I can't remember exactly what that one is about 135.



Michael OConnor: So you get okay. So you get these things. Now, having, these are like, okay, I know it goes on and on. It gets a bit long winded. I'm sorry it's it's these are generic.



Michael OConnor: Okay, this is the general, every but the the specific. What I mean by that.



Michael OConnor: When I say generic, I mean



Michael OConnor: every person



Michael OConnor: as their own reality.



Michael OConnor: The paradox of life is that each and every one of us are the center of the universe as far as our experience goes.



Michael OConnor: and that



Michael OConnor: so also the the notion of a person extends to a country



Michael OConnor: every country has that, you know we are the center kind of thing, and then every state, every province, every city.



Michael OConnor: every organization, every company, every hockey team, every you know everything so and then so that's where astrology has to. That's why we say we can talk about the generic. But every case on its own ground.



Michael OConnor: So what people like who are more beginner like they they well, it's not only that, but they'll grab the generic and then go. This is what's gonna happen. But you can't do that, really, because it goes to who, to what. So we're so it kind of creates a bit of a never ending story, so we can talk about the generic.



Michael OConnor: But we always have to relate it to some subject



Michael OConnor: right. A person like the United States, for example.



Michael OConnor: which gets pretty big a country right, because there's lots of different different folks in different strokes all over one country, especially United States, probably in the world's biggest of all



Michael OConnor: the biggest cosmopolitan country on the planet.



Michael OConnor: I would generally say. Not that I know strictly, but I Canada's catching up, but we're, you know, 1 10, th the population.



Michael OConnor: Right? So yeah, so United States has the big population. And very right from the get go right of diversity and multiculturalism. And cosmopolitan. And that's a big



Michael OConnor: responsibility almost to shoulder.



Michael OConnor: And it's been tough.



Michael OConnor: It's a tough cut, right? It's been a tough thing for the United States with Civil War. And



Michael OConnor: you know all that war of independence was the beginning. But the Civil War in particular, when I was, you know, neighbor against neighbor. Oh, boy.



Michael OConnor: so! And not every country undergoes that kind of



Michael OConnor: initiation, shall we call it, you know, like, it's a brutal thing, right?



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Stays together.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Or stays together.



Michael OConnor: Or stays together. Oh, yeah, all that. So yeah, it's a. It's kind of a little bit of a.



Michael OConnor: The. The story of the United States is worth talking about. I know you're American, I'm Canadian, but the story of the United States is worth talking about, because it's a very important country on the planet in in terms of being the symbol of democracy and freedom



Michael OConnor: still.



Michael OConnor: and you know but it's now struggling



Michael OConnor: sadly. But the astro, the astrology of the United States really shows that it would.



Michael OConnor: B, and that's a really interesting thing. This is where you get into



Michael OConnor: what I call



Michael OConnor: horizontal logic. That's the dominoes falling. So this happened because that happened, and the other thing happened, and it all makes logical sense.



Michael OConnor: I have no argument with that, it's true, but there's a vertical logic.



Michael OConnor: Vertical logic is get where it gets far more interesting. Where horizontal logic is chronological.



Michael OConnor: like chronos, time.



Michael OConnor: vertical logic is synchronistic.



Michael OConnor: Now you enter a different paradigm of thinking.



Michael OConnor: Now you get into words like destiny.



Michael OConnor: that there's a like a larger plan.



Michael OConnor: you know. We get into that kind of conversation that life is. The universe is conscious, existence is on purpose.



Michael OConnor: There's a plan.



Michael OConnor: and then it gets much more interesting. As far as I'm concerned, you know.



Michael OConnor: it's not a quick. Well, as a matter of fact, it's a never ending conversation, really the plan, because it engages everybody's destiny from countries to individuals.



Michael OConnor: And and you could even say humanity as a whole. But that's a



Michael OConnor: and and you can, you can like, in other words, humanity as a whole, basically, I would say, is where souls incarnate in the Earth school.



Michael OConnor: That's the way I would describe it. And



Michael OConnor: so there's a plan.



Michael OConnor: and that we evolve very specifically, we as humans, very specifically on this planet.



Michael OConnor: I'm kind of an advocate for no, I don't think you come from another planet, really, because then you have to come from another star, and then it gets into a kind of a I know I can't be sure, but I have a sort of a a biased leaning to know we come from this



Michael OConnor: star.



Michael OConnor: and that's a kind of an interesting kind of conversation.



Michael OConnor: I won't get lost in this. But I'm gonna tell you this very interesting thought on that very quickly.



Michael OConnor: We could not exist in around another star. All this thing of Star Wars, not Star Trek.



Michael OConnor: Every star has a different molecular structure. Its radiation field is slightly different.



Michael OConnor: There's no way we could exist on another planet. There's no way we could exist in around another star.



Michael OConnor: The only way we could ever do that is, if we were in a much different dimensional state.



Michael OConnor: But they're not in this dimensional state. No way. So start. I like Star Trek a lot because it's mind bending right mind expanding.



Michael OConnor: They they play on very human realities, juxtaposed to those dynamics that are going on. But



Michael OConnor: that



Michael OConnor: it's a fantasy.



Michael OConnor: We couldn't even travel outside our solar system. By the way, it's like a there's like a A,



Michael OConnor: okay.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Certain. We can travel outside of our atmosphere.



Michael OConnor: No. Yeah.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Simple. Yeah.



Michael OConnor: Yeah, that the atmosphere of the earth has like a membrane around it. Right? Exactly. And so does the solar system. So the only way we could ever travel in space, not to mention the fact. It's



Michael OConnor: humongous to beyond all comprehension we can. We don't have any idea what that means. Like. It's like, walk a hundred miles. You don't know what a hundred miles is exactly unless you walked it kind of thing so like just to say you know, there's it's kind of we. We imagine things right? We kind of guess we we imagineer our way around things. There's nothing wrong with that. It's good intuition. Why do we need to know all those things?



Michael OConnor: But yeah, like, you know, I always like to impress this on fond people like Pluto is like 8 8. The speed of light from the sun for 8 h, and the solar system itself is 24 h.



Michael OConnor: that at the speed of light. That's the expand in a very 360 degree spherical expansion. Right? That's the radiation field of the sun.



Michael OConnor: But the closest star is 4.2 2 light years away.



Michael OConnor: That gets very exciting, because it would, if based on current propulsion for a human being to be sent to Pluto from I what I heard last. But I'm not sure anymore. It was 45 years.



Michael OConnor: Okay, so it would take us over a hundred years to get to the edge of the solar system and guess what? We wouldn't be able to get out of it, because



Michael OConnor: it's got a



Michael OConnor: a field.



Michael OConnor: So we're getting off track a little bit. If it's kind of fun to bet mind, bend a little bit, it creates a bit of context. So the only way we could get out is if we were able to travel through portals



Michael OConnor: like a multi dimension interdimensional. So to me, there's no such thing as aliens traveling through space. No, if there's aliens



Michael OConnor: they're interdimensionally



Michael OConnor: able to get here, which means they.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Dates.



Michael OConnor: Vibe. Yeah. Stargates, they must be vibrating at a different frequency.



Michael OConnor: It's not just technology I don't like. It's not enough to go. We invented this. No, I don't think so.



Michael OConnor: I think that if you don't have that vibration.



Michael OConnor: but it's fun to imagine that we could.



Michael OConnor: I don't want to knock that.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It's not. I don't think that it's



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: that we can't.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It's that, and I don't necessarily think it's that we don't, because it's very possible that this does exist. Oftentimes Hollywood will present things



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: that are actually going on. But they're so fantastic, most people say.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Oh, that's just television.



Michael OConnor: Surely



Michael OConnor: it's it's it's a it's not



Michael OConnor: I agree with you that i i i bow out. I do not



Michael OConnor: wish to present that I know that. No, we're not doing that. No, I don't. And multi dimensionality is just frequencies and vibration frequencies of vibration. So



Michael OConnor: you know. Yeah, I keep. It's good to keep an open mind about such things. Indeed, indeed! I will offer this, though, that the planet itself is multi dimensional. We? We are all of us multi dimensional. Everything in the manifest universe is multi dimensional, invariably has layers of dimensions. The very



Michael OConnor: fabric of space is dimensional, not at, on one hand, in the mathematical sense, you know, 11 dimensions, which is really kind of exciting branch of mathematics. But that's physics. Kind of mathematics. Physics.



Michael OConnor: Well, I think if I back mathematics at least, and physics gets in there. But there's another metaphysical dimensional perspective, right? But but the point I want to make is that



Michael OConnor: we already live on a multi dimension like what I mean is.



Michael OConnor: if you go to different places, even in any city, it's like you're entering different vibrational frequencies



Michael OConnor: like going to any different homes, so so that people are living in different dimensions right here



Michael OConnor: right now, even though they intersect. But there's a saying there's many circles of people out there



Michael OConnor: who you will never intersect with.



Michael OConnor: That's kind of a little bit of a mind, Bender itself.



Michael OConnor: You could. But you won't.



Michael OConnor: Kind of funny to say that like that would be certainly true in economic classes.



Michael OConnor: So and we're not that.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Far apart, you know 6 degrees of separation or 8 degrees, whatever that is.



Michael OConnor: That kind of thing.



Michael OConnor: Yeah, yeah, if I understand what you're saying correctly, yeah, you know. No, no, there's there's ways we could. It's the paradox is, we could engage, but we won't.



Michael OConnor: don't. And because and it gets back to plan and destiny, because life's relatively short. So you're you know, there's this wonderful notion of why are you engaging with the people you are?



Michael OConnor: It's kind of precious, really, although we all



Michael OConnor: in evolve one another, you know. So in other words, we get into relationships. We get into breakups, divorces, we, you know, and things happen. It's like Yikes. But in out of all the billions and billions. You're interacting with them, you know, like you and I, right now, the odds are very, very high that we wouldn't.



Michael OConnor: So you kind of go. Wow! That's a big odds, you know. What's kind of, you know



Michael OConnor: that. So when you realize when you think that way, kind of well, makes it a little bit more special, perhaps you know, taking



Michael OConnor: people in situations for granted, although we tend to. But you know what I mean.



Michael OConnor: It's a kind of pinch me. I'm here, and



Michael OConnor: I'll do my best to be respectful



Michael OConnor: and



Michael OConnor: hopefully relate in a harmonious way, and both of us coming away happy right.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yeah. And with the Internet.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: you have the ability to interact with more people and touch more people's lives and have them touch yours in a way that hasn't existed



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: that we know of



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: on this planet in the past.



Michael OConnor: It's a real leveling of the playing field of the opportunity to share thoughts and ideas. And I do you know, it's a very important aspect of the aquarian age. Where it will go in the future I do not know, but as it is



Michael OConnor: indeed indeed you are right, and that's the.



Michael OConnor: It's a privilege, indeed to be able to. Yeah, we, you know, we can get frustrated about this and that. But wow! We live in a privileged time



Michael OConnor: unprecedented.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It. It's totally unprecedented. And when you look back at the Piscean age where people traveled in schools.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: in communities.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and then you're moving into the aquarian age, which is much more fluid.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It's kind of



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: yeah to me. They.



Michael OConnor: Well, fluid it. Maybe I'd like to think that there's truth in that. But I think that it could be, yeah, there's yeah. That's fair enough statement like what wouldn't usually cause Aquarius is a air sign. But yes, I think it's a fair thing to say that that.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: The wind.



Michael OConnor: There's



Michael OConnor: more. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Carries on the wind a little lighter. Yeah. So that's a nice way of looking at it for sure. Yeah, the you know, core. I've done



Michael OConnor: quite some studies on this and the the actual. I might have mentioned it to you last time the actual dawn moment of the age of Aquarius is



Michael OConnor: yet to occur, and I believe it's at the end of this decade. That's when the actual.



Michael OConnor: you know. Like, if you were looking on the horizon that moment when the sun goes.



Michael OConnor: But we're still ironically in the



Michael OConnor: pre



Michael OConnor: of that. So so that's where where we



Michael OConnor: are right now. This next



Michael OConnor: handful of years



Michael OConnor: is very significant.



Michael OConnor: you know. Every day is significant, but in that sort of perspective, and that's where we come back in a manner



Michael OConnor: to the United States.



Michael OConnor: which, according to its astrology, is going through a lot. So you see, the horizontal perspective is very valid and warranted and fine. Good, but the vertical, the the synchronistic is like no kidding. No wonder it's going through so much.



Michael OConnor: It's like there's a convergence of of huge events like if astrologically, if I was doing it with an individual, I would go. Oh, my God! Your life is, you know your your life is changing in a big way, like, you know. Talk about relocating to another country, and and, you know, marrying somebody foreign and adopting all their kids and starting a new career.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Learning a different language. And yeah, all of it.



Michael OConnor: Yeah, yeah, I would be a big like, Oh, my God, are you like fast in your seat belt? So yeah. The United States, for example, is the in astrology. The you know, one of the more larger cycles for individuals is called the Progressed moon.



Michael OConnor: It's a 29 and a half year cycle, we'll get this. The United States just had their progressed moon that then the most recent one


::, th:



Michael OConnor: So it's like a like you're like in a whole new in every time there's a progress moon. It's a very powerful thing. It's no small thing. It's big



Michael OConnor: and the the beginning of it.



Michael OConnor: I think it's difficult off. There's a sort of you bit of euphoria in it.



Michael OConnor: but it's kind of tends to be. I have to admit



Michael OConnor: it's not necessarily absolutely, but other factors have. It depends on a lot of factors, admittedly, whether it will be difficult but can be.



Michael OConnor: There's a few other factors. I was looking at what was called the Saturn, the the United States Saturn return.



Michael OConnor: And I'm just gonna look at that very quickly. Just remind myself what I'm talking about.



Michael OConnor: It. Had I was. I was like, Whoa.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: While you're doing that, I want to remind the audience that you created a



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: an article or post about the great American eclipse, and I will link to it in the show notes is a fascinating read about the cycles of this eclipse that we went through as a country for the United States. But really it impacts the whole world, because



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: right now, as goes the United States, so goes the world.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It tends.



Michael OConnor: Yeah, yeah, thank you. Yeah, I you know.



Michael OConnor: they when you wanna look at any event, it's important, in my view, to look at it in layers like you said in sick like we're talking about in cyclic layers. To get the deeper story. A more kind of superficial approach to astrology is the transit event thing like a a solar, an eclipse. Solar eclipse is kind of a a transiting event thing.



Michael OConnor: So it's kind of like a fireworks sort of moment and relevant. It's relevant enough.



Michael OConnor: It's it's like a sort of a massive



Michael OConnor: acupressure point that was pressed. So it's definitely playing a role.



Michael OConnor: And I wouldn't want to. You know, idly dismiss that in the United States chart. Yeah, it had a very I didn't over elaborate in any kind of conclusive way. But yeah, its impact was very hitting home in a very strong way.



Michael OConnor: you know, really hit at the roots of the country.



Michael OConnor: and



Michael OConnor: you know but the other thing just quickly. Here it comes in context. A. To


::the United States was back in:



Michael OConnor: that it's a contextual background. And if in a scholarly sort of way, one might look at that, and what it showed that the United States would.



Michael OConnor: When you think back to 2,011, you think that you know what happened? Can we remember? You know. Remember, there was occupy Wall Street


::Michael OConnor: that was:



Michael OConnor: That's a good example. That was the beginning of sort of a a type of



Michael OConnor: underground, if you like.



Michael OConnor: I suspect a kind of a



Michael OConnor: there's something like



Michael OConnor: goes further back. We can go to 9 1 1, you know. There's something going on here that's a little disturbing. But then occupy Wall Street was, Hey.



Michael OConnor: you know, and a big. So it's at.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Back of what's happening.



Michael OConnor: Yeah.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Kind of like an exposure. I think 9 11 was the same way. It was an exposure of stuff that's going on. You're you're being shown a production.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Everybody wants you in power wants you to



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: watch the production. They want you to be the audience, but they want you to participate in



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and certain ways.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and then that kind of dies off.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: But the memory is still there with the audience, and then the next time something comes up



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: they're like.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Oh, I didn't think about that.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And then they kind of



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: paid back. And then these.



Michael OConnor: They have a kind of a seed event, I think impact, especially when you think cycles because cycles have durations. So the the bigger aspect of a cycle like a solar eclipse, is what's called a conjunction. So the sun and moon conjunct. So conjunctions are the beginning of a whole new cycle. So it's a more scholarly level and mature, shall we say? Level of astrology for



Michael OConnor: astrologers to follow these



Michael OConnor: all these many overlapping cycles.



Michael OConnor: So yeah, you know you. They don't generally get paid for it unless they happen to be hired by some intelligence agency. That respects that astrology can offer information. I'm sure they do so. There must be some, you know, fairly, you know. Astute.



Michael OConnor: knowledgeable



Michael OConnor: Astrologers.



Michael OConnor: Who are scholarly types.



Michael OConnor: you know, in in think tanks.



Michael OConnor: But I I say the humble, because I'm not sure but but other than that.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: 3 wise men from the Bible.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: That's exactly who they were.



Michael OConnor: Oh, you know. Yeah, they definitely had that. You mean the the Mesopotamians in ancient times the Indian, like India.



Michael OConnor: the Middle East Mesopotamia, and Egypt, of course, and



Michael OConnor: eventually Greece. And certainly at the time of Jesus. Yeah, we're



Michael OConnor: that's why they they were very, very deeply immersed in astrology, as you say it was their



Michael OConnor: science.



Michael OConnor: really, it was their son. So they and you know



Michael OConnor: they did establish the foundation of astronomy.



Michael OConnor: Of course, as the means of the astrology. They didn't care as much. Well, no, even then there were those among them that were more interested in the astronomy than the astrology, right?



Michael OConnor: The more statistical types, and or whatever



Michael OConnor: versus the more interpretive, prophetic, prophetic



Michael OConnor: types, and so on and so forth. But yeah, yes, yeah, I appreciate what you're saying. Yes, indeed. The the 3 wise men symbolize



Michael OConnor: from the Middle East Mesopotamia cause the camels right.



Michael OConnor: and the incense and myrrh, and all that type of thing somewhere in Persia or something.



Michael OConnor: and they had the wherewithal to appreciate that multiple conjunction.



Michael OConnor: Which, you know, I did some studies on it, and was convinced enough by this particular author.



Michael OConnor: He felt, interestingly enough, he felt that it occurred according to his studies in



Michael OConnor: 7, 80,



Michael OConnor: and it was a during, and and he gave that the Jesus was Pisces, which made sense to me.



Michael OConnor: and so I think the conjunction occurred in March.



Michael OConnor: he said, but I've heard people say different things. I don't



Michael OConnor: I? I did study that, and it was interesting years ago.



Michael OConnor: but I I didn't get too much into it in simply because for practical purposes you don't get paid for that kind of stuff. You gotta make a living, and that's where my goal to keep us, although I'm quite scholarly, you know not as much as some, for sure. But I you know I do have that inclination. But you know more immediately. I'm



Michael OConnor: coach counselor type. So



Michael OConnor: keeping it relevant for individuals



Michael OConnor: is not exactly sensational, but it's it's relevant today.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Having been on your



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: as a member of your community for



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: gosh! It's been a while now, and I always look forward to Fridays when the next week's episode appears. You you give.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and not just like the weekly thing you give a monthly picture of what's happening in the broader



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: realm of what we're all experiencing. There's like this.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: You were talking about the generic cycles. We we all as a community in a time zone or a time period, not a time zone, but a time period. We experience some things collectively



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: based on when we were born, but because some of these cycles are so large like 500 years. There's going to be whole groups of people that that travel through it and are affected by



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: by what's happening.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And then they're affected by other things that are kind of layered on top of it.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: But the the way that you present the information



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: allows people to look at the big picture and then get a little bit of a synopsis of



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: their own personal sun sign. And if you know what your moon sign is, you can kind of synthesize the 2 of them together to to get a bigger picture of



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: how how things are kind of flowing for you during that period of time.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So you can work with



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: the



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: the frequencies that are



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: happening for you.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: or you could end up, you know, pushing against something.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: seeing how that goes for you.



Michael OConnor: Thank you for that. Yes, thanks. The you know horoscopes a gimme I give, you know. Here I'm going to interpret it for you, and yes, I



Michael OConnor: endeavor to present it as a a an inspiration of how you can harness it. That's my interest. I don't wanna present it as an outcome



Michael OConnor: more, as a trend. And then, you know, hey, give that, reader that little opportunity to make practical use of it. Yes, indeed, I want to bring attention to them quite frankly, as opposed to me.



Michael OConnor: I wanna, you know, to give to that, as you know, opposed to making these big fancy predictions. But then yes, I am.



Michael OConnor: teacher type as much as I'm a coach counselor type.



Michael OConnor: and I am



Michael OConnor: so cheerleader. And you know, can you can do this, and but I'm also realistically aware that our destiny is powerful. So that's why my motto is guiding your future probabilities, destiny and possibilities, which is free will.



Michael OConnor: which is the



Michael OConnor: free will, is a feature of destiny.



Michael OConnor: But



Michael OConnor: the notion that you can just be doing have anything you want is just an ego trip, and there's a lot of that being sold out there, and I know that sounds a little dogmatic. And I, you know. But it's better to like. It's kind of this



Michael OConnor: like. There's all kinds of notions of law, of attraction, and it's all valid. And you are co-creating, but without a deeper understanding of. Not that one needs to. But if one



Michael OConnor: often when I do readings often, I'm I'm my foundational perspective is to affirm like I'm playing back to them what I should not know, and they're going nailed, nailed, nailed right? So what happens is they? They feel good about that. They feel, oh, just totally need to hear that I'm doing the right thing, and this is the good way, and here and there, and I'll go. Well, I don't know if that's the best choice there, you know, your free wills caught is



Michael OConnor: interfering, and if you get off your destiny, track by your free will too far.



Michael OConnor: The cosmic 2 by 4 is gonna come in. It's gonna kind of whack you. So it's a little tricky conversation. And I do appreciate, like some people like Tony Robbins, for example, I call him the Percy. He's like a Perseus.



Michael OConnor: you know, defying the gods. We're gonna make it, you know, and I I appreciate that I do, but it's



Michael OConnor: tricky territory. It's a i'm more to say, hey, rather than just my will be done.



Michael OConnor: How about



Michael OConnor: who are you and



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: What are you here for.



Michael OConnor: What do you hear? What's what you know? What's your role in this



Michael OConnor: planet?



Michael OConnor: Where are you as a soul in your journey? And all this kind of stuff. Yeah, so it gets



Michael OConnor: psycho spiritual very quickly. But I'm always trying to weave it into their practical expression, you know, because.



Michael OConnor: you know. We all get up in the morning and do our life, and we have to boot clothing, shelter right? So we have to, so that whole endeavor to keep it relevant. So yeah.



Michael OConnor: And and the one last thing is just, yes, I'm a teacher type. So I'm



Michael OConnor: offering



Michael OConnor: opportunity for them to



Michael OConnor: intuitively understand what I'm saying by saying it



Michael OConnor: with enough technicality without being too complex. That's my goal, right? So here's the technical. But



Michael OConnor: this is what it means, and or



Michael OConnor: could mean.



Michael OConnor: That's sort of the art of it. I you could say the art of writing a horoscope. It's a i actually have a article on my website under learn, you can go in the library. And there's lots of videos there. It goes to Youtube, by the way. And you would notice, oh, my God, yeah, this is. There's a lot of knowledge here, and



Michael OConnor: and among them is how and why horoscopes work, and that one is really worth a listen. I think I think, because you go.



Michael OConnor: Oh, my God, there's like people all the horoscopes. They don't really work, and they're they're kind of thinking they understand astrology. I'm an astrologer. It's like you don't know.



Michael OConnor: I'm thinking to myself. You have no idea what you're saying.



Michael OConnor: I I know I know that sounds strong, but I hear them kind of push, poo pooing. And I'm thinking, okay, here we got we got a beginner here, you know. He doesn't understand



Michael OConnor: multi-dimensionality.



Michael OConnor: Really, if you don't.



Michael OConnor: I'll say this very quickly.



Michael OConnor: Astrology is based on



Michael OConnor: multi-dimensionality, and in the



Michael OConnor: you could call it the root dimension, or you can call it the highest dimension. However, you want to look at it.



Michael OConnor: That's where the blueprint code is.



Michael OConnor: and that blueprint code, by the way, is sacred, geometrical.



Michael OConnor: So when we think of stars and planets, and so forth, and all the cosmos, and we tend to think energies.



Michael OConnor: it's kind of like going.



Michael OConnor: No, yeah. The moon and the sun have energy. It's true the physics of the sun and the moon is very real.



Michael OConnor: but the way astrology works isn't based on those energies like that. It's based on the archetypal blueprint that pervades everything. So it gets.



Michael OConnor: So it's a big leap to understand what that I just said, though it's not an easy thing, but in all



Michael OConnor: keep getting yeses. Okay, thanks. Universe. Put my dinging phone there. I don't know if you're hearing that. But but what I'm saying then, is that if one were to go through that library that I have there.



Michael OConnor: and you start to take your time, look at you and kind of go.



Michael OConnor: I understand what he's saying now.



Michael OConnor: because it's all kind of right there



Michael OConnor: like. I've said it in in x amount of times and ways that person would go.



Michael OConnor: I understand.



Michael OConnor: And it's it's a very. It's invariably the word paradox comes to the fore because



Michael OConnor: you realize that



Michael OConnor: the structure of everything in existence is by design, and the design is the blueprint or the archetypes.



Michael OConnor: So you're the notion that the planets and the stars are at



Michael OConnor: emitting energy as a kind of



Michael OConnor: physics. It's a it's an exotericism, but the beauty of it is. It's so intrinsic



Michael OConnor: that then, when you understand its intrinsicness. Now you're in metaphysics.



Michael OConnor: and and you realize that it's like there's no



Michael OConnor: well, paradoxically.



Michael OConnor: there isn't really a here and there.



Michael OConnor: It it's really just emerging. And that's how, when you understand, it's a little. It's a not an easy thing to understand what I'm saying. I think you might imagine.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: That it to me. What I'm getting is that



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: everything is frequency, and everything has its own frequency, and if you think of it in terms of music, because music is just frequencies



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and they combine, they come together. If you listen to a symphony, each instrument.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: each note



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: that's played



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: combines, and then it separates, and then it recombines, and then it separates, and where you get the melody.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: you have things coming together in a certain pattern for a certain period of time you've got measures, and



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and it's



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: constantly changing and evolving. It's never static.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: The notes are always the notes.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and they are. They vibrate on a certain frequency. A note is a frequency.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: but it's a combination of frequencies, and how they interact together.



Michael OConnor: Absolutely beautiful. Yes, yeah, indeed. The sound principle is the key to understanding sacred geometry. By the way.



Michael OConnor: the sacred geometry is the key to understanding the archetypes people think architects, you know king, queen, prince, or pauper, or you know all these kind of personalities, which is fair enough. That's a outer expression, but in their core it's very



Michael OConnor: design shape based. It's like a blueprint of shape. The the main thing I would out add to that is, it's all by



Michael OConnor: design of intent, like like. So so the the Universal mind, the mind of God whip basically is very specifically intentional.



Michael OConnor: and it works by logistical



Michael OConnor: orders



Michael OConnor: which are dimensional.



Michael OConnor: And so yeah, that's when you understand basic. That's simple. Understand that. That's where that word. The plan summarizes the whole thing. The plan implies an intent of purpose.



Michael OConnor: and then you get into the laws, the principles, the



Michael OConnor: the the science of the design



Michael OConnor: that gets very exciting for me. And so, yeah, that's the the ancients were right on to that nerve



Michael OConnor: right. Since the Egyptians go to the Atlanteans, the Chinese, the Indians, the Mesopotam. They all got it clearly.



Michael OConnor: They knew exactly what we're talking about. It was not lost on them.



Michael OConnor: they and that was what excited them



Michael OConnor: immensely.



Michael OConnor: you know. But then, okay.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: What period of time was that? What was before the Piscean age?



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Because that's that's what we're talking about



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: to 21 year.



Michael OConnor: Kind of like when you go to Egypt, for example, 5,000



Michael OConnor: BC,



Michael OConnor: 4, 4,500. These 65,000 years ago, etc.



Michael OConnor: Yeah, we were



Michael OConnor: in the age of Taurus, Taurus, which makes sense for the Egyptians.



Michael OConnor: Egyptians themselves are kind of like a type of root race out of Africa.



Michael OConnor: Right? But



Michael OConnor: what? Arguably there was Prior, like Atlantis! But Atlantis is kind of a different conversation in that they they would have known these things.



Michael OConnor: but theoretically.



Michael OConnor: Atlantis.



Michael OConnor: and or see what I mean by advances. I mean, the world, not



Michael OConnor: Atlantis is not just a place. It's a time



Michael OConnor: we're. We're talking now about a time we can talk about Lemuria, or, you know. So we these terms



Michael OConnor: don't entirely do it justice because we're point. Okay, but that



Michael OConnor: theoretically they were in a higher dimension. We we were, and then we fell.



Michael OConnor: and it was in the falling that we, like the astrology came forward



Michael OConnor: interestingly enough, because they were more intuitive. They didn't need it, you might say.



Michael OConnor: But well, anyway, there's many, many theories, and I don't really know. But the the idea is that the astrology that we know the the



Michael OConnor: in In as much as there was that Atlantean time on the planet. They would have known all about sacred geometry. They would have known all about that in type of science.



Michael OConnor: definitely right, but it had to



Michael OConnor: the devastation of something that occurred like 12,000 years ago. You probably heard this before.



Michael OConnor: It's been said, and again and again by many scholars of some big event. And basically it's understood by those that I tend to



Michael OConnor: aligned with. As there was a supernova, a star, it could. Who knows? In the grander schemes, but by a purely eventful thing that occurred, and it created a devastation. Some have said more theoretically that you know, because of humanity having



Michael OConnor: lost its way.



Michael OConnor: kind of gone dark



Michael OConnor: it was, you know, they had to wipe it out, and apparently that's happened more than once. So you get into this kind of not alien so much as



Michael OConnor: higher dimensional beings. Right? Right? So



Michael OConnor: in, you know, when we start talking about higher dimensional beings, it's not really like personalities who have big muscles.



Michael OConnor: It's something else.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Different differently dimensional, that.



Michael OConnor: All part of the grand, you know, like the God force the god, whatever that is right. I I don't even wanna say him. I don't even like calling it him at all. That it's it does is there's nothing it doesn't know there's nowhere. It isn't. It's just always here, everywhere. So there's nothing it doesn't know. And it's not like,



Michael OConnor: we on the planet are are souls in a school. So it's all like, not a big deal if it wipes out the like erases to chalkboard on a whole civilization. It's like.



Michael OConnor: Don't worry. You're eternal.



Michael OConnor: It's like they.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: God calls you back.



Michael OConnor: Yeah, or.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: All my favorite.



Michael OConnor: Okay that



Michael OConnor: the



Michael OConnor: it's become too messy. I I don't know. These are theories. And who knows? Because again, the linear



Michael OConnor: horizontal perspective is something caused this and this and that, but it's like the the I'm a more vertical perspective. I'm both, but more to the vertical. I'm like, yeah, no there's a intention of



Michael OConnor: mind



Michael OConnor: that is behind it all. And the notion of random this happened. No, no, you're you're it's gonna fizzle out like a shooting star. That kind of thinking. It's just gonna go nowhere, I mean, look at the design. Look at the design of nature right? It's like.



Michael OConnor: come on. Are we talking like? Is this a conversation? We're arguing about this, that



Michael OConnor: right, that is by design. Look at like cells. And



Michael OConnor: Adams.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Everything is just like, so perfectly combined. Yeah, yeah.



Michael OConnor: Yeah. Yeah.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It has been so much fun chatting with you, and



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I can't believe that we've been on here for like an hour already.



Michael OConnor: I know we we kind of have to. We we are basing, and we have. We haven't really gotten very far with our main focus, and I'm sorry about that. Is, we'll have to do with part 2.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Part 3, even.



Michael OConnor: Oh, I.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Just love chatting with you.



Michael OConnor: Yeah, so what's.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: What's the one thing that you want to leave the audience with from this section, and then we will have you back again for sure.



Michael OConnor: Okay, yeah, this big picture contextual perspective we did is a bit of a mind. Bender, I like going there a lot, I have to admit. So we did, and there you go, everybody. But it is true that we can turn our attention to a very specific subject like the United States and given what's going on in the United States. And it's it's kind of a tragic time, at worst.



Michael OConnor: and it's a very complicated time.



Michael OConnor: Of course, there's that us election coming, and I don't like to get too too political. At least I don't want to.



Michael OConnor: I'm kind of



Michael OConnor: nonpartisan for one.



Michael OConnor: you know, myself, and you know, but also



Michael OConnor: do my best to keep an open mind about.



Michael OConnor: you know.



Michael OConnor: who's in charge, because I don't think that whoever's in charge is really entirely in charge, because there's too many powers that be that are on behind the scenes, right? That are just immensely wealthy, powerful, pivotal.



Michael OConnor: And so a president is not that power.



Michael OConnor: It's kind of a silly thought almost to me, but it's it's relevant enough, and it's kind of way the game goes



Michael OConnor: and the United, but the united but above and beyond the election, though but that would we can talk about that, perhaps in part 3. I did have a few interesting insights and



Michael OConnor: again, it's kind of like



Michael OConnor: it's a relatively impartial



Michael OConnor: like whether you know this person or that person wins.



Michael OConnor: Some people might not like that. But I'm like.



Michael OConnor: just because it's too hot headed for me. And I'm not interested in that too much. And it's too



Michael OConnor: full bias, right, you know. Like why.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Very apolitical. I I yeah.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: like you, just watch it and



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and appreciate the theater for what it is.



Michael OConnor: There you go, you know, and it gets too polarized, and it gets ugly, and it gets debased, and so forth. I will say this, though, and I'll leave it on these final notes. The United States. Of course



Michael OConnor: I don't know if you could. In a way you can kind of say it's like an empire, but it's not, and it is. But it isn't okay. But I will say.



Michael OConnor: in a sort of a



Michael OConnor: global drama sense.



Michael OConnor: I would say to people, remember, empire is always busy.



Michael OConnor: Okay.



Michael OConnor: Empire is not gone.



Michael OConnor: There was the Persian Empire. There was Chinese dynasties and empires. There was the Roman Empire. Right there was the British Empire, and the United States emerged



Michael OConnor: kind of in this sort of awkward way. So young.



Michael OConnor: right? So it. But so there's this this new kind of thing.



Michael OConnor: Because there's hidden influences in United States, because it was a colony, etc, etc, kind of deep state stuff and all that right.



Michael OConnor: But the main thing is, empire is always on the march. That's what, just in terms of power, politics.



Michael OConnor: And we've achieved the technology for that empire to have a global agenda. Now



Michael OConnor: that is the thing to think. If you want to get into the real power politics. I think you have to go there, and if you do, if you're like, it would be naive to assume that empire is not on the march.



Michael OConnor: It is always on the march, and it will always.



Michael OConnor: I think, and that's a very kind of interesting conversation.



Michael OConnor: But so Empire, just, you know, is a fairly



Michael OConnor: in astrology. Capricornet type of



Michael OConnor: signed



Michael OConnor: meaning consolidate the power



Michael OConnor: right? And and so now, with modern technology, invariably, globalism



Michael OConnor: is here.



Michael OConnor: So. So then, so in that, the main point is that if in in like a part, 2



Michael OConnor: talking about the United States is is be in context to that. It's a nation. But the Empire now is globalist.



Michael OConnor: and that is where, in a manner of speaking, United States is reeling because it has kind of emerged in many ways as what's kind of recognized as the superpower. And then there's looking at China, and you know, and Russia right?



Michael OConnor: Fair enough. Okay, but everybody kind of thinks well, but the United States is the powerful one.



Michael OConnor: But now it's getting hit and nailed. And I it's kind of sad in a way, but in the larger



Michael OConnor: in in many ways, of course. But in many respects, according to its particular destiny.



Michael OConnor: I'm looking at it. Going. Oh, my God, it looks like.



Michael OConnor: In short, the United States in this context is now challenged to very significantly reinvent itself. Somehow.



Michael OConnor: that's what I was noticing. It's like this, and it's I don't believe. Unfortunately, it's going to be a quick reinvention.



Michael OConnor: It's gonna take a while like



Michael OConnor: I don't know. I don't



Michael OConnor: 25.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Groups.



Michael OConnor: Decades. Like, not only yeah. 25 years. That kind of thing. Yes, yes, yes. So so the I'll just leave it on that sort of note, because we're, you know, we get this big cosmological contextual perspective. And it does take time. I'm a bit long winded about those things. I'm sorry, but but to take one big, closer step. It's the juxtaposition of



Michael OConnor: the trends politically, and we might as well start with home. And even though Canada isn't the United States. We're



Michael OConnor: very close.



Michael OConnor: Yes, yes, exactly, precisely, although there's a different kind of conversation there. But I won't go into that right now. Most importantly, United States is a superpower, and Canada isn't.



Michael OConnor: That's the main thing to understand.



Michael OConnor: And it was leaning kind of the American Empire kind of notion.



Michael OConnor: But no sooner than you know. Oh, but globalism the whole while was in effect undermining it, and saying.



Michael OConnor: You will not be an empire.



Michael OConnor: you will be



Michael OConnor: taught



Michael OConnor: to yield and serve the Empire.



Michael OConnor: That is an interesting statement,



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: That is very interesting, and we're going to leave it at that, Michael. But



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I want you to come back.



Michael OConnor: Okay, you're.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: We are.



Michael OConnor: Let's do it sooner than later. I'd like to. I've been doing some little studies. So thank you. Jill and I appreciate our time today. Thank you. And I will invite people who are listening to, you know, if you want to get more background first, st go to my website, sunstar into the library. There's all kinds of stuff to learn. And there's a Youtube, I I put my Youtube videos there. So it's easy to access.



Michael OConnor: And of course, you can sign up for the free horoscope. More importantly, get a reading and



Michael OConnor: start that going on.



Michael OConnor: Because, yeah, the empowerment that comes from a good reading can be quite like, you know.



Michael OConnor: Mostly it's largely. It's a remarkable thing how, when it's done well.



Michael OConnor: I'll leave on this on a more personal note.



Michael OConnor: The the affirmational approach that I take, I believe, aligns. The person



Michael OConnor: person comes into their mental, emotional, spiritual, physical self almost is like, achieves a kind of an alignment



Michael OConnor: that hasn't. It's very rare to get that. And once you get it.



Michael OConnor: even if you knew everything that I said, it's the way it was said



Michael OConnor: that gives it this whole other level, and that makes, I find it makes people kind of, puts their feet on the ground and makes them feel good about who they are. That's what I'm mostly interested in. By the way, when it comes to my work, you know, and it's amazing how I can see what they're doing. I can see I can see it, I'm saying to. I see it is showing me.



Michael OConnor: and so I can tell them either. Well, it's it's a go hard or oops. It's gonna come to a big turn or oops. It's gonna enter like a a



Michael OConnor: undergo a



Michael OConnor: the transformation. And that's where it gets a bit difficult. But so we'll talk about this on a collective, larger Empire kind of national level. Maybe next time in the United States.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Awesome. Thanks.



Michael OConnor: Okay. Thank you.

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