In this enlightening discussion, Mark Stubbles, a trauma-informed hypnotherapist, shares his unique approach to healing anxiety, depression, and complex trauma through hypnotherapy and inner child work. His journey and methodology provide valuable insights for those seeking transformative healing.
The Journey to Hypnotherapy
Mark’s journey into hypnotherapy began from a place of personal struggle. Growing up, he faced significant anxiety and relationship challenges, which led him to seek help. Initially, he tried traditional counseling, but he found it unhelpful. Instead, he turned to hypnotherapy, starting with recordings on YouTube and later working with a hypnotherapist directly. This experience not only helped him manage his anxiety but also inspired him to train as a hypnotherapist himself.
Hypnosis vs. Traditional Counseling
Hypnotherapy offers a unique approach compared to traditional talk therapy. Mark emphasizes that while counseling can help, it often involves reliving trauma, which may reinforce negative memories and feelings. Hypnotherapy, by contrast, allows clients to enter a focused state of relaxation, helping them to release trauma without constantly re-engaging with it. This can result in faster, more effective healing, often in just a few sessions.
Understanding Hypnosis and Mindfulness
Hypnosis, as Mark explains, is simply a focused state of attention. It’s a state many of us experience naturally, like when we zone out while watching TV or driving. This focused attention fosters mindfulness, helping people to observe thoughts and feelings without being overwhelmed by them. Additionally, hypnosis helps create new neural pathways, allowing individuals to envision and manifest a different reality. This mindful approach encourages clients to externalize negative thoughts and build a healthier self-perception.
The Impact of Childhood Trauma
Mark’s work with clients often involves addressing the long-lasting effects of childhood trauma. He notes that traumatic experiences can lead to physical changes in the brain, like an enlarged amygdala, which can make it challenging to regulate emotions. Hypnotherapy can help by fostering relaxation and helping clients feel safe enough to explore and release these deep-seated emotional patterns.
Depression, Anxiety, and Complex PTSD
Mark distinguishes between depression, anxiety, and complex PTSD (CPTSD). While anxiety is a conditioned response to repeated exposure to fear, depression can be a signal that something in life needs to change. Complex PTSD, however, develops from prolonged trauma, often in childhood, and involves symptoms like chronic anxiety, low self-esteem, and negative self-perception. For those affected by CPTSD, hypnotherapy can be particularly helpful, as it does not require reliving traumatic events. Instead, Mark uses a technique called “double dissociation,” where clients watch themselves viewing their traumatic memories, providing a safer way to process past pain.
Inner Child Healing: Becoming Your Own “Good Enough” Parent
One of Mark’s core practices is inner child healing. Many of his clients have grown up without what he calls “good enough” parenting—experiencing unconditional love, acceptance, and care. His inner child program encourages clients to reconnect with and nurture their inner child, teaching them to become a supportive figure for themselves. This practice is not about blaming others but rather about taking responsibility for one’s healing and growth.
Tools and Techniques: EFT and CBT
Mark incorporates Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) exercises into his work. EFT, which involves tapping specific points on the body, can release stored trauma and unblock energy channels. This technique, combined with CBT exercises, helps clients reconnect with and manage their emotions, allowing them to address past trauma without being overwhelmed by it.
Benefits of Hypnotherapy: Fast, Effective, and Empowering
Unlike traditional therapy, hypnotherapy often produces quick results. Many of Mark’s clients see improvement after their first session, and most achieve their desired outcomes within three to six sessions. By targeting both conscious and subconscious layers, hypnotherapy offers a more holistic approach to healing.
The Importance of Setting Clear Goals in Healing
Mark highlights the importance of setting clear, specific goals in the healing journey. Simply aiming to “heal” can feel endless, as trauma often involves peeling back many layers. Instead, he advises clients to define what they want from their healing journey to make it more purposeful and achievable.
Embracing Responsibility and Changing Your Story
Mark and host Jill Hart agree on the power of reframing our personal narratives. By choosing to tell ourselves a “better lie,” we can reshape our memories and change our lives. This process of rewriting our stories allows us to take control of our lives, instead of remaining anchored in past pain.
Connecting with Mark
For those interested in exploring hypnotherapy and inner child healing, Mark offers a free depression and anxiety workbook, accessible on his website, alongside regular workshops on topics like anxiety and inner child healing. He encourages anyone struggling with these issues to reach out for support, whether through his offerings or with another trusted professional.
Mark’s message is clear: healing doesn’t have to be a long, arduous process. With the right approach, it’s possible to transform pain into empowerment and create a life aligned with peace and well-being.
free depression & anxiety workbook
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::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Hi and welcome to the U World order showcase. Podcast I'm your host, Jill Hart. And with us today is mark stubbles who is a trauma-informed hypnotherapist who uses hypnotherapy
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: to help his clients. He has a strong belief in the power of inner child work and hypnotherapy combined to help people overcome anxiety, depression, Cptsd and the usual suspects smoking and addictions so they can live a more productive and joyful lives. Welcome to the show mark. It's really great to have you here with us today.
::Mark Stubbles: Hello, Jill, thank you for having me. It's a pleasure to be here.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So tell us your story. How'd you get started in hypnotherapy?
::Mark Stubbles: Well, I got started in here with therapy growing up. I had always had a lot of anxiety.
::Mark Stubbles: a lot of social anxiety, a lot of relationship issues. I had a very
::Mark Stubbles: nasty
::Mark Stubbles: divorce.
::Mark Stubbles: but a nasty marriage as well. And I
::Mark Stubbles: just kept getting into relationship problems. I ended up
::Mark Stubbles: living with my grandparents, and they got more and more ill
::Mark Stubbles: which
::Mark Stubbles: led to confrontations with the family.
::Mark Stubbles: Various
::Mark Stubbles: goings on in the family. And
::Mark Stubbles: yeah, by
::Mark Stubbles: looking at the people I'd grown up around, I
::Mark Stubbles: got to see the source of my anxiety and relationship issues.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And you decided to investigate hypnotherapy. Did you find a hypnotherapist? Did you realize how
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: great it is.
::Mark Stubbles: But I tried counselling
::Mark Stubbles: When I was getting divorced I tried counseling, and I didn't
::Mark Stubbles: like the counselor very much.
::Mark Stubbles: I
::Mark Stubbles: didn't find counseling that helpful
::Mark Stubbles: And I
::Mark Stubbles: really want to
::Mark Stubbles: open up to anyone to be honest. So I 1st started listening to hypnotherapy recordings on Youtube.
::Mark Stubbles: and then.
::Mark Stubbles: as time went on, as I built trust
::Mark Stubbles: in hypnosis, and you know, realized that I wasn't
::Mark Stubbles: cracking like a duck or anything like that. So I decided to
::Mark Stubbles: see someone on a 1 to one basis. And
::Mark Stubbles: yeah, that
::Mark Stubbles: that's what I have to.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Sounds like a
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: a a normal. I'm gonna say, a normal way to get into the to the whole
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: coaching field and around hypnosis. I
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I've actually gone to 2 counselors in my life, and I was really disappointed when I went, because I didn't really even have any idea what I was supposed to be doing there. I knew that I was feeling bad, but I really didn't even know that I needed to talk about my feelings, because, you know.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: it was in the eighties and early nineties when the Internet wasn't
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: as prevalent as it is now. So we have Youtube and places like that where we can go and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: get access to some of these tools, but just going and and doing
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Youtube videos
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: only tends to give us like a piece of the picture. It's it's way different than if you actually go to a hypnotherapist and have them
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: target. What
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: what your issues are? Can you kind of speak to that a little bit.
::Mark Stubbles: Absolutely. Hypnosis is much more effective on a 1-to-one basis
::Mark Stubbles: with my clients. I do do a lot of talk therapy, I, you know, really try to
::Mark Stubbles: uncover the root of their issues. Really try to get them to
::Mark Stubbles: get a clear picture of what they want to achieve from hypnosis. How they will know hypnosis will be successful. The actual
::Mark Stubbles: hypnosis portion of this session is probably
::Mark Stubbles: a half.
::Mark Stubbles: No, it's only about 50% of the actual session.
::Mark Stubbles: although I do use conversational hypnosis
::Mark Stubbles: in the in the talking part. But the the hypnosis that the clients aware of is only about 30
::Mark Stubbles: 30 to 50% of the of the actual session and my sessions typically last
::Mark Stubbles: an hour and a half to 2 h because of that talking therapy, because I really want to get a clear idea of. You know what the clients got going on for them, and where they want to go.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Excuse me.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: This is.
::Mark Stubbles: If you're looking.
::Mark Stubbles: Oh, sorry.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So when you're talking about there's the talk
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: hypnosis. Part. Is that more like neurolinguistic programming? Nlp.
::Mark Stubbles: Nlp, yeah, I do use some nlp.
::Mark Stubbles: and yeah, conversational hypnosis.
::Mark Stubbles: language patterns and reframing.
::Mark Stubbles: all sorts of aspects.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: when it comes to actually
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: using hypnosis to change people's
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: behaviors, I guess we'd call them, or thought patterns. How how does how does that actually work? What makes it successful?
::Mark Stubbles: Successful for a number of reasons. Firstly, hypnosis is a focused state of attention.
::Mark Stubbles: You've ever driven somewhere. Got into your destination. Not remembered the journey. That's hypnosis. Been watching TV zoned out lost track of time. Wow! Where did all that time go? I'm ready for bed. That's hypnosis. So because it's a focused day of attention. It
::Mark Stubbles: help to cultivate mindfulness.
::Mark Stubbles: help a person to start to externalize thoughts and feelings, and modern society teaches us that we are our thoughts and our feelings, which
::Mark Stubbles: causes people to fight against
::Mark Stubbles: thoughts and feelings that they don't want to be having, you know, beating themselves up for negative thoughts.
::Mark Stubbles: feeling a certain way, thinking there's something wrong with them if they're feeling anxious.
::Mark Stubbles: sad. So
::Mark Stubbles: the mindfulness, aspect of hypnosis can be very effective for helping people overcome that. Secondly, your mind can't tell the difference between a real or an imagined event. So just by imagining yourself to where you want to be, you actually start to create new neural pathways in your brain.
::Mark Stubbles: The more you imagine yourself that way, the stronger those little pathways become.
::Mark Stubbles: And thirdly, the more you take time to relax the easier it becomes to relax.
::Mark Stubbles: particularly if
::Mark Stubbles: we've grown up with a lot of dysfunction. When a child experiences trauma, the emotional part of their brain, their amygdala actually increases in size, and the thinking part of the brain decreases in size, making them more prone to issues with emotional dysregulation.
::Mark Stubbles: So those are the 3 main benefits that you know. I tell people about. Some people talk about brainwaves and how you're accessing the Theta Brainwave State, which is thought to be a hyper learning state.
::Mark Stubbles: Also the brainwave state you go into when you dream, and dreams are thought to be the mind's way of processing information.
::Mark Stubbles: and there's many, many other theories on why hypnosis is so successful. The 3 I like to stick with are that it can be a very relaxing state.
::Mark Stubbles: The mind can't tell the difference between a real or an imagined event, and it helps to cultivate mindfulness.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I love that I was telling you before we got started recording, that I when I discovered self-hypnosis.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: it has really changed my whole sleep
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: patterns and ability to fall asleep and stay asleep
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: just by
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: putting myself in that state, and you can do it with breathing exercises and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and just
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: letting your mind tell yourself the the story. So
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: it works for me. But it people that have bigger problems if they're struggling with anxiety or depression. And this is not to, you know. If you're struggling with depression, get help somewhere, go to see your doctor and get some help right away. I do need to
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: make sure everybody understands that. But if if you're if you're dealing with, you know.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: depression based because you're anxious about stuff,
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and it's not like
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: a life-threatening
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: type of depression. Then, seeing a hypnotherapist can be very helpful, and you can get
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: you can get solutions quickly.
::Mark Stubbles: Absolutely. You can get
::Mark Stubbles: solutions with hypnotherapy.
::Mark Stubbles: Usually people see an improvement after the 1st session. Most of my clients
::Mark Stubbles: only need 3 to 6 sessions to achieve the results they want. So yes, with hypnotherapy you can get
::Mark Stubbles: solutions. You can feel better, much quickly, much more quickly than you can with traditional talk, therapy.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I know you offer a gift to people that visit your website or hear you on on podcasts. So you want to talk about it's a free depression and anxiety workbook. Do you want to talk about that just a little bit.
::Mark Stubbles: Yes,
::Mark Stubbles: so depression and anxiety. They're often comorbid. People often experience
::Mark Stubbles: both depression and anxiety together. So I've put together a workbook to help people with that. In the workbook you will find exercises eft, emotional freedom, technique.
::Mark Stubbles: works on the basis of Chi energy
::Mark Stubbles: and tap these meridian points around the body to
::Mark Stubbles: and block hachi energy.
::Mark Stubbles: So I have the full eft recipe in the workbook.
::Mark Stubbles: I also have
::Mark Stubbles: a couple of Cbt. Exercises to help to
::Mark Stubbles: reconnect with your emotions, and again we all become shamed out of our emotions. In childhood. When we start school we get told to shut down, pay attention. And we learn to suppress what we're feeling. So
::Mark Stubbles: there's exercises in the workbook to help people
::Mark Stubbles: identify what they're feeling had to
::Mark Stubbles: feel it, because what resists, not only persists but becomes stronger.
::Mark Stubbles: and yes, you can also find a link to depression and anxiety workbook I gave. I give what
::Mark Stubbles: I give workshops.
::Mark Stubbles: 2 or 3 times a week, so
::Mark Stubbles: find a link to my depression and anxiety. Workshop from the workbook.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Awesome, and we'll make sure we put that link in the description below. Do you?
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Do you want to talk a little bit about the difference between depression and anxiety. Just
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: so people can understand that the feelings that they they might be feeling and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: also addressing
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: the thought that
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: we might think we're depressed, or we might think we're anxious. But our bodies
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: we're often disconnected from feeling what our bodies are feeling. I know when I do
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: eft tapping with my coach. They they ask.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Where are you feeling that
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: in your body? So
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: just to talk about all of those little.
::Mark Stubbles: Yeah, I think
::Mark Stubbles: I do a lot of that kind of somatic
::Mark Stubbles: how to work
::Mark Stubbles: when I work with clients in on a hypnotherapy in a hypnotherapy session as well.
::Mark Stubbles: so
::Mark Stubbles: anxiety is a conditioned response from being repeatedly exposed to things that cause you fear
::Mark Stubbles: so kind of like Pavlov's dog that he
::Mark Stubbles: I always tell the full Pavlov's dog story when I give the workshops, but your audience probably already know it. But so when you experience, anxiety, your the symptoms
::Mark Stubbles: you experience would be very useful in a life or death situation.
::Mark Stubbles: Sweating enables you to cool down in any kind of physical activity your mind perceives may be coming, your heart rate increases to get blood flowing around your body, so you can have
::Mark Stubbles: I act or run away.
::Mark Stubbles: Depression. There's a difference between depressed feelings and depression, depressed feelings. Let you know that you need to make some changes in your life, that something
::Mark Stubbles: is wrong, that you know, something needs to be fixed.
::Mark Stubbles: Maybe you're not happy in a relationship
::Mark Stubbles: in a job. Depression is a low mood that lasts for a long period of time. As you said. If someone is feeling.
::Mark Stubbles: add depression, if they're feeling suicidal, they need to speak to their doctor.
::Mark Stubbles: So yes, that's what depression and anxiety, are they? Often I think they go together, because if someone experiences anxiety as I used to, I
::Mark Stubbles: I isolated myself. I had a very small
::Mark Stubbles: friends network the friends that I did have with
::Mark Stubbles: pretty toxic. You know my family was
::Mark Stubbles: pretty toxic, so
::Mark Stubbles: I didn't have any kind of support network which leads to depression. So I think that you know that is
::Mark Stubbles: what causes a lot of people.
::Mark Stubbles: 2
::Mark Stubbles: experience the 2.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Them together. So what's the difference between those 2? And say, Cp.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Tsd.
::Mark Stubbles: Ts. The complex.
::Mark Stubbles: complex post-traumatic stress disorder is suffered by prisoners of war, children who grow up in dysfunctional families. The Cptsd to form there needs to be repeated and ongoing abuse from which there's no escape and a reliance on your abuse. So as a child, you're going to be the perfect candidate to develop
::Mark Stubbles: to Ptsd. Everyone experiences trauma to some degree in their childhood. No one gets out of childhood
::Mark Stubbles: without any trauma
::Mark Stubbles: As a child you need what are known as good enough parents. A good enough parent will provide unconditional love, unconditional acceptance trouble. Know they're going to get their needs met, no matter what.
::Mark Stubbles: So most people develop, some inner child issues.
::Mark Stubbles: Cptsd
::Mark Stubbles: is is more common than you know. People realize like.
::Mark Stubbles: I would say, I had
::Mark Stubbles: severe Pt. Ptsd, and I didn't. You know I didn't know
::Mark Stubbles: what my issues were until
::Mark Stubbles: I actually started to heal. Started to get better. Probably wasn't until about 3 years into my healing journey that I actually started to
::Mark Stubbles: look at Cptsd,
::Mark Stubbles: so
::Mark Stubbles: yeah, I mean, one of the symptoms of Cpcsd is anxiety, a constant feeling of unease, like
::Mark Stubbles: something's always about to go wrong. Also a negative self-image, low self-esteem.
::Mark Stubbles: The child doesn't want to see their parents as bad. So they're going to internalize this function. They're going to see themselves as bad. And
::Mark Stubbles: yeah, that's gonna create a negative self image. So
::Mark Stubbles: again, all all of those things being surrounded by toxic people.
::Mark Stubbles: All of those things can lead to depression.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: just the whole not getting out of there out of childhood without some trauma.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It it helps us become the people we're supposed to be, but
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: not without a lot of pain, I'm sure. So how do you actually do your coaching? Is it one on one? Is it in person? Is it online? Is it in groups? Is it a combination of stuff.
::I moved everything online in:189
::Mark Stubbles: era. So yes, everything is online.
::Mark Stubbles: As I said, I give workshops 2 or 3 times a week.
::Mark Stubbles: You can find them on meet up and eventbrite. Also list them on my website, and then I have group programs. I have a stress and anxiety program, which is a 4 week
::Mark Stubbles: program on the stress and anxiety program. We did
::Mark Stubbles: exercises every week different exercises to reduce stress and anxiety. At the end of every session we have
::Mark Stubbles: 30 min hypnosis session.
::Mark Stubbles: and I have a 4 week in a child program on the inner child program. We do exercises to reconnect with the inner child through writing letters to the inner child, writing letters
::Mark Stubbles: from inner child to the adult self in a child program is about becoming a good enough parent to yourself. It's not about blame
::Mark Stubbles: it. You know. Everyone's doing the best they can with what they have, and I know, you know, I used to be a bit of a dick, and I have a lot of
::Mark Stubbles: things that I'd like to be forgiven, for. You know I can blame my parents, but then they can blame their parents. Their parents can blame their parents. So the inner child program isn't about blame. It's about becoming a good enough parents.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It's so powerful when you accept responsibility for your feelings.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: it's it's
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: very empowering it.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Instead of trying to push it off and blame other people for how you're feeling, because you have no control over other people, you can only control yourself.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and when you take that power back
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: life changing, let me tell you.
::Mark Stubbles: Yes.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So how do people get in touch with you? Mark?
::Mark Stubbles: They can visit my website, They can find me on Youtube, mark stubbles face. I have a Facebook group inner child healing, breaking free from Cptsd.
::Mark Stubbles: I also have a Facebook page which is anxiety hypnotherapist.
::Mark Stubbles: I'm also on Linkedin.
::Mark Stubbles: We also have a group called in a child healing, breaking free from cpts.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I love it, so does a person actually have to find the trauma or know the root of their problem in order to overcome it with hypnosis.
::Mark Stubbles: Not at all. No, it's a big
::Mark Stubbles: misconception that you have to relive trauma in order to overcome it. And said, the inner child program. It's not about reliving the past. It's about becoming a good enough parent yourself as a person starts to heal. You know, there's the theory of repression. When something is too
::Mark Stubbles: difficult to process, your mind
::Mark Stubbles: represses it or
::Mark Stubbles: suppresses it as a person starts to heal.
::Mark Stubbles: memories may come up.
::Mark Stubbles: but the
::Mark Stubbles: the program. None of the work I do is about reliving trauma. We can use
::Mark Stubbles: hypnosis techniques. If someone has Ptsd, that
::Mark Stubbles: they don't have to relive the event. I use a hypnosis technique which
::Mark Stubbles: double dissociates them from the event. So they watch themselves watching the event. And that's a very powerful technique
::Mark Stubbles: and also just working somatically as we spoke about earlier, working with the feelings as opposed to the
::Mark Stubbles: cognitive.
::Mark Stubbles: yeah, the the cognitive side of things, the memories just working with the feelings can be very powerful. And again, a person doesn't have to
::Mark Stubbles: remember the event.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I I've heard it said that even when you remember something you're changing.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: you're changing it. So it's
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: totally possible to just
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: remember it differently on purpose.
::Mark Stubbles: Every time you recall a memory you change it.
::Mark Stubbles: and your emotional state, when you recall a memory, can also influence that memory which is
::Mark Stubbles: one of the many criticisms of counseling, because if you're
::Mark Stubbles: talking over and over, you know about trauma again and again, you're rewiring those pathways in your brain keeping the trauma alive, you know you may be getting
::Mark Stubbles: set, which is
::Mark Stubbles: again building on
::Mark Stubbles: the negative emotions that the memory has.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yeah. Merca, Pierce says, tell yourself a better lie because they're all lies.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: That was that was really transformational for me in my life, because.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: you know, as you said, we all have trauma in our lives. You can just reframe.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: We just just make up a different story that you tell yourself about the memory.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It's totally
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: you're totally allowed to do that in life.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It's not breaking
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: rule.
::Mark Stubbles: Absolutely. Yes, yeah.
::Mark Stubbles: And yeah, as I said, the mind can't tell the difference between a real or an imagined event. So I would certainly, again, if someone came to me with anxiety, or you know any
::Mark Stubbles: any kind of issues, and they didn't remember any trauma. I would never regress them
::Mark Stubbles: to a traumatic.
::Mark Stubbles: They don't know about.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yeah. And and you don't have to really know about it in order to heal the effects that it may still be having in your body just because you've repressed it, or you're not remembering. It
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: doesn't mean that it isn't having some effect on your body.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: but you can actually
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: let it all go without having to be conscious of it.
::Mark Stubbles: Absolutely. Yes, yeah. But feeling it is
::Mark Stubbles: very important, because what we don't heal we will either reenact on others or find new people to reenact on us.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And also affect your your health in terms of sometimes. If you've got trauma that you haven't addressed, or you're not even really aware of consciously, but it's lurking back in your head. It can cause physical problems in your body.
::Mark Stubbles: Absolutely it. It can cause all kinds of issues.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I there's another modality out there called
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I forget what it's called. But I I remember it as the health code, where
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: or the body code. That's what I was thinking of. Where you, you ask your body. You know what's going on to release different
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: traumas that are stored in different places, which I the whole
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: process I found fascinating. It's not too unlike eft, and that
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: it it's so simple.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: but it it really has profound effects on you. I mean, when you think about acupuncture where they're sticking needles in different points in your body.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I've had acupuncture. It's it's I've walked away from it feeling like euphoric is the best way to describe it. But eft can give you that kind of feeling also, and that it can release things that you may not even
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: you don't actually even have to be conscious of what the problem is or how to like.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I used to think I don't. I can't do eft on my own, because I don't know the questions. I don't know the things to say, but just the act of tapping on those points can be really powerful.
::Mark Stubbles: Absolutely
::Mark Stubbles: absolutely. And eft was yeah, it was very powerful in helping me to overcome anxiety.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I think they really do go together, hypnotherapy and eft, in terms of just helping to reset your body and and your your neural pathways in a way that really supports a better quality of life. And, like I said, it can happen so fast.
::Mark Stubbles: Yeah, it
::Mark Stubbles: absolutely. It can. Yes.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So,
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: we're going to encourage the listeners to check out your website and to get that anxiety and depression workbook and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: tune into a couple of your workshops. I mean, it's.
::Mark Stubbles: Absolutely. That will be fantastic.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Okay. So, Mark, I really appreciate you coming and joining me today. What's the one thing you hope the audience takes away from our conversation.
::Mark Stubbles: 2
::Mark Stubbles: know what you want to get from
::Mark Stubbles: healing before you start out on your healing journey to have a clear idea of you know what you want to achieve to set
::Mark Stubbles: clear goals because
::Mark Stubbles: you don't know where you're going. You're never going to get there, and particularly people who have a lot of
::Mark Stubbles: childhood trauma. They just think, oh, I want to heal, and it's just like peeling an onion as
::Mark Stubbles: this layer after layer. You need to know
::Mark Stubbles: what you want to get.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Awesome thanks for joining me today.
::Mark Stubbles: Thank you very much.