Mariquita Solis – Leading Authority on Veganism – By Empowering Yourself, You Empower the World!

In this interesting episode, we meet a leading authority on Veganism, Mariquita Solis! Mariquita uses feminine energy as a tool to bring others to peace, power and effective activism around the vegan lifestyle. She also works with her clients towards a tangible activist goal to better the planet, our animals and ourselves.

You can find more about Veganism and Mariquita on her WEBSITE!


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Welcome to the New World Order Showcase podcast.


Today, we're speaking with Mariquita.


How do you say your last name again?


I'm so sorry.




Solis OK. Older brain.


That's my excuse.


Mariquita is a a vegan expert and she's here to tell us all about what she does and how she does it and why she does it so.




How about you?


Thanks, Jill.


Thanks for having me.


Well, I'm a vegan.


Empowerment coach, I see.


I see a lot of vegans that are struggling.


They're they really are angry.


At other people that don't want to become vegan immediately or don't understand veganism.


And so there's a lot of hatred out there for people that aren't vegans.


And so I work with them with vegans to live in peacefulness, with everyone and to really be effective communicators.


If you wanna share the vegan message to share it in a way that is best received and and.


For effective advocacy for themselves, like for the inner peace of themselves and powerfulness and for the planet as well.


And so that's what I work with people to achieve that mindset of of confidence and peace and resilience and acceptance of life.


Excuse me, that's really powerful.


And I.


I can.


I can see how that.


When somebody's passionate about something, they want to just share it with everybody and it's really hard for them to accept that not everybody's the same place in the past.


Of life that they are on.




And and and how it could affect you?


As as a human being.


Trying to


Carry that message, but get meeting resistance.


With it all the time.


So how did you get started?


How did you become a vegan?


What motivated you to go there?


Well, I became vegetarian in 95. I watched meat, your meat and it was narrated by Alec Baldwin. It was 3 minutes and I'll never forget how I mean, it breaks my heart.


And I didn't had no idea what was going in the on in the factory farms and just the animals.


Ohh yes, that'll be wonderful.


Yeah, just the graphic field video.


So I became vegetarian.


And then I I guess as I explored more and kind of was on my journey, I went vegan and I faltered, went back to vegetarian and then vegan so.


And and now I'm fully vegan and I feel more aligned in my life for the animals, the planet, for myself.


So yeah, I really stepped into being an empowerment and then also as I.


Studied life coaching and feminine and empowerment.


Also feminine wisdom in coaching with the feminine energy.


I thought this is very applicable to vegans because the feminine energy is always about.


It's about allowing and discovering, and so we really need when we're speaking to people, we need to discover.


And to listen.


And so that's very applicable here in my coaching programs.


I use that that method of just the gracefulness of it.


Yes, I like that the gracefulness of the exchange helping rather than beating somebody up for each.


Yeah, that doesn't work.


Excuse me.


No, no.


It usually doesn't.


Who's your ideal?


Who's your ideal client?


What'd you say?


Well, my ideal client is someone who's struggling doesn't know how to how to get away from this perfectionism.


This person and these has a lot of limiting beliefs.


And like I'm not doing enough, I'm not doing enough and it's never going to be good enough.


And so that.


Goes back to them, not believing in themselves, but they also have an open mind.


And they're willing to hear the new story about themselves, which is the old stories.


I'm not doing enough, and I'm not gonna change the world.


And the news story is I I am enough.


I'm doing enough.


I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing and I'm doing it with gracefulness and peace.


So that that's my ideal client and it's beautiful to work with them.


How would they identify themselves, I mean.


I think if.




They're sitting at home, not able to take action if they're really in a depressed state and just feeling bad about themselves.


That that's one way if you're feeling if you're a vegan, feeling bad about what you, how you're communicating, you feel like you're not making an impact.


On this world.


If you're sad and you can't sleep at night.


That's those are good identifiers.


What would.


You say veganism is.


I'm not sure I want to ask this.


Question, but I'm going to ask it.


Is it? Is it?


More like religion in terms of things that it that people adhere to.


And not as religion in a good or bad sense, but just as a set of doctrines that people.


Adhere to.


Mostly religions. Try.


To help people come to terms with how they live in the world, in my opinion, and.


It seems like.


Veganism is a is a way of expressing your desire to.


Live a sustainable.


Life with the planet and the animals and have an impact.


That way is.


Am I totally off base am I?


Kidding around the edges, I don't know, but well.


That's what you have to say.


I think for me it ties into spirituality.


I felt like the more awakened I became.


And this is only me that I am not able to look at another living being as someone that's lesser than me and that doesn't have the same rights as I do and that that wants to have the experience of life and in the fullest way possible.


And for me to take that away or being a part of that, it's goes against who I am inside.


And so that's living in alignment with them, with my beliefs and.


And I know there's a lot of vegans that are not spiritual.


They're a lot of them hate God.


You know who they think is God.


They say if there's a God then this wouldn't be happening.


So I mean, I'm sure you could get many different opinions on that, but for me it is a spiritual experience because it's a way of doing so.


I'm not perfect.


I'm not.


There are no perfect vegans and I'm not perfect.


I do the best I can not to harm others so.


And I yeah, that's all we can do and that's all I ask from anyone, anyone of my clients.


All we can do is the best.


Is to do the best.


You can every day and that changes all the time.


Shut that.


Really does kind of tie into.


I use religion and spirituality kind of interchange of languages.


Probably really wrong.


I think religion.


The word is very charged a lot of times where spirituality is more inclusive.


So I will try to be more inclusive.




What is? What is your?


What is working with you?


Look like let's ask that.


Well, we look at limiting beliefs.


What are the, I mean, so many a lot of times I work with women and it's not just women, but the shame based stories that we make about ourselves, control our lives.


So when we look at these shame based stories that that aren't related to us and they might be skills that need to be developed.


But let's just say.


Maybe you're an artist and so maybe you didn't sell anything at the art show and that doesn't mean you're a bad artist.


It doesn't mean you're, you know, you're.


You suck.


What it means is, you know, let's try a different route.


Maybe those weren't the right people.


That wasn't the right audience, right?


It's not about you and your character.


So that's what we look at.


What are these limiting beliefs?


What are these shame.


These meetings that are stopping my clients from moving forward and that like one of them.


I mean I these.


I'm like I'm invisible or no one wants to hear me believe that's running, you know?


How are you going to be an activist if you're?


Starting off or advocating for animals, if you're starting off with the belief no one wants to hear me and my.


Voice isn't powerful.


So we have to start at the base level starting with power, right, getting up and saying, hey, I have a powerful voice, it's gentle and it's kind, but it's also very confident and strong and I'm going to use that voice today.


So we start out from that and we let go of those other beliefs we we acknowledge them.


But they're not serving our lives.


So that's how we move forward and also having tangible goals, maybe we'll some of my clients are working on videos and activist videos just telling about lives of animals that have.


I mean the commonalities that we have.


So she's working like I have specifically one that is working on putting out a certain number of videos every month.


And I work with her and see what's holding her back, or if there's anything holding her back, moving her forward.


And in these tangible outcomes.


That's interesting, I.


I've long thought being.


A person who's a homesteader as well as.


The other things that I do and I have butchered my own animals and it.


I've long believed that if people had to harvest animals themselves, not, not to mention what goes on in in the factories, I've seen the videos too and.


I get inspired to eat mostly plant based things because that's just horrific.


If people had.


To butcher their own animals.


They would eat less meat than they do.


It's just.


It's a lot of work.


And to raise the animal and know the animal.


That you're butchering?


That's the other side of it.


Yeah, I can't imagine that you're right.


And you're exactly right on there.


And I think about the the workers in the factory farms, the trauma that they have, I mean, if you're, if that's repeated, it's just devastating to people.


To their inner spirit.


I think people get a lot of adrenochrome in the meat that they eat.


Also, because these animals are run through in a in a line, they see the animal in front of them.


Dying before it's their turn.


Your adrenochrome is triggered in your body.


As it is.


A fear based hormone and it does hit the meat and we do ingest it.


If we eat meat, it's really interesting.


And as the progression of the processing of animals for food in our country has gone on and it's become more.


More cruel really.


In the way that it's handled.


The difference in the quality of the meat.


Has declined significantly like I have butchered animals that I've raised myself.


And that me and I never butchered them in front of other animals.


It's just like this is a private thing.


And I'm gonna do it over here where everybody else isn't going to be aware of it.


Excuse me so.


In in that method.


The meat has a different taste than the meat that you buy.


In the store.


Which is also, you know I'm.


I'm older.


I remember what food tasted like.


Always been part of a family that cooked.


Instead of buying.


Processed stuff which just takes that animal product.


A little bit further down the scale of not healthy.


What do you?


In terms of.


Working with people. Do you do one-on-one coaching? Do you do group coaching do you do?


How? How does that?


All that look, do you have self-paced classes?


Yeah, I have one-on-one coaching and group coaching. I'm working on self-paced.


Right now, but I really enjoy the the group coaching, just that feeling of the group and seeing everyone support themselves so.


Yeah, I I kind of tend to think sometimes I'm just gonna do group, but then also I have a wonderful time with my one-on-one clients that are really ready to.


Commit, so those are the ones that they're really inspiring to me.


My one on ones also.


So yeah, but I really can relate to what you're saying.


About a minute ago.


About the meat and.


And the difference in it.


Because of the process the processed.


Foods and yes, it's.


A whole nother story.


Is it even questionable whether you're getting the the meat that you think?


You're getting more.


Right, that's true.


Yeah, I just recently became whole food plant.


Based so that's.


Another journey I'm on really trying to eat living foods and the foods that are really are form my body.


And but it's.


It's a journey because these foods and the processed foods and.


And the foods that aren't natural are.


They have so many additives that that make us addicted, you know, we see, like the ice cream and like, Oh my gosh, I gotta get something now.


You know that just those the chemicals are just raging for that ice cream right in our brain trying to get us to go get it.


And so, I mean it's it's a steady.


Journey of change and being gentle with myself, just like everyone else on the their own journey when it's their time.


Heard a while back.


From some other intuitives out there that said.


When you grow your own food and the woman who said this is a scientist, she's an engineer and she's worked with a in a with a gentleman who was doing a lot of plant based experiments.


But her supposition was that when you grow your own food.


The act of caring for that food causes that food to produce the exact things that your body needs.


It's like blessing food.


It changes the chemistry.


Of the.


Food to be what you need.


What are your thoughts on that?


Well, I think it's beautiful and it makes so much sense.


And when we're really, when we're all energy and then we a lot of times we don't think about that energy flow and what we're giving and what we're getting.


You know what?


What we're if we're really in gratitude.


And it's just I I like.


I forget about the connection to everything.


I mean, even like the speaker that's sitting here next to me, right, that my little speaker here, how many people had to come together to make that speaker at the whole process of it?




And it's such a spiritual experience.


So yes, the connection between foods that you eat.


And everything around us, and once we open our eyes and really acknowledge it, I mean that then we receive something even greater.


What's interesting about the connection that's I just look around my office and it's like, wow.


How many peoples hands?


And what were their stories?


Cause every being, even the animals, they have a story.


They're all unique.


They may look sort of similar, but everyone.


Of them is unique and.


Just and they all have a story.


Right. Hearing people's stories.


Yes, I do too.




There's so much wisdom to be learned.


And like you're saying, just looking around and thinking about all the people and.


And just the experiences and the stories that were more that came together to make where you are, what it is and all that energy.


That is a gift, and now you're receiving from that gift.


That that's really profound.


I that's, you know, every now and then you have a kind of a life changing.


Insight into something and you just change my perspective.


On on the.


The things that are surround me.


Thank you.


Thank you very much for that.


Thank you, Jill.


So when you're working with your clients.


I'm also supposed to be.


Talking about you.


When you're working with your clients.


Who do your and you're moving them towards a goal.


Is is your goal just to help them to be?


At peace with where they're at in their journey.


Or is it more towards helping them to have a voice and and activism?


Are you empowering activism?


Are you empowering?


Living in peace with themselves.


Well, it depends on the client that some are not ready to be activist or they're let's.


I mean activism can be so many different things.


I mean this could be a form of activism, right where I'm talking about veganism and sharing the knowledge.


So it depends on what they need, right?




If they have something tangible, like you're going to get out there, I mean, there will be something.


Tangible, but it not might not.


Be like a protest or anything like that, or letter writing.


It just depends on them.


You know, maybe if it's come up with 10 things that you really love your about yourself and that might be very challenging for someone.


You know, we could take three weeks to get to that point.


So and how could how does that tie in with the animals?


You know, maybe take another week and see how those 10 things that you love about yourself tie into the rest of this world.




How does you know?


How does?


How do you feel about how does how you feel about yourself relate to every living being on this planet?


How are they affected?




So we come up with the tangible with the, with the statements.


Yeah, it depends on the person what their needs are.


Interesting. Interesting so.


What do you think is the one biggest take away that you would want?


People listening to this podcast too.


Walk away with.


Well, I think.


So often we've lost our connection to living beings.


This planet, every blade of grass is beautiful, like you were saying.


Jill, you know every animal has a story.


Every blade of grass.


And I think to honor that connection with all living beings is what I would really want people to sit in quiet.


To think about and how your life can expand once you honor that connection to all forms of life.


How what?


What shifts in your life just to see what changes.


Very cool.


Have you heard about breatharians?


People that they survive.


Mainly on just oxygen.


They don't eat, they eat very little.


If they eat at all, it's.


Kind of an interesting concept.


Yeah, I have to look into.


It's kind of interesting.


So how do people get in touch?


With you, if they want to work with you.

:: or Mariquita Solis and I have a really great Facebook group.


Empowered vegans, voices of strength for Mother Earth, where I have a I have a live stream on YouTube every week and so I got a lot going on and I would welcome them to be part of my community.


Reach out to me for a free chat to see what's blocking you, and you don't have to be vegan.


I love to coach all people.


But you know, if you are vegan, it's resonating.


That's wonderful.


I mean, I'm here for the world, so if it.


Reasonates. Let's do it.


Very cool, very cool.


And we'll make sure that we put those links in the description below so people can reach out to you.


Thank you so much for joining me today.


Thank you.


It's been a blessing.


It has.

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