Gut Health: Unlocking Your Spiritual Connection and Full Potential

Emotional Intelligence and Personal Transformation with Loralee Humpherys

In this enlightening episode of the You World Order Podcast, Loralee Humpherys shares her wisdom and experience around emotional intelligence and personal transformation. With years of experience guiding individuals through their emotional journeys, Loralee provides practical tools for emotional resilience and growth. Her approach emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence in overcoming life’s challenges and using emotions as a source of strength.

Understanding Emotional Intelligence

Loralee begins by discussing the importance of emotional intelligence in navigating personal and professional challenges. She emphasizes that understanding and managing our emotions is key to building resilience and making better decisions in life. Emotional intelligence allows us to process feelings in a healthy way, leading to greater self-awareness and stronger relationships.

Loralee explains that emotional intelligence is not about suppressing emotions but learning how to channel them in a constructive way. By tuning into our emotional states, we can make better choices and respond more effectively to stressful situations.

Overcoming Emotional Blockages

One of the biggest challenges people face is dealing with emotional blockages—those unresolved emotions that can hold us back from growth. Loralee shares her own journey of overcoming these blockages and how she now helps others break free from their emotional limitations.

She offers practical strategies for identifying and addressing emotional blockages, such as:

  • Self-awareness: Paying attention to recurring emotional patterns.
  • Journaling: Writing down emotions to gain clarity.
  • Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness to remain present and process emotions without judgment.

Embracing Emotional Resilience

Loralee also touches on the importance of emotional resilience. Life inevitably brings challenges, but with emotional resilience, we can bounce back stronger and wiser. Loralee encourages listeners to embrace the difficulties they face, as they are often opportunities for growth.

She shares techniques for building emotional resilience, such as practicing gratitude, staying connected with supportive people, and maintaining a growth mindset. Resilience is not about avoiding hardship, but about learning how to thrive despite it.

Transforming Your Life Through Emotional Intelligence

The key takeaway from Loralee’s discussion is the transformative power of emotional intelligence. By understanding our emotions, addressing blockages, and building resilience, we can transform our lives. Emotional intelligence helps us navigate relationships, career challenges, and personal growth in a way that leads to lasting success and fulfillment.

Loralee’s message is clear: emotional intelligence is a skill we can all develop, and it’s one that has the potential to profoundly impact every area of our lives.

Final Thoughts

Loralee Humpherys’ insights on emotional intelligence and personal transformation provide valuable tools for anyone looking to better understand and manage their emotions. Whether you're seeking to overcome emotional blockages, build resilience, or simply live a more mindful and connected life, this episode offers a wealth of practical advice.

Digestive health guide –


:: 00:01Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Loralee Humpherys. She is a spiritual life and health coach, massage therapist, Reiki master Colon, Hydrotherapist with experience in meditation and aromatherapy. Her purpose is to expose and dissolve the deep seated social conditioning.

:: 00:21And beliefs that keep you feeling stuck and fearful, sick and diseased, and giving away your freedom and power. In other words, being enslaved.

:: 00:29Her goal is to teach you the natural laws of health and the tools needed for you to heal yourself so that together we can build our new world. Founded on the core ethic of do no harm, I love that so much. Welcome to the show, Laura Lee.

:: 00:44Thank you for having me. It's good to be here.

:: 00:47So tell us your story. How did you get into all of this, and where did you start from? And you've got, like, so many things that you're you're fishing.

:: 00:56That.

:: 00:56Yeah, it it's been definitely accumulation of a lifetime of healing. So I started when I was in college, I had my like awakening of things. And as most awakenings go, it is a result of trauma and difficult times.

:: 01:10And so with that, then I started to question everything that I was taught. I started looking for every book that I could find.

:: 01:19And this was.

:: 01:20Pre Internet so everything in the the college bookstore that related to healing self help family patterns, psychology and then.

:: 01:31When I had a chance and I would go to travel to a different town to where they had one of the very first new age bookstores, and I would just gobble up everything I could find, every topic that was of interest to me, and I zeroed in on.

:: 01:46On energy healing work and spiritual psychic development that.

:: 01:51Just fascinated me.

:: 01:53So I read everything that I could and I really just wanted to find someone at the time who could do that and where I was living. It was a very religious conservative environment. I thought, who were there in this town, you know, and how the universe works.

:: 02:06Burn you at the stake.

:: 02:12Is that?

:: 02:14After I graduated from college that I was visiting, a friend of mine who has had a lapidary shop, and she was telling me about this woman that could see energy would come in from time to time and clear energy on her wrist, because when she was doing jewelry that is teeny little movements and you get carpal tunnel very easily. So I was like, Oh my gosh, I.

:: 02:33Have to meet this woman.

:: 02:35So fortunately, a few weeks later then I was in the shop at the same time and got together. She started doing energy work for me.

:: 02:42And that was truly the beginning, turning point of so many things she taught me.

:: 02:50So much in terms of the energy system, how to heal the dynamics of how energy flows through the body, how it shows up in your life.

:: 02:59How it connects to?

:: 03:02And influences fiscal health.

:: 03:04And how you can you can really develop a relationship between doing meditation and shifting your energy, doing internal work and then observing how that affects your outer life and from there then you can really make progress in learning to manifest and and live your life intentionally.

:: 03:24Consciously.

:: 03:26Versus being run on Autopilot, which is dominated by social conditioning, old traumas, genetic or generational traumas that get passed down. And so it was just just a.

:: 03:42Life changing event for me and so then from there I worked with her for about 14 years.

:: 03:48Then from there, then I went back to school into massage. I became a Ricky master and learned all kinds of things about how the body works, using essential oils and then later a few years ago I became a health coach.

:: 04:05Because I've realized so much of what affects the ill health of the body is, quite frankly.

:: 04:12What are we putting in our?

:: 04:14And it doesn't take too far to look at the current food supply to see it's so loaded.

:: 04:21With toxic chemicals, it's over processed. There's no nutrition or very little nutrition. I mean, I could go on and on.

:: 04:27About the contamination of the food supply.

:: 04:30And how it firstly wrecks the gut.

:: 04:34And then from there goes on to effect hormones, blood pressure, weight, blood sugar, brain fog. I mean, every other ill in the book. It all comes back to.

:: 04:46Gut her.

:: 04:48And so that's where I chose to focus my my emphasis, my coaching work on gut health, because that is really the beginning point of everything. And secondly in the abdomen, that's where we hold massive amounts of energetic, emotional data. Unresolved emotional issues is found.

:: 05:07In the gut.

:: 05:08So you combine that.

:: 05:09Together then you have a really solid foundation for helping yourself heal and really turning your life around going.

:: 05:16Into the direction that you choose.

:: 05:20I I had an image where you were talking of.

:: 05:25If you're not living your life intentionally, it's like standing and moving around slowly on the freeway with all the oncoming traffic.

:: 05:35You know, maybe you can dodge cars for a little while, but eventually you're going to get whacked by something. And then if you're able to stand back up, you're already crippled and you're going to get hit by something else. So you really do need to to look into these.

:: 05:52Modalities to to heal your gut and heal your your energy field, and they're all connected.

:: 06:00It's it's like.

:: 06:02So amazing to me how how much we've learned lately about how interconnected they really are.

:: 06:10It has.

:: 06:10And I'm I'm I'm so interested in.

:: 06:15In what you're doing out there by sharing this message, because often you find people that are either focused on just the health part or just the spiritual part, but they really do all go together.

:: 06:30Yeah. I think with my experience, I began with the energetic emotional work.

:: 06:34And I at the time, I really wasn't very connected to my body. And then as I learned to do as I did more of that work and then went through massage school and then learned about nutrition, it all just landed one day for me of how so interconnected it is. You cannot separate them out.

:: 06:53And when I was younger and just learning all of this stuff in my beginning days was before I even went to.

:: 06:59Massage school.

:: 07:00I was so immersed in the world of energetic healing and understanding the the, the energetics of our system.

:: 07:08I would talk to people about the energy system and they would look at me like.

:: 07:13I've got 3 heads.

:: 07:14They have no concept.

:: 07:17And fortunately.

:: 07:18The.

:: 07:19It's gradually making its.

:: 07:22Way into the understanding of the public and and yet we still come up against this blind spot that if we cannot see it, touch it, feel it since it with our five physical senses, it couldn't possibly exist.

:: 07:35And yet that, in my opinion, is one of the biggest misconceptions of the universe.

:: 07:41Because there's so much more beyond what we can see.

:: 07:46Invisible light. And that's where our energy system exists.

:: 07:51And so we.

:: 07:51If everything exists, it's yeah.

:: 07:54We're going to.

:: 07:56Bring it into the realization of our.

:: 08:01We call it manifesting, but it's really just making it manifest. You revealed in the three-dimensional like we're all little 3D creators out there every time we have a thought, something is created.

:: 08:18We just might not see it yet and I can give you a really interesting example. This happened to me just recently. We we live next door to a a, a granary, and they had been turning. There's a little piece that comes out. They they border us on two sides and there's this little piece that comes out into our neighborhood.

:: 08:37And it was turning into a junkyard. I mean, they were piling old cars in their refrigerators, just junk. And, you know, it was kind of like.

:: 08:48I was. I don't like mice.

:: 08:50OK. I'll just put it out there. The mice just like.

:: 08:52Creep me out so the mice were like.

:: 08:56Multiplying over there because you know it's a granary and there's lots of grain and stuff for them to eat. And I, you know, instead of complaining and and going to the City Council and demanding change, I just started visualizing it as a park where kids could play, and there were swing sets. And even though it's a gravel lot.

:: 09:17There was grass and just held.

:: 09:20This vision for that piece of land.

:: 09:24For about 6 months and a few days ago, they started moving their trucks away and all the trash disappeared. Now there's just one small pile of siding that I'm pretty sure is.

:: 09:31Nice.

:: 09:40Going to be.

:: 09:40Leaving.

:: 09:41Soon, but I think we want.

:: 09:43Some of that so.

:: 09:44Talk to him about it before they take that to the dump. But I mean it just I didn't have to do anything other than hold the intention for that piece of property and I'm really excited to see what they end up doing with it.

:: 09:59I have to have to be cleaning it up for some reason.

:: 10:02Right. Yeah, we are so much more powerful than we give ourselves credit for or what.

:: 10:08We even understand.

:: 10:09And I think bringing in that understanding of our energy system and how to work with it and how it interfaces with our body, that really opens up so many different conversations and potential and.

:: 10:24Abilities of of what we can actually do, not just for healing ourselves and our bodies, but manifesting the life that we wish and understanding the principles of how to use the energy to do that.

:: 10:39You know, so.

:: 10:39It's the educational piece is just so important.

:: 10:43It is and it's it's. It almost feels like. I don't know why we don't teach our kids this. I don't know why we weren't taught this as kids.

:: 10:52It the world.

:: 10:55Would be in a much different place right now, and I believe that it's moving towards this better place because.

:: 11:03People are getting this message out and more and more people are waking up to the shenanigans that have been going on for, you know, really centuries around.

:: 11:15The power that we have, and anytime somebody's like, I was joking about you getting burned at the cross or on the on the pyre, but they they did things like that to people that were awake because they didn't want the message getting out because when one individual realizes how much power.

:: 11:25Yeah.

:: 11:36They have.

:: 11:38By themselves.

:: 11:39It's multiplied when we come together, and the more people that are creating this or holding this vision for a better.

:: 11:49The better universe.

:: 11:51The more it comes into focus for us all, which is.

:: 11:58The whole point of being I think.

:: 11:58Yeah, of course, yeah.

:: 12:01We can manifest so much more and I think it's, you know, it. It goes back decades and decades and it's or.

:: 12:07Hundreds of years, I should say.

:: 12:09Even thousands, if you want to go back that far of just this agenda on the planet by certain groups of people who maneuver themselves into power and through religion, into politics, into into corporation and business, so that they have the control of what information we have access to because the services we have access to and.

:: 12:30So much of it.

:: 12:31I mean, you could say I'm even.

:: 12:32Like 98% of it, it's all geared towards keeping us separated uneducated.

:: 12:40Not understanding who I are in our true potential and not coming together, because if we did, we would topple those control structures.

:: 12:48In like a day.

:: 12:51Yeah, all we have to do is walk away. It's really that simple. But most people live in a state of fear.

:: 12:54Exactly.

:: 13:01That's just their normal state of being is fear. And they may say, oh, no, no, no, I love everybody. But you're afraid you're afraid you're gonna lose your house. You're afraid you're gonna lose your stuff. You're gonna. You're afraid that you're not gonna have enough. Whatever enough is. And it it's like everything exists, but nothing exists.

:: 13:21In my my worldview anyway, and you know.

:: 13:26You've always had a.

:: 13:27Yeah.

:: 13:28You, by virtue of the fact that you're still breathing, you are enough and you will always have enough.

:: 13:34Because, you know, stuff is always in flux and will come and it.

:: 13:39Will go and.

:: 13:42No amount of worrying about it is going to change.

:: 13:46What's happening? I actually I shouldn't say that because the more you worry about it, the more what you're worrying about will show up in your life because you're actually creating that reality for.

:: 13:54Absolutely.

:: 13:57Yourself.

:: 13:58Yeah.

:: 13:59Instead of just imagining, use your pretend. Let's pretend you can pretend anything and and truly it can be reality.

:: 14:09Yeah.

:: 14:10Yeah, there's a lot of forces and and mechanisms in play in society that keep people.

:: 14:18In that state of fear, it's a very low vibration. There's a lot of technologies that are designed to pop out.

:: 14:25There.

:: 14:26And so, you know, just kind of like go down the chain of what does that doing for you. So you're receiving this bombardment of this frequency, this very low frequency of fear. It becomes embedded within your energy system.

:: 14:39Stirs up and activates.

:: 14:42The thoughts, the feelings, the unresolved past traumas of things that you already carry within you.

:: 14:49That is a resonant companion to the fear being broadcast to you.

:: 14:57And so you become paralyzed emotionally. Energetically, the cells of your body.

:: 15:03Register and receive this instruction to be fearful, so your genetics, your DNA, your will express proteins.

:: 15:13At that level.

:: 15:14The biochemistry, the hormones, the neurotransmitters, everything will.

:: 15:19Be created to reflect that state of fear.

:: 15:24And so not only are you energetically, mentally, and emotionally, now you're physically locked into.

:: 15:31That low state and then you just act and do and say things to perpetuate it, and then you're stuck.

:: 15:39How do you get out of that?

:: 15:41And you start becoming less healthful, your your body starts to deteriorate because your body.

:: 15:49It holds all of these emotions. Emotions are a chemical reaction. There's something that actually physically happens in your body when you have an emotion it you know, you just look at when you cry.

:: 16:01High.

:: 16:02Something caused those tears to come out of your eyes.

:: 16:06Yeah, chemicals are made, yeah.

:: 16:09It's a it's they're all like processes on on the 3D level, everything is managed by by processes, the breathing, the, the, just the the act of everything sticking together so that you you are still in this.

:: 16:26Burial state? Yeah, because I don't think that that's our natural state. Our natural state is is.

:: 16:33In a flow, it's it's light. We are part of everything and and the further we get from that idea that we are connected to everything, the more alone and fearful we can become instead of, you know, looking at at your neighbor and saying you are me and I am you.

:: 16:55You're saying ohh you're bad and I'm good.

:: 16:59It breaks that.

:: 17:02Yeah, every second actually reminds me of a couple of things I read recently that are listened to a podcast recently where they were saying some some studies or or research projects done by various scientists going back to like the night.

:: 17:02That.

:: 17:03Yeah.

:: 17:171940s, the World War. 2 days.

:: 17:20And they found that they could do all kinds of things like physical abuse, mental emotional abuse to people.

:: 17:29But that would not break their spirit as much as if they isolated them.

:: 17:36Do you think about the messages for the last few years about how we have to isolate distance and separate ourselves, and then all all of this, the other messages about how you're better? I'm not or I'm better than you or this race or this gender or this ideology, I mean.

:: 17:52Everything under the sun to separate us.

:: 17:54And just and just understanding that creates such a low level or a primal angst and trauma response which goes against our very nature and how we're built.

:: 18:09That it just it just kind of rolls and rolls and tell people act out crazy. Then they have all kinds of violence and all kinds of things that we're looking at in our world today.

:: 18:20Completely forgetting who we are and what we're capable of.

:: 18:24You know which is to be in a more relaxed, expansive, open, receptive, loving, nurturing.

:: 18:31Cooperative.

:: 18:34State, I mean that's that's how.

:: 18:37We were meant to live, not this dystopian fear based nightmare that so many people have fallen in.

:: 18:46Yeah, and it keeps getting perpetuated even in you know.

:: 18:52When you look at institutions that are supposed to be about love and peace and coming together.

:: 19:00You almost always find that they're the catalyst behind these fear based ideologies of, you know, there's not enough and you know those those people over there are coming to get you and you better hoard and you better like make sure that you can protect yourself because.

:: 19:21Yeah.

:: 19:24I am at heart an anarchist and not the chaos kind. I'm the kind that believes we should all govern ourselves and we should all look at the world as though we work connected because we are and we're connected not just to each other, but to all living things like the.

:: 19:44Trees and the plants and the animals.

:: 19:48We we are connected to them. We're all energy and we all move and and have an impact on each other and you know.

:: 19:51Yeah.

:: 20:01No, I'm not a vegetarian, but.

:: 20:05I I would agree with what you're saying about at heart and anarchist, and it's also looking, you know, immediately people hear that term and they have this complete lawless breakdown image in their mind. And it's like if you really look around, yeah. If you really look at what that word.

:: 20:07So.

:: 20:19But that's not anarchy.

:: 20:23Deeds.

:: 20:24It all comes back to recognizing that you.

:: 20:28Are a sovereign.

:: 20:29You have the ability to think and choose and run your life and choose how your body is cared for and what you put into it.

:: 20:40You are at choice. You are empowered to run your life. You don't need an outside force telling you what to do every second of the day.

:: 20:50And I think that that is such the heart of so many physical.

:: 20:55Conditions. You know, these people get so bogged down in the conditioning that they're helpless, that they're worthless. They have to be a victim. And so it becomes this weird inverted thing to where they begin.

:: 21:08To feed on.

:: 21:09The attention that a victim or a health condition.

:: 21:15That's.

:: 21:16Rather than recognizing you've got the power to stand up and heal yourself and walk away from this that they've instead I.

:: 21:25Form their identity around.

:: 21:28This.

:: 21:31Condition.

:: 21:33And so now they milk it for the intention that they can get from it. I'm like what?

:: 21:37You know, we're so much more than.

:: 21:38That you know.

:: 21:40It's it's. It's not even the power so much as it's the responsibility. You have a responsibility to all the rest of us.

:: 21:48Yeah.

:: 21:49Heal yourself to be the best version of you you can be because the rest of us need you. We are. We are a collective. Whether you want to.

:: 22:00Acknowledge that or not, we we belong together. People are not designed to live in isolation. They're not designed to live by themselves. And the more that you isolate yourself from others, the crazier you get, really.

:: 22:15Yeah.

:: 22:16Yeah.

:: 22:16Because you you start creating.

:: 22:21Because we're always creating by what we think about. And so you start creating a reality that that it doesn't really mesh with the rest of the realities that are being created around you, which is why community is so important because we're all kind of collectively creating.

:: 22:40A reality that we want to see together.

:: 22:44Yeah, and that's that's what you said about responsibility is huge because it's it's coming into what I call spiritual maturity.

:: 22:53In that you recognize.

:: 22:55This is how I made I have this.

:: 22:59Consciousness that can intend and create and do and manifest. I have this energy system through which that happens. So then it's the big question is what are you offering the of the world? What? What are you contributing?

:: 23:13Does it uplift or does it harm?

:: 23:15Does it continue? Does it nurture and and assist other people to be the best they can be? So that together, as you said, we're all one. So that together we can evolve as life is about either evolve or.

:: 23:29Die.

:: 23:30It's off.

:: 23:31Dissolved. So how are you using your energy and then being responsible for those choices and those actions of if you've used it in a way that is more harmful and and life?

:: 23:46Detracting.

:: 23:48Recognize that? Ask yourself. Is that really my intent?

:: 23:52Am I really that disconnected for myself? Well, maybe I need to do some work on myself to, like, correct this and then take this steps to what I call uncreate. But use your power or your intention, your energy, to create something else so that that old creation no longer perpetuates. To continue harming yourself and others and by others.

:: 24:12I mean everything in in nature.

:: 24:15That.

:: 24:16Plants, animals, birds, fish. You know everything. We have a relationship to all of life.

:: 24:23We're not separate from it.

:: 24:26Which is what we've been taught to think that.

:: 24:28We are and it's that's.

:: 24:29What is is leading to so much destruction on this planet?

:: 24:34Yeah, it really is. And.

:: 24:36Yeah, all you have to do is is look around and and ask yourself.

:: 24:43Hmm.

:: 24:45Is this helping or hurt?

:: 24:46Building.

:: 24:47The progression of where we are going as a universe, as a civilization. Yeah, you know. But I I can remember back in the days when we used to use paper bags, the time, I mean there was, there weren't any other options. And then along came plastic bags which were going to save the trees.

:: 25:01Yeah.

:: 25:08Yeah.

:: 25:08I remember that.

:: 25:10And now we've come full circle. Can't use plastic because it's killing the planet. It's like, duh. I told you that back then instead of, you know, the the useful paper bags where you could, you know, wrap your textbooks or something.

:: 25:28Yeah, you'd use them for many things, or even get a cloth back.

:: 25:32Yeah.

:: 25:35That's plastic.

:: 25:37Now you've got the plastic bags and they get thinner and thinner, and they're they're almost useless. And and now they want to charge you for them. When you go different places, it's like, well, no, I don't.

:: 25:45Uh-huh.

:: 25:46Really need a bag.

:: 25:48Yeah.

:: 25:48To buy that much stuff here.

:: 25:51It's just you step back, step back and it's.

:: 25:53Just gotten silly.

:: 25:54Cause it's so absurd and it's like.

:: 25:57We have lost our way in so many ways and so many respects and I think that I think so much of the chaos and the mayhem that is happening on this planet currently.

:: 26:08Is simply a wake up call to catch your attention to say, look how far we have come.

:: 26:14In in in an unsustainable way, it's like, what does it actually mean to be human?

:: 26:20It's not about injecting Cyborg making things into our bodies. It's not about becoming a machine.

:: 26:28It's about recognizing.

:: 26:31The beauty, the magnificence of this innate divine design that we have, everything that we need to evolve and to grow and to connect.

:: 26:42With each other and take care of the planet as stewards that we were, that the human race was meant to.

:: 26:47Be.

:: 26:48Rather than.

:: 26:49To control and kill everything.

:: 26:51But it's it's really coming back to.

:: 26:54Who are you?

:: 26:56Why are you here? What is your gift that you have to offer the world and the process of discovering that you get to rebuild your body and discover how you've misused your power of of intention and misdirected your energy.

:: 27:13And then learn to create something that nurtures life.

:: 27:17You know, it all goes you.

:: 27:18Know what you were saying to my bio?

:: 27:20Is like do no harm.

:: 27:22Really. Take that to heart.

:: 27:25It's and by doing no harm. That includes you.

:: 27:30And not harming your body by giving it things that's going to create disease and deteriorate it.

:: 27:36You know you can get down very granular when it comes to just do no harm.

:: 27:43And I think if if people just were to keep that more in mind, just that that premise alone.

:: 27:51That could really influence so many poor choices and instead redirect them into more beneficial ones.

:: 28:00Yeah, I it's so true. I was thinking about something I'd heard.

:: 28:04About a while ago and that's that. When you grow your own food, the act of growing your food actually changes its chemistry to nourish your body more than like if you bought the if you go tomatoes and you buy tomatoes in the grocery store, those tomatoes that you've grown, that you've.

:: 28:25Put your hands on and your put your energy around and if you're like me, you talk to your plants. After we're done here, I'm going out to encourage my seeds to grow for me.

:: 28:36Yeah, it sounds silly, but hey, I didn't.

:: 28:39Upper.

:: 28:40Perhaps when you do stuff like that?

:: 28:42Yeah, there's there's a lot of science behind that, and they figured that out long. You know, years ago. And there was even a a woman that I follow. She'd mentioned that same type of a thing. And what?

:: 28:52They would do is.

:: 28:53Take the seats before they put them into the ground and and put.

:: 28:56Them in their.

:: 28:56Mouth and let the saliva at the DNA.

:: 28:58The energy signature of the person embed themselves.

:: 29:02Into the seed. And so when the plant grows up then it has your your signature, your frequency so that it will create as you said the nutrients specific to the frequency of what.

:: 29:17Your makeup is and by your continual interaction. Again, it goes back to the energetic exchange.

:: 29:24They understand plants are intelligent, they have their own level of intelligence. They can pick that stuff up and they know what compounds to make.

:: 29:31To nourish us, it's a beautiful thing and it's.

:: 29:34It's just going.

:: 29:36Yeah. Going back to the connection, returning back to nature and the Earth and and really looking at how do we want to.

:: 29:47Rise. Construct our life in our communities.

:: 29:51Such that we can thrive again and be happy.

:: 29:56Yeah. So let's talk a minute.

:: 29:59About how it is that you do your coaching. Because we're supposed to be talking about how you.

:: 30:03Do it I.

:: 30:04Love this conversation I it's just like it's it's where I live.

:: 30:10Right. Yeah, so.

:: 30:13So how do you coach people? Is it like one-on-one, is it?

:: 30:16Group is it? How? How does all that look?

:: 30:20Yeah. So the current version is a three month program. And so I have a variety of things that I support them in.

:: 30:29Restoring their their gut health.

:: 30:31As much as possible during that time, and then if it choose to renew for another three months, that's always an option.

:: 30:37So all the things that I've put into my program are things that I've done through myself, so we always start with looking at what are you eating, becoming aware of the things that you're putting into your body that's poisoning you quite frankly and creating inflammation and and jacking up your nervous system and your hormones, your endocrine system, stopping that.

:: 30:57And then start introducing.

:: 31:01More quality foods plant based foods are like real food, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes.

:: 31:08Getting proper nutrition and then so once we've spent some time doing that and and the my clients are few few steps into the process of that then.

:: 31:19We do a cleanse a.

:: 31:23A cleansing process. There's two components to restoring health. You got to get the nutrition, but then you've got to do the cleansing and I think a lot of coaches, a lot of people, they don't really delve too much into the cleansing, detoxing component.

:: 31:38Who knows?

:: 31:40But from my training I figured that is one of the biggest things that needs to be done, and the two organs that are the most stressed in the digestive system.

:: 31:51Are the colon and the liver if those are jacked? If the if the liver is stressed, which, quite frankly in everyone that is.

:: 31:58There's going to be such a cascade.

:: 32:01Downhill effect of numerous other body functions that go awry and so.

:: 32:07That those two organs cleansing those two organs is a big part of my system of my program, and I use an enzyme based cleanse product, a program that has been very, very effective, very effective at getting out the mucoid plaque that lines the intestinal walls, that gets out the stones.

:: 32:28The gallstones out of the liver and gallbladder.

:: 32:30So that those organs can relax the structure, start to work more optimally again, and then from there, then it's on the post cleanse and it's like, OK, how are you feeling? How does your body respond to that? Let's up level again so that you can begin to form more.

:: 32:50For.

:: 32:51Long standing habits of health and along the way I teach them the natural laws of health, of basic simple things, of how you live to.

:: 33:03Keep a body healthy, which are also the solutions for reversing disease.

:: 33:09Basic things like getting an adequate sunshine, fresh air, look at the quality of your water, are you living in a toxic relationship? Are you doing things that you enjoy? Are you exercising your body? Basic simple things we all know we need to.

:: 33:24And then through all of that, then there's also conversations of the emotional work that's going to come up everywhere anytime you make a change in your diet, there's going to be the resistance and the chatter, and it's like, OK, what's going on here? What's really talking? What really is the issue here during the cleanse process?

:: 33:44When you take away the blanket of food.

:: 33:47Emotional stuff will come up because they are lodged in the gut. They are lodged in the intestines.

:: 33:52In the liver.

:: 33:53And so those those emotional energies need to be looked at, expressed, discussed, resolved so that you're no longer.

:: 34:02Carrying them around.

:: 34:04And so there's tools that I teach my clients on how to.

:: 34:09Deal with that themselves, primarily visual guided visualization, slash meditation and.

:: 34:15Breathwork.

:: 34:18All of those things are so important, and this is on a one-on-one basis or do you do you take people through like a group and one-on-one or is it?

:: 34:27Currently it's one-on-one going into the future, then I do plan on forming a group, but currently it's.

:: 34:35What? What?

:: 34:36Individual and I know that you offer a PDF free guide. You want to talk about that a little bit.

:: 34:43Sure. So that's an introduction to some of the things that ioffer and it's really geared towards people who have tried everything they've burned out, they've they've gotten like loss of trust in the medical system because they've tried everything. They've spent thousands of dollars and still here they are.

:: 35:02You know, they're they're emotional, is just emotionally just kind of shut down and angry and numb. And so it's just to kind of offer just a glimmer of hope that.

:: 35:11Yes, you tried everything and let me show you one more thing. Can you just can you just?

:: 35:18Bring it. Bring yourself to just trying it one more time.

:: 35:23And to really understand that, the core of so much of the issues in the in digestive.

:: 35:30Issues is.

:: 35:32The toxic load.

:: 35:33That you've got to clean out the gut. You've got to clean the intestines in the liver. And so that's what my PDF introduces them to is just to understand this is really the root cause of why the.

:: 35:44Symptoms won't go away.

:: 35:46It's because you've got to clean the system.

:: 35:49So that's what I I'm offering, yeah.

:: 35:51Hard as people think, maybe.

:: 35:53Yeah, it it.

:: 35:56There's some education that goes into it. That's why it's some it's helpful if you've never done any cleansing to go through with somebody who's done a lot both themselves as well As for helping other people. So it's it's just an introduction, introduction to the need for cleansing and where they can take the next steps. If they're ready to.

:: 36:16Go forward.

:: 36:19Set.

:: 36:19That. That's amazing. I I've done cleansing any one of those. Just like showering every so often. You just got to.

:: 36:25Yeah.

:: 36:27Do it.

:: 36:28Do it, yeah.

:: 36:29And it and it.

:: 36:30It always sounds like it's going to be worse than it is.

:: 36:34After you go through the first one, we'll put that caveat out there. The first one's really kind of challenging because you don't know what to expect and you're you're like.

:: 36:37Yeah, I mean it it.

:: 36:37It's.

:: 36:39It's.

:: 36:46Yeah.

:: 36:48But yeah, you need a coach. Walk you through. Thanks. Yeah.

:: 36:50Yeah, you really do.

:: 36:53A guide.

:: 36:53Yeah.

:: 36:54Yeah, because you could. Your body could be presenting you with something and you don't know what that means. What? You know what to do is like, and you could freak out. You could stop the cleanse, which, you know, creates more problems. I mean, there's so many different things. If you don't understand what's going on.

:: 37:09So that's that's a big part of my work.

:: 37:09Yeah.

:: 37:12It's kind of like having a doula. When you're giving birth or a Hospice when you're helping somebody pass, there's there's just things that come up that you've heard about, but you really you don't know.

:: 37:17Yeah.

:: 37:26If this is what?

:: 37:27Is this what it really looks like?

:: 37:28Yeah, yeah.

:: 37:29Or.

:: 37:30Or am I just making this?

:: 37:32Because you know, there's.

:: 37:33Always those questions that go through your head about, you know what's really happening.

:: 37:41Yeah, it's, it's. Yeah. You can read about it, but when it's yours, your experience hold the other level whole other thing because you're in it. It's like.

:: 37:49What do I do now?

:: 37:50Yeah.

:: 37:51Exactly. I remember when my father-in-law.

:: 37:54Was passing and.

:: 37:56They they talked about the death rattle and you know you you hear about the there's the death rattle before people that leave the planet but.

:: 38:05Or leave their body but he.

:: 38:08I I he was also congested at the same time, so it was like, I don't know is he is this is he dying or is he just like really congested? Do I need to do something and I'm calling the Hospice people at like 3:00 in the morning, waking them up twice holding the phone up to my father.

:: 38:29Laws like.

:: 38:31What is this? Where are we? Is he going to get better?

:: 38:38Let him go.

:: 38:41OK.

:: 38:42But it's just.

:: 38:45You know you're, you're prepared, you're you're mentally prepared, you know what's coming. You think you know what it looks like, but then then the questions happen when you're going through it, which is why you need a coach.

:: 38:59Yeah, and comes right back. Yeah, right back to community. We're here together. We don't. We grow together. So yeah, that's what I do.

:: 39:08Absolutely. So we will put the link for that in the show notes. So people can get in touch with you that way.

:: 39:16And what is the one thing that you hope the audience takes away from this conversation? It's not like we haven't touched on like all the.

:: 39:24Things and you could all the big one.

:: 39:30I would say I would say the underlying theme that pulls all of this together is to really understand.

:: 39:38How powerful we are.

:: 39:41And who we are.

:: 39:44By understanding, we're energetic.

:: 39:46Beans.

:: 39:48Coupled with the physical body, we're so powerful we can create.

:: 39:53Illness. We can create health.

:: 39:56And by really stepping into owning that ability.

:: 40:02That you know.

:: 40:03You look at your life and you say for ill or for good this is.

:: 40:06What I created?

:: 40:08This is what my energy and my intentions created.

:: 40:13Look how powerful I am.

:: 40:17Yeah, and recognizing.

:: 40:17By owning that you could create something better if you.

:: 40:20Don't like what you see.

:: 40:24And it's never too late to change. Today is always the best day to plant a tree.

:: 40:29Exactly.

:: 40:31Thanks for joining me, Laura Lee.

:: 40:33You're so welcome. Thank you for having.


Audio file

Loralee Humpherys podcast.m4a



Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Loralee Humpherys. She is a spiritual life and health coach, massage therapist, Reiki master Colon, Hydrotherapist with experience in meditation and aromatherapy. Her purpose is to expose and dissolve the deep seated social conditioning.


And beliefs that keep you feeling stuck and fearful, sick and diseased, and giving away your freedom and power. In other words, being enslaved.


Her goal is to teach you the natural laws of health and the tools needed for you to heal yourself so that together we can build our new world. Founded on the core ethic of do no harm, I love that so much. Welcome to the show, Laura Lee.


Thank you for having me. It's good to be here.


So tell us your story. How did you get into all of this, and where did you start from? And you've got, like, so many things that you're you're fishing.




Yeah, it it's been definitely accumulation of a lifetime of healing. So I started when I was in college, I had my like awakening of things. And as most awakenings go, it is a result of trauma and difficult times.


And so with that, then I started to question everything that I was taught. I started looking for every book that I could find.


And this was.


Pre Internet so everything in the the college bookstore that related to healing self help family patterns, psychology and then.


When I had a chance and I would go to travel to a different town to where they had one of the very first new age bookstores, and I would just gobble up everything I could find, every topic that was of interest to me, and I zeroed in on.


On energy healing work and spiritual psychic development that.


Just fascinated me.


So I read everything that I could and I really just wanted to find someone at the time who could do that and where I was living. It was a very religious conservative environment. I thought, who were there in this town, you know, and how the universe works.


Burn you at the stake.


Is that?


After I graduated from college that I was visiting, a friend of mine who has had a lapidary shop, and she was telling me about this woman that could see energy would come in from time to time and clear energy on her wrist, because when she was doing jewelry that is teeny little movements and you get carpal tunnel very easily. So I was like, Oh my gosh, I.


Have to meet this woman.


So fortunately, a few weeks later then I was in the shop at the same time and got together. She started doing energy work for me.


And that was truly the beginning, turning point of so many things she taught me.


So much in terms of the energy system, how to heal the dynamics of how energy flows through the body, how it shows up in your life.


How it connects to?


And influences fiscal health.


And how you can you can really develop a relationship between doing meditation and shifting your energy, doing internal work and then observing how that affects your outer life and from there then you can really make progress in learning to manifest and and live your life intentionally.




Versus being run on Autopilot, which is dominated by social conditioning, old traumas, genetic or generational traumas that get passed down. And so it was just just a.


Life changing event for me and so then from there I worked with her for about 14 years.


Then from there, then I went back to school into massage. I became a Ricky master and learned all kinds of things about how the body works, using essential oils and then later a few years ago I became a health coach.


Because I've realized so much of what affects the ill health of the body is, quite frankly.


What are we putting in our?


And it doesn't take too far to look at the current food supply to see it's so loaded.


With toxic chemicals, it's over processed. There's no nutrition or very little nutrition. I mean, I could go on and on.


About the contamination of the food supply.


And how it firstly wrecks the gut.


And then from there goes on to effect hormones, blood pressure, weight, blood sugar, brain fog. I mean, every other ill in the book. It all comes back to.


Gut her.


And so that's where I chose to focus my my emphasis, my coaching work on gut health, because that is really the beginning point of everything. And secondly in the abdomen, that's where we hold massive amounts of energetic, emotional data. Unresolved emotional issues is found.


In the gut.


So you combine that.


Together then you have a really solid foundation for helping yourself heal and really turning your life around going.


Into the direction that you choose.


I I had an image where you were talking of.


If you're not living your life intentionally, it's like standing and moving around slowly on the freeway with all the oncoming traffic.


You know, maybe you can dodge cars for a little while, but eventually you're going to get whacked by something. And then if you're able to stand back up, you're already crippled and you're going to get hit by something else. So you really do need to to look into these.


Modalities to to heal your gut and heal your your energy field, and they're all connected.


It's it's like.


So amazing to me how how much we've learned lately about how interconnected they really are.


It has.


And I'm I'm I'm so interested in.


In what you're doing out there by sharing this message, because often you find people that are either focused on just the health part or just the spiritual part, but they really do all go together.


Yeah. I think with my experience, I began with the energetic emotional work.


And I at the time, I really wasn't very connected to my body. And then as I learned to do as I did more of that work and then went through massage school and then learned about nutrition, it all just landed one day for me of how so interconnected it is. You cannot separate them out.


And when I was younger and just learning all of this stuff in my beginning days was before I even went to.


Massage school.


I was so immersed in the world of energetic healing and understanding the the, the energetics of our system.


I would talk to people about the energy system and they would look at me like.


I've got 3 heads.


They have no concept.


And fortunately.




It's gradually making its.


Way into the understanding of the public and and yet we still come up against this blind spot that if we cannot see it, touch it, feel it since it with our five physical senses, it couldn't possibly exist.


And yet that, in my opinion, is one of the biggest misconceptions of the universe.


Because there's so much more beyond what we can see.


Invisible light. And that's where our energy system exists.


And so we.


If everything exists, it's yeah.


We're going to.


Bring it into the realization of our.


We call it manifesting, but it's really just making it manifest. You revealed in the three-dimensional like we're all little 3D creators out there every time we have a thought, something is created.


We just might not see it yet and I can give you a really interesting example. This happened to me just recently. We we live next door to a a, a granary, and they had been turning. There's a little piece that comes out. They they border us on two sides and there's this little piece that comes out into our neighborhood.


And it was turning into a junkyard. I mean, they were piling old cars in their refrigerators, just junk. And, you know, it was kind of like.


I was. I don't like mice.


OK. I'll just put it out there. The mice just like.


Creep me out so the mice were like.


Multiplying over there because you know it's a granary and there's lots of grain and stuff for them to eat. And I, you know, instead of complaining and and going to the City Council and demanding change, I just started visualizing it as a park where kids could play, and there were swing sets. And even though it's a gravel lot.


There was grass and just held.


This vision for that piece of land.


For about 6 months and a few days ago, they started moving their trucks away and all the trash disappeared. Now there's just one small pile of siding that I'm pretty sure is.




Going to be.




Soon, but I think we want.


Some of that so.


Talk to him about it before they take that to the dump. But I mean it just I didn't have to do anything other than hold the intention for that piece of property and I'm really excited to see what they end up doing with it.


I have to have to be cleaning it up for some reason.


Right. Yeah, we are so much more powerful than we give ourselves credit for or what.


We even understand.


And I think bringing in that understanding of our energy system and how to work with it and how it interfaces with our body, that really opens up so many different conversations and potential and.


Abilities of of what we can actually do, not just for healing ourselves and our bodies, but manifesting the life that we wish and understanding the principles of how to use the energy to do that.


You know, so.


It's the educational piece is just so important.


It is and it's it's. It almost feels like. I don't know why we don't teach our kids this. I don't know why we weren't taught this as kids.


It the world.


Would be in a much different place right now, and I believe that it's moving towards this better place because.


People are getting this message out and more and more people are waking up to the shenanigans that have been going on for, you know, really centuries around.


The power that we have, and anytime somebody's like, I was joking about you getting burned at the cross or on the on the pyre, but they they did things like that to people that were awake because they didn't want the message getting out because when one individual realizes how much power.




They have.


By themselves.


It's multiplied when we come together, and the more people that are creating this or holding this vision for a better.


The better universe.


The more it comes into focus for us all, which is.


The whole point of being I think.


Yeah, of course, yeah.


We can manifest so much more and I think it's, you know, it. It goes back decades and decades and it's or.


Hundreds of years, I should say.


Even thousands, if you want to go back that far of just this agenda on the planet by certain groups of people who maneuver themselves into power and through religion, into politics, into into corporation and business, so that they have the control of what information we have access to because the services we have access to and.


So much of it.


I mean, you could say I'm even.


Like 98% of it, it's all geared towards keeping us separated uneducated.


Not understanding who I are in our true potential and not coming together, because if we did, we would topple those control structures.


In like a day.


Yeah, all we have to do is walk away. It's really that simple. But most people live in a state of fear.




That's just their normal state of being is fear. And they may say, oh, no, no, no, I love everybody. But you're afraid you're afraid you're gonna lose your house. You're afraid you're gonna lose your stuff. You're gonna. You're afraid that you're not gonna have enough. Whatever enough is. And it it's like everything exists, but nothing exists.


In my my worldview anyway, and you know.


You've always had a.




You, by virtue of the fact that you're still breathing, you are enough and you will always have enough.


Because, you know, stuff is always in flux and will come and it.


Will go and.


No amount of worrying about it is going to change.


What's happening? I actually I shouldn't say that because the more you worry about it, the more what you're worrying about will show up in your life because you're actually creating that reality for.








Instead of just imagining, use your pretend. Let's pretend you can pretend anything and and truly it can be reality.




Yeah, there's a lot of forces and and mechanisms in play in society that keep people.


In that state of fear, it's a very low vibration. There's a lot of technologies that are designed to pop out.




And so, you know, just kind of like go down the chain of what does that doing for you. So you're receiving this bombardment of this frequency, this very low frequency of fear. It becomes embedded within your energy system.


Stirs up and activates.


The thoughts, the feelings, the unresolved past traumas of things that you already carry within you.


That is a resonant companion to the fear being broadcast to you.


And so you become paralyzed emotionally. Energetically, the cells of your body.


Register and receive this instruction to be fearful, so your genetics, your DNA, your will express proteins.


At that level.


The biochemistry, the hormones, the neurotransmitters, everything will.


Be created to reflect that state of fear.


And so not only are you energetically, mentally, and emotionally, now you're physically locked into.


That low state and then you just act and do and say things to perpetuate it, and then you're stuck.


How do you get out of that?


And you start becoming less healthful, your your body starts to deteriorate because your body.


It holds all of these emotions. Emotions are a chemical reaction. There's something that actually physically happens in your body when you have an emotion it you know, you just look at when you cry.




Something caused those tears to come out of your eyes.


Yeah, chemicals are made, yeah.


It's a it's they're all like processes on on the 3D level, everything is managed by by processes, the breathing, the, the, just the the act of everything sticking together so that you you are still in this.


Burial state? Yeah, because I don't think that that's our natural state. Our natural state is is.


In a flow, it's it's light. We are part of everything and and the further we get from that idea that we are connected to everything, the more alone and fearful we can become instead of, you know, looking at at your neighbor and saying you are me and I am you.


You're saying ohh you're bad and I'm good.


It breaks that.


Yeah, every second actually reminds me of a couple of things I read recently that are listened to a podcast recently where they were saying some some studies or or research projects done by various scientists going back to like the night.






1940s, the World War. 2 days.


And they found that they could do all kinds of things like physical abuse, mental emotional abuse to people.


But that would not break their spirit as much as if they isolated them.


Do you think about the messages for the last few years about how we have to isolate distance and separate ourselves, and then all all of this, the other messages about how you're better? I'm not or I'm better than you or this race or this gender or this ideology, I mean.


Everything under the sun to separate us.


And just and just understanding that creates such a low level or a primal angst and trauma response which goes against our very nature and how we're built.


That it just it just kind of rolls and rolls and tell people act out crazy. Then they have all kinds of violence and all kinds of things that we're looking at in our world today.


Completely forgetting who we are and what we're capable of.


You know which is to be in a more relaxed, expansive, open, receptive, loving, nurturing.




State, I mean that's that's how.


We were meant to live, not this dystopian fear based nightmare that so many people have fallen in.


Yeah, and it keeps getting perpetuated even in you know.


When you look at institutions that are supposed to be about love and peace and coming together.


You almost always find that they're the catalyst behind these fear based ideologies of, you know, there's not enough and you know those those people over there are coming to get you and you better hoard and you better like make sure that you can protect yourself because.




I am at heart an anarchist and not the chaos kind. I'm the kind that believes we should all govern ourselves and we should all look at the world as though we work connected because we are and we're connected not just to each other, but to all living things like the.


Trees and the plants and the animals.


We we are connected to them. We're all energy and we all move and and have an impact on each other and you know.




No, I'm not a vegetarian, but.


I I would agree with what you're saying about at heart and anarchist, and it's also looking, you know, immediately people hear that term and they have this complete lawless breakdown image in their mind. And it's like if you really look around, yeah. If you really look at what that word.




But that's not anarchy.




It all comes back to recognizing that you.


Are a sovereign.


You have the ability to think and choose and run your life and choose how your body is cared for and what you put into it.


You are at choice. You are empowered to run your life. You don't need an outside force telling you what to do every second of the day.


And I think that that is such the heart of so many physical.


Conditions. You know, these people get so bogged down in the conditioning that they're helpless, that they're worthless. They have to be a victim. And so it becomes this weird inverted thing to where they begin.


To feed on.


The attention that a victim or a health condition.




Rather than recognizing you've got the power to stand up and heal yourself and walk away from this that they've instead I.


Form their identity around.






And so now they milk it for the intention that they can get from it. I'm like what?


You know, we're so much more than.


That you know.


It's it's. It's not even the power so much as it's the responsibility. You have a responsibility to all the rest of us.




Heal yourself to be the best version of you you can be because the rest of us need you. We are. We are a collective. Whether you want to.


Acknowledge that or not, we we belong together. People are not designed to live in isolation. They're not designed to live by themselves. And the more that you isolate yourself from others, the crazier you get, really.






Because you you start creating.


Because we're always creating by what we think about. And so you start creating a reality that that it doesn't really mesh with the rest of the realities that are being created around you, which is why community is so important because we're all kind of collectively creating.


A reality that we want to see together.


Yeah, and that's that's what you said about responsibility is huge because it's it's coming into what I call spiritual maturity.


In that you recognize.


This is how I made I have this.


Consciousness that can intend and create and do and manifest. I have this energy system through which that happens. So then it's the big question is what are you offering the of the world? What? What are you contributing?


Does it uplift or does it harm?


Does it continue? Does it nurture and and assist other people to be the best they can be? So that together, as you said, we're all one. So that together we can evolve as life is about either evolve or.




It's off.


Dissolved. So how are you using your energy and then being responsible for those choices and those actions of if you've used it in a way that is more harmful and and life?




Recognize that? Ask yourself. Is that really my intent?


Am I really that disconnected for myself? Well, maybe I need to do some work on myself to, like, correct this and then take this steps to what I call uncreate. But use your power or your intention, your energy, to create something else so that that old creation no longer perpetuates. To continue harming yourself and others and by others.


I mean everything in in nature.




Plants, animals, birds, fish. You know everything. We have a relationship to all of life.


We're not separate from it.


Which is what we've been taught to think that.


We are and it's that's.


What is is leading to so much destruction on this planet?


Yeah, it really is. And.


Yeah, all you have to do is is look around and and ask yourself.




Is this helping or hurt?




The progression of where we are going as a universe, as a civilization. Yeah, you know. But I I can remember back in the days when we used to use paper bags, the time, I mean there was, there weren't any other options. And then along came plastic bags which were going to save the trees.






I remember that.


And now we've come full circle. Can't use plastic because it's killing the planet. It's like, duh. I told you that back then instead of, you know, the the useful paper bags where you could, you know, wrap your textbooks or something.


Yeah, you'd use them for many things, or even get a cloth back.




That's plastic.


Now you've got the plastic bags and they get thinner and thinner, and they're they're almost useless. And and now they want to charge you for them. When you go different places, it's like, well, no, I don't.




Really need a bag.




To buy that much stuff here.


It's just you step back, step back and it's.


Just gotten silly.


Cause it's so absurd and it's like.


We have lost our way in so many ways and so many respects and I think that I think so much of the chaos and the mayhem that is happening on this planet currently.


Is simply a wake up call to catch your attention to say, look how far we have come.


In in in an unsustainable way, it's like, what does it actually mean to be human?


It's not about injecting Cyborg making things into our bodies. It's not about becoming a machine.


It's about recognizing.


The beauty, the magnificence of this innate divine design that we have, everything that we need to evolve and to grow and to connect.


With each other and take care of the planet as stewards that we were, that the human race was meant to.




Rather than.


To control and kill everything.


But it's it's really coming back to.


Who are you?


Why are you here? What is your gift that you have to offer the world and the process of discovering that you get to rebuild your body and discover how you've misused your power of of intention and misdirected your energy.


And then learn to create something that nurtures life.


You know, it all goes you.


Know what you were saying to my bio?


Is like do no harm.


Really. Take that to heart.


It's and by doing no harm. That includes you.


And not harming your body by giving it things that's going to create disease and deteriorate it.


You know you can get down very granular when it comes to just do no harm.


And I think if if people just were to keep that more in mind, just that that premise alone.


That could really influence so many poor choices and instead redirect them into more beneficial ones.


Yeah, I it's so true. I was thinking about something I'd heard.


About a while ago and that's that. When you grow your own food, the act of growing your food actually changes its chemistry to nourish your body more than like if you bought the if you go tomatoes and you buy tomatoes in the grocery store, those tomatoes that you've grown, that you've.


Put your hands on and your put your energy around and if you're like me, you talk to your plants. After we're done here, I'm going out to encourage my seeds to grow for me.


Yeah, it sounds silly, but hey, I didn't.




Perhaps when you do stuff like that?


Yeah, there's there's a lot of science behind that, and they figured that out long. You know, years ago. And there was even a a woman that I follow. She'd mentioned that same type of a thing. And what?


They would do is.


Take the seats before they put them into the ground and and put.


Them in their.


Mouth and let the saliva at the DNA.


The energy signature of the person embed themselves.


Into the seed. And so when the plant grows up then it has your your signature, your frequency so that it will create as you said the nutrients specific to the frequency of what.


Your makeup is and by your continual interaction. Again, it goes back to the energetic exchange.


They understand plants are intelligent, they have their own level of intelligence. They can pick that stuff up and they know what compounds to make.


To nourish us, it's a beautiful thing and it's.


It's just going.


Yeah. Going back to the connection, returning back to nature and the Earth and and really looking at how do we want to.


Rise. Construct our life in our communities.


Such that we can thrive again and be happy.


Yeah. So let's talk a minute.


About how it is that you do your coaching. Because we're supposed to be talking about how you.


Do it I.


Love this conversation I it's just like it's it's where I live.


Right. Yeah, so.


So how do you coach people? Is it like one-on-one, is it?


Group is it? How? How does all that look?


Yeah. So the current version is a three month program. And so I have a variety of things that I support them in.


Restoring their their gut health.


As much as possible during that time, and then if it choose to renew for another three months, that's always an option.


So all the things that I've put into my program are things that I've done through myself, so we always start with looking at what are you eating, becoming aware of the things that you're putting into your body that's poisoning you quite frankly and creating inflammation and and jacking up your nervous system and your hormones, your endocrine system, stopping that.


And then start introducing.


More quality foods plant based foods are like real food, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes.


Getting proper nutrition and then so once we've spent some time doing that and and the my clients are few few steps into the process of that then.


We do a cleanse a.


A cleansing process. There's two components to restoring health. You got to get the nutrition, but then you've got to do the cleansing and I think a lot of coaches, a lot of people, they don't really delve too much into the cleansing, detoxing component.


Who knows?


But from my training I figured that is one of the biggest things that needs to be done, and the two organs that are the most stressed in the digestive system.


Are the colon and the liver if those are jacked? If the if the liver is stressed, which, quite frankly in everyone that is.


There's going to be such a cascade.


Downhill effect of numerous other body functions that go awry and so.


That those two organs cleansing those two organs is a big part of my system of my program, and I use an enzyme based cleanse product, a program that has been very, very effective, very effective at getting out the mucoid plaque that lines the intestinal walls, that gets out the stones.


The gallstones out of the liver and gallbladder.


So that those organs can relax the structure, start to work more optimally again, and then from there, then it's on the post cleanse and it's like, OK, how are you feeling? How does your body respond to that? Let's up level again so that you can begin to form more.




Long standing habits of health and along the way I teach them the natural laws of health, of basic simple things, of how you live to.


Keep a body healthy, which are also the solutions for reversing disease.


Basic things like getting an adequate sunshine, fresh air, look at the quality of your water, are you living in a toxic relationship? Are you doing things that you enjoy? Are you exercising your body? Basic simple things we all know we need to.


And then through all of that, then there's also conversations of the emotional work that's going to come up everywhere anytime you make a change in your diet, there's going to be the resistance and the chatter, and it's like, OK, what's going on here? What's really talking? What really is the issue here during the cleanse process?


When you take away the blanket of food.


Emotional stuff will come up because they are lodged in the gut. They are lodged in the intestines.


In the liver.


And so those those emotional energies need to be looked at, expressed, discussed, resolved so that you're no longer.


Carrying them around.


And so there's tools that I teach my clients on how to.


Deal with that themselves, primarily visual guided visualization, slash meditation and.




All of those things are so important, and this is on a one-on-one basis or do you do you take people through like a group and one-on-one or is it?


Currently it's one-on-one going into the future, then I do plan on forming a group, but currently it's.


What? What?


Individual and I know that you offer a PDF free guide. You want to talk about that a little bit.


Sure. So that's an introduction to some of the things that ioffer and it's really geared towards people who have tried everything they've burned out, they've they've gotten like loss of trust in the medical system because they've tried everything. They've spent thousands of dollars and still here they are.


You know, they're they're emotional, is just emotionally just kind of shut down and angry and numb. And so it's just to kind of offer just a glimmer of hope that.


Yes, you tried everything and let me show you one more thing. Can you just can you just?


Bring it. Bring yourself to just trying it one more time.


And to really understand that, the core of so much of the issues in the in digestive.


Issues is.


The toxic load.


That you've got to clean out the gut. You've got to clean the intestines in the liver. And so that's what my PDF introduces them to is just to understand this is really the root cause of why the.


Symptoms won't go away.


It's because you've got to clean the system.


So that's what I I'm offering, yeah.


Hard as people think, maybe.


Yeah, it it.


There's some education that goes into it. That's why it's some it's helpful if you've never done any cleansing to go through with somebody who's done a lot both themselves as well As for helping other people. So it's it's just an introduction, introduction to the need for cleansing and where they can take the next steps. If they're ready to.


Go forward.




That. That's amazing. I I've done cleansing any one of those. Just like showering every so often. You just got to.




Do it.


Do it, yeah.


And it and it.


It always sounds like it's going to be worse than it is.


After you go through the first one, we'll put that caveat out there. The first one's really kind of challenging because you don't know what to expect and you're you're like.


Yeah, I mean it it.








But yeah, you need a coach. Walk you through. Thanks. Yeah.


Yeah, you really do.


A guide.




Yeah, because you could. Your body could be presenting you with something and you don't know what that means. What? You know what to do is like, and you could freak out. You could stop the cleanse, which, you know, creates more problems. I mean, there's so many different things. If you don't understand what's going on.


So that's that's a big part of my work.




It's kind of like having a doula. When you're giving birth or a Hospice when you're helping somebody pass, there's there's just things that come up that you've heard about, but you really you don't know.




If this is what?


Is this what it really looks like?


Yeah, yeah.




Or am I just making this?


Because you know, there's.


Always those questions that go through your head about, you know what's really happening.


Yeah, it's, it's. Yeah. You can read about it, but when it's yours, your experience hold the other level whole other thing because you're in it. It's like.


What do I do now?




Exactly. I remember when my father-in-law.


Was passing and.


They they talked about the death rattle and you know you you hear about the there's the death rattle before people that leave the planet but.


Or leave their body but he.


I I he was also congested at the same time, so it was like, I don't know is he is this is he dying or is he just like really congested? Do I need to do something and I'm calling the Hospice people at like 3:00 in the morning, waking them up twice holding the phone up to my father.


Laws like.


What is this? Where are we? Is he going to get better?


Let him go.




But it's just.


You know you're, you're prepared, you're you're mentally prepared, you know what's coming. You think you know what it looks like, but then then the questions happen when you're going through it, which is why you need a coach.


Yeah, and comes right back. Yeah, right back to community. We're here together. We don't. We grow together. So yeah, that's what I do.


Absolutely. So we will put the link for that in the show notes. So people can get in touch with you that way.


And what is the one thing that you hope the audience takes away from this conversation? It's not like we haven't touched on like all the.


Things and you could all the big one.


I would say I would say the underlying theme that pulls all of this together is to really understand.


How powerful we are.


And who we are.


By understanding, we're energetic.




Coupled with the physical body, we're so powerful we can create.


Illness. We can create health.


And by really stepping into owning that ability.


That you know.


You look at your life and you say for ill or for good this is.


What I created?


This is what my energy and my intentions created.


Look how powerful I am.


Yeah, and recognizing.


By owning that you could create something better if you.


Don't like what you see.


And it's never too late to change. Today is always the best day to plant a tree.




Thanks for joining me, Laura Lee.


You're so welcome. Thank you for having.

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