Lisa Tahir Intuitive Psychotherapist & author
Lisa is the founder of Psychoastrology – she's a intuitive psychotherapist who melds ancient wisdom (astrology) with modern transformational tools. nd she loves to empower others by encouraging them to heal their core wounds and showing them how they can do this.
Her Book:
The Chiron Effect; Healing Our Core Wounds through Astrology, empathy & self-forgiveness.
This is the link to Lisa's book:
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Lisa Tahir Podcast.m4a
::Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Lisa Tahir she's an intuitive psychic.
::Lisa is the founder of Psychoastrology - she's a intuitive psychotherapist who melds ancient wisdom (astrology) with modern transformational tools.
and she loves to empower others by encouraging them to heal their core wounds and showing them how they can do this.
::With modern transformational tools and she loves to empower others by encouraging them to heal their core wounds and showing them how to do this. Welcome to the show, Lisa. It's really exciting to have you here and I can't hardly wait to talk about what you got in your book and how that affects all of us.
::Jill, thank you so much for having me. I am I I appreciate your welcome. I am delighted to be here with you and everyone watching and listening. It's an honor and pleasure.
::Welcome to the show.
::Wonderful. So tell us how you got started in psycho astrology. That's just like.
::It's such an interesting way to phrase.
::Jill, I feel like psychoastrology found me about seven years ago.
::Are are you having trouble hearing?
::There's a little bit of a delay I notice, but I can hear you.
::Should I keep going?
::OK. We'll just work with it, yeah.
::You know, I had been curious. It is, it is. I've been curious, Jill and just asking the universe, asking myself why is.
::That after having been a client myself in therapy for 20 years and being a therapist to others and my really brilliant clients that are successful in so many ways, why do we still have these patterns at times of of feeling depressed not good enough?
::Still have some anxiety and posture syndrome, however you want to term the kind of emotional struggles despite so much success and beautiful relationships. And I just was puzzled by it, Jill. And as I sought to hear the.
::Answer I was led to Chiron, CHIRON, and it just kept popping up just in my thoughts. In my research, people talking about it just somehow Chiron just started showing up in my daily emails and and I I I know when that happens to take some time out, to listen to look.
::And that's where I really discovered this pattern. Thought patterns where we tend to feel vulnerable, where we tend to source beliefs that we have about ourselves.
::From and, these are the areas of our lives that, despite really wonderful outcomes, we still might doubt ourselves or doubt life. And it's really through embracing those parts of our self with empathy, with love and deep forgiveness that we can really transform that.
::Into our empowerment, into our knowing OK, here this is again. It's an invitation to really love myself more, to go more gently with myself or others and and start to soften the criticisms and judgment of ourselves and of others.
::Yeah, that's so important. And when it comes to the astrological aspect of this, Chiron plays a big role.
::From my understanding and and how we're feeling, why?
::Don't you actually?
::Go ahead and explain what the Chiron effect is and how it affects us.
::Sure. And then I'd love to hear your knowledge about Chiron, because it's Chiron is multitudinous and and what I think Chiron represents for me as a therapist finding.
::Chiron, which is an astrological placement and each of our birth.
::Hearts and I had never had my Chiron placement explained to me when I've had an astrological reading, and for me this was new to see that it has a real psychological application as far as an area that I consider on a spectrum. On one end there's deep core wounding. If you've experienced the trauma.
::Like sexual abuse?
::Domestic violence, emotional abuse, abandonment. That's going to be a deeper wound where you really have unmet needs that you might not have learned yet. How to meet appropriately. As an adult, you might find yourself in patterns of relationships where people leave and and you're abandoned, really replicating.
::A wound from your childhood, and that spectrum extends to the other end of it. Whereas vulnerability just maybe an Ouch. This is an area. It's like ohh.
::Oh, here it is again. But it's not as deep of a pain point experience as As for some people and so just know that going into it, that you're somewhere along that spectrum and it may change throughout your lifespan. What I think makes knowing your Chiron placement so important is because it's the one area to really.
::Affirm yourself in to really work with in this life that we are here to live. It's the one area that we tend to source our thought patterns from and whatever aspect of lives our lives that that.
::Doubt ourselves and and if Chiron is in the sign of Aries, it will be uh, vulnerability or wounding, for example around your own value and worth. That despite being successful on paper and really people think the world of you, you might have a hard time letting it in.
::And you feel like you're never enough, that you have to keep doing more. And the older you get, the more exhausted you can be because it's like, Oh my gosh, when am I gonna? When am I gonna feel it? And it's not about doing any more than you've done. It's about pause.
::Thing to know how valuable and worthy you are, period. And that any more successes and achievements you choose to do do it because they really make you happy, not because you feel like you have to to like, have a right to be here. And this is where we see a pattern of people pleasing and really learning how to.
::How to untangle that that you're worthy of being loved even if you disagree with a parent, a loved 1A partner? That that's OK. You can really be loved and I'm just using Chiron and Aries as an example to make it really practical. How this can show up and why it's valuable to understand.
::So we can start like untangling this, which is coming up with you, Jill. That's the language that's coming to mind and and like, give ourselves a break.
::Yeah, this is the current.
::How do you say Tyron?
::I'm I'm very new to astrology so I I'm I've heard of Chiron and I I was wondering if Chiron wasn't the.
::That the astrological body, that kind of governs the whole generation. Am I thinking it of?
::Yeah, yeah.
::Nothing else.
::You know, you're correct, Chiron, which is actually in outer space and astronomy. Chiron is designated both as a minor planet and as a comet. It was discovered in the 70s by a Charles Cowell KOWEL, and he noted that Chiron had an.
::Odd elliptical orbit between the planets of Saturn and Uranus, and it was named Chiron in astronomy after the Greek Centaur Chiron, who is the founding father of the healing.
::And when we go to the doctor today, most offices have the staff of medicine. That emblem Chiron gave that staff, too, Asclepius, the founding father of medicine whom he tutored. So it's really cool to see Chiron references in life that I just never knew had. So yeah, Chiron in astronomy.
::Is this minor planet Slash comet? Some people call it an Astro.
::Floyd, I don't think we need to mince terms to to get the point about it. And it. Yeah, exactly. And our universe and our solar system and it does spin from 3 to 8 years in a sign because of that ellipsis that it'll kind of more quickly go through some signs and longer and in others. So you're correct about that.
::The body out there.
::So people of your generation can share the same Chiron placement. People of your same age. But the House placement very well might be different, and the House placement is determined by your time of birth. And not everyone has that. Which is fine because the time of birth, the house placement denotes the area of your life.
::Where this vulnerability or wounding shows up, isn't it in your self esteem versus it versus is it in the workplace or is it with money or is it in your?
::Marriage, romantic relationship. But you're going to know that once you start reading and learning, you're going to know where this manifests, so there's no need to get hung up on a.
::Time of birth.
::Yeah, because you're just going to experience it, and you're gonna go. Ohh yeah, that's where it is.
::Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
::I didn't get into astrology until I was much older, and so I've looked at my birth chart and I've looked at, you know, the patterns that astrology isn't so much about predicting as it is about giving you information about.
::What the potential is for you the the patterns that you'll probably recognize as you go through life and and when you look backwards at it, you're just like ohh yeah, that was so that point.
::Yes, I feel the same way, Jill and and a huge tell me if this resonates with you or not, but I used to struggle with.
::Astrology is something dictated to me and I realized this is something I wrote. I wrote my chart before I came to Earth in my physical body and that was like the biggest wow moment for me. Like I created this for myself to experience things and now that I'm here I have free will.
::And the ability to learn skills to determine the outcome of my life, to really to really live the life I want. Nothing that's determined for me, that it comes through me. And that was just really exciting. How? How do you see that?
::I see it the same way I because it's kind.
::Of like you sent yourself a letter to the future and then when you show up and you've forgotten all this stuff, there's some place you can go and say ohh yeah, that's what I'm supposed to be doing. And these. These are the things that maybe setting themselves up in the future. And this is what I can do.
::I like that.
::In order to to really maximize the potential for the.
::It's like when we look at:::Yes.
::In your room, you know those dimmer switches, and you can turn it down, and sometimes it turns up really high and and you can take advantage of the times when things are are flowing in your in your direction. So you're not having to push against the stream or trying to cross the stream at an angle. You can just like flow with it.
::You get more done if you if you're paying attention to what's happening around you and what the guideposts say.
::You know.
::Now is the time to to speed up, and then sometimes it's time to slow down.
::Yes. Yeah, truly. And to really listen to that, that's where I I believe the role of our intuition is so important to really listen to yourself and the hunches, you get the feelings you have that might not make practical sense, but to trust, trust that and you might not need to go speak it.
::Everywhere to people, because a lot of people are.
::Afraid of that? And they might try to talk you out of your really good inner knowing that we have this ability within to navigate our lives. When we listen to the wisdom of our bodies and our intuition. And I think Chiron plays a role in and really enabling yourself to follow.
::The leads that arise from within you that once you have an away.
::Ferness that my self-esteem might be affected cause I doubt myself, but as I learn, let me try to trust myself some more and see what happens this week and maybe follow some of those hunches and see they lead you to more of what you want. You start to gain confidence in doing that more, and it can be a quiet inward process that you don't have to go.
::Telling everyone about, I found that to be helpful, Jill, to do it privately and inwardly.
::Yeah. And daily and it just doesn't have to take hours of time. It doesn't even have to take an hour or even a half an hour. It can just be as simple as when you're waking up in.
::The morning just.
::Tuning in, lay there for a few minutes, TuneIn to what's what you're feeling and and what you're.
::What's coming to your head, to your mind and.
::And whether you act on it or not, you're just giving space for the consciousness that is you to.
::To move into the day with some purpose and some intention.
::That's so powerful and beautifully said it can be such a delicious time in the morning as you open your eyes before you jump up. Even if you can hit snooze and just really kind of rest.
::Question. Good morning. Like to the universe to the day like I asked for guidance and wisdom and for everything to go well and bless everyone and everything I come in contact with, including myself and just kind of have something you put out there and and take a few moments to listen and receive what you might need to know.
::And looking through things like your astrological chart, most people are familiar with their sun sign.
::And and I've recently become familiar with my moon sign, and it's interesting to me how much the moon, really.
::Influences our lives and the the sun sign is like this is your big overall overarching.
::Who you are sort of thing.
::It's just like.
::It's like the header on your on your report that you're sending ahead. This this is the big mission and the rest of this, the moon sign, I think is like.
::It it's it's like the subtitle.
::This is your big big who you are, but this is really kind of where your mission is and this is what's gonna help you really move into the direction you need to go. And then you've got, you know, the other planets and and Chiron, who is like the overarching.
::Theme for a group of people all passing through that time together. So maybe we're connected in some way.
::And we're supposed.
::I love that.
::Have some sort of of impact as as a group.
::Because different at different times, you have different amounts of people being born.
::Which is also interesting and it.
::I like you.
::You for. I'm loving your macro level viewpoint. Keep going.
::Well, if you if you look at like.
::In the 60s, there were a lot of people being born, but you know, sometimes some months there, there's a lot more people being born and in some decades there are a lot more people being born. In some years. There are a lot more people being born. And then you go through periods like we're in right now where there aren't so many people being born.
::So the power of that group, it's like, I wonder, I wonder what their impacts gonna.
::See and. It's just. It's just interesting to me because like you said, you know, Kyron has the impact over, you know, 3.
::To 8 years.
::And different packs have different almost assignments.
::Yes, is your Chiron in the sign of Pisces?
::I don't know.
::OK, it's interesting because if so, that was the 60s, the the and I have in my book, even I'm reading the 60s, is that when you grew up?
::Yeah, I was born into:::OK, was a unique time in American culture. The Beatles released Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and was nicknamed this summer of Love. You know, like how where were the boundaries? Boundaries were really being put.
::Pushed there was expression and freedom and and some of your needs might not have been met and and kind of getting lost in that shuffle of maybe your parents personal expression and having to find your own way and you might have neglected your self-care or turned to addictive habits. And that's not just you but anyone.
::Yeah, the whole generation, yeah.
::During this time.
::Yeah. And that you learned to really give a lot of care to others. Usually this placement Mother Teresa had her Chiron in the sign of Pisces.
::And we we know the impact she made, but she found her balance and the quote I use in my book is when you get on the airplane and they say always to put your oxygen mask on 1st even before helping your children, that's the image for Chiron and Pisces people that I'd love you to remember is take care of yourself.
::So you're giving from a a full well, instead of a depleted. Well, because you're going to do it more seamlessly and in the way authentically, you truly want to and and really learning the balance of giving and receiving. And that's really important for for people born during that time.
::That's very interesting. I I I am a Pisces and my lunar sign is Aquarius.
::Oh wow. OK.
::So I'm.
::Very much a water person.
::And healthy boundaries. Things like that self nourishment.
::I had to learn all those things and I didn't learn them until much later in life and a lot of wounds.
::You know.
::From that sort of stuff. But it's not. It's not like it's just me either. I like the whole generation of.
::Most mostly I know women, but the whole generation of women that were born around the same time I was born, we we went through a lot.
::Our moms went through.
::A lot in.
::Terms of, you know, becoming individuals because before the 60s, women really didn't have.
::Right. So they weren't.
::We talked about, you know.
::Exactly. Exactly.
::African American population having no rights? Well, the Civil Rights Act actually gave women.
::Autonomy too.
::Yes, yes. And all that was happening then. There was so much.
::Happening that needed to happen.
::Yeah, but you've got all of these women, and then they were suddenly being divorced in droves. Men were like, oh, well, I don't have to stay married to her. She can just go and take care of herself. But these women have any. They used to go to college to find husbands in education.
::Yes, yes, exactly. I remember my mom talking about that. Yeah.
::That's why they had sororities. So they had somebody to watch over the girls when they were there. So keep them out of trouble.
::Yeah, and having to learn to take care.
::Of yourself.
::Yeah, it's just.
::Like a bird being kicked out of the nest is what I what I'm seeing in my mind's eye.
::Yeah, a lot of women women in their.
::70s now and 80s. They they were divorced.
::Husbands divorced them and just left them to fend for themselves. It was it was a really pretty rocky time and a lot of the people that are in my age group, their parents got divorced. And when I started having kids.
::It it was still in the 80s, the 70s and 80s, there was still, divorce was really rampant. But I think it's it's slowed down a lot.
::And people don't get married as as quickly as they used to.
::Right, right. Yeah. My parents divorced in the 80s, and I remember it was very prevalent for that to be happening in my peer group.
::Yeah. Everybody and their brother and and nobody really knew how to to blend families back then and.
::Like now when people get divorced, if they do get divorced, they.
::It's not so much about pitting the children against each other. It was, it was really vicious back then, yeah.
::Thank goodness because.
::And and hurtful and harmful to children.
::Yeah, and and now they just get, you know, multiple parents.
::So that's why I think for some, you know, children of divorced during that time where their Chiron placement might be an airy lies, which is the self esteem issue or in cancer core wounding by abandonment.
::Where they might have actually been abandoned by a parent. As I know some individuals with this placement whose parent just went off and started a new family and and they were like, Oh my gosh, like, you know, so traumatized by that. So we can see how these movements and our culture affect generations from my perspective psychologically.
::And emotionally, spiritually, and it it really ties back to this Chiron's place.
::It's so interesting. I So what are what's the Chiron placement for right now? For people being born right now?
::In the last year or so.
::Right now, Chiron is in the sign of Aries, and again it's it's that wounding in one sense of value and worth, but hopefully with, you know, and that really depends on the environment you come from, whether this is just like an Ouch or an awareness that you have versus a major trauma, if that's what what you experience. So it's.
::It's that spectrum and hopefully you.
::There's less traumas going less.
::Traumatic upbringings for children, but but it's in Chiron is in the sign of Aries. The short answer.
::Interesting. Interesting so.
::How do people work with you? Get your book. All the things fascinating.
::Thank you, Joe. I love I love just helping people to really have more compassion for themselves. Empathy is the word I used in my book self empathy and self forgiveness because I was always taught that forgiveness is for someone else. I was never told.
::That I can forgive myself and I actually need to in order to heal my self esteem in order to have confidence that's deeper than just a a momentary achievement for of my ego, like deep self forgiveness really is how we can feel stable inside, no matter what's changing.
::On the outside, in our world, politically or or any other climate, to really know, hey, I have the skills to navigate life, I'm going to be OK no matter what. It really comes through life experience and forgiving ourselves where we wish we would have done better.
::And knowing life is going to give us so many more opportunities to do differently, to do better, to keep showing up, to be consistent to, you know, nothing.
::'S ever lost.
::For good, like there'll be more ways to.
::Exercise that muscle and express yourself and and to to really start to trust in the cycles of life for you specifically.
::And I love helping people with that. And my book is available everywhere. You can get it at, Barnes and Noble, even I was surprised to see. And if you have a favorite local bookstore, which as I do here in New Orleans, blue Cypress books up the street, you can bring my book title in and they'll be able to order it.
::From my publisher to have for you, so you can really help keep these brick and brick and mortar bookstores in business, which are so important, so important.
::It really is. I I, I miss that Barnes and Nobles isn't.
::Isn't on the street corner like.
::It used to be and.
::But there are still some.
::There are.
::More independent book.
::Houses around and you need to just look sort of like they're both words and words are everything.
::They're like gold. Yes, yes. And even if your local bookstore doesn't have my book, my give the title. Pull it up online.
::And uh, they can order it for you, so you can shop from them. And my website is NO, like New Orleans, LA And you can reach out. is my e-mail. I'd love to work with you. And if you mentioned Jills.
::Show EU World order. I'm happy to give you half off a standard 190 dollars session. It'll be half off that to explore Chiron and just see what you know, how I can help you. Help yourself.
::That's very generous, Lisa. I really appreciate.
::That I'm going.
::Thank you, Jill.
::To repeat the name of your the title of your book because I'm not sure if we announced it actually on the show or not. If we were just talking about.
::It before the show.
::You want to share it?
::Or you want me to?
::You can share it.
::OK, it's the Chiron effect. Healing our core wounds through astrology, empathy and self forgiveness. So I'll repeat that again. The Chiron effect, healing our core wounds through astrology, empathy and self forgiveness. And like Lisa said, it's available everywhere.
::Yeah, it's so interesting how.
::How different groups of people are are out there moving through and and really understanding what you're trauma is in your life is the beginning of healing for you, not just you though. It's for everybody.
::It really is.
::Because once you figure out why, you're why you're running around, feeling like the hurt child that you were.
::You can help other people.
::Overcome it too. And so the whole group of you moves into the next phase of your life, which is.
::Moving this world to higher consciousness and better place for us.
::All to live.
::Yes, Jill. And to address the astrological component that you've spoken so beautifully about today is in the back of my book. I have a resource section and I share the websites of several astrologers that I've worked with and really enjoy their work because my book is focused on the psychological.
::Full impacts of Chiron and how we can take personal responsibility to heal ourselves. The astrology is is brief because I'm a psychotherapist, not an astrologer. But I give you those references and I say that because the one criticism of my book on good reads and other places has been that it's not a lot of astrology.
::But I'm very clear about this being a real psychological.
::Healing book and guide and emotional healing book I I come to it in that through that doorway and there are other books about the astrology of Chiron, more so like Barbara hand Clow and others. So just know that that this is like a deep dive into your mental health and well-being and really getting at your thoughts. We think up to 70 thousand thoughts a day.
::I want you to use as many of those as you can to really serve your well-being and your happiness and your peace. So just to give that kind of information might help too our audience.
::Yeah. Yeah. And it's so true it it's you're.
::Not you're not an astrologer, you're a psycho therapist. And and it's they're very different. But using using that framework, it's kind of like human design. People. That human design, they they use the framework of some of these other modalities, but they've molded it into a way that helps give.
::It is.
::Clarity to how your life is going and why your life is doing what it's doing and how you.
::How you can embrace it and make your life better.
::Exactly. And when you embrace your astrology and and make it psychological, that's where I came up with psycho astrology. They blend beautifully to help you navigate life and the things you've gone through that still might stand out is feeling unresolved or a pain point you can really bring healing and forgiveness to yourself.
::And eventually others involved, if that's what's needed. By by really combining these two to understand yourself and understand your world more with more ease.
::For sure I you've just covered so much amazing information. So what's the one thing you hope the audience takes away from our conversation today, Lisa?
::You know, Joe, I feel like you've highlighted it saying it in in different ways and as have I, it's really for people to have more ease. I want you to know.
::That you can have more ease in your thoughts and again to really I I feel like freedom is really when you feel emotionally good and stable regardless of what's going on out there outside of your own body and mind and to really you can harmonize with the energy of the solution.
::For everything and start to see that unfold. Like you said, Jill, this is a time powerfully to manifest what we really desire and it's through bringing some peace starting in the morning.
::As you wake up and just really inviting in the answers and the solutions and show me show me show me and and start to look, I want people to know that that information like wants to get to you like wants to come into your life now.
::Absolutely. The universe is here to help us.
::Really wants to thank you so much for joining me today. Lisa.
::Thank you. You're wonderful.