Layla Messner – Unique Wedding Blessing Personalized Artwork to Make Your Day Special

Layla Messner (she/her) is the founder of Painted Love Co. More than just a wedding decor company, we're creating a movement to promote the customized relationship. The future of love is personalized!

As an abstract artist with a background in psychology and intuitive painting, Layla specializes in creating hand-painted representations of your unique strengths as a couple.

What do you do?: We create one-of-a-kind fine art and decor for weddings. The couple shares their love story and wedding vision with us, and then one if our artists create a painting inspired by their love story and unique strength as a couple. Then we custom print their art across the details of the wedding. Couples have over 100 options for what we can customize – from bridesmaid dresses, ties and cufflinks to table settings and more. The result is a look no other could ever have. We do this for vow renewals, anniversaries, and other events as well. You might say we make love visible.

What problem do you solve: A lot of weddings tend to be generic – it can be hard to create a wedding that truly stands out. Every couple is unique, and we believe each wedding should reflect that. It's not just about weddings though – for us it's about supporting couple at every stage of the marriage process to customize their relationship, so it really works for them.

You can find Layla in these places:

As an abstract artist with a background in psychology and intuitive painting, Layla specializes in ceating hand-painted representations of your unique strengths as a couple.

What are the links you wish to share:

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Hi and welcome to the.


You World Order Showcase podcast.


Today we're talking with Layla Messner.


She's the founder of painted love company.


More than just a wedding decor company, she's creating a movement to promote customized relationships.


The future of love.


Personalized, she believes, as an abstract artist with a background in psychology and intuitive painting, Layla specializes in creating hand painted representations of your unique strengths as.


Could you please help me welcome Layla to the show, OK.


It's so nice to have you on the show today.


So tell us a little bit about.


You actually tell us all about you.


So much for having me.


Here my name is a Layla Messner.


I'm the founder of a new company called the painted Love Co.


We are here to elevate the standard of uniqueness for weddings.


So I at the moment or one of my other artists, creates a piece of artwork that represents the couples relationship and their unique strengths.


And then we custom print that across the details of the wedding so we can customize things like bridesmaid dresses, ties, cufflinks, place maps, plates, table settings.


So it creates this unique visual motif that goes across the entire wedding for a really unique and cohesive.


So when you.


Do like the clothing part of it is that is it printed a certain way or is it just colors?


How does that look?


Yeah. So the new world of small run print on demand allows us to print small numbers of things. So one or you know 100 of whatever it is.


With the art directly on it, so I don't have something that's specific to weddings to show you, but just some people in the podcast can't hear it, but maybe I can describe it for them.


So, I have a hint head here.


And as Jill can see, it is the artwork itself that has been created for your relationship that is printed directly on it.


The style of artwork.


That I do, and that my other artists do is abstract expressionist.


So it isn't.


For example, a really realistic painting of a mountain or a dog.


This is a abstract work that is meant to represent the feeling.


And that kind of art prints really well on things.


Yeah. So how do you?


How do you?


Go about finding people and letting them know what you're doing.


So that is our biggest challenge as a company.


We are a brand new company and this idea is really novel.


It's really new and so people are not sitting down at their weddings thinking, you know what?


I want to have, like an abstract representation of my love custom printed across my wedding.


And so they're not getting online and they're not searching for that.


So it's about figuring out, OK, where are the people who would benefit from our service and how can we educate them that we exist?


And get them to be aware that this is.


Even a possibility.


So that then they can make that choice, and if it's.


Something that they want or not.


So who would you say your ideal customer?


Is I know probably someone who's getting married but.


Yeah, we can also do this for events and especially anniversaries and like the originals and things like that.


But generally you're right, it's couples who are getting married, often for reading prep.


It's the bride, but not always.


And the people who are drawn to us.


Tend to be.


People who are.


Successful in their careers, they may have been super career focused right up.


Until the point that they're getting married.


They really value like personalized and done for you experiences and they want to have a really unique wedding.


They really like this sentimental value of this unique piece of art.


So that's who ends up coming to us.


So how do you come up with ideas for creating the unique piece?


Of art for them.


So I am an expressionist painter and specifically an intuitive painter, and I'm just now expanding to other artists.


So these are values that I hold in mind when I interview as well.


So my personal talent lies in painting and experience or painting and feeling in abstract representation, representational way.


So I talked to the couple I have.


A background in coaching.


So I talked to the couple and I try to get deep into who they are and then I take that like empathic feeling of what I've experienced.


And then I hold it in mind as I create the art and I trust the intuitive, physical, artistic product like process.


Of the art to produce something that has that resonance.


Be taken to account the colors that they like.


Or is that just part of the into the process?


Like the wedding, colors are super and so we want to find out.


I love to work with couples.


I'm not a planner, but I do love to work with.


Them to develop a unique theme.


So the painting behind me is called beekeeper and it's developed for a couple who have a beekeeper.


Usually, the couple keeps the art I have.


This piece but.


We want to really represent the uniqueness of them, and that comes in like abstractly or symbolically into the work, and we want a color scheme that's going to work with what they want for their wedding.


I was going to ask you if it was be themed.


The image behind you because that's what came to me when I saw it.




Recognize that there's honeycombs in there, but it there's just the slightest impression of a bee.


On the on the side I.


I don't know which side it is.


For you, because these are always like.


Either they're backwards or they're not.


Oh, I love that you see that.


So yeah, that's really it's a.


It's a beautiful piece.


And I remarked on it before we started recording, but.


That's really interesting how that piece came.


And then you showed me the pocketbook that also had it.


It seemed to have more of a spring Japanese garden kind of feel to it to me, but that's because.


I'm looking at you on a small screen.


That piece is much more complex.


So this one is very inspired by graffiti and like an urban vibe than the that is printed on the handbag has that ones called the dreamer, and it just has a lot of color.


It has a lot of complexity in the in the artwork itself.


It's interesting how you can go from very.


Simple but makes it a fluid statement.


To very complex.


And they're both.


They're both kind of in the same field where you're helping couples express.


Express themselves in a way that's reflected in in their ceremony that they're going to have performed.


I love that.


Yeah, like I'm.


I'm dedicating my artistic skills, which are all about expression, to help them express what it is.


That their love is in art.


And then put that across the way.


Yeah, that's that's beautiful.


And it's pieces that can go down through generations.


You know, it used to be in the old days, you had the wedding album.


That, you know, eventually got.


Stuffed in the drawer and nobody ever looked at it.


Sometimes, maybe their great grandkids would come along.


And who's that old person?


But a piece of art that.


You know, expresses.


What they're who they are, their values and their.


But more than that, it's who they are as a couple.


And then then it's allowed to be displayed also and it's a memory, but it's something that's it's also a piece that you can talk about.


That's an interesting concept, really, really kind of unique.


So are you talking with wedding?


Planners and, you know, destination wedding places.


Definitely part of.


Our marketing strategy and one of the biggest things is partnering with planners who can confirm their clients and then we pay them referral fees and stuff like that.


So partnerships are absolutely massive.


Especially I live at a wedding destination, so just getting out there, talking to other wedding professionals and just.


Building relationships with them.


That's really interesting. So.


What is the one thing that you really want to leave our listeners with?


I think that the most important thing that I would like people to know about our company, other than the fact that we exist in, please look for this type of service is that.


Like for me, the reason behind the company is about more than unique weddings like that is obviously what we're doing on the surface.


But for me, my passion is about the uniqueness of each relationship.


I really believe that you know every person is unique and every couple is.


Least exponentially unique to that, and there's so much in the world that's like a cookie cutter relationship or the idea of like, you get married and happily ever after.


And then there are so many divorces, and I want to see people celebrating the fact that every couple is unique and like.


The more we celebrate the uniqueness of each relationship, I think it lends resilience to the marriage.


So I would like to start a movement about the resilience of marriage.


Like, let's talk about what it takes.


And of course people are, but even more so like what it takes to make marriage resilient and how you can celebrate your unique strengths as a couple to make your marriage more resilient.


Very noble, very noble. I I like it a lot. I like the whole concept that you've got going on and it really does speak to you world economy where it's individuals coming together and making a difference in each other's lives. But as that happens, it ripples out into the people that they know. And then there's.


Communities and the communities are connected that way too and.


Information and.


Processes like this that you're doing the.


It's the painted love company Co.


It just it gives people a whole new Ave.


to express themselves.


I can see it even for you.


People that are renewing their vows or even birthdays, you know, celebrating the individual or or retirements, you know, celebrating the, the, the place that they held in the company over all these years, it just.


I would love that for retirement.


Why don't I feel like we don't really celebrate retirement like very much?


I feel like we.


Should I, like, celebrate, celebrate and celebrate everything?


That's going on it.


So yeah, even births, you know, when somebody's born.


Of a picture, a visual representation of the whole process.


Maybe you know between mom and dad and baby.


Especially the first board because you know that's.


It's the most.


Important one, but it's just like old hat.


Are you a first born as well?


I am I love.


Yes, yes, we're so special.


I love that you say that because like the one of the ways that I secretly think about myself.


This is maybe a little weird, but like in my company and.


Role is so you know in the fairy tales when, like the fairy godmother or like a fairy comes to bless the birth.


And sometimes that goes wrong in fairy tales, but I'm the good fairy.


I like to imagine, like, you know, it's always like I'm gonna bless your birth with this quality.


And I like to imagine that.


For the art and like the art process, I'm gonna bless your marriage with this quality that you want to have throughout your marriage.


And so the same thing applies to births like.


Yes, yes, that's so powerful.


And the visual representation of it is.


It's it's a reminder and it's always there.


It's not like something you put in a drawer and you forget about it's the piece.


Really, really cool.


Thank you so much and I love this about the new world economy.


So I'm really grateful to be here talking to.


Well, it just.


Fits right in so well.


It's always exciting to meet people that are doing interesting, unique things to just make the world a better place.


I just, it's so exciting and there's.


I don't think there's ever been a time when more people are just stepping into their uniqueness and bringing to the marketplace things that are so interesting and so.


I want to say useful, but you know to be blessed in that way.


You know the magic wand, if you will.


Which is the art piece.


It's the endowing them with a blessing and.


Your religions do it.


It's just a different way of doing it.


Yeah, I think what you're talking about with the personalization of the economy and people bringing their unique gifts is really cool.


We are elevating like the standard of experience on the planet.


I think everybody bringing more of their authentic self into the economy and.


I'm really excited to see where that goes, so I love that you're speaking to it.


I love it too well, tell everybody.


How they can get in touch with?


OK, so our website and our Instagram is painted So just look at us, look for us as painted pretty much everywhere. When you go to the website, click portfolio, because I've been told over and over that people hear this idea. They think it's really cool.


But they don't really get it in a deep level until they see it.


So our portfolio can help you like.


Just really get that on a deeper level.


And we will be sure to put the links in the description below.


It has been my pleasure getting to chat with you, Layla.


This is so cool and so interesting, and I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes.


I hope it blows up big for you because I think the concept is amazing.


Thank you so much.


And I feel the exact same about your podcast.

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