Coaching Moms Who Coach Coaches- A Different Type of Entrepreneur

Kathy Stowell – Business Coach for Moms who coach moms. She helps moms build a blissful coaching biz. And the host of THE MOM COACHES GETTING CLIENTS PODCAST

In this episode of The You World Order Podcast, we sit down with Kathy Stowell, a life coach who specializes in helping mompreneurs create simple, joyful, and aligned businesses. Kathy shares her personal journey of transitioning from burnout to balance and offers practical tips for moms who want to build successful businesses while keeping family life front and center. She discusses the importance of simplifying your business strategy, creating sustainable routines, and finding joy in both motherhood and entrepreneurship.

Whether you're a mom looking to start a business or a seasoned entrepreneur trying to find balance, Kathy's wisdom will inspire you to embrace simplicity and live a life that feels aligned with your values.

The Ultimate Find Your Mom Coaching Niche Ecourse –


0:00 – Introduction to Kathy Stowell

3:15 – How Kathy helps mompreneurs simplify their business

7:45 – Balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship

12:20 – Practical tips for creating sustainable routines

18:10 – Finding joy and alignment in business and life

25:00 – Kathy’s advice for overwhelmed mompreneurs


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That's great. Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Kathy Stowell, business coach for Moms who Coach Moms, she helps Moms build a blissful coaching business and the host of the Moms Coaches Getting Clients podcast. And we were just chatting before she came on.


About how we pronounce last names. Apparently she's been pronouncing hers incorrectly about that.


No, no, no. My husband's been pronouncing his incorrectly.


Even worse, didn't he have it longer?




But he Mumbles.


So maybe that's just what happened. I.


Don't know. Yeah, who knows? Too funny, too funny. So how did you get started in coaching moms who coach moms? I think that's just such an interesting.


Now it was. It was an interesting path that got me here. OK, here's how it kind of happened.


I met the guy who mispronounces his last name, and when when we went on a date our second date, he asked me where do you see yourself in the future? And I confessed to him. I've always wanted to live on.


A farm and we were.


In the big city then, and he was into it, so.


We started hanging out more and going on road trips and he was really into rock climbing and we went rock climbing to this area where we live now and just fell in love and we ended up purchasing like 7 acres of land and started a hobby farm.


And we moved there when my daughter was a year old. So I started a A blog for the family to keep tabs on what we're up to. But I really got obsessed with the philosophy of permaculture. I really wanted to have cows because I love reves.


Just like cream in a latte, super fresh cream. And and I was extremely crafty at the time too, because.


Was when I wanted to have kids. I really wanted to have a squeaky clean vessel both physically and energetically, so I started getting some body work done before we conceived, and this acupuncturist pinpointed I had some.


Energy blocks around my throat and just give me some coaching and homework to express myself.


In many different ways, and one assignment was to get creative, so I got what's her name? Julia Camerons, the artist way and inside this book there's a whole bunch of fun little ideas like take yourself on an artist date and I just turn into this.


Hyper crafty monster and I was crazy and knitting. I took up spinning the yarn with her little hobby farm. I made everything from crazy scratch. I remember just.


Making eggnog straight from the chickens **** and like crazy.


I can relate.


To what you're saying, I lived on a homestead for seven years and we had all the animals and just everything had to be from scratch.


Are the best.




I learned how to mix.


Ohh it was.


Soap and artisan bread and the cheese.


Oh my. Made all my clothes from scratch. Ohh. And I made cheddar cheese. Quick story. Like you know you're supposed to apply pressure at a certain amount of pressure. Like 4 lbs. And it was just.




Exhaustive process only one batch turned out and it takes like a whole gallon of milk to make one little thing of cheddar. And I was.


Putting it in.


Oh yeah, like tiny and, you know, most of them. Do you know, like, really moldy and weird. And we only were able to eat one after all that. But I was putting it under our Ottoman to apply weight. Like, putting like, it was just. Yeah, I made a lot of cheese.


Anyways and so.


With that blog, I started collecting followers and, you know, started really fostering some relationships with them because you post something, this is what I was up to today and they would leave comments and they would just cheer me on and ask me questions.


And it was my most favorite creative outlet to take photos of my day and then sift through the photos at the end of the day. And being like this is my favorite and I want to write about it and that exercise I found what I valued in my life, what I deemed important, my reflections on you know why this really.


Brought up feelings of pride or sadness or gratitude, etc. So when I was deciding what it is I wanted to do for income, I tried a bunch of different things. I sold a lot of.


Not the cheese, but I did sell the eggs, milk and. But yeah, the clothes I had Etsy shops for the yarn I was spinning and the clothes I was sewing. And that wasn't sustainable. I was starting to get a little depleted because it, you know, it's it's like a bird thing over and over again.


The yarns and the yarn and the stuff that you make.




Because you know. And then I'm. I'm like what makes sense. So at first I thought creating equal.


Courses I made an E course on how to sew for I called it for the backwoods Mama, and that was really fun and I would receive photos from these moms who are making these little like bloomers and pinafores. And it was the cutest thing.


And just the photos I received from them just made my heart swell. You know the look of pride in their face that they prioritized and protected some time to create something that wasn't just entertaining the kids. And so that was my first inkling that I wanted to help moms in this capacity.


To really put their needs front and center to get in touch with their passions, that innate drive to create things cause I always joke right. Not only do we create a human being, but we also created a placenta.


It's like we.


Just we are designed for creating something from nothing.


Like for moms?


Even you know, every day we create meals for our loved ones, right? We create solutions to problems and you know, we just have a knack for making life beautiful and working with what we got. So it was like, I want to be a creativity coach. And I knew what worked for me was also.


Keeping our days simple so I also got certified as a simplicity parenting coach and and mailed those two coaching approaches to my own style of coaching. At the time I called Mama bless Coach.


Thing and I started coaching moms to tap into their bliss. I had the creativity, tool simplicity principles to help them manifest whatever their hearts desire.


And then my client started saying that they wanted to do the same. So I opened up a coaching training program called Mom Coach School and I teach Moms how to coach to this day. And I also now teach them how to establish an online presence so that they can sell their.


Coaching services to the world. You know, the whole entire globe that we were talking about, the world's our oyster, our our ideal clients are out there and I love showing up online and letting people know you know how I can help them.


That's an amazing journey. I love it. It's so close to my own. It's like.




Yeah, I I.


The whole.


Getting back to the basics, because I grew up in cities too, all over the world and I knew at a very young age, like at 14 when we were walking through the mountains that I wanted chickens. And yeah, when I first got goats, I didn't realize that they didn't have, like, teeth everywhere.


They only have teeth on, I think the bottom but.


And I was afraid of them. Afraid of all these animals to begin with, honestly, but they they all have their own personalities and they they bring something out. And who?


You are? Yeah. When you're when.


You're living in the country and you're, you know, you talk about making eggnog from the chickens, but well.


So delicious.


And watching a bee get born and watching a chicken lay an egg and and when I first started raising chickens, it was like, do you need to have a male chicken in order to have?




Eggs. I just didn't know. Yeah.


There was no end of amusement for the country. People that lived around me believe.


Oh, oh, yeah. Oh, they are just. Yeah, they scratched their heads a lot at me. I my.


Mom's like.


You're like JA Gabor out there in.


The garden, because I'm like, crazy outfits like, yeah.


But you learn so much.


And you learn how to just appreciate simple.


And you know, good enough is is fine. It nothing has to be perfect and nothing is square. And I fit my husband all the time because he wants things to be.








Square it's like.


You know that's not nature and nothing is square for very long in our backyard because you know it's it's going to move and it's going to really want us.




Yeah, I hear you. Yeah. Actually, when I was little, my imaginary friend was actually Laura Ingles from, like, Little house on the Prairie.


I was just.


And yeah, I think that was that flag that simplicity has always been like a huge value that I cherish my life and it just something I lean on to and I'm feeling overwhelmed or.


Life feels complicated.


And just breathe and you learn so many lessons, gardening and, you know, weeding.




They aren't really chores. They're just moments where you can be still and do something repetitive.




Tooling and listen to podcasts and listen to podcasts. So true. So. So how does your coaching look? So let me ask it this way. You coach coaches on how to coach.


You you help people who are moms that want to become coaches and you show them how to do that.




Process. Yeah. So I have two ideal clients and ones who want to start offering coaching services. So I have a a 12 week training program. So each week you get a lesson and it essentially teaches you first how to coach yourself to a place.


Dot com.




And then I I introduce the coaching tools and then you're also if you, if you're into it, can get paired up with a practice buddy. So you spend a few weeks of practicing the coaching tools on each other and moving through the coaching process and how to conduct a coaching session. And then there's a marketing component to you know, how to get clear on.


Who your ideal client is your niche and what your signature offer would look like, and how you're gonna sell it online.


But I also offer private coaching and a membership for established coaches who are ready to start getting more clients to start making more money in their business.


So do you.


Do you coach them on how to coach around? Like would they need to have a different kind of certification when they came to you or?




Not necessarily if they know, yeah, if they know that, they can help moms in some capacity, I can help them just really hone their messaging and get it really clear. This is how I can help you. Some of them are fresh out of a certification program. Some of them just have.


Just to have.


An idea of what they want to follow.


You know a wealth of life experiences and other credentials, training, education. But yeah, we I'll just meet them where they're at. We'll take assessment of what you know, they're qualified to offer. And then we just, you know, pin that down to really clear.


They call it your niche statement. Some people call it, you know, their I help statement your mission statement and use that as an anchor so that we can keep their business simple so that they can show up in just a few hours a day at the most to actually sell to coach.


And the rest of their days just living the life that really what their ideal client is pining for. Those feelings that they want to be welcoming more of. That's one of our assignments is what is that feeling? Your ideal client is craving. OK, now go out and, you know, get that feeling within yourself by pursuing whatever it is your own bliss.




Yeah, so easy to get caught in the trap of always doing and not being especially trying.






I call it trying to make money online because it's generally how people approach it. In the beginning. It's just like I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I know I can make money online.






And then they start laying around and buying all kinds of different stuff and it gets to be a big trap because you never really understand.




What is my mission? What am I here to accomplish and having somebody like you to come along and say, well, let's just.




Pulling the reins a little bit here, and let's look at what your what your Armory is to begin with and and see what your toolbox holds and if.






And build on that instead of like.


Because there's so many opportunities, I mean.




Yeah, it could get overwhelming for sure. Yeah. It's like it reminds me. I don't know. This is a bit of a stretch, but like, I was sharing with you, I have a 15 year old son, and he's asking me to teach him how to drive. So we had a driving session. We only have a stick shift. Cars in our family. So everybody I taught his sister and.


Teaching him like I was using a lot of this hand motion of like imitating my feet, pushing on the gas, releasing the clutch and that it's very similar. It's like you have all this enthusiasm when you're starting your online business and.


You're just getting all this like, ideas, and you're just, like, slamming your foot on the go pedal, but it's a it's a fine dance of, like, you're just going to, like, dance. Just gonna drop out. You release too much, too soon. Just finding that that fine balance. And for you saying.


In the clutch.


Like you know, full transparency today, thank God. I feel a bit better, but the last two days like I was feeling under the weather, I took massive Naps yesterday and the day before because I could feel like my body was just saying you got to take your foot off the glass, gas and.


Put the other foot on the.


Clutch. I don't know the analogy starting to.


Peter here, like it was just now it's time to simplify it. It's just like your body starts saying, you know, this doesn't necessarily have to be like a physical. But yeah, if you're finding yourself frozen in front of the.




Screen it's often like what I say to my clients. I just said it today to a client.


It's time to lean on what I call the four by one, which is basically the foundation for really simplified plan that.


It brings in the consistency that's like truly important for you to establish that trust to get your messaging hitting your ideal client over and over again. Because really it's it's kind of like dating. It's about timing to establish that really intimate.


Relationship, that is the coaching relationship. So it's really important that you have a foundation that's built upon simplicity, consistency and also like taking care of your own needs and being kind of the proof of the pudding that is being a Co.




It is a lot like raising a child. Ohh, totally yeah. You know, you start out with this baby and it requires a lot of time and attention. Yeah, but that's a season. It should not be a forever thing, because if you keep at it, you will. You'll resent it.








And the.




The being needs to grow and expand and and have its own personality, and you need to be able to step back from it and retain who you are and not exactly blend the two. And as they get as you go along the the path, there are more and and different.


Challenges that will present itself, but also different rewards.


And your clients are kind of along that path too, like in the beginning, the people that you're dealing with are just a little bit behind you. And then as you're you mature in, in your parenting and your business acumen, your clients are also.


Maturing and they have different needs. You can still, you know, market to the people that are in the very beginning, but their needs are different than the than this people's needs up here and these people's needs up here.




Where you may not be up there yet.


But you can look and you can say, OK, I'm here. Now, what do I need to figure out in order to get there? And having hiring a coach is a good idea because they're already there.


You know, hire coaches where you want to be and it can keep the process growing instead of just like.


I can help everybody with everything, which is like the the big trap, a lot of coach moms fall.




Into exactly. Yeah, totally. And also like, I like to think too that your business is going to grow as your kids do because like when I started this, my kiddos were like, well, my son was literally a newborn because I have a photo of me in the boppy.




My laptop it's like working away.


And you know, like life wants to live like your business wants to grow. So just continuously, just making sure it's nurtured and it's love and then it's, you know, not neglected and like you were saying like being aware too of what stage it's at and you know.




You know expressing or.


Presenting it as what it is or pivoting as need be so that again, yeah, we're always kind of ensuring that we're meeting our clients where they're at or going on our bath boss hat and say this is actually who I'm serving now.


Yeah, and and recognizing that change does happen.


Yes. Yeah.


And and allowing it to happen, but not trying to force it to happen.


Yeah. Yeah, it's a very it's a very organic process. If you show up, you know, as your authentic self and like we're saying like, whatever lights us up, whether that be.


Making cheese or.


Big Nogs and you know, that's the thing too. Like, I always go through. Not always. But I go through, like, right now. Obsessions like right now my main one is pickleball. I just started playing pickleball and a lot of my pickleball buddies are like.



::Don't you work there like:::

And this is part of my work is for me to follow. Like what? Like really lights me up and while I'm playing pickleball, I'm always telling my buddies I'm like.


This is just.


Like running a business, you know, like the imposter syndrome, the self sabotage. When the game is going, like, really good, you know?


Like some of my, you know, childhood issues coming up when I, you know what I mean? Like, it's just very interesting. So I've had a lot of passions obviously over the years, but this latest one it's it's new right now, so it's like.


Is very apparent to me how important it is to have this life outside of your business so they can come back to it again. Super just inspired and seeing your work from a different perspective and then you know, passing on to your clients like what you gleaned from that.


Yeah. And it's the the continue, it's the continuing education part of your your process and it can look a lot of different ways. For me, it's like going up in the mountains and hanging out my camper.






And reading and and sometimes it's.


It's exploring other.




Other things online, not necessarily what I'm doing, but learning. I I'm always continuing to learn. It could be like playing pickleball or gardening or whatever it is that.






And it it can change. It doesn't just have to be one thing, it can be lots.


Of different things.


Yeah, but it's.




It's not.


Trying to make working like I kind of equate it to like home schooling. I was a home schooling mom for my last three kids and I was I was more of an unschooling mom than a home schooling Mom.


We never graded.


Anything. And I I barely gave them assignments.


But they did go to an alternative school for high school, so they did get the paper that said yes, they they've got all the boxes checked.




Which kind of validated for me that I did an OK.


Job because they made days. Yeah, so.


You can you can look at a business kind of like that too. You can be all paranoid because there are some people that homeschool and their idea of home schooling is we're doing school at home. Yeah. And you're going to spend 8 hours at it, and you're going to do all the worksheets, and I'm going to grade all the worksheets, and I'm gonna make this as difficult as I possibly can for.


Everybody in.


Or just don't relax and have some fun and and let the process unfold in its timing. And I feel like that's kind of where you come in, where it's like.


Guess you're going to have a business. Yes. You're going to have clients. Yes. You're going to make a difference, but it doesn't have to be all white knuckle. You can just relax into the process.


Yes. Yep.


Yeah. It's like, yeah, I homeschooled too. And it's funny because my daughter for three years when we're living on that little hobby farm and, you know, I had this deck, you know, I home school Homestead I home birth. I do all the homey, homey thing.


And quit and building.


Business from home because I am a massive homebody, I still am to this day. So that's probably why the pickleball obsession is probably a good thing. Gets me.


Out of the house.


Could easily spend 24 hours a day at my house. It's. I'm quite comfortable here. I love my work.


But you know, Speaking of the home birthing component, like, you know, we're birthing this biz.


If you just go with the flow, it goes so much smoother. You know, just trust the process, keep breathing, relax into it, you know, like.


Yeah, it it's just the more we resist it or overthink it, even the more we just like spin out and get stuck and uh, like you were saying the import.


Instead of just getting inspired either by our passions or like you said, like taking like eat courses or, you know, hiring your own coach or joining a mastermind or something like that, it's like one of my favorite perks of being doing what I'm doing as an entrepreneur is like I love learning, especially when it's something I'm interested in.


And this is probably the thing I'm most interested in is like, how can I make more money online in a way that feels aligned with what feels good to me on the receiving end as a consumer?


Yeah. Yeah. And it's so beautiful that you provide that for them. I love on your website, I was kind of scoping out and you have the the sails, uterus. Clever name.


It's so funny and silly and and it's pretty unbrand with me. Yeah. Truthfully, it's perfect. Yeah. Yeah, I talk about.


You know this my sales funnel a lot which you know it's kind of called my 4 by 1 as as well like the Super simple. And I noticed when I was doing interviews like this or trainings I was always doing this like here at the top of the funnel and here at the bottom of the funnel and.


Then one day I'm.


Like ohh this.


Kind of looks like.


We're gonna sing out the ideal client. Yeah. So yeah.


For for everything, yeah.


I don't know if.


You want to get into the sales uterus, but.


Essentially, it's just.


Like nurture your ideal clients, and they're like you're nurturing.


Developing baby.


I I've got a total picture and stuff. The little soldiers and everything.


In there, there's so many dimensions to thank you. I'm going to run with that one next.


OK, Kathy, I know you have a a gift that you give people the ultimate find your mom coaching niche E course. Tell people about that and how to find it.






Yes, yes.


I'm pretty proud of that because that is the first entry point or.


Trying to run with this sales uterus.


Thing it's gonna wear like the pollicles.


It's. This is the sexy part. This is the sexiest part of the funnel.


Sex. Just just lay it out there.


Ohh it's I'm getting clarity on your niche and as I shared I'm all about the niche statement. I help who you help struggling. Choosing just one struggle.


So that they can and then the results you get. So even within that simple formula, there's so many layers and I go into all the layers and this really easy to consume Ecorse it's free because again, like I've been promoting the niche stick for like 8 years now.




You know when you talk about something over and over again you.




Like I feel like I have.


A pH. D in this.


I go into. Yeah. Yeah, totally. So, yeah, it's a free course. You signed up for it. And it also includes, if you're interested in coaching moms, a list of 50 different coaching niches that are really hot right now.






So basically you're showing them how to create an.




Exactly. Yeah. Getting clear, who you help. And then that pretty much dictates what your signature coaching offer would be. And.


What results it delivers.


That's measurable. Yeah. People tend to miss that part.


Yeah. Yeah, exactly.


How people fulfill their dreams. They know if you fixed it or not. Dreams are going to keep changing.


Yeah, yeah, I know. There's so many layers to it. It's so fun.


It is fun and it it's fun to to work with people and help them get an epiphany of like.


Ohh that yeah.


And then once you do, it makes the process of of selling, which is just helping people solve their problems. You know, you have all these things that we say in our head around the word selling, but selling is just serving and you can embrace that concept. It it takes all the icky.




Totally. Yeah. And actually that's like 1.


Little tidbit I like to offer to my clients. It's like just start your day journaling and simply write out that I help statement and then look at it what you wrote down and then just brain dump. What does this person need to hear today? What would be something really helpful to offer them today? What do they?


What action can they take to get to this result today and that can just be the guiding point for that day's social media post your podcast episode and e-mail? A new offering, a new E course, but always bring it back to that mission statement.


Yeah, and.


Yeah. Once you get that, you.


Golden, because everything else flows.


From that? Yeah, totally. Yeah, yeah.


So well, Kathy, this has been a really insightful conversation. I appreciated you sharing with us so much. So what's the one thing that you hope the audience takes away from this conversation?


Yeah, it's so fun.




Yeah. So keep it simple.


And we do that like we were discussing, just really landing on that I help statement so that we're always showing up in that energy of being helpful and stick to that statement. You know we're not getting a tattoo here even just for the next three months. The struggle you can like.


You know, wiggle room it, but just decide today to be decisive. Decide on that help statement and just take off from there and just meditate on that every day and this will help you show up consistently and start selling your.


This is.


Absolutely. Thank you so much for joining me.


Yeah. Thank you.

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