Balancing Energies: Journey to Wellness with Jennifer Lee

Jennifer Lee is a certified Reiki practitioner specializing in: relaxation, releasing negative energy, healing from past trauma, Chakra balancing, and improving mental health and OVERALL well-being.

Primarily focusing on distance healing, what makes her services stand out is that she not only does Reiki and Chakra balancing, she follows up with spiritual wellness coaching.

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Hi and welcome to The You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Jennifer Lee, who's a certified Reiki practitioner specializing in relaxation, releasing negative energy healing from past trauma, chakra balancing and improving mental health and overall well-being primarily focusing on distance.


Feeling what makes her services stand out is that she not only does Reiki and chakra balancing.


But she follows up with spiritual Wellness coaching. Welcome to the podcast, Jennifer. It's so nice to.


Have you here?


Yeah. Thank you so much for having me.


I'm so excited to be here.


So let's start out with the elephant in the room, because we were talking about this beforehand and you were you were a little bit worried about talking about spiritual Wellness coaching because not everybody is into the whole woo thing. And I'll, I'll just let you take it from here for a minute.




Yeah. Yeah. So when you think it's spiritual, you're like, I mean, there's there's two ways you can go about it, like.


Sometimes, if you're very religious, you'll think that is what spiritual is, and then sometimes in a different sense, spirituality could be something completely different, such as, you know, connecting with your own inner self and being a Co creator with the universe. So that can include multiple different things, such as using divination.


Like tarot and and Oracle decks, or even just walking outside and and earthing and and planting your feet into the ground and just connecting.


So there's different.


Types of.


Areas of spirituality so it could become a little bit almost of like a Gray area, but it kind of is. It's very open type of concept and it's not just closed off to one thing or another.


I agree with that. It's more of the holistic approach. However, you view whatever you think it it it all, it all draws together under that umbrella called spiritual. It's that that thing that connects us all.








No matter what you believe.


We are all connected and.




Every path.


Points to that. Yeah. So. So you do most of your coaching online. What? What is your coaching entail? How how does it all work and how did you get started? Maybe.


Thank you.


This is this is what it looks like, yeah.


We should start at the beginning.


Oh, what? I don't just do coaching one off. It's included with the Reiki energy healing. So what that looks like is I do a lot like you. Like you mentioned online. I do a lot virtually. But I also do a lot if you're local to the St. John's area, St. John's in Florida. So like really close to the the Georgia Line. So I'm I'm up in North Florida.


But I do primarily distance healings and virtual healings, So what? My sessions generally look like, there are 75 minutes in the first hour is Reiki, energy healing and shock rebalancing. So I'll go through each of your chakras and a little disclaimer. Most time people think that there's only 7 chakras in the body.


When there are over 100, so there are chakras all over our bodies. So I spend time going and working through all of the chakras and trying to really rebalance and reconnect you so the energy can flow freely and then those last 15 minutes I go over what chakras may may be balanced or unbalanced or.




And then my recommendations, but I'm also an intuitive, so I get really connected and I hear messages. You know that things that maybe you would like benefit from and I recommend them to you. So I give you a bunch of different recommendations where I call them homework for things for you to work on in between.


Sessions. So I love to give more than one recommendation for like either each chakra or what messages came up, because I want you to feel comfortable with.


What modality you're going to continue to work with?


And of course, always recommendations, so you can always take them or leaving. So that's kind of what the coaching entails. So it is, yes, me using my spirituality, connecting with source and connecting with the universe and getting those downloads and those messages from my guides and even your guides that are around you that help give me information that.


Then messages that you need to hear.


That's really interesting. Can I ask you a question about the chakras? Are they kind of kind of connected to like, you know how we do acupuncture and there's different points on your body? Are those the chakra points or are they different? Is it? I know that they're two different.


Yeah, absolutely.




Think it's a little?


Yeah, I think they're a little different because it's, it's funny, like there's different points on the the body that can be for different things. Like I know on the bottom of your foot. I don't know if it's like kidney or liver or something. If you do like an acupressure point there. So I think those are a little bit different, but those are still energy centers.




Yeah. And the whole zoning thing is, is another cause.


I think it's.






It's like all of your nerve endings travel down to your feet and put stuff on your feet like.


OK. We'll just do Vicks vapor rub because most people don't know what breezy is. But if you put like essential oils on your feet at night, put on some socks, they'll travel to the parts of your body that need whatever that essence is that it's got in there, the chemical properties, because it it's all like.


Everything runs up and down your body to your feet.


Which is.


Yeah. Yeah. And it's funny that you mentioned, uh, putting essential oils there. If you put essential oils either on the palm of your hand or on the bottom of your feet, those are the most easily absorbed areas too. So like you mentioned, it travels up. So if you are looking for like a quick relief, if you're looking to like pull down, you might want to do like a peppermint oil on the bottom of your feet. So you can help.


When they learned that it was.


Kind of cool down your body.


A little bit.


Yeah. And they work like insanely well. And I know I'm not all that familiar with Reiki energy, but I do know a little bit personally from about keidong energy. I don't know if it's the same thing. Different name. I mean, energy is pretty much energy.


That I know from personal experience that you can gather up the energy and feel it.


There's ways that you can, like pull it towards you and then pull it over you and you can feel.


It fall down your.




It it's a physical sensation.


That's funny. I've actually believe it or not, never heard of the the term that you just said was.




Key John is that we said Keyong, I've actually never. I'm not familiar with it.




I'm learning something new right now, yeah, so I'm not sure if they're similar in any which way, but yeah, like energy is energy, yes, but it can be experienced in different ways. So when you do Reiki energy healing, you are.


You're mostly just like a a conduit. You're just you allow it to go through you, so it goes into the the recipient. I don't put my own energy into someone, so I'm not using my own, like energy. I'm just using universal light source energy, so I don't necessarily feel it, but my my palms in my hands will be like burning, almost like I could feel it in my the palms of my hands.


But I don't feel like the wave of energy just kind of flow through me like like that.


Interesting. Interesting so.


I know that I'm going to tell you the story about my dad and and his experience with healing, with whatever kind of energy work was done to him. He does Tai Chi and he had his neck was almost frozen because, I mean, he he was having trouble moving it at all like he would move, like, you know, his whole body, with his shoulders to look over.


To the side. And he had this young guy come out to the community that he was in.




And and do some energy work on him, he said. The guy never touched him at all. He just moved his hands over his body at a distance and.


My dad, after that experience, could suddenly move his head easily. I mean like turn it. And it was no problem after that. And that this has been years ago and he's still able.


To move his neck freely.


Wow, yeah.


That's how powerful energy work can be.


You gave me chills. It's yeah, that's so true. I mean, it's what you described is exactly what I what I do in Reiki so it could be Reiki, but it could be another form of energy healing. So there there are a few different forms of energy healing, but it is so powerful. And just like the your your dad experience that I actually just had two clients.


In the past, I think 2:00 or.


Three weeks one came in for sinus issues, so I helped her drain without touching her, drain her sinuses so that way she can, you know, breathe a little better. And then another one came in with digestive issues. I guess she was having, like some stomach issues and I kind of helped move that energy. And she's been feeling great these last few weeks, so.


I mean, the energy is so powerful.


It is powerful and you don't have to touch people. I mean, sometimes you think because of the the world that we live in that you know you have to be physically touched and manipulated in order to get a result that I've had experiences with doing intentions. I I was part of an attention group for a while and.


We would hold intentions for each other. The the whole group of us. There's usually like, you know, five or eight people in it. And I had hit my thumb. I hit the bone with the pneumatic nail gun.


And and it was a Brad now, so it was.


Real thin but.




It hit the bone and it hurt so bad and that night we were doing the call and I I was just like in so much pain when we started and they held the intention for me that it would heal totally. And by the end of the 20 minutes that we held the intention for.


It was fine. I could bend it. It didn't hurt. It was as though nothing had ever happened to it.




They were not in my same neighborhood. They were like, all over the world. We all came together on a zoom call.




That's how powerful this kind of energy work can be, and you don't have to be spiritual under the.


Like you don't have to be spiritual under any label of spirituality in order for this to work, you can be a total non believer in how energy works and it'll still work for you because it just works, right?


It's very it's.




Remarkable. I mean, I think I it's just, it's amazing.


So yeah, you don't have to a be there and be you don't have to hold any certain philosophical outlook on life. It only works, you know, like you might think it only works for people who are super duper spiritual and you meditate hours a day.


Those people can get healed, but nobody else now works on busy moms.


Yeah, exactly.


Overworked dad.


Yeah, absolutely.


On everybody. Does it matter who you are?


Yeah. And I mean, I know we talked a lot about physical, but I mean it could it, it can help heal in so many different levels. It can help heal your mental and emotional well-being and and other. And even if you wanted to tap into more of your spirituality, be more connected to the universe or God whatever you believe in, it could help you know, connect you on a deeper level that way too.


If you wanted to even go down that Ave.


Yeah, it really can it. It just helps you be more you and be more you.


Yes, exactly.


And feeling.


That exactly. So how do how do people?


Actually work with you.


Like, how do people find?


Me. No. How do they work with you in terms of do you do like group coaching? Is it all one-on-one? Do you have a series of sessions? How? How does it?


OK, got you. Got it. Yes, so I do. I do do a lot of one-on-one and then I also do packages so people can buy a package of like a four pack whether they're distance or in person. If you're local to my area and they can either do it that way or I do a 12 long.


How does that work?


Weekly like program which is also one-on-one. It's more of like a a membership where you do like weekly healings and weekly coaching and we we talk about different things and different ways to heal ourselves. But I also do about once a month I do a.




In person and virtual.


I guess it would be like an event or a workshop. Whatever you want to call it. So and every month is a little bit different. So this month for example, I am doing an in person. I'm partnering with a yoga teacher doing restorative yoga and Reiki. We're doing that in person and then next month I'm going to do a Reiki, what I call like a Reiki circle virtual. So that'll be available for anybody.




So I do a little bit of everything if that makes sense.


That makes total sense and so.


How do people find you?


If they want to work with you.


I'll a lot of the times I do get referrals, but I also have luck finding people find me on Instagram so I do a lot of different Wellness tips on Instagram. I talk about what Reiki is, people I talk about, peoples experiences and then that's a great way for people to kind of just get to know me and.


Feel my energy and they can either decide I like this person. I want to work with them or I don't know, maybe she's too hyper and exciting. Like, I don't know if I want.




Work with her. Like so. I mean, it's a it's a great way for people to get to know me and what I absolutely love is I do love sharing tips. I love sharing things that can help ground people's energy, help with them with Wellness, help them with their health and different things like that.




So what is your Instagram handle?


It's Zen, Jen. Holistic, spelled ZENJEN. There's 2 NHOLISTIC Zen Gen. holistic.


Perfect. And that's also the name of your.


Website Right it is.


Yes, that's the name of my my business, my company.


Awesome and people can find a.


Free offer there to attract the life of your dreams and we want to talk a.


Yes, yes, absolutely, yes, I love it. I love it so much because it's you can print it out or you can, I mean, even if you just download it and you type into it, that's fine too. But you can do it as many times as you want throughout the year. What I love to do is I love to do it by quarter, but if you wanted to do it by month, that's great too because the.


Little bit about that.


The 1st of the month is a really great time to really set.


Those intentions and.


It's five journal prompts for you to really either you could sit and meditate on it if you're not a writer, you can sit and actually journal on them if you'd like, and it really helps you to focus on what you want to attract, what you're currently doing and what is not currently working for you. So it helps you really take into consideration.


Like, OK, this is on the. This is the track I'm on. This is what I need to be doing and this is what I am currently doing. This is what's working. This is what's not so kind of helps you really. Just like pinpoint those specific different things that you may not think about because a lot of times when we're trying to manifest something we're thinking about like I want this, I want that I want this.


With that, we don't think about, OK, how do we get there? And I don't like to over analyze things because if you do, then you're going to choke that energy. You're just going to be like it has to be done this way and there's no other way. I like to look at the different areas of, like, OK, here's a few different ways I can get there. This is what I'm currently doing.


And this is what I'm you know doing that may not be benefiting me. So for example, if you're trying to.


Attract. I don't know. Maybe like you're trying to attract your soulmate or something and you know you can talk about like, oh, I'm currently, you know, making sure I spend time with myself and I, you know, am, you know, currently going out to the coffee shops and whatever, like, just trying to meet new people. And then you could take a look about at what is not working.


So you know, maybe there's like a lot of negative things.


Online dating.


Yeah. Online dating. Yeah, maybe that's not working for you or. Or maybe you just settle because you don't want to be lonely. Like, that's something that a lot of people do or and. And that could be like for a job or something too. Like you said, because.


Just you don't want to, you know, look for something else or something better for you. So it just that just helps you kind of really pinpoint your your goals. I know I went on a tangent on that.


So I'm sorry, but I I.




Just love it. It's it's easy. It's five journal prompts, and you can, you know, meditate on it and write on it and do it as many times as you as you want. And and it just it kind of helps you think in different.


Avenues, if that makes sense.


Makes total sense and I'm a really big one on manifesting and one of the biggest tips I can give people for manifesting is focus on what you do want. Don't think about what you don't want, just you know.


If you're looking for your dream guy dream big baby, you know, color of eyes, how tall they are, what they do. You know, what kind of shoes they wear, what kind of do they snore at night? This is an important thing. You should be thinking about when you're manifesting the man of your dreams. Otherwise you're going to get this hunky guy.




Oh yeah.


That you just love to death, but you can't sleep with him because he snores.


Like a freight train.


Yeah. And to take it a step further, also think about the things that you guys are going to do together like I want to go on hiking trips or do this or do that. So yeah, you can even take it even further. I I love that.


Yeah, yeah. Same goes for houses or.


Yeah, or whatever you're looking for to bring into your.


Life, you know?


As I say, dream big baby, because if you don't, if you don't fill in all of the colors, the universe will do it for you. When will provide it for you.


Yeah, exactly, exactly.


You don't want to dream.


One will be provided for you, so yeah.


And I've manifested so many amazing things and they never to show up the way I expect them to show up. But they do show up.


In the way that I imagined they would.


Become materialized in my life. That makes sense.




Yeah, absolutely.


And if you look at vision boards.


That you've created in the past and then you go back and look at them. It's like, oh, got that got that got that got that got that even if you just made them and stuff them.


In your drawer. Yeah, it's fun. It is fun to go back and look about, like how much you've accomplished and all the things that you've already manifested to. And that could be fueled to your fire. If you're like, man.


I mean, I can never get this or I can never make this much or whatever it may be like. Think about all the things that you've already accomplished, like, I mean it's it's pretty outstanding. Like the things that we've accomplished in our life and we just kind of overlook it.


And we overlook little things that come into our lives. Like if you're trying to manifest a sum of money and you find a penny on the.




The tendency is just to think. Ohh yeah, it's just a penny, but it's really it's the first penny towards whatever that sum is that you're looking for. It's stupid.




Yeah, I mean you're you want to manifest money, right? Money.


Showing up for you.


And you just walked by it. I mean, you're just like, oh, there's a penny. What does have to do with anything? Imagine all those little pennies and the Dimes and everything you find, you put them in a jar. And, I mean, you can take them to a store and, you know, cash it out for for bigger, bigger bucks, you know.


And you could turn it into stuff. Yeah, exactly.




Even with it, yeah, I it's just.




We we, we miss, we miss the trees for the forest. You know, we're looking for the forest. And there's this lovely tree standing right in front of us. And we we need to appreciate the tree first before we can appreciate the whole group of them. And the same goes for money or your house or your kids or your spouse or.




You know the guy that you're.


Hoping to meet, you know.


Truly appreciate being with the people that you're with.


And the person that you want to be with will suddenly appear.






Kind of a marriage tip too.


Sometimes you don't have to change husbands, you just have to change you and your expectations of who your husband is to suddenly fall in love with a new person.






Because they can change. So when it comes to your follow up with spiritual Wellness coaching, what is that? What does that mean to you and how does that look in practical terms?


So when I connect I mean it's I I don't ask spear anything when I'm doing Reiki and energy healing, the message is just appear and I'm always. I'm writing notes real quick and jotting them.


Down and just kind of intuitively, listening to what their body and their energy field is telling me. So when those last 15 minutes that after I finish up the Reiki session is when you and I get to kind of talk about like, how are you feeling? What did you experience like some of these things popped up and a lot of the times.


People, especially if it's your first time working with me, people will ask me like.


Oh my gosh.


Are you a psychic? And like, I'm like, I never really considered myself a psychic. It's just I can tap into your energy like energy speaks loudly like. I mean, I I don't even have to listen to it. I can see it too. So it's it. I, you know, I'm able to kind of talk about like.


Things like I have picked up like this is the messages that I found. These are what shockers I found were blocked. These are my recommendations for you to work on unblocking them, so that's kind of what those 15 minutes. It's a very interactive kind of.


Like you know, this is what I recommend. You know what's what is comfortable for you. Like, what do you think that you can commit to doing? Like in between our sessions because.


I believe in giving people tools to continue to heal themselves because you don't need it. It's just like, you know, when you have a doctor, they're just like you have to come back and you have to see me to get more meds or get more of this or whatever. No, I believe in treating you holistically and I believe that you should have the tools to be able to help heal yourself too.


And I mean one thing that works for somebody may not work for another person. That's why these are so, so specific. When I work with them, because I'm tapping into your own energy, I'm not tapping into anybody elses. So those last 15 minutes are very interactive. We get to talk about like, OK, so you know, if you're not gonna see me for another like two or three weeks, you know, these are some things that you can work on and you know, I'm always available for them to reach out to afterwards and.


Follow up with questions and things like that. So that's kind of what that looks like.


So what kind of homework do you?


What does the homework look like? I guess I should ask.


So it could be anything. So say for example you have a a blocked like root chakra or you may even have a hard time just trying to relax. So something. So it could be anything like that. So we can kind of talk a little bit about like what that would look like. So I may get a few different messages like hey so you know you're you have a blocked root.


Chakra, a few things that I recommend for you to do is, you know, to work on grounding your energy. So I would say.


And five minutes every single day, putting down your phone and just meditating. And there's so many different ways that you can meditate so you know, if you have a hard time shutting down your mind, maybe you could just go outside and just do like, a visual meditation. Just like, look at all the colors you see and, you know, look at the the texture of the trees and things like that.


Or you can do a visual meditation of like waterfalls or something like that, or you if you like to just listen. You know you could do like a healing hurts frequency or binary. I'll be.


So I might do recommend them do some type of meditation every day. I may have them, you know, journal if they. If they like to journal, you know that I might I I'll come up with a few different things but if they're like I'm not really into to journaling or whatever maybe they don't do that one. So maybe you know journaling for a minute.


Every night to do a little bit of gratitude to help them kind of calm down, I might recommend like some breathing exercises, either do really deep breathing for a minute or do the fourfold breath like for four reps or something. So different things like that. So I'll come up with a few different things that.


Kind of.


You know, like when I'm working on them, a few different messages will come up. And so I mean, that could be for one person and another person may be like, OK, I recommend you going outside and and walking barefoot, you know, so every person's gonna have different recommendations based on, you know, the messages that I picked up from them. So that's kind.


Of what their homework would look like.


So it's not stuff that requires you to go out and.


Do a whole bunch of things, or buy a whole bunch of things or stuff that's like, way outside the realm of stuff that you will actually do.


No, no.


Oh, no. Yeah, like, I mean, yes, there are things that, you know, you have to invest in like you, you know, like if you want to do Reiki, you're going to have to invest in a Reiki if you want to, you know, do journaling if you don't already have a journal, you'll have to invest in a.


So things like that.


But that's like cheap. You get a notepad or.


Yeah, exactly.


Exactly, exactly. But a lot of these tools you can just you can do at home from the comfort of your home. Or if you're traveling, or even if you are driving like, especially if you have a hard time relaxing, maybe some deep breathing while you're driving. Obviously, don't close your eyes and meditate, but maybe some deep breathing while you're driving might help.


Printer paper doesn't.


Keep you calm, especially in the the chaos of the traffic. So yeah, I mean, these things that you do at home, these healing modalities, they, they don't need to break the bank.


Right. And some of those things like, you know, breathing techniques we all breathe, but we don't all really breathe learning how to intentionally breathe changes your life.


Right, it's a.


I personally I know when I learned to box breathe the four beat. Yeah, I started sleeping at night like all night. And it was just like it was a life changer for.


Me. Wow. How many reps do you usually do?


I usually do about four, three, or four. It doesn't. It's not like I'm.


Yeah, that's usually what I.


That's not a really long time. Nothing that I do is like for long periods of time, but I do it every night and I just have this ritual and I go to sleep and I stay asleep. And at this point in my life, you know, anybody that's over menopause can relate to this and that's.


It's really it's a struggle to to go to sleep and stay asleep all night, but the box breathing really changed my life in that aspect.


Ohh wonderful.


So those those kinds of tools are really important to to share with your clients and yeah.


I'm positive because you do share them that your clients get amazing results. You just can't not.


Oh, absolutely, yeah. And it's I what I love is. I mean, they think that they they like sometimes people think, oh, you know, it's in between a session. I can't text her. But I love when they text me or they message me online or they're e-mail me whatever it is. And they're like, Oh my gosh, I did this meditation. And I feel so freaking good.


Or like I did the breathing. And honestly, it's been helping me sleep better.


Like, I love hearing that feedback. You don't have to wait until your next session to tell me like you can text me and be like, Oh my God, this is amazing. I love hearing that because I love to know that it's working for you. Like, I mean, it's just such a great win for for both of us. I mean, I love to celebrate your success. So.


It's like it raises your vibration as well as their vibration just in the getting to experience how joyful they are over the experience.




Yeah. And when I do Reiki I, I mean, I feel so lifted myself. I know it raises my vibe.


As well as obviously raising theirs, but I get so much benefit from it as well and that's why I absolutely love it because it's mutually beneficial. But I love helping people transform their life and I love helping people heal.


That's so amazing. So what's the one thing that you'd like the audience to take away from this conversation? I know we talked about it a little bit beforehand.


Yeah. Yeah. So I know we mentioned like when we were talking about.


About, you know, going through a session and then like instantly feeling better. And that happens a lot. Yes, you may feel instantly better, but I do want people to keep in mind that healing is a journey and it's a process. So say for example, you have deep rooted trauma or deep rooted anger or depression or something like that.


It may take some time to heal. It does not happen overnight. It may take a few sessions, or it may take a few different modalities to help you heal. And I want people to keep in mind it's also.


Almost kind of like a lifelong thing to do. Not that you have to continuously go to Reiki every week or every other week. It's just when you're healing, like when you're say you, you finish your package of healing. You know however many you, you go to, you could feel great for a very long time. So you feel great for years.


But there could be something in the future that may pop up or trigger you or something. That's just another opportunity for you to work through and to continue to continue to heal from that. So I like to think of healing as like a journey and a lot of times it could go smooth after you've done a lot of the work and you've helped heal those trauma or those blockages that you may have experienced before.


But you know, sometimes things pop up in in the future and you know that just takes a little little more healing. So healing is a a journey, but it is a beautiful journey. Once you decide to to jump on that ride.


I love that it.


Kind of brought to mind the idea of a rubber band. When you get a fresh new rubber band, it's kind of like your trauma. It used to its shape and it wants to stay in its shape. You can keep stretching it and stretching it. It'll have a new shape. Yeah, it'll be comfortable in that new shape, and it'll quit.


Oh yeah.




Going back, that's kind of what healing is like.


You're stretching the rubber band, and if the rubber band is already sort of stretchy then.


It's going to be easier to get it to stretch and stay in that new shape, but if it's really new and and not used to being pulled, then you're going to have.


To pull on it more.




In order to get it to change.


So that's just what came up when you were talking about it's an analogy.


Yeah, that actually brought up the, the absolutely and I think it was a great analogy because it it actually made me think of something else. I want everybody to to be aware of that. Every person's journey or healing journey or whatever life even, they're all our own, not one person's healing journey is going to look the same as anothers.


So don't compare yourself to anybody else because you're on your own journey.


So you know, maybe somebody can heal a little quicker than somebody else, but that doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with you. It just means that, you know, you need a little more healing. And I could speak first hand from experience. I needed a little bit more healing than some of the other people did, cause I've experienced a lot of trauma, so it, you know, a lot of healing was needed for me to get to the point where I'm at today, so.


It you know, it's not an overnight process, but you can get there. And honestly, it's beautiful on the other side.


It truly is, and it's it's more of a growing process than a than a than a healing in in the traditional sense of you know, you're you're you're broken and then you're not broken. It's it's not that you're broken, it's just that you have some growth to do in a certain area and and exploring that.




Growth allows you to bloom and blossom and to grow and to.


To change to become the person that you're more aligned with.


Yourself, which sounds odd, but we we tend to wander around in these packages of shoulds and need to, and have to be this certain way. And it has to look like this before perfection is reached well.


No, it doesn't. You just.




Have to be open to allowing change to happen within you. That will make you actually feel better and feel more like you and be more comfortable with you.


Right, absolutely.


So thank you so much for joining me. Jennifer, this has been an awesome conversation I've really liked.


It. Yeah. Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it.

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