Money Blocks – Train Your Mind to Attract Abundance and Wealth

Jara Geipel – hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapy™ Practitioner who helps women get of their own way & train their minds for prosperity & success so you can shift your energy into abundance and wealth.


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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us Jara Geipel.


And she's a hypnotherapist. Rapid transformational therapy practitioner. That's a mouthful. Who helps women get out of their own way and train their minds for prosperity and success so that you can shift your energy into abundance and wealth? Welcome to the show, Jara. It's really exciting to have you here with us.


I can hardly wait to talk to you about rapid transformational therapy.


Amazing. Thank you, Jill. Thank you for yeah, for the introduction and invitation. I'm so excited to be here with you and yeah, to share more about this whole shift into prosperity.


So let's start at the beginning. How did you get started in this? And you know what? We were talking a little bit about the power of just shifting a little, a little shift in how you think of yourself. But first I want to know how you got started because other people want to know too.


Yeah. So I have to say that actually all my adult life, I was obsessed with personal development. And I remember, I think one of the very beginnings was when with 17, I read the book, the power of the subconscious mind by Doctor Joseph Murphy. And that was super impressive.


Me back then and yeah, I mean, my parents were really spiritual and I used to meditate my entire life, and I was just fascinated by all these topics. But then, yeah, I had.


Actually one of the.

::d darkest times in my life in:::

You know my spirituality, my deep thinking, my questioning, always searching for what is behind, you know, and and also searching for the purpose. How can I bring that into?


And an occupation also, yeah. Impacting others, making money with it. I didn't have a clue, but I had a calling somehow. And yeah, then I found Marissa appear on YouTube, and I just couldn't stop watching. And yeah, it that helped me a lot in that difficult time. And then I heard about her.


Rapid transformational therapy and I knew I have to do that and I didn't have the money then. But yeah, I found a way that someone helped me and two weeks later I signed up and I was in.


Which kind of goes along with what it is that you coach people on, which is helping them overcome money blocks. And you had you had a barrier to what you desired and?




Tell us kind of how that process went.


Yeah. So I got into this whole topic of clearing money blocks, shifting the relationship to money because.


When I was a child, the main theme and energy about money was we don't have enough. There is not enough. We don't make enough and that was like that was so heavy and huge like my mother has. Still, she's in scarcity, but back then.


When I was a child, I remember that she really was in such scarcity patterns that caused her anxiety and desperation. And yeah, and my father was more in that denial. You know, he always said, like, ohh, we will be fine.


With a smile, but actually behind that was the denial of because the the actual situation was too painful to face for him because he couldn't afford, you know, uh, for us what he actually wanted. So that was a huge UM block that I grew up with. And then in my adulthood, I had times where I made a lot of money.


And then.


Yeah, somehow I went into not having enough again and that is when I started to say, wait a moment. There's so much more to it. And then when I went into hypnotherapy and then also coaching, I saw that this is a topic that.


No entrepreneur can bypass. We all have to look at our relationship with money because it influences every area of our life, no matter if it's our relationships and you know how we go out with our partner or if we want to do trips and travel. And I mean most of us, we have freedom as our core values, right?


But what does it mean? I mean, we want to travel, we wanna maybe eat out. We want to afford good things for our children. We want to have a beautiful home.


Home like we wanna create a healthy lifestyle, you know, with really nutritional, like valuable food. So all that requires money. And yeah, for that we have to go inside as so often and look at what is really our relationship to money. And that brought me to this.


Yeah. To this topic of mindset and energy around money because of my own experience, but also because I saw that it's something that we all have to deal with and I that is my absolute mission now and I'm so passionate about it to really help women.


Look at their relationship to money and clear the money block shift into prosperity so they can earn what they deserve and really grow their business. Make a bigger impact and bigger in income because that is how where I believe that's how we can, yeah. Contribute to positive changes here on the planet.


And I'm all about the positive changes. Would you say that it's more important to have a mission like?




An idea of how you want to bring value versus just wanting to make money.


Oh yes, for sure.


Absolutely. Absolutely. Because money is the tool. Money is the tool of exchange. And I would say that.


We can't even really grow our income or make a lot of money by focusing on the money itself. It doesn't work. We need to focus on what does.


Does it change for us? What does it bring for us? You know, like, what do we really want? What do we do? What do we desire? How do we want to live? How do we want to, you know, help others or yeah, how do we want our home to look like our business? How do we want to travel?


Or influence other people because it is about that picture and that feeling.


And not really. Of course, we need the money for that, but we can only create the money and pull it into our life when we know the picture and the feeling of how we want our life to be.


Yeah, and how we're contributing in into the pot. I like to think of of life as like a Symphony and everybody is their own instrument, and the instrument doesn't ask itself, you know, how am I going to get there and how much is it going to cost for me to?




Continue to be able to.


Play the notes effective.


Really, all it focuses on is playing those notes. Really. Really.




Yes, and it's in the the sending out of that vibration that the whole rest of the piece of music, which is all of the pieces, all of the instruments coming together really make make a difference in the the overall sound that.


Others get to experience.




I love that. That's a that's a beautiful picture, yeah.




I'm. I'm really that's that is my mission is to help people understand that you are a great instrument and you're you're just like your notes are so beautiful. I want them to blend in with all the.


The other notes out there.


Yeah, beautiful. Often. You know, I also say to people or also to my clients.


When we want to shift our focus like a bit from away from the money itself, but look at.


What can I do to make myself feel better? How can I get into a lighter wipe? You know what can I do so that I'm happier? That I'm lighter? That I feel like things are easier? Or how can I relax more as well because it's about the state of being. It's really about our energy, because no matter how much we do or.


No matter, no matter how much we focus on money or, you know, tell ourselves all the affirmations or.


Other things, if we don't resonate with it on a feeling level, if we don't get into a vibe.


Then it's it's still disconnected and it's still hard.


Yeah, it is. And it's really easy to go into old patterns, which is I think why hip hypnotherapy, where that comes in because that really is a fast process to yes, yeah.




Yeah, it is. Absolutely. I mean in hypnotherapy we work with the subconscious mind, which has all our experiences, conditioning beliefs, all the things stored, and it actually runs 95% of our behavior and that is what we access and work with in, in, with hypnotherapy. And when we then create changes, I mean the specific method that I work with, it's also.


In the session we create the change, but then my clients they get a personalized hypnosis recording which is really tailored to their what they need to hear to their new beliefs and new version of themselves that they are becoming.


And they listen to that every day for a minimum of 21 days, and that is what endures. The lasting change. So that's very powerful.


It's really powerful and if you listen to stuff like that, like as you're going to sleep, then it just like it plays in your in your subconscious like the whole night long.




I do get.


The incredible results I've been doing this experiment and people may think this is hokey, but I'm it is actually an experiment that I'm doing. I have this music that I listen to that is supposed to change my frequency as far as having money come to me.


And I have this Robin Hood account.


That's mainly cryptocurrencies, which you know they fluctuate.


Up and down.


So I'm wondering the nights that I listen to the, to the, to the music, it's like 15 minutes the next day I look at the the account to see if it's going up or it's going down. And it's really interesting. A lot of the times.


When I'm listening.


It goes.


Wow, that's so interesting.


Listen consistently, it goes way up and when I stop listening, it starts to go down.


That's so cool, huh? I mean, you know, at the end, we know that everything is energy, and on an energy level, you are connected with your bank account. You are connected with all the pieces and parts and.


Aspects in your life, even if those are things you know you are connected.


To them, and we don't know, we haven't learned really what power we hold with our thoughts and with our mind. But what you focus on, we know what we focus on. Yeah, we give energy to.




So if you raise your vibration.


And in particularly with, yeah, a song or, you know, something, you listen to that. That, yeah, raises your vibration and particularly related to money, then actually, if you think about that.


All the things in your life that have to do with money, they should actually. They hear that they respond to that. So it does make sense, right?


Yeah, I I think it's. I don't even know if the music itself is.


I don't know the dynamics of the music itself, but I do know that it's the the emotion that I put behind it.




And it's the.


The way I perceive it is where all the magic is.




Exactly. I just wanted to say that. Yeah, yeah, maybe it doesn't even matter about the music. It is that you believe this helps you somehow with your money, you know, and if you believe that.


Everything exists and doesn't.


And you raise your let's just say your money vibration, then you will see a response or a result.


Yeah. And it's an expectation, I I think a little bit of this about expectations. I I expect something to happen and therefore I look for confirmation for that expectation that I, yeah plan on receiving.


To to materialize in this this realm because I think everything does exist all at the same time, all possible outcomes exist all possible. Anything we can imagine already exist because we imagined it.


Yeah, it can't not exist because it was in our heads. There were spider goats in our town, but it's the fact that everything exists.


Yes, yes.




Makes everything a possibility and.




It's as we become more aware of that possibility.


It starts to take shape, so now let me tell you what the spider goats there. There are these goats. They're actually in down in Logan, but.




They're genetically modified creatures and out of the milk they're able to.


Synthesize the spider silk out of the milk. They they spin it out of the milk. They milk the goats, and then they spin the milk and then the the spider threads are separated and they use it in in lots of lots. Lots of different processes like medical and making Kevlar and stuff because.


Really, I've never heard of that.


Spider silk is so, so strong, but.


Goes back to you know, who thought about this? Who was sitting there thinking, hey, I think I'll mess with the DNA of goats and make mix it with orbs spiders so we can make.






It's a bit crazy. Honestly, I've never heard of this like in, you know, spider goats. But yeah, everything starts with a thought. And once someone had a thought, as you say, once someone imagined something.


It was brought into existence on a certain level, and then the more you, yeah, the more someone then creates a picture around that more thoughts, maybe more people join in thinking about that, visualizing it, imagining it because really our imagination is our superpower. And then at some point it is possible to.


Created on on the material level here.


Yeah, and. And the more people that you have joining in, which is kind of why I do this podcast, the the more.


The more energy that gets behind it, so I truly believe we're changing the world.


Just by.


We do, yeah.


Absolutely getting together one. Yeah. one-on-one or one to a group and and sharing these ideas and helping people with the tools to actually realize their potential.


And to take action on it and yeah.


Absolutely agree. Yeah, it's.


So amazing. So do when you work with people, do you work with them? Mainly one-on-one, or do you work with them in groups? Or is it like a?


Combination. How? How does all that work?


UM, yeah, both. So I've got my six months mastermind. Yeah. Which is a six months container and that is a group program, but there is also some one-on-one support like there are three one-on-one calls as well and also the personalized hypnosis record.


And then I do work one-on-one with people as well. In particularly when it comes to the RTT, I do offer a 28 day RTT package. And yeah, I also offer just one-on-one coaching sessions, so both.


And we were talking about a Facebook group that you have.


And it's next. Yes, I do have a Facebook group. Female coaches, clear money blocks and increase in.




One that is my Facebook group, where I offer a lot of free valuable, you know, trainings weekly lives also. I regularly run impactful online events that happens in that group as well. And yeah, there's just a lot of support free promotion as well and that's something.


Yeah, that's a group where I invite anyone into. If you are interested to hear more about clearing money blocks or how you can shift your mindset and energy into prosperity so that you can actually increase your income and your impact.




I love that and it's it's just coaches and and it will have a different name when you get there, not the URL name, so don't be confused and I will put the link in the show notes so that people can find it.




Easily. Do you? Do you run your?




Your mastermind on a schedule or is it like everybody can join as a rolling?


No, it's yes, yes, yes. Everybody can join because yeah, we have 8 modules that are available where everyone can go through in their own timing and then we have biweekly Q&A calls where I just give a lot of coaching support and then we have biweekly like every other week. It's a training call.


Either we go deeper on a module or any other relevant topic around. Yeah, mindset and energy or money and yeah, then we have some guest speakers and yeah, more additional trainings and just really.


We we do goal setting together we celebrate wins also we have quarterly goal setting sessions and also group hypnosis sessions. So yeah, there's a lot happening in this mastermind and you can join it, yeah.


Sounds like.




So tell me a little bit about rapid transformational therapy. How does that work? I really don't know anything about it.


Yeah. So that is a very special and powerful method that Marissa peer put together in her 30 years of experience. And it's actually much more than hypnosis. She put it together from different.


Methods. So how it works is that I bring my client into hypnosis into this deep relaxed state where we can communicate with the subconscious mind, and then I regress my clients back to the root cause of the issue. So I command their subconscious mind to go back to a scene.


Or place or event and time that has everything to do with you know why we're when they acquired that belief or that issue or problem.


And we do have a couple of times just to see the common.


The common belief and the common feeling somebody, for example, if someone feels like, you know, has an issue with not feeling worthy, not feeling worthy, of deserve and and deserving of money, then yeah, I guide them back to find out. Where does that come from? Because when we come here as babies.


You don't have those beliefs and scarcity of thinking and all the things, right? So yeah. So we somehow in our life we we.




Yeah. We happen to take on these beliefs and then, yeah, we I do have different tools from the RTT, how we can do the healing work around that you know and how also how we can upgrade the child, how we can bring these the inner child and these aspects of ourselves that are still emotionally connected to the past.


Experience how can we disconnect that and heal it and really bring it into our life?




And there are different tools to do the healing work, and then we get very clear on what is it actually that the client wants because the you know, digging deep and discovering is one part and the other part is what do we actually want? Because as long as we focus on the problem, we don't solve it.


We need to shift then and look at what can be a solution. You know what are my new thoughts? How do I actually want to feel or who am I becoming?


What is my future version? That version of myself that has achieved my my goals and a certain income or impact or whatever it is you know and we and we have that really clear. That is where I then create the personalized hypnosis recording about as well that they take away so that every day.


They listen to the new beliefs and embody can. Yeah, can then embody in daily life their future version.


Yeah. So that is in a nutshell how it works.


So how does that actually look in practical terms?


When somebody is like.


Say they think that they've got money blocks and then.


They come to you.


Well, OK. Yeah. So I do the RTT in a 28 day package. So first there's a questionnaire where they fill out a questionnaire. So because we need to gather all the informations, we need to find out first what is the main issue.


And then there is a first call. There is a coaching session where we go over the intake form where we really speak about what are the issues. Also we need to nail it a bit because the more precise we can speak to our subconscious mind, the more the the, the clearer and better the answers or the the results we we get so.


Uhm, yeah, we speak about everything that comes up, and then we really look at what is the one main issue or belief that they or problem. You know, if we don't know what is the belief underneath, it can be a problem, how it always shows up in their life, you know.




And then we take that for the RTT session and I regress back on, yeah, on that particular issue or or belief?


And clear it and then does it ever come back?


Uhm, I would say it's not going to come back how it was before.


However, like for most people, they shift already in the session or they shift the days after the week after. I mean we are all different, every issue is different. So for some they have that huge breakthrough, some they change like you know in the weeks after and for some it even takes a bit longer and then when they look back they feel like oh wow.


Actually, now I realized that I really changed. You know it's different for everyone.


And with money block parents, they can be sneaky. They can come back, but it will be then a bit. Let's just say a bit of a softer version and that is then where the client also gets some tools. You know how they can really when it comes back navigate through that because at the end it's also a choice.


Once we've done the healing work, it is then a choice. What do I want to focus on? Which thoughts do I want to think? What are the beliefs that I really want to take on? So if the old stuff comes up?


We need to basically acknowledge it. We can talk to our own mind. I mean, our mind is here to protect us, to support us, to make us survive on this planet, to keep us safe, right? So if we can speak to our mind and say, hey, that's OK. Thank you. You just want to protect me. You know, it's all right.


But I.


Choose to think differently. Now I choose to, you know, move forward to do scary steps, and I'm fine with that. I can protect myself, and then we get really powerful and clear about. Yeah, who we are and who we want to become. And then.


Yeah, the old stuff can come back, but it's not going to be that powerful.


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.


Yeah. Good.


I was just curious about that if.


And I'm sure others are curious too.


It's also, you know, it also of course it depends what happens in your life or in your business. Very often when we when we up level on every other level, every new level you know where we expand certain.


Old blocks or fears they can come in again on a different level. You know, in a different way, but it's it's an ongoing process and journey. I mean it's it's like that with the whole you know work right, it's with our development, it's it's a lifelong journey and also with our relationship to money.


Of course we shift more and more, but we also expand, we grow our income and then there are, you know, maybe doubts, maybe fears, maybe things from the past or even from other people that somehow affect us.


Where we just have to be really do, yeah. To continuously do the work and be really clear on who we who we want to be and how we want that relationship to look like.


And I've I've heard that when it comes to money we have like.


We have set points.


It's kind of like weight loss only in the other direction where you you hit a certain point, look for monthly income and it's like, you know, your income's not going to go below that.




But you want to grow beyond it.


Do you want to?


I know what you mean and yeah. Yeah, I know what you're talking about. And that is a very interesting topic because I think many people, they face that at some point, but for everyone, it looks a bit different, right. And I just can give some examples. For example, when you know.




Know what I'm talking about or.


Or there you know where you give your money to, right. And there are some non negotiables for you. For example, maybe the hairdresser and massage or whatever it could be. You will make the money for that. You're not going to go below that. So it's a thing in your mind. It's really it's a belief.


It's a choice that you have in your mind so strongly that yeah, it just works out and it's the same, you know, when some people say, OK, maybe just for example, someone is at, I don't know, three or four or five or 10,000 a month level and they feel like they can't break through that.


We that it's the same thing. Actually they have.


They have a certain number of how much they can make or what their life costs them.


And they want to go beyond, but they don't have their picture. They don't have a different calculation of. How could life look like if I expand more? If I spend more, if I allow more in and this is where the point comes in.




You can't just focus on the money. You need to focus on your heart, on your energy, on your life.


And then you can work on breaking through.


These levels, because I mean they are not existing right, that's just in our mind there is no, there is not really a difference so.


Money doesn't actually exist.


Yeah, well.


Depends on which level, right? I mean it does exist for us. I also you know, I have to say I believe behind the physical tool of money. I mean it's an energy we've heard money is a frequency and and energy.


It does.


And I really believe that we are, we are divine abundant beings, we have this divine spark, right. And we have this life force, energy, the connection to soul. There's this specific life force energy that we can feel.


And that is abundance. That is prosperity and wealth, this feeling, this energy.


And that is the same as the frequency of money.


That's the same the same energy.


So somehow I would say it does exist, but how we made it then you know what it is in the physical world, it's just a bit off, one could say.




And sometimes in the physical world, when you talk about money, people think when they're giving their money away, that somehow there's.


One side goes down and the other side goes up on a balance scale, but it's not true.


All it's doing is changing places.


It's it's actually it should be the same or it should raise the whole lever up. But there's there's balance.






As the lever.


There should be a balance. Yeah, and.


It should raise the whole thing up so that the energy that has been exchanged.


Goes beneath.


What's being exchanged and lifts the whole thing up, so the exchange of money for goods and services.




Should be a positive on both sides, but we've been trained for so long to believe that.




When you when you exchange money for something that you're, you're somehow losing something in the equation.


Yeah, it's a laugh. It's it's a lack mentality, but it's also a theft mentality. Believe that you're being swindled or you're.


Whether you are or not or.


Whether you consciously think that.


Sometimes people get into that that thought process and it makes it hard to let go of monies because they're not.


But know?


You have to let go with one hand to grab with the other, and it's got to keep moving. That's what's crazy.




Absolutely, I totally agree. But you know, actually that is a scarcity of thinking because and that is a matter of focus because The thing is when we give money.




We receive something in return. Yeah, even if it's just the coffee that we buy or we pay for, I don't know. We pay for our Internet or whatever it is. We get something in return. And this is where our focus comes in. Because so very often I see people, you know, there is this tension and they are.


Scared that oh, there are all these bills and they just see all the money going and going and they are hence and afraid that they will be left with nothing, you know.


But when we then yeah, when we relax a moment and say, wait a moment. Now look at all the things that you actually receive for the money that you pay and suddenly you feel like ohh wow, there's this, this, this, this is coming to me. It's coming in. That is what I purchased. That is what I receive.


Forget the.


Then you feel like oh, wow, that's so much. And then you can say wow, thank you. And then you can come to a stage where you can even pay your bill.


With joy and with gratitude because it's your choice, you know, to pay them and to receive that. And you are grateful for what you receive and that money makes it possible in this 3D reality as a tool that we can create through money.


The life, the house, the home, like anything that we that we want. So it's it's really it's a shift. It's a shift of focus here.




Exactly. Yeah, this has been an interesting conversation, Jara. I've really enjoyed it. So what's the one thing that you hope the audience takes away from this conversation? We've covered so much.


We've covered a lot and.


Yeah, the most important what I think or what I want to share, we actually touched on this.


Is that we need to come back to ourselves because, like, one of my really favorite people and teacher is Regan Hillyer. And she says the sentence that we need to.


Recognize the abundance within in order to create abundance without and. This is really to all the people who are wondering how can you overcome the money block? How can you stop worrying about money or you know, get out of scarcity?


Just relax. Relax. Come back to yourself. Come back to your heart and really look at the amazing being that you are here because you are abundant. You are abundance. You are wealth. You are prosperity because you are. You are divine. You are from soul. You know? So it can't be otherwise. And anything else is a layer.


So whenever there's tension and worries and I know it's easier said than done as often, but really place your hands on your heart and connect deeper with yourself and.


Take a deep breath and look at all the things that you have that you are grateful for and look at the all the little or big things in daily life that you can do that make you relax more that make you smile that make you feel happier that make you feel like wow, thank you.


Actually this is good. This is nice and even if it's just the cup of tea that you can have there on your couch or the sunbeam that comes through the window, it doesn't matter. It is all about that feeling and that wipe in our head.


Right. And when we build that up, we can build up the trust, the trust to ourselves life, higher power, whatever you believe in, you know, and also the trust in money. And when you start to live and to act and to do your business from that place.


You will see that first of all you take aligned action. You are different and the world and others will also respond differently and also money will start to flow easier.


Absolutely. Thank you so much for joining me today, John.


Thank you so much for this amazing conversation and for the invitation. It's been really, really nice to, yeah, to speak with you, to be here.

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