Inaya Oakroot – Language Beyond Words: A Heart Connection

In this heart-centered episode, Inaya Oakroot, a transformational coach from Sweden, discusses the transformative power of divine duality, emphasizing forgiveness and the synergy of opposites. The conversation explores nature's harmonious existence, language beyond words, and Inaya's upcoming three-month retreat on divine duality.

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Supposed to be.


Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we have with us from Sweden Inaya Oakroot. Inaya is a transformational coach and author and founder of the Oak Root Spiritual Academy. It is so great to have you here. Inaya, I'm so excited to chat with you about what you're doing.


Thank you so much. It's a wonderful.


To be here. Thank you.


So let's start with your name, because we're just chatting about this.


Briefly, before we started.


Recording. So how did you come about your name? Because its.


Different than most people.


Yeah, yeah, I born Cecilia Eckrote and it's in English. It's Cecilia Oakroot. And I wrote my two first books. They were channeled and they were so deep, so it deepened my understanding about everything so much. So the consciousness.


Came before I was grown to it myself.


So I wrote this book and I under this name, and when I have written it, I felt, you know, the word will need this book people will need it in this time and.


And they were.


So hard to get out with it. And then I understood.


So that it's me who's standing in the way because I was still have, you know, lots of.


Identification with my name. So I asked a friend to give me a name and she is a very good channeler and she just got it. The name Inaya and.


I got a little shocked because I felt ohh, it's so feminine. Maybe I'm not that soft. Maybe it's not really.


I can't carry this name.


And I felt how can I say to her that I can't take the name because she gave it to me and she got it. And then all my dreams tell me what the name would do with me and that. And then I just surrendered. So it's my way.


Having my name now.


That's so beautiful. Do you know what it means?


Does it have a?


It means She Who Holds.


It's, uh, it's about that. It's uh, I feel it's. I think it's from the Middle East.


So it's yeah, it's from another tradition than mine. And it's also wonderful because it's.


Makes me more free.


Yeah. And when you put your last name with that, an oak is a very big, strong, powerful tree, and you're rooting down into the ground and you're holding space.


It's just it's such a.


Powerful name your whole name together is so powerful.


Thank you so much.


I knew there was something behind that story and then when you talk about your oak root, spiritual Academy, spirituality always seems like it's wandering off into the.


Ether, but when you have the oak room attached to it, it's pulling them both together. It's the duality which is truly what you're doing. It's opening the duality of our existence to people.


Yeah, that's what I bought to do.




And now your name, it's just like.


It's totally in alignment with what you're doing. I.


And names mean.


So much you know.


Yeah. Tell us.


When I meet people I always ask them, what if they know what their names mean, and often I'll go and look up names.


Just to see.


So if I can get some inkling into like who they are, because sometimes people don't even know that.


And your name? What? What does it mean?


It means youthful bright.


Light. My name is Jill Ellen.


Ohh yes. Ohh.


Ohh names as you say.


Oh, oh, so beautiful. Yeah.


Powerful. You know, it's.


Just like.


And I look at the names of.


My children some.


Of them I named purposefully and others. I looked up their names later when I realized their names had so much power.


And I I'm amazed at how accurately they were named or how they've grown into their names. And I think maybe I think you experienced that you, you had a name that you were given and that.


You outgrew it.


Or it was it was causing you.


It was loaded, it was loaded with the with the identifications and energies that I couldn't come away from. And so it was like a vacuum.


Living in a vacuum, yeah.


Yeah. So how do you do what you do?


Let's start there.


How about you doing what I'm doing? Well, I am. You know, I have several combinations.


That I work with customers and clients and I write books. I channel books.


And when I work with the people I I'm a vocal sound healer and Akashic record healer and an energetic shamanic healer. And with them combined, it's always.


Some way that every individual have their portal where I can feel that here is the easiest healing point, easiest path for what they are carrying, what their issue and what their intention. So I also hold.


Lots of retreats and.


And have a. Yeah, it's a my, my, my background is as an artist and a tennis coach. So it's also two different sectors, like, really duality. So I always love this space between in the space between.


When you and I meet in the space between, it's all happening because your energy, your questions, your answers, my, my energy, my answers and questions. And there in the middle, a new creation starts.


And as a tennis coach. And I worked in a university with an entrepreneurship as a consultant.


And I found out that it was so much easier to teach tennis through entrepreneurship, and it was so easy to make people understand entrepreneurship with their, with their talking in the terms of tennis, because if you have two points.


It's like your own, uh, worldview comes in the middle and can see how it works in that specific way for you.


Is always the middle point in between. The reality is the new paradigm. What I see it's the creative point and the healing point.


I see it as the Infinity circle.


Yeah, yeah.


And right in the middle.


Is where you're talking about the duality.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, right.


So it's we have lived in the paradigm that have had, like, magnetics away from opposites like yes or no, good or bad and we are treated to have like.


An easy way watching life and on security if we have to take our decisions from inside because we have learned so much from outside.


But actually when we can match and merge the opposites inside, we have all the knowledge that we need from inside and in the communication with each other. So it's a, it's such another.


So simple and so productive and so potential way of living.


And instead of looking outward for solutions, I think you're saying that because we have it inside.


If we learn to listen.


And to sit with.


With what we're.


Feeling and to recognize that we do have feelings attached to.


Things that are going on in our life or opportunities or you know, trauma, all of these things.


Yeah, but.


Are part.


Of the life experience.


Yeah, but if yeah, it is and it's a, it's a myriad and the and the sea of emotions and it's hard to grasp it if we don't have the tools of divine duality.


But I always work with high frequency sound and the guided meditations when I guide into it. But one kind of.


Primarily, divine duality is to have in one hand what you judge yourself for and what your grief, and in the other forgiveness, and have the meeting in the middle. And it's such a transformation it's tears coming. People are coming into.


Real forgiveness of themselves.


And it's such a powerful tool to use this middle point. And why is it like that? Yes, because oneness in the middle and duality is like a triangle. The baselines. And when you will come into the middle, we come as a father and mother and the side we come to the child.


And it's the light channel straight to oneness and there everything is love.


And they're yeah, because one on us, it's kind of something that is only stable, stable and fixed. You know it's just beingness, but in the triangle between here, when we come into the triangle, there is all the potential and the creativity and.


From there we can start to work.


On our new path.


Wow, it's so beautiful at.


Yeah, it's magic.


Because in oneness you exist and you.


Don't. It's just like.


Yeah, right. And in a in a we have come into duality and we have like judge duality for being bad, but actually it's just the second paradigm. And now we come to the third and it's another coin of the reality. And it's not at all a bad thing. It's just that we used it as a.


Two polar with magnetism away from each other.


Yeah, I've never looked.


At it that way before. But it makes total sense to me for the longest.


Time where we.


Everything has been polar, you know one or the other. And in the duality it's.


It's where they meet. It's the it's.


It's the blending of the two.


So it's such immediate healing I when I have my retreats and it's it comes so much.


People are changing their life literally and they are in such a positive ways everything and they get so much help from universe because they work in in a in the flow of all existence in the unity. So.


I feel it's magic. It came to me when I when I was on writing my book, unfolding my latest book, and that I just wanted to channel.


Yin Yang. What? It's really is.


And instead of this you know harmony that we draw in this form.


It's exactly like the sun. The sun is, you know, excluding and including and make its own life by that and the, the, the, the, the light and the dark do the same. It's like a.


It's an infinite act of creation between darkness and light, and there every intention from us, every thought, every action, comes to reality through this energy that is all around us.


I'm kind of speechless because I've got all these things going through my head like it's I'm visualizing all of these things that you're saying they form pictures for me and it it's.


It's pretty.


Pretty powerful stuff that you're talking about.


Yes it is.


It is, it is really.


Yeah, the origin of life that we are creator of and the only things that stands in the way is our world view that keeps us keep us.


Thinking one way.


And our filters that we have in our in our energy field that we can heal.


And with divine reality, we both shift the filter and the word view in one movement.


Yeah, it's so interesting.


It is so fascinating. I've never seen it put that way and it just makes so much sense to me. It's like the whole I was thinking of the yin and Yang when you were talking in the beginning.


But also of the Infinity.


Loop and then and then.


The When you started talking about the.


The pulsating, the undulating between the two. It's not, and that makes total sense to me because everything is energy and energy vibrates it has motion to it, and that's what.


Causes everything to be it's that that motion, the energy, even with like electrons. The reason things stick together is because electrons are shared between 2 molecule or two atoms and that's what causes the stickiness.


Yes, make things stolen.


And we see in nature why it's so harmonic. It's because the all the all that hasn't got a separated brain and I don't say it's the wrong thing with the brain because it's a laser of.


And it's so fantastic if we use it right, but nature has not as you know it, it's not a separated consciousness. So they all nature lives in ecstasy in this ecstasy.


And it makes noise. You can hear it.


Yeah. Yeah. And it's so that's why it's so harmonious. We love to be in nature and we heal by nature.


Because it's an ecstasy.


That explains so much.


You've written three books, yeah.


OK. And what are they?


The first book I wrote I wrote between.


And in some weeks it will come as a sound book in Spotify.


So that would be one and.


Oh, that's exciting.


And my second book was Dream State where you create your being.


And the third is unfolding awaken to your pure potential.


So the two first I wrote in Swedish and the third one I wrote in English and had some helping me correcting my English because it's not perfect as you.


Hear. So it is like it is.


Pretty darn good.


I'm always in awe of anyone who speaks.


English well or even poorly because I don't speak another language.


I'm like I.


Yeah, that's great.


Sort of get along.


In a couple languages, but not.


Nothing like the people that.


And that's also one thing that is so interesting. You know, I was holding a refugee camp for refugees for and, you know, Sweden took in so many refugees and I was a CEO of refugee camp.


I talked with.


With about 100 refugees coming and going.


And it worked so well because we didn't have a common language, so we had to connect by heart. We had to, you know, we had to listen very carefully. What I could help them with. And with that we got so much trust and the kids came and played with.


In the reception with me, because I'm a creator, you know? So we had a good fun and it's the future.


Therefore, everyone who comes from another country, so everyone start to helping each other and when one mood they come another and they one who stayed, they help them into the family feeling and it's mostly because we didn't have the same language we had, you know, people with about 14 different nationalities.


And different religions and I was living in tight in one camp and it worked. It's interesting also with language.


It is really interesting and I've had experiences. I've lived overseas a lot in my life.


One experience comes to mind and this actually took place in in California and Southern California. I was riding on a train from LA down to San Diego and I was sitting next to a woman who was from Brazil and she was here visiting her family and she spoke no English.


And I didn't speak any Brazilian.


But she told me all about her family. I know she had, like couple sons and that her.


Son lived in San Diego.


And that she was going back there and there were, there were other things going on in her life. But. And I learned about her grandchildren and it.


Was just like.


It was like.


That's very interesting, isn't it?


A 30 minute conversation. It was but.


Neither one of us spoke the same language.


Yeah, but I learned so much about her.


Yeah. So if we could meet first with a heart, with anyone that will and not speak at first, just meet each other by energy and by heart.


We will never be a stranger.


Yeah, I.


I think that's true.


How do you work with people?


I know you have retreats. You do those in Sweden or?


Do you do them or?


Yeah, I have in Sweden and I will have abroad now, but I haven't. I haven't also. My next retreat will be through zoom


It's a three month retreat of divine duality to embody it. I so look forward to it to start in early February.


3rd and yeah, and I have my where I'm sitting. Now I have a computer here, but I have another place and then in here where I take people for sound healing and for sessions. But mostly I work through the net.


Because I live in an island.


And it's not so many people here. People come here for the retreats, but not so many living.


It's nice though I.


Like living in a small community. Also, it's.


I have my local tribes and I have my international tribes and they are so close to me so I never feel alone and of course not because the connection with source regard me.


And everybody is so connected anyway. They're all part of this big tapestry, and we each have our own.


Yeah. And it's also so good to have the silence around. So that, yeah, it's like space to create new in and not only work and be in the space that I was yesterday, but in the new space.


That I can renew all the time.


Yeah, and try to capture some of that ecstasy.


Of nature that.


Exists around us, but when we become so busy, we miss it.


Yeah, yeah, it's not so nice to be too much scheduler. I think we need space to integrate and to. Yeah. Yeah. To be. To be ourselves. Yeah. Yeah.


It's kind of that that moving back and forth between producing.


And evaluating and existing and then producing and then you slide back into that.


Yeah. Ohh I was just in a trip to Egypt. I came home for three or four weeks ago, but you know, it were two weeks of constant in impulses and so many, you know, upgrading energy.


Days and I the last day, I start to long home. So much to be able to integrate and to be able to create again. I was so happy to come home and I had so good travel, but we can't be neither take in too much, too much, too long time and not producing.


In long time, we need to as you say.


Make them in divine reality.


And the S source in and out.


Yeah, acid breath.


Yeah, being in the taking.




Yeah, the receiver and the penetrating, yeah.


It's just the breathing is.


So I know you offer a meditation, do you?


Want to talk about that a little bit?


Yeah, I was, I had the meditations I have.


Constantly I think I live in the meditation.


But, but you may you mean a special one?


On your website, there's a meditation that people can download.


Yes. Yeah, it's a starter of a capturing divine duality.




And if you go inside there, you can also see that you can book a free discovery session. So then I can really have a personal meditation with the person and just go into the interest and needs of that person and without no sales needed at all, just.


Very nice to meet people, yeah.


I like that a lot.


So when you work with people, do you?


Do you channel as well? I know you're demonic killer.


But do you?


Do you get messages from the other side as well?


Or is it?


Strictly what you feel.


No, I got. I as we all are done we are done as a connection with all and our brain is like a laser and when I have the intent for something my guides can come in and then I start and then I invite them to come in and then I specifically.


Ask for what I.


What I'm going into, and they all know me so well, so they all they're already, you know, but it's always a collaboration.


Uh. Even. Even though I work mostly by myself, it's totally a collaboration.


With the team.


And they're the ones that you help you with the book writing.


Ohh yeah, then it's just channeling I. They just come in and I start to write and the first book. It was Joshua coming in and they he had so good patience he had been in the human body. It took three.


Years next one took two weeks and I got sick afterwards and then I was.


Angel Raphael, you know, coming in. So it's.


We're going to get.


This done no more three years.


For you.


No, no they don't. It took three years because it had to.


Teach me.


It teach me level by level. I have to read, rewrite the book after one year and then rewrite it again after two years and then the third time I was in the right channeling.


Energy and could get it. I didn't understand the power of the heart before.


So it was so complicated when we think that it's we have the monitor of our brain that is so magnificent, but it is. But in another way.


And what do you feel about


The heart? Let’s.


To talk about that for a Sec.


Well, well, the heart is.


This, uh, the place for our, for our soul.


And the it's the energetic connection to.


All that is.


So when I have an open heart.


I can go into any energy.


And really have the protection from my energy field because my energy field gets so thick as a chi gong energy.


When I have a expanded heart, the field is so filled with my energy, so the outer world is never threatening or never can do any harm because the field I have surrounding me is so.


Vivid of my energy.


And it's attracting what it's attracting.


So the heart, we have 3 intelligences, the body, the heart and the mind. It's. And the because we live in 3D, they are on separated because everything is going into fractals.


And just going up a little bit in our in our other dimensions that we also exist, we are totally connected in our higher self. That's why the higher self is so intelligent because it's not separated in the three into three intelligences but have one.


So when we have really, if our field of our heart is opening that I do with the vertical breath that I teach my clients.


The heart is surrounding all the body and then the body starts to vibrate as and the mind is embedded in the field and then there's the third eye that thinks instead of our solar energy in our hemispheres. And then the all the messages from the body.


Enter the brain and it's in a collaboration.


It's fascinating.


It's so fascinating and yeah, we know that 90% of the communication between the body and the mind come from the body and 10% come from the mind. So it's if we have some blockages to the information to the brain the brain goes.


Vividly out there and construct things that is not.


Right for our body and our not from our heart. And we start to get disconnected and there is we're healing start to take place to make us come back to understanding who we are and our potential.


That makes a lot of sense to.


Me and just.


Being able to.


Take our minds captive, pay attention to what we're thinking about.


Starts there and then ping, paying attention to what your body is doing and saying.


Yeah. Yes.


Because a lot.


Of times people just go through life and they.


Unless something is really wrong and it hurts and it.


They're they recognize pain, but by that time it's usually.


There's something else that's.


Been going on that you've been ignoring.


Yes. And of course when if we have neglected the heart and our body for a long time and we don't know if we can trust our impulses and our intuition because so it's a, it's a long training to start to trust because.


The big thing is start to trust.


Things that comes from inside and don't feel that its imaginations are wrong for these circumstances, and I can't be like that in the work I have and everything that the trust from inside is the hard thing to come to.


And especially if we have been good girls and good, bad guys, you know?


And follow the.


Rules and listen to others we have lost so much of ourselves. So the way back.


It's really needed of this, this forgiveness and for everything that we feel in our field that we.


Judge to start to embrace it with divine duality and our remembrance of who we are. Start to come. Come back.


So fascinating so people can get in touch with you through your website. Is that probably the best way?


For them to reach out to you.


Yeah, this and I would love to meet you. All of you who listen or watch.


That's awesome. And so what's the one thing you?


Want to leave the audience?


With today and yeah.


As everyone is good enough.


Everyone is divine. We have divine thought and we have a personal thought.


Let the divine part of you.


Shine because you will have such a soft life with so much amusement.


Full of the joy.


Thank you for joining me today. This has been amazing.


Ah, thank you so much for me as well.


Thank you, Jill.

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