In this episode, we sit down with Heather Fischer Page, host of The Integra Podcast, who specializes in guiding clients through life transformations. Heather helps those sensing a shift step fully into their higher purpose by utilizing modalities such as Human Design, E-motion Release, spiritual energy healing, and her natural psychic and mediumship abilities. Through de-conditioning old stories and creating new ways of being, Heather supports clients in connecting to their higher self and embracing their life’s calling.
Join us as Heather shares how these powerful tools can help you get out of your own way, tap into your true potential, and create lasting transformation in your life. If you're feeling stuck or ready to step into your higher purpose, this conversation is for you!
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::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Hi and welcome to the You world order showcase. Podcast my name is Jill Hart. I'm your host. And with us today is heather fisher page, who works with clients who are sensing a shift and wanting to step more fully into their life. Purpose, utilizing modalities such as human design, emotion, release spiritual energy, healing, natural, psychic and mediumship skills to support them and help them get out of their own way by deconditioning old stories and layers.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and create a new way of being.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And she's also a podcast host of the integra podcast welcome to the show heather, it's so great to have you with us.
::Heather Page: Thank you so much for having me on your show. I'm excited to be here.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: How did you get started in all of this.
::Heather Page: Wow! Oh, it's been such a journey, you know.
::Heather Page: I had these these gifts as a child, but they were, of course, tamped down. You know I was punished for them when I was a child, and during like an eft session of all places, A huge memory of being punished for these skills.
::Heather Page: Came up, and I mean my parents were doing the best they could. I mean it. It can be scary, you know when your child tells them something. They you know.
::Heather Page: they know. But you know, I kind of shifted in, you know, to like normal world activities. And
::Heather Page: really was
::Heather Page: dealing with some health issues. And you know, through my adult life, and
::Heather Page: really came to a point in my early forties where I was diagnosed with 3 autoimmune issues
::Heather Page: and chronic fatigue as one of them, and
::Heather Page: as I was like peeling back the layers, you know, working with a functional nutritionist and energy healers and eft and all of these different things.
::Heather Page: All these things started coming up for me. And
::Heather Page: I really had this Aha! Moment. Oh, wow! Some of this. You know this. A lot of this is because of the trauma that's been in your life, and it really opened up those those gifts more. I mean, they were there, you know, in the twenties. I would like see spirits, and but I like play it, you know, kind of play it off like oh, that was a 1 off thing or this or that, and
::Heather Page: allowing myself to be more open to it, and
::Heather Page: really connecting with it was such a huge healing for me.
::Heather Page: And so I I began in functional nutrition, because that seemed right at the time. You know early forties. I was like, I'm gonna fix. I'm gonna fix myself. I'm gonna fix the world. But the but I knew there was more. And so I so I started doing other modalities and adding those
::Heather Page: as well as you know, experiential, and seeing how my my intuition would really kind of kick in and
::Heather Page: and so I was like, Oh, wow! This is this is kind of cool, you know. This is a part of who I am, of course, in functional nutrition you always have to back up everything. So it was important to do that. But as I allowed myself to really
::Heather Page: flow with the other modalities, the human design, and then spiritual energy healing. It allowed me to really open up to everything and also
::Heather Page: be seen in the world that way. You know, I was helping
::Heather Page: people crossover spirits in their houses, you know, for 20 years before I let people in the public know that I did that. And so it it having these other tools, allowed me to see. Okay, it's okay to have these gifts and use utilize them in this way, and as I really stepped in and didn't resist.
::Heather Page: is when I started having more vibrant health
::Heather Page: because I was not resisting the
::Heather Page: the you know, connections and the the the thoughts and the
::Heather Page: pieces that were needed in the world. And so really.
::Heather Page: having that
::Heather Page: opportunity has been amazing and and working with other practitioners for myself, and also working with my clients.
::Heather Page: is just.
::Heather Page: I mean it just sometimes I feel like it's just like a dream in a good way. You know, it's this, I come out of my client appointments just so energized because I know I'm
::Heather Page: helping them, and it's bringing them joy and helping them decondition get rid of, you know, let go of their trauma and giving them tools to work forward. But also it's it gives me joy because that joy of service is
::Heather Page: so amazing.
::Heather Page: It's just it's it's it's incredible. I just, I remember, even at 22 years old, going.
::Heather Page: There's something more I'm supposed to be doing. You know, I was working at an alternative news weekly, and I'm like there's something more. But it, you know I didn't know what it was at that time. And I know that everything hits at the right time. That divine timing is so important.
::Heather Page: So I feel really blessed that this is what I get to do every day.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: That's awesome.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I think it's so awesome. And I can. I couple of things come to mind. I started watching this movie called the ghost whisper. It's not even a movie. It's a TV show.
::Heather Page: I love, that show.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I love that show too.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It's really cathartic for me, cause I don't
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: cry very often, but.
::Heather Page: Yes.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: But I allow myself to cry and to feel the emotions in that show, because they're really good at evoking emotional responses from the audience.
::Heather Page: Oh, yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Which I find interesting. But the the whole concept of there are beings
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: around us that we can't
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: often see.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: that are that are still part of our lives, their attachments that we have. And it's a it's a reminder to us that you know not everything as is as it seems, and not everybody sees the world the same way, because and she addresses the whole issue of
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: of the trauma that's induced or imposed upon people that
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: operate in a different.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Time, space.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: line of of perception that.
::Heather Page: Yes, yes.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: cause.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It scares people.
::Heather Page: It is it? And it is. It is scary. You know it is scary, for you know me. It you know, when it 1st came to me. It it could. It was scary because I had had these moments where?
::Heather Page: You know, at 33 years old I have a baby on my hip, and I'm seeing spirits walking through my house in the form that they had had passed. And it was a a yeah. It was just
::Heather Page: these moments. And so
::Heather Page: it's hard for people to conceive of it. And so
::Heather Page: I actually turned off the gift of sight at that point, because I was like, I can't deal. I've got, you know. I've got one kid, and I have another one on the way, and I can't be, you know, doing this kind of work in this capacity, because it's going to get in the way. But it you know it is. It can be scary for other people when I actually
::Heather Page: shared that I was a psychic medium, and that I did this kind of work. And
::Heather Page: a lot of people just yeah walked away from me. And I was like, you know what? That's okay. You know it. Because
::Heather Page: I had gotten to the point where I allowed myself to
::Heather Page: heal my own self worth and my own self lovability, so that I knew the people leaving, or just couldn't understand it. And you know they left with, you know, with grace and love.
::Heather Page: Sorry I'm laughing because the cat is a part of this she loves. She loves being in all of my appointments and energy healing work. She's a huge a huge fan of it all. So I'm sure she's connecting into whatever's here right now. So
::Heather Page: yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I have to ask you.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Does she hear.
::Heather Page: Yes, she sees and she hears. Yeah, it's interesting, because I will be in the morning are my what I call my office hours I have do not disturb on with all beans.
::Heather Page: Throughout the day, cause I you know I have to be able to work and live and and be in everything, and it'll it. There will be times when she is running around. She is loving whatever energies are going on. Okay, you just can't get on the keypad
::Heather Page: and I'll hear her running around, and she'll be like.
::Heather Page: and she's seen and hearing whatever beans are there, and so I know at that time to kind of tune in. And and, you know, check in with what's going on.
::Heather Page: And yeah, she's she's very helpful in that way. And so, and the dog even is really holds space for people during energy healings. But she's definitely the
::Heather Page: the space holder, the kind of the the balancer of the energies and everything, and and if I've got, do not disturb on, she will disturb and let me know if there's something here that I need to address. So
::Heather Page: it's really cool.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Emergency, alert button.
::Heather Page: Michael the emergency.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Emergency, alert.
::Heather Page: Yeah, it is. It is yeah. And luckily it's it's normally, you know, you know, light beams and things like that. That she's seen so it's the dog who, when the the energies of like spirits that want to cross over earthbound spirits, or, you know, energies that are ready to shift
::Heather Page: for their next incarnation. Come in, he he will cower, and I'll be like what's going on, Buddy, and and then I'll tune in. And oh, okay, I'm seeing, you know. I'll sense what he's sensing, and move him on. So it's just funny. It's great having 2 companion animals to work with, you know.
::Heather Page: yeah, but they're awesome.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Are so interesting in that they experience the world
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: more freely than humans do.
::Heather Page: Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And if you can tune into what they're doing, or what they're saying, or what they're feeling.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Really help give you a perspective of what's
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: actually going on. You know we we hear about, you know, dogs can feel earthquakes coming. Well, dogs can feel a lot of things even more than that, they can sense when you're ill. They can sense when things just aren't right with you.
::Heather Page: Yeah.
::Heather Page: it's amazing. Yeah, he is such a little grounding force for me. I I shouldn't say little. He's 60 pounds, but he will, you know, if I am, if I'm feeling scattered, or something, or I'm
::Heather Page: anxious or something, he'll come and he will. He'll apply like pressure on me to help shift it, which is lovely, and if I have clients come to the house, he will go over and sit in front of them when they're, you know, when they're basically holding space for them as their
::Heather Page: you know, either sharing what's going on or we're doing an emotional release or an energy healing. So it's lovely. Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So how do you work with clients.
::Heather Page: it really depends on what they're coming for. Some people come for just like a psychic
::Heather Page: psychic medium type of
::Heather Page: obsession. And so they're just sometimes they're looking for answers from their, you know, and guidance.
::Heather Page: I never do predictions. I don't feel that that's right. It's it. This is about guidance and giving tools.
::Heather Page: And so I'll we'll do those types of things and also ancestral healing work. It's very interesting, because that will come up during
::Heather Page: sometimes psychic medium sessions. I was working with a client who needed some information on a deceased relative.
::Heather Page: and then she started asking questions about. You know her ancestors, or were there any?
::Heather Page: Was there any energy that needed to shift? And so I was able to go down the family lines and kind of look at what was going on. So I'll do those type of sessions. I also work with people.
::Heather Page: They want to meet their their guides and their angels.
::Heather Page: and so I will connect them in with their guides and angels.
::Heather Page: and you know, and sometimes that
::Heather Page: that's more when I've worked with them, for you know 2 or 3 sessions before. So making sure they're getting out of their own way, because sometimes you're blocked from your guides because of your own, you know, density and stuff that's going on, and sometimes
::Heather Page: it helps to, you know, move some of that energy before we connect in.
::Heather Page: But you know and I do. I do house clearings and blessings. I work with children who are highly gifted
::Heather Page: and
::Heather Page: and really helping them learn to boundary themselves. And and
::Heather Page: you know, just like we have boundaries with other people, you can have boundaries with spirits, and teaching them how to work with the energy, but also
::Heather Page: do their own self care and learning how to ground. And, you know, connect with nature really embodying. That's a huge piece of what the work that I do is 1st getting people in their bodies because it's so
::Heather Page: so important. And this was a lot of me. I it was more fun. And and it was, you know, my way of escaping the heavy world was to live in my higher chakras
::Heather Page: and
::Heather Page: I learned that being embodied helped me connect in more, and also, you know, not
::Heather Page: get sick, or, you know, run into the wall, or whatever it was, because, you know, you get on ground, and from doing this work, and then, you know, you can have accidents and things like that. So I do a lot of work
::Heather Page: with all of my clients from, you know, 9 to 99 about working on the embodiment, and a lot of that is getting out of their own ways.
::Heather Page: Some people I work with in
::Heather Page: like 4 session packages, and I always tell everybody
::Heather Page: we're not going to solve everything in 4 sessions. It could be 8. It could be 20. But this is how we start. And I'll start with human design, because a lot of people
::Heather Page: aren't living
::Heather Page: to the who they truly are, you know, and I know I was like that. I studied astrology for 30 years
::Heather Page: and still didn't know myself, and when I found human design, I finally I felt like I was finally seen.
::Heather Page: And so a lot of times I'll start there because it kind of wakes them up to who they truly are, how they're here to be in the world. And then we'll start working on deconditioning through the emotional release technique that I use.
::Heather Page: And and then the spiritual energy healing so that we can really
::Heather Page: heal on really a quantum level where we're not just working on. You know, people getting that intellectual information we're integrating, we're embodying. And but we are also
::Heather Page: healing on all levels. And you know within that we may be working on ancestral healing
::Heather Page: or working through some past lives, and we'll all in a that. All just kind of comes up as each session comes. So there's no real formula to it. It just kind of it just happens, and it unfolds as needed. It's just. And for me, that is, that's the magic of everything is that I get to
::Heather Page: experience it differently with each client. So
::Heather Page: yeah, that's a lot of the work that I do. I also do life purpose work. So people who are
::Heather Page: know that there's more for them. I will take them through a life purpose process. But a lot of that again is we gotta get you out of your own way. And the old conditioning that society, your parents, your partners, your friends, have put around you. So
::Heather Page: yeah, it's it's it's exciting. It's fun. It's never the same. And I think that really works well for me. So
::Heather Page: yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: You do it mostly online? And is it mostly one on one?
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Or do you do it in person? More often.
::Heather Page: It just depends. A lot of the stuff is online. Because I work with people all around the world.
::Heather Page: And
::Heather Page: and we can do all of it online. You can do a spiritual energy healing online. It. Really, you start out. I start out by having a zoom. Call with them, and we'll talk through what's going on, you know, and then I will switch over to the phone with them or stay on. Zoom with them whatever works best
::Heather Page: and have them lie down and do a meditation. And I'll say, Okay, I'm letting you go. I'll text you when I'm done, and then we'll connect afterwards. And it's really what I love about. That is when I'm doing the energy healing work
::Heather Page: when the body is not there in the room. It's it actually connecting and energetically is just amazing. And because the body's not in the way
::Heather Page: it's just connecting into the energy. And so yeah, so a lot of the work that I do is online and and one on one
::Heather Page: I host a monthly or bi-monthly, it just depends on what's going on a
::Heather Page: a community kind of
::Heather Page: healing meditation time. It's like an a 45 min to an hour where we all connect, and it's kind of it's a free event where we're doing collective healing meditation. So basically.
::Heather Page: we do a meditation for ourselves. And then we do prayers for
::Heather Page: affirmative prayers for the
::Heather Page: collective.
::Heather Page: and people love that. So I do that as a group, I'm also hosting a retreat locally in the Kansas City area
::Heather Page: in October, and it's going to be a 4. It's going to be a quarterly retreat, and I'm co-facilitating that with a sound healer here.
::Heather Page: So I work one on one. But I also like to teach. And, do you know, retreats in that way like day retreats? Because
::Heather Page: and it's a lot of the work that we're doing in that retreat. Setting is
::Heather Page: the general work that I do with clients.
::Heather Page: But it's it's, you know we're doing. We're working through the Chakras. And so we're going to work with the 1st and second Chakra, and really
::Heather Page: focus on those. And our. So our self care around it foundational work, and all of those within that and utilizing my background in functional nutrition and my certification. It's called food and spirit. I'm a food and spirit practitioner
::Heather Page: through a Dr. Deanna Minnick. She is a functional nutritionist, amazing amazing
::Heather Page: person! Who's bridge science and spirituality. So that is a huge piece of that work. And so we'll be
::Heather Page: eating foods that nourish the 1st and second Chakra. So I just I
::Heather Page: it's I don't know. It's I. I get so excited about all of the stuff that I get to. Do you know these opportunities and the possibilities of what?
::Heather Page: How I can work with clients is just
::Heather Page: phenomenal.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So what's your favorite thing to do when you're.
::Heather Page: Oh, my!
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Clients.
::Heather Page: Oh, it, you know it really changes. It's so funny, cause I'll be like.
::Heather Page: I love doing house clearings and blessings and getting to teach people how you know, empower people to do it on their own and teach them how to
::Heather Page: you know, set boundaries and spiritual self care and things like that. And then.
::Heather Page: you know, for a while I was doing a lot of energy healings. And I'm like I loved. You know, it's funny cause. Everything kind of goes in cycles. And I, you know I love every piece that I get to do. If if that makes sense
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Right.
::Heather Page: And yeah, connecting people with their guides, you know. Just really
::Heather Page: my human design chart is really here to initiate people into their next steps
::Heather Page: and through intuition, and so getting to
::Heather Page: help wake people up.
::Heather Page: and
::Heather Page: in a loving heart centered way, of course.
::Heather Page: And it
::Heather Page: is amazing to me, and to help them learn how to nourish themselves.
::Heather Page: and take care of themselves. You know on that you know that quantum level, and you know, mind, body, spirit, soul.
::Heather Page: but on all of those energetic levels as well. So it's
::Heather Page: it's amazing. So
::Heather Page: yeah, right now, I don't know what's my favorite, all of it, all of it. It's you know, I've really been focused on the retreat. And that piece, but
::Heather Page: everything, you know, getting to see the Aha! Moments, in whatever modality I'm using at the time, and when it really clicks, and then they come back in 3 weeks or a month. And go.
::Heather Page: I utilize those tools. And
::Heather Page: wow! What a difference it made in my relationships, and how I am in the world, and how I can be, you know that's
::Heather Page: really what
::Heather Page: drives me.
::Heather Page: I think.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I I get the the visual impression of you as a door.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: You swing.
::Heather Page: And.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And people experience what they need to experience.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: to step into the room through you, and the room represents the next
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: opportunity.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Move whatever they need to be doing next in their life. And it's different for everybody, because, you know, sometimes people just need to look at their past
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: to see where they should be moving, or sometimes people need to connect to their spiritual guides so that they can get the download of the next thing they need to be doing, and other people need to clean up their diet, because really everything is so clogged up that they're not getting any messages from anything, and their intuition is all shut down.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: because their their body is just like in survival mode, and so.
::Heather Page: We can't.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Be in reception, mode, and other times. I I love your intention, your intentional healing. Prayer group meditation.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: because those are so powerful. I've been part of groups that have done that, and I have experienced personally.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Healings like physical healings. I I hit my thumb with a pneumatic nail gun once, and it went right to the bone, and it it hurt so bad. And then I had a an intention meeting that evening I had a little brace on it, so that I didn't
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: accidentally hit it on anything because it the pain was just like so intense after the intentional healing.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I I could bend it. It was as though nothing had happened. I mean
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: that dramatic.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: a a shift from people that were not in my periphery where they were all over the world.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yes, just holding the intention that it would. It would heal, and it did I. And I've seen other experiences. We did these for months, and it was like
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: that. That power is.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It's so incredible.
::Heather Page: Maps.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So much
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: power within ourselves. But
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: back to you again, just the holding space for people to be able to move into. The next thing, I think, is so beautiful.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: how would you phrase the people that
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: would need your services.
::Heather Page: Oh, gosh!
::Heather Page: Those who are
::Heather Page: looking for
::Heather Page: the next steps to
::Heather Page: their beingness and their spirituality
::Heather Page: and their life purpose, who they're supposed to be in the world and how they're supposed to show up in the world. And it doesn't have to be a career thing. It can just be.
::Heather Page: I feel really stuck.
::Heather Page: And so it's just
::Heather Page: yeah
::Heather Page: putting it out there that way to people
::Heather Page: to just yeah, find me. I love your image of the door. You know I'm here to open that door for you to
::Heather Page: allow you to
::Heather Page: find the true authentic expression of yourself, and who you're supposed to be in the world.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And and you have the tools to help them in in so many different ways. It's not like
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I. I often compare this with surgery. If you go to a surgeon
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: solution to whatever your E. Whatever is bothering you is going to be surgery.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: You're not like that. You're more like.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: let's come and diagnose what's going on in your life, and I will see if I can't
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: help you identify how you need to best proceed.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And we'll we'll go from there. And with that I know that you offer
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: We call them Discovery sessions, but it's really just a chance to chat with you about what's going on, and
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and whether
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: you guys, meld or not in terms of being able to actually help them move into the next step, or if it's not a fit, you can give them some
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: some suggestions of of ways that they could
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: work on themselves until they could get to be in the position where you could actually help them.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yeah.
::Heather Page: Yeah, I do. I? I love it because, yeah, sometimes you're not an energetic match at that time, or even an energetic match with me. But I love having the discovery sessions, because it's connection. And we all need connection.
::Heather Page: And yeah, if I can't help you, then I can recommend someone else who may be able to that you can go on their website and see, oh, yeah, that feels right, for now and then maybe you do come back to me.
::Heather Page: To do the next layer of work for yourself.
::Heather Page: So yeah, I do love doing those and it really does
::Heather Page: help
::Heather Page: so that people can. Kind of try me out in a way, you know, to see see what I do, how I work.
::Heather Page: And if our energy fits together. Yeah, yeah. So I love doing those. And I offer a 30 min discovery session.
::Heather Page: because I think it's important that we have that extra time. I was finding that the 15 min ones it would be 20 min into it, I'd be like, Oh, my goodness.
::Heather Page: we run over, you know, and everybody's time is important. So I I do schedule 30 min with people.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: You need the 1st 10 just to get to know each other.
::Heather Page: Exactly exactly. It's so true. My goodness, because, yeah, yeah, everybody's kind of feeling each other out or sensing, you know. The energy. So, yeah, yeah, it takes that long. And then then you get into the nitty gritty and the dark and twisty. So yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yeah, I love that image, dark and twisty.
::Heather Page: Yeah, that it was from Grey's anatomy. I can't remember the the main character, Meredith and she was like their their psychologists would talk about. You need to go into your dark and twisty bits. And so I've always loved that because I'm like, yeah, we do. We have to get down and and into that nitty gritty and that shadow area where there might be lots of roots down there that we have to kind of navigate through. So
::Heather Page: I loved it. Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: We have 4 cats. Well, we had 4 cats. They were little tiny kittens when we got them. My son killed its mother accidentally at his job site. So he put the kittens in his pocket and brought them home to my daughter and I, and said, Here, mom, and there's 4 kittens in the palm of his hand. Their eyes had just barely gotten open, so.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: We're talking bottle feeding all 4 cats made it. My daughter named them all after Grey's anatomy characters.
::Heather Page: Love, that.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: That's.
::Heather Page: Hilarious. That is hilarious. So.
::Heather Page: yeah, I love. Yeah, yeah, so are they still running around your house?
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Of the 4 are.
::Heather Page: That's.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: They'll live very long lives. The other 2 they didn't last.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: They lasted a year. One lasted a year. One lasted a couple of years.
::Heather Page: But
::Heather Page: yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: They weren't. They weren't as intelligent as these other 2.
::Heather Page: Okay, they have. The the other 2 have a little more street smarts.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yeah, and they hang around the house more. The other 2 like to adventure out. And if you you're an adventurous cat in our neighborhood. You're not going to live.
::Heather Page: Right.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Long.
::Heather Page: Exactly. Exactly. That's funny. That's hilarious. So.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yeah.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: so what is the one thing that you hope the audience takes away from our conversation heather? This has been really an interesting chat.
::Heather Page: I. You know. The one thing that I think
::Heather Page: I'd like the audience to think about is, you know, you. This is all inside of you. The magic is inside of you. Do you just have to
::Heather Page: find the right person to help you unlock it
::Heather Page: to help you
::Heather Page: connect into it because we all have intuition. We all have these gifts, and they're going to show up differently for each person. So
::Heather Page: instead of you know, comparing yourself to. Oh, this person has this gift, this person has that one. Find what your gifts are, and then find the person who can
::Heather Page: help you unlock that that magic. Open that door for you. Go back to your door, metaphor. I loved it, and and show you the way.
::Heather Page: and and see what what happens and be open. Just be open to it all.
::Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I love that. Thank you so much for joining me.
::Heather Page: Yeah, thank you so much for having me on the show. I really appreciate it.