Discovering Your True Power

In a compelling episode of The You World Order Showcase podcast, host Jill Hart sat down with Cindy Van Arnam, a dynamic life coach, Master Numerologist, and business strategist. Cindy’s journey is nothing short of inspirational—a story of personal transformation, deep self-discovery, and ultimately, a new understanding of how universal laws can help entrepreneurs, healers, and coaches build a sustainable and fulfilling business without falling into burnout.

From Rock Bottom to Self-Awareness

Cindy’s life took a sharp turn at the age of 16 when she lost her father to a sudden heart attack. This tragedy sent her down a path of self-doubt, destructive behavior, and poor decisions. Cindy shared how she struggled with a cocaine addiction for three years, moved from one abusive relationship to another, and ultimately tried to escape her problems by moving to different countries.

However, no matter where she went, the same patterns of self-sabotage followed her. It wasn’t until she reached a low point, bartending at a dive bar with a baseball bat for protection, that she realized something needed to change. She recalls a life-altering moment when she heard the song “You Are the Fire” by Hailstorm, with the lyrics, “You are the one you’ve been waiting for.” It clicked—Cindy realized that she had been searching for answers outside of herself, when all along, the answers were within.

The Shift to Numerology and Business Coaching

After this epiphany, Cindy began diving into personal development and eventually discovered numerology. Though initially skeptical, Cindy found numerology to be the most accurate tool in understanding not only her own life path but also the energy cycles at play in her business. She explains that numerology isn’t about predicting the future, but about understanding the energy around us and how we can work with it.

Cindy’s breakthrough came when she decided to apply the universal laws she had been studying. She invested in a coach who specialized in numerology and, within a year, experienced a massive transformation. She went from burnout and working 15-hour days with little financial return, to having her first $20,000 month—while working fewer hours and with more ease.

What is Numerology?

Cindy explains numerology as a system of understanding the universe through numbers, which are the building blocks of everything around us. Numerology is a reflection of the energy we are already working with, helping us align with the universal flow rather than pushing against it. Cindy uses a form called Egyptian numerology, which combines lunar cycles, astrology, and the ancient playing cards system to provide even more personalized insights.

For those unfamiliar with numerology, Cindy offers a simple explanation: everyone has a life path number, calculated from their birth date, which reflects their core personality traits and life purpose. But Egyptian numerology goes further, adding layers of depth by considering other energetic influences. It’s a system that helps people see the opportunities and challenges they will face, making it an invaluable tool for entrepreneurs looking to align their business strategies with cosmic timing.

Using Numerology to Avoid Burnout

Cindy’s coaching focuses on helping her clients use numerology to avoid the pitfalls of burnout. She explains that, just like there are optimal times for certain actions in astrology, numerology also reveals when it’s time to take massive action in your business and when it’s better to pull back and rest. This awareness allows her clients to work in harmony with their natural rhythms, avoiding the trap of overworking and underperforming.

For example, Cindy helps entrepreneurs create content that resonates with their audience by tapping into the collective energy and timing cycles. Whether it’s developing offers, launching products, or planning long-term strategies, numerology provides a personalized blueprint that guides them toward success without the overwhelm.

The Power of Universal Laws in Business

Cindy also works with universal laws, principles that govern how energy flows in the universe. She emphasizes the importance of these laws in creating a business that feels aligned and authentic. In her experience, following these laws—such as the Law of Attraction, the Law of Rhythm, and the Law of Cause and Effect—has been a game-changer for her clients.

Her coaching programs blend numerology with business strategy, helping spiritual entrepreneurs tap into their innate power, understand their unique purpose, and avoid the stress and exhaustion that comes from trying to “hustle” their way to success.

Cindy’s Offerings

For those interested in working with Cindy, she offers a range of services including personalized numerology readings, private coaching, and group programs. She’s launching a membership program that will deliver bite-sized insights into numerology and business strategies, allowing people to work with her at their own pace.

Cindy is passionate about helping people realize that they belong, that they have unique gifts to offer the world, and that their community is out there waiting for them to show up and shine.

You Are the One You’ve Been Waiting For

Cindy Van Arnam’s story is a powerful reminder that no matter where you are in life, you have the ability to turn things around. Through numerology, universal laws, and personal development, Cindy transformed her life and now helps others do the same. Her message is simple but profound: you belong, and the world is waiting for you to show up and share your magic.

If you’re feeling stuck or on the verge of burnout, Cindy’s journey shows that the answers may already be within you—you just need the right tools to unlock them.

For more information on Cindy’s programs, visit her website or follow her on social media. Numerology might just be the missing key to your success. She has been featured on channels such as Amazon Prime, Pursuit365, NOW Honors Las Vegas, The Family Network, and is a 10X Best Selling Collaborative author. host of Life At Full Blast Podcast

Authentic Content that Converts –

Cindy Van Arnam | Full Blast Coaching


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Hi and welcome to The You World Order Showcase podcast. I'm your host, Jill Hart, and with us today we have Cindy Van Arnam who is a life coach and podcast host, universal laws business coach and Master Numerologist. Cindy specializes in helping online coaches, healers and spiritual teachers turn their multi passionate ideas and cosmic.


Loads into a full time gig without the dreaded burnout. She has been featured on channels such as Amazon Prime Pursuit 365, now honors Las Vegas, and the Family Network, and is a 10X best selling collaborative author as well as host of life at Full Blast Podcast.


Welcome to the show city.


Thank you. What an introduction and I do that all without burnout.


Well, that is really key. So let's start at the beginning. Tell us your story.




Inquiring minds need to know.


Right. Yes, I know. I grew up in a tiny little farm in rural Alberta, Canada, very happy childhood until I turned 16 and my dad died suddenly. He fell on the ground in a heart attack and died immediately. And I just happened to be there when it happened. And obviously that would have.




Changed a lot in my life and I started making decisions in my life that weren't great. You know, I immediately assumed that the universe didn't have my back, that men would abandon me. I created its belief system and I stopped caring.


And from there you know you name the bad decisions. Cindy's made it. Cocaine addiction, heavy cocaine addiction for three years, abusive relationships out the Yin Yang and me being the rebel that I am, I moved to a third world country that had the death penalty. If you do drugs, rather than go to formal treatment.




Cutting off your own legs? Bite your nose.


Pretty much so throughout the whole three years of cocaine addiction, my mom was just she was just there for me and she knew that formal treatment wouldn't work for me. I've always been a rule breaker. I've never been somebody who can.


You can tell what to do and I don't play well inside a box. It just doesn't work for me. And she kept saying that that this statement over and over again over again. I love you, but I don't love your actions.


And finally, I heard it that somebody loved me and it gave me enough gumption to love myself enough to get out. So I moved to Indonesia for a year, and I lived in Indonesia, taught English as a second language, hated it. It wasn't a good fit for me, but I knew that if I.


Came back, I would fall back into old habits.


Then I met a cute Kenyan boy on the dance floor in Indonesia, and he invited me to move to Dubai and live live with him. So I did that cause they also have very strict drug policies in Dubai.


And alcohol too.


Yeah, yeah, and but then my mom got really sick, and I had to come.






I came home and of course fell back in with the same crowd and started making those same decisions. But at that point I knew that something needed to change and my mom is OK by the way, she's with us as well and alive. She'll probably listen to this episode, but I knew I needed to make some changes, so I started diving into personal development.


And I started following all the the quote UN quote gurus right? The TR Vecker, the Brendan Richards, the Tony Robbins. And I read the Koran front to back. I read the Bible front to back because I was just trying to find the answer to who I was.


And not finding it. And so, you know, I'd never held a job for more than a year, skipping from one thing to the next. You named the job. I've probably done it from pipelining in Alberta to psychic hotline.


And then I found myself bartending at a dive bar, and I actually had a baseball bat behind the bar. In order to protect myself because I was closing the bar at night by myself.


I didn't actually have to use the bat, but I did have to threaten with it one night and that was it. At that point I was done. I got in my car that night and I was like, you are so much better than this. There's got to be something more to life than this.


And I drove home that night and a song came on the radio called. You are the fire by hailstorm. And in that song there is a line that said you are the one you've been waiting for.


And it clicked.


All of a sudden I was like, Oh my God, here I am searching everywhere for somebody to tell me what to do. I have the answers. So I got on Google 3:00 in the morning and I decided I was going to go back to school to do event and promotions management.


I hated that too, but in that I actually built a business as a virtual assistant out of the things I was learning in the in the college program I was in cause event and promotions management online business very similar, right?


And so I built a business as a virtual assistant and started helping coaches, healers, spiritual teachers, build the back end of their business. Cause I was really good with technology, almost loved it. Except I had a belief that, you know, growing up in a farm in order to make any money, you've got to work.


Really hard. You've got to hustle.


And within eight months, I was in adrenal fatigue, absolutely burnt out. I was working seven days a week, 15 hour days, just hassle. The harder I work, the more money I'll make. Except my bank account was showing the exact opposite. Harder. You work, the less money I would make.


And I went. I met a woman at a live event that I was at, and she was talking about this thing called numbers. And I was like, I don't know, it seems a little far fetched to me. It's pretty out there. It's pretty woo woo.


Me being a very logical, scientific minded, I need the rational proof and.


On the farm, that's how.




Right, exactly. I grew up with an engineer as a father. Like we talk about the reality that is in front of us.


But there was something about it that just kept pulling me in, and so I took a huge leap and she actually said to me, she said, you know, if you meditated, you'd make more money.


And I thought you're crazy.


What did I have to lose right? At this point, I was in adrenal fatigue. I was like, burning the candle at both ends. I was done. So I thought, OK, well, I'll try. So I took a leap of faith and I invested money that I didn't have in hiring her for a year and learned numerology, understand, began to understand how the universe works, learned universal law.


And everything changed in that year. I had my first $20,000 month. I had my first $40,000 month and I was working half the amount of time that I had been working.


Before so then I became a universal laws business coach and started diving down that rabbit hole. So that is my story in a very short version pulls node version.


Yeah, that's a wild story, so.


Gosh, we'll just start with the numerology part, because how is?


And I want to ask you about the Egyptian numerology and how that's different. I I'm a big believer in numerology, and it's not like an astrology and tarot cards. All of those things. But I don't think they're predictive of your future. It's not like looking into the crystal ball and saying this is ordained to be.


It's just been designed to help you.


Think about things you know. It's like a Rorschach test, you know, here's the ink blot.


What do you?


See in that and what does it mean to you? So with that said, how does Egyptian numerology differ from the numerology that.


It's traditionally practiced around here.


Yeah, absolutely. Well, first of all, I love that you brought that up, that it's not a divination tool, it's not fortune telling anything that we see in front of us. It's just a reflection of what we're already thinking and feeling. So tarot cards, Oracle cards, anything like that, it's just giving us feedback of what's actually happening inside, right.


So regular numeral, regular numerology regular. But there's a Pythagorean system of numerology that would be what people would look up their life path number or things like that. And I do that numerology as well. But Astro, Egyptian numerology is a combination of using lunar cycles and a little bit of astrology.




And the the the playing cards so the playing cards have been with us since at least ancient Egypt, if not.


Before that, we can't actually prove where they came from, so we just call it Egyptian numerology. But the deck of playing cards is actually really fascinating. The history behind it, they the deck of playing cards has four suits. We have Four Seasons. If you add up all of the numbers of the the cards in the deck, you get 364.


And then the Joker equals 1/4 of each season, which is 365 a full year.


Right. And so we use these combination of the suits and the numbers together to give us a feel for what's possible in our experience. So we have a life path number, for example, I'm a life path ruling for, but I'm also in the deck of playing cards of five of diamonds. And so those two things.


Layer on top of each other and what I have discovered with the Egyptian numerology, it is it is the most accurate system I've ever seen. I've used tarot. I use Oracle cards to this day. I still do tarot card readings for myself. I don't do it for clients, but.


Nothing has been more accurate in showing what's possible, showing kind of the frequency and the energies that we're going to play with within our life cycle. And I use it to support my clients in #1 understanding yourselves, that's key with anybody who's in an online space or.


As an entrepreneur, you need to know who you are, so we use it as a personality assessment. But I also use it to help people create content on a regular basis and stay consistent with it. Content that actually resonates with their audience because we're speaking to a collective energy.


I help people develop offers transformational offers using numerology because there is a divine timing cycle to all of it that's spoken about in the numbers. I use it to help people have better sales conversations because if you know who you're speaking to, then it gets easier to have that conversation instead of just.


Cookie cutter cookie cutting the whole thing right? And I also use it for planning and strategy because there is a rhythm to our life and to our business that allows us to see when it's time to take massive action or when it's time to pull.


Back when it's time to be networking, those types of things. So I mean, that's a rabbit hole that you could dive down to for thousands of years and never discover all of it, but it's pretty magical.




That is, I've heard of that is pretty magical. I've heard of cardiology. Is that what?


Yeah, it's different. It's different. It is similar. It's got the same because you're still using a deck of playing cards being with this Egyptian numerology is because we're using cardiology, is just the card itself.




But with the this system of numerology, there's only about 1500 of us on the planet who actually do what I do, and we're combining traditional Pythagorean numerology with the suits and our intuition. So cardiology. You can actually just Google and find out what the card means, and you're going to get some cool information.


But without the intuitive part of it, you're missing out on so much more, so you know, I've had people I've been guests on podcasts before. People ask, well, is there any books out there that people can read? No, not yet. They're coming because this system has been hidden for so long, there's actually only one book out there, and it's a very difficult.


Read and it was written in the 1800s by a man who was given access to secret libraries where this information is held and he was allowed to take certain information and bring it out. But it's very minimal, so this is an intuitive science that is becoming more mainstream, and I do know that there is a book coming out in.


September or October by some colleagues of mine, so.


Wow, I'd be really interested in that.


So am I. I can't wait to see the book. Yeah.


So when you work with clients, do you work in groups one-on-one? How? How does all that look?


Yeah, I have a combination of different ways of working with me. Numerology readings are very personal. So those are one-on-one. And I have different offers around, you know, different types of numerology readings based on what you're looking.


4 numerology works best when you have context. I can give you a generic reading and you're gonna be like, yeah, that's super cool. But if you have a specific question, just like tarot, if you've got a question that you want answered, we can go looking specifically for that answer. So I have a different range of readings that ioffer.


But I also have a membership that's launching here in a couple of weeks that gives people an opportunity to work with me kind of in those bite sized chunks and microstrip.


Geez, I also have a group coaching program. It's actually a hybrid. You get a little bit of private and group that helps people build an online business. They walk away with the complete ecosystem of an online business. And then I do have private coaching as well.


That's awesome. So.


Because this podcast isn't actually going to be posted until like October.


You'll have all of this.


Up and running by then.


Yes, absolutely.


So as you all are listening, she already has it.




And I will put the link below so that you can you can get access because.




Yeah, the membership itself is, I'm really excited about because I've been looking for a way to not only just I've got a lot of people in my audience, we're just interested in numerology.


And I don't teach numerology. If somebody wants to learn numerology, I do have somebody that I highly recommend. But for me, it's about the forecasting and the play and the understanding, the nuances of it, without me actually teaching it. And that's the numerology is going to have a combination of numerology and business strategy. So I'm super excited about that.


Cause I finally figured out how to bring it together.


That is so cool. So.




If I'm hearing you correctly, what you're saying is that you're going to present.


With numerology, there's optimal times. It's like with astrology, there's optimal times to be doing something based on where, where the stars are lining up for you specifically, because we're all here with a purpose and just kind of like, instead of pushing against the river, you're just flowing with the stream.


Because you know where the stream is going and how to how to ride the current.


Yes, absolutely. And it's interesting. You bring up astrology. I've actually been studying astrology now for a few years and it is complicated. It's very complicated. And whenever I read somebody who's doing an astrological forecast, I'm like I'm lost in all the conjuncts and squares and things.


That's what I love about numerology. It is simple. It's so simple.


And I mean the latest trend right now is human design. It's very popular out there. And I agree that it's an excellent system. No knock to human design whatsoever, but numerology is more accurate.






Yes. Yeah, way.


Yeah. Anybody can become a numerologist. It's so simple and so accurate. And these other systems are just complicated. Interesting. You had asked where this Egyptian numerology came from. All other systems of.




For lack of a better word, divination. It's not divination, but the words are coming to me, but all other systems are actually developed out of numerology, so if you look at tarot cards, they all have numbers on them and they directly relate to numbers, Oracle cards, numbers, the Bible filled with numbers, human design filled with numbers, right this number.


Astrology filled with numbers, so everything eventually comes back to numbers.


Yeah. Yeah, they really do.


It's it's.


Simplest and it's usually like just a small segment of the numbers. We're not talking about big numbers here, it's like.






One the.


One to 10 and not even 10, but 11 and 22. That's it.


Yeah, yeah, in the.


Yeah. And I honestly like, I look at numerology and there's only 9 numbers in existence plus the zero right and a lot of numerologists leave the zero out. It's very important.


But yeah, there's really only one through 9, and anything else is just a combination, and we can just reduce it down. So yeah, it it's very simple. There's only 9 influences really.


I love that about it.


Like, that's another way to avoid burnout is keep things simple.




And and not have to spend all your time guessing because the the definitions of each of them are pretty straightforward and I'm a six life path. So and you know it.




I read it makes total sense to me and I know that there's times when I should be doing things and times when, you know, you may as well just go and meditate in the woods because it's gonna work for you anyway.


Exactly. I love that. Yeah, the sex is like I always look at the sex is like this ping pong ball that's going from one side of the trajectory to the other. And your job as a six is to find that equilibrium, the proverbial balance.


Right. But you're either way over here or you're way over here and you're always trying to find this place right here in.


The middle right? Yeah.


And and as soon as you find it it it feels like I I think I'm here.


And then you're back to the.


Yeah, exactly. Exactly. The great equalizers of the world are the sixes, yeah.


A tough job, but somebody's got to do it.


Yeah, yeah. I think it's interesting, a lot of.


People are like oh.


I wish I was this number, but there's no better number. We all just have what we have and it's about learning to work with your strengths and learning to bring in the support around those that aren't strengths so that you can equalize a little bit.


Yeah, you know, the anagrams are kind of like that too. There's. I think there's only like.


Nine of those.


Yeah, I tried to figure out how the antibiogram and numerology work together, and it's it's again complicated. I never did find the the bridge there. So yeah, I'm not quite sure how they figured out the numbers for the angiogram.


I don't think they're numbers. Well, I could say our numbers, you you have a number assigned to you, but and nobody's just all one thing with they're they're combinations of things and.




We are all unique.


You know we're we're like little snowflakes out there as much as the world would like for us to be all the same and homogenized. I think that world would be.




It's not.


So boring would be so boring if we all had the same opinions and the same thoughts. No, thank you.


Yeah, but I'm looking for a world where people can just be valued for their thoughts and opinions, and it's OK and they don't have to share yours and that we can we can individually.


Just accept who we are and be.


Happy with who we are.


A world of belonging that was spoken.


Like a true 6 by the.


Way I'm sure was because I own it girl.


Yeah, but.


Yeah, it's just a world where everybody belongs, right? Like, yeah, yeah.


Everybody belongs and and nobody has to be right. Everybody can be right and.


Which is.


We can just exist together in connection, because that's who we are. We are all connected and we all, we all belong together. We just have been trained to be polarized in, in everything. It's just like, yeah, just like, throw those people out. I don't. I don't want to do that.


Just want to explore what you think, yeah.


Yeah, I agree.




What would your one thing that you would suggest to people if they wanted to explore this further with you? How how could they do that?


Yeah, definitely. Take a look at the membership. I think that would be an excellent place to start because that's where I'm gonna just introduce little things. It's little bite sized chunks where you can get a feel for it. Numerology. When you start to learn it can be a little overwhelming because there is so many rabbit holes and so much information, just like astrology. You can go and explore.


The whole universe.


With it, and so starting out with those bite sized chunks in the membership would probably be the best idea, and then deciding if you want to learn it, I can point you in the right direction. Or if you just kind of want to hang out and play, we can.


Do that together too, yeah.


Because every time you you start down that numerology path, it doesn't just stop with you. I mean, then there's your spouse or your partner and your kids and your parents and.


You know your best friend.




Exactly. Ohh my gosh.


I've even done numerology reports on, like the election. I've done numerology on different country.


These I can actually look at your business numerology as well. And based on your business date of birth and see what's happening there. The rabbit holes are endless.


Yeah, it's just like.


There might only be 10 numbers, well nine and the zero, but they're just like there's so much you can.


Do with them.


So much.


It's infinite actually, because that's where those those numbers come from.




So Cindy, this has been an amazing conversation. I've really enjoyed it. What's the one thing you hope the audience takes away from our chat today?


Thank you.


Well, you know what I think you brought it up is that no matter who you are or what you're doing in the world or what your opinions are, you belong. You belong and your community is out there just waiting for you to show up and shine your magic. So wherever that is for you, go shine your magic.


Well, I love that. Thank you for joining me.


My pleasure. Thank you for having me. It's such an honor.

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