Cindy Cowan – The Texas Oil Lady – Essential Oils For Pets & Livestock

In this episode we chat with Cindy Cown, the Texas Oil Lady, about the many benefits of essential oils and how they can even help our pets & livestock!

She became interested in holistic healthcare solutions in 2016 with the discovery of DōTERRA Essential oils.  Her love of nature and science brought her to a new career of educating and sharing plant-based tools (essential oils) to support mindset, mood, and emotions.

Cindy is a Certified Animal Aromatherapist who offers virtual animal consultations and can assess and recommend alternative solutions to help them with their behavioral, emotional and health issues

You can find Cindy:

Texas Oil Lady website:

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Transcript starts after intro

::istic healthcare solutions in:::

Royals, her love of nature and science brought her to a new career of educating and sharing plant based tools, namely essential oils to support mindset, mood and emotions.


Cindy's a certified animal, aromatherapist as well, who offers virtual animal consultations and can assess and recommend alternatives.


Solutions to help them with their behavioral, emotional and health issues.


So with that, please help me welcome Cindy Callen.


Welcome Cindy to the You World Order Showcase.


Program. Thank you.


You world order.


Showcase program I keeps missing that order part.


In there so.


You're the Texas oil lady.


How did you get started?


Tell us all about you.


Uh, good to be good to be joining you today.


Texas Oil Lady was born almost two years ago by pure accident.


Just the name, just kind of slipped out of my mouth during a network meeting and everybody had a positive response to it and.


One of the gals, one of the guys, said. Cindy, you need to go and dot biz, so I did. I'm like, OK, now what?


And so a good friend of mine that I'm had met in the networking group, we were also accountability buddies and she's a graphic artist.


She does logos, branding, social media, all kinds of wonderful things.


And we started talking about it and.


I did it.


And I have gotten more followers.


But for you know, on Instagram and Facebook and LinkedIn. So the logo's definitely doing its job. But people love it because they're they think Texas, old lady. Well, I think and the show Dallas.


Boiled crude so.


But we're not talking about crude oil, we're talking about essential oil.


So that's how it was born.


What motivated you to want to?


Get into essential oils.


When Western medicine was making me very sick.


I was tired of not feeling good and feeling pretty bad, and I had met a new friend, actually my upline and doTerra, and she introduced me to lemon lavender, peppermint and that's what helped me fill 120% better. So that was the beginning. You know, customer first.


As usual and then tried some other products and it solved the problem.


And then I started to share.


It just kind.


Of grew organically, naturally, and I started talking to people about it.


A year later, I flipped the switch to be an.


Educator, Wellness advocate.


So you also do animals, which is really kind of a unique spin on essential oils.


I most people that are in the.


The circles that we run in are very familiar with how great essential oils are and how well they can help.


Help you overcome some like pretty phenomenal things.


I know a lady who whose husband had a gas tank blow up in his face.


I mean, he was.


Third degree burns.


They had no medical insurance, so she treated him with lavender oil.


And I'm not advocating medical advice here, but.


This happened 16 or 17 years ago now.


You cannot tell this man was ever burned.


No Western medicine involved strictly lavender oil.


My own son had a third degree burn on his leg.


He stuck his leg in a campfire and it had, like attached to a a burning ember.


It was, it was this nasty, nasty burn.


And I used lavender oil and.


Her miracle selve.


And you can't tell he was ever burned, I mean.


That's incredible, right?


This is just.


Just essential oils, so I'm on the same wavelength that you're on as far as they're concerned.


They have amazing properties, but you're using it on animals too.


So tell us about that and how that got started.


And so I went to the doTerra conference in Salt Lake City about five years ago, and on stage was this woman, Doctor Janet Rourke.


And she is a veterinarian out of Austin, TX.


And first of all, I was mesmerized by all the science that they show all the videos and all over the world, the videos and film of, of processing, distilling, all.


Those good things?


And she was up on stage and they were interviewing her.


And she's actually on their board as an animal aromatherapist.


And she started to talk about it.


And I was like, what?


And so I started following her on Facebook.


And so a couple of years going by.


And so I would see tips from her.


And then I was using it on the first dog.


I used it on my daughter's pug who had allergies and so used it on her tummy and then changed her diet. She knows her having her eat a little bit.


More organic that helps.


So the combination of the oils and and her gut health.


For quite a.


And then, you know, two years or so passed and still following are getting tips and tricks about, you know, what you can do with your animals.


And I still would use them on the dogs.


Lavender is very popular when it came to allergies.


Lemon, lavender, peppermint.


You know, there's different ways to give them to the pets or apply them to the pet.


But one day she posted I'm going to start offering a certification class to all of you who are interested to work with the animals and essential oil.


And I'm like, oh, boy.


And so last summer, I just felt the need to add more to my wheelhouse.


You know, I love working with people.


Of all ages.


Babies all the way to seniors and why not?


And I saw the results that had with my my own dogs.


And so I took it and I that's where I learned more about essential oils, right, the chemistry, the whole 9 yards.


I I can't wait.


I haven't done it yet, but I can.


Actually work with a horse.


You know, birds get upper respiratory infections.


I didn't know that, but now there's solutions that I can share and help people with not only their pets, but maybe they're farming.


Farming ranch animals too.


So that's how that kind of evolve.


That's really interesting.


Where do you live and what are you?


What are you doing?


And how are you?


Like reaching out to people.


What's your thing?


That's my thing.


I live currently in Lubbock, TX.


I my family.


I raised my family in the Fort Worth area, so it's 20 years there, so I know I know people there and obviously in Texas.


Which Texas is big into the farm and ranch.


Animals, but the past.


Gosh, Lets see, four months I have been visiting network chapters all over the world, so my new favorite place to visit and I'm on their Facebook group now.


They love me is Australia and so I'm getting exposure in Australia because they didn't know about the.


I mean, our essential is helping animals.


London is another place I've been visiting and in Canada.


And so just getting out there and I can work anywhere in the world with the power of zoom, you know, it's amazing.


A parent wants to schedule a consultation with me.


They get a form to fill out, so I have some like I use a pre form that you would for a physician or veterinarian.


And then they can send me pictures and then they can if the animal is small enough, we can show it up on the screen.


If not, you take pictures of videos and there's more than one.


That's pretty cool.


Do you do it?


With people too, or.


You know how.


Did the pandemic affect your business model?


Well, at first I was having workshops at my home, so I invited, you know, my friends from yoga and other places here to my house.


And so I had a little miniature workshops where they would make and take a roller blend for like sleep or digestive or whatever we had going on in the workshop.


And then the pandemic hit.


Of course, that wasn't happening.


And then it started to open up again and I try to have a a workshop and no show.


I even had a wine friend of mine come, you know, Co host.


That was fun, but no one showed up and so I had joined a network where you could, as a member, you could visit all over the.


You know, United States, you know, currently and I.


Just you know.


You know, I came up with this idea that if somebody were interested in the essential oils, you know, are you interested?


I would say Jill, are you interested?


Yeah, I'm like, well, if if I send you this form, could you fill it out?


And then we could talk and like, oh, yeah.


And so they fill out this really simple form.


What you got going on, you know, allergies, sleep, digest them.


And then I would, you know, right, take my notes and then we would have a zoom call and I would make some recommendations.


And I'm like, OK, and I'm like, would you like some samples?


Well, yeah, I want.


To try some first.


So I have little sample vials and I would mail them the package and we'd schedule another.


Room and I'm like, OK, so open up the peppermint and smell it.


You know, it's good for all these.


You know you're upset stomach or to help you wake up.


Whatever the situation was, and once we.


Finished the zoom, we're.


Like, OK, I'm ready to buy some.


Yay, so I.


Was sampling sort of virtually, you know and and samples and it worked and then.


I guess a couple more months passed by and I made my biggest sale with a customer she bought for her household and her grandmother, you know, $500.


I'm like, yes, this this.


Is gonna work.


So that's just what I do.


And I I'm just excited.


It's just, you know, it's when you think about it, what all we can do it's possible.


Yeah, yeah, it is really possible.


And the whole personal connection thing really speaks to the whole world economy, where it's like small local.


One-on-one, but the one-on-one it mushrooms out. It's the ripple effect. You know, we talk together and then somebody hears us and they get inspired and they call you or set up an appointment.


With you and.


Then you help them.


But not only are you helping them, but everybody that's in in their environment, your help.


Thing, because you show mom how to fix a stuffy nose or an earache or, you know, an upset stomach, and then she's helping her kids.


She's sharing it with her friends.


They're sharing it with their kids and their friends, and I just like it's how the information gets out.


And it it's just like there's.


So many more.


Options these days, instead of just going to the doctor and getting a label put on whatever it is that's bothering you.


So now you know what you call it, but.


I don't want to take something that's going to give me 14 other side effects that.


I don't want.


That's become you're hearing more about it on the news.


You know, the people who are suffering from the side effects and you know, you'll see the commercial on TV take this for this situation.


Oh, by the way, here's all the side effects.




Like most of them.


I mean, I got, I got a.


Wake up, call about.


A year ago, when the medication I was taking for my arthritis.


I had blood work done and then the nurse called me from the doctor's office, she said.


You have a low functioning kidney.


How did I get that?


How did I get that?


Well, it's from one of your.


RA meds, really.


And what am I supposed to do now?


Well, take it from 2 pills to one.


And I'm like, but that's the drug that's hurting my kidney.


You know, and it was a side effect.


I I we looked at the paper and so I decided right then and there I quit cold Turkey.


I didn't realize I didn't think about it.


I mean, I knew better, but you.


Know when it's.


Happening to you?


You don't always think about.


It and I'm like.


Yeah, you're in pain and you want the relief.


But it's like.


Is is the thing that I'm going to take for the relief here, is it?


Does it warrant?


The side effects, which include death.


You know, you lose your kidneys and.


It it makes your life a lot more difficult than just suffering with some pain from arthritis.


And I just recently.


Had a a huge scare.


I've been having these headaches, really bad headaches and I was afraid I was having.


They would come on really fast and then leave.


I was afraid I was having, like, an aneurysm or a brain bleed or something.


So I had a CT scan done, just to rule that out because I didn't want to be, you know, I didn't want to have a stroke or have an aneurysm rupture or something and be like.


Be a burden.


That was really the thing I was.


Like I'm gonna go do this because.


I don't want to.


Be a burden.


But when that came back clear it, it occurred to me.


That it's probably.


Just arthritis in my neck and that when I'm under a lot of stress it.


The the muscles tense up and there's a lot of inflammation that happens in my neck and it's cutting off.


The blood vessels, sort of.


Sporadically and that's what's giving me these shooting headaches.


So I decided to, you know, get out my essential oils.


And I would hold my computer up and show them all I have.


I have a lot of them also and I've just decided that I've got several blends that really help a lot and article oil and come free that comfrey is like an amazing.


Compound for muscles and healing bones.


But it's just like.


To the medicine, which is could wreck my kidneys.


Or essential oils that are you know.


They're less expensive than the drugs by far.


There's no side effects.


There's normally not any side effects.


There's just few people who may be allergic to lavender, but that's lavender in general, like the plant, the flower, right.


But in in all these years of doing essential oils, I've become more aware of holistic.


Things that you can do for your body, you know, besides eating healthy, right, you know, feed your gut properly.


But chiropractic adjustment, that's what I get once or twice a month from my neck, cause we're always on the computer, right?


And that's where I hold my attention.


But getting adjustments, ice packs, and then I bought a tens unit.


That, you know, sometimes if it's real bad, but then like chiropractor recommended this amazing foam pillow, that's, you know, 4 back or side sleepers.


And I'm like, dude, you just took away business from you.


The pillow makes a big difference.


I travel with my pillows.


Have allows and.


I sleep amazingly well for somebody my age and it's.


It's the pillows, yeah.


I mean, it's little things that we figure out along the way and then if we share what's working with others, why not, you know that's just, that's just what it's all about is if you share with your friends what's going on and your and your ohh that's going on with, you know, another friend of mine.


I have another friend from Fort Worth and we were just we chat every other month or so.


And she was telling me about her dog. And he's like, I can't remember, 14, 16 years old. He's rather old.


And he has a a kidney disease.


So he's kind of at the end of life.


And she and her before she kind of quit, she has been a social worker in Hospice.


So basically her dog.


She wanted to provide Hospice for her dog, and she's like he can't get comfortable.


He's, you know, agitated.


He's nervous, he doesn't sleep well, which causes me not to sleep well.


And I'm like lavender diffuse by your by your bed.


If he sleeps next to you because most dogs sleep by.


Yes, diffuse it.


I'll put some oil on the back of their neck.


You know, in your hand.


Rub it down their spine.




It absorbs into their fur, which gets into their skin and gets into their blood, goes throughout their whole system.


And I checked on her about a week or so later, and she, like much better, much, much better.


He's not as agitated.


I'm able to get a little bit more sleep even though you can't cure what he's got going on, but you.


You know, they're seeing your dogs, and then there's, you know, if you're if you know they're they've got an end of life issue that nothing can be done, you can make them comfortable.


And that's what it's all about, because the alternative was to give him a pill that knocks him out like he would sleep all day.


So is that quality of life?


No, it's not.


At that point, you just may as well put them down because.


And then you don't want to, I mean, you want to enjoy them.


They're part of your, your life, your soul.


Sometimes, you know, you have to.


Get to that point.


Put them down.


But if they still.


Life in them.


You know, why not so.


Yeah, yeah, I agree.


And it's just amazing how well they work.


On people and animals, apparently that was kind of.


I know that's what I call a trooper.


I call it.


A trooper, because an example is lavender.


It works for humans, it works for dogs you if you can. I know my medicine cabinets totally got a different look. All that other stuff's been thrown away. It won't say any names.


And it's so pretty when you look in.


There now, right.


Is it over the side?


In my bathroom, bath oils are in every room in my house.


You know, if the diffuser, there's a bottle by it.


You know the bathroom.


Got a bunch of oil so.


You want a tip on that like I found. I probably found it on TikTok or some silly place like that, but you stick a little bit of essential oil on the toilet paper. Roll the cardboard on the inside so every time you pull on the toilet paper, roll it.


Your little diffuser thing right there.


Yeah, it diffuses back into the air.


That was so genius cause I like my bathroom to smell good, but I.


You gotta remember.


Don't want to.


Like be spraying the chemicals in there.


There's a place called the shower diffuser.


It's a company and they actually have a device that you put in two batteries in.




You you twist in the bottle of essential oil.


And so when you're.


So I have a little what I.


Call a potty room.


Like it's part of the master bathroom, but I have it sitting on the window sill.


And so when you're in there, it's set to go like every 10 or 15 minutes.


It just poofs.


And like yeah.


That's nice. That's really nice.


I'll have to look into.


Yeah, I got a link for it so.




Well give me the link and we'll put it in the in.


The description in.


The bottom of the the podcast.


Cool. All right.


Anything that you want people to know about.


UM, I just would like to be able to, you know, share with people, educate people about alternative non-toxic natural solutions.


Everybody's body is unique.


We all have our own DNA, including animals, OK?


And if there's a, so if there's some different solutions, we can find the one that will work with your body.


It's like trial and error.


Just like you would with Western medicine.


But just to know that there's.


Alternative solutions besides.


Western medicine because I also found out what you know by going taking that course last summer that yes, our organs can be damaged, but so can animals.


And so a real issue lately is the pollen outside our dogs are go outside.


And they come in sneezing.


You can't control what's in the air, so we diffuse in the house.


They get lemon, lavender, peppermint capsules with their piece of deli meat, cause they caught on to the peanut butter like Mama, you know, with, with the piece of deli meat, they basically just swallowed the two capsules.


So it gets in their system.


And there's all kinds of ways.


That that is.


I've heard so much about issues with allergies from everybody and not people, but the pets too, so you know.


Look for it.


It's getting worse with.


Don't, don't get.


It seems to be getting worse with pets, skin issues and just sneezing and stuff, but.


Using and you gotta look at what they're eating too.


Again, just like humans, gut health is important.


There's a lot of food, and I'm not a a nutrition expert.


I just, you know, I get the newsletters from people who are the E.


Spurts. What we used to.


Feed them and I and not name any names.


This the cheap stuff.


Some of the names have been around forever.


You don't know they're they've got a bunch of so many fillers and chemicals and stuff.


Just to keep it preserved.


They should eat healthy just like us.


And raw a lot.


Of raw things like chicken wings.


My dog loves when I'm cutting up chicken.


Bones are raw, bones are really good for dogs.


Don't ever feed.


Them cook bones because that they shatter and they'll getting their intestines but raw bones.


That's what they were designed to eat.


It's and Ohh also don't look it up on the Internet, there are so many people that ohh ancestral oils are bad for animals and.


They're bad for people.


Yeah, if it's the stuff that you get at a box store, those are not meant to be consumable.


They're kind of like the scented candles.


You know that's which.


Is not good for us either.


Right, right. Yeah, should diffuse.


Essential oils that are high quality.


It's even like soap.


You can buy the detergent that they call soap, but it's not.


A process it's fat and lie.


It's a combination that makes the bonification which gives.


You soap short for some pontification?


Not detergent, which is made from petroleum products.


And it dries.


Out your skin.


It's so bad.


It is and you people don't think about it.


But you know you.


Once you start washing your clothes and taking care.


Of your your.


Your house differently, so that's something else.


I I like to share is is, you know, doing your laundry with the with the product that's organic and dryer balls with essential oils on them.


The dryer balls.


You don't need all the softeners.


That you buy go down the aisle at the grocery store with the detergents and the and the softeners.


And you smell these smell.


I cannot walk.


I can't walk down the island anymore.


It's too much.


For my, for my nose.


It's harsh, it's obnoxious.


It's hard to breathe.


You can't actually get a breath of air because the chemical.


Onslaught is so great.


It's and you get desensitized to it.


If you're around it too much.


Yeah, but if you're, if you make a conscious effort to clean up your environment.


Then when you're.


You you begin to recognize that this is not good, it's.


It's the same with.


You know you eat.


A lot of crap.


And you feel bad, but you crave the crap.


But if you clean up your diet.


And you eat some crap.


It's like man.


This is look like it.


So the same.


You know, when you when you.


If they doesn't taste good and B you're like, oh, I don't.


Know what possessed me to do that?


I you know, I've cut back dramatically on sweets, right.


The sugar is not good for us.


But also if you have rheumatoid arthritis it's causes inflammation, right and.


You know, my husband baked a cake for any for his work, and I took a taste of the icing.


I love icing, love it, and I took a taste and I was like ohh, it's so darn sweet like.


No, thank you.


Like really a year ago.


Like, yeah, I want to slice.


I can't it just it's lost its appeal when you take away something that's bad for you and just.


You remember the good days.


Remember the good old days?


Just all the sweets.


Yeah, but it doesn't even.


I I used to be a sugar junkie too, but now give me a cold watermelon and that's like.


It's so good and.


Blueberries out of the freezer.


I can eat a whole bowl.


My favorite thing is pineapple right now.


I love it.


Yeah, pineapples so good if you get it just.


Really ripe and really.


I love fruit.


And it's got to be the.


Whole fruit because you know it's Doctor Lustig says you should get your sugar with fiber.


So I feel responsible when I.


Eat the whole fruit.


There you go.


Well, Cindy, it has been an awesome chatting with you and finding out all about your essential oils and how they can help not only us, but our animals too.


And I'll be sure to put all the links so people can get in touch with you in the description below.


And see you on the next Wednesday call, I'm sure.


I appreciate you.


Thank you so much for inviting me.

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