Light Language Healer’s Journey to Healing with Birgitta Visser

Birgitta Visser – Light Language Healer, Divine Channel & Soul Empowerment Coach & Author

She is simply here to plant a “food for thought” seed and unlock one's own true potential into a better understanding of oneself and the Universe. Being a mere way guide, a compass for you to get your tangled bearings right. Here to help you live the life you have always envisioned by unveiling your Soul’s purpose

Join us as we chat about light languages, being a divine channel, and how Birgitta travelled to this point in her life.

She offers light language healings on her site.


You can find her new book: Child of the Sun on her website


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Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Hi and welcome to the You world order showcase. Podcast I'm your host, Jill Hart. And with me today is Birgitta Visser. She is a light language, healer, divine channel and soul empowerment coach as well as an author. She is simply here to plant a food for thought, seed, and unlock one's own true potential into a better understanding of oneself in the universe, being merely a guide.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: a compass for you to get your tangled bearings right



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: here to help you live the life you have always envisioned by unveiling your soul's purpose.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Welcome to the show, Bee. It's really great to have you here.



Birgit: Hi, Jill, thank you so much for having me.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So tell us your story. How did you get into doing this?



Birgit: Experience life experiences



Birgit: not the nice kind. And I think that's but you know, it's really funny, because, as of late, it's, I mean, always people talk about good and bad experiences, but



Birgit: it's just an experience that you go through. And I think that's a shift in perspective. And I really had to learn that.



Birgit: I mean, yeah, I've moved more than 50 times



Birgit: 50 times in my lifetime, you know. It's insane. I'm like this nomad like the seeker. But



Birgit: yeah, I've lived everywhere in the world, and



Birgit: I think through trauma, and we all go through trauma. You know of what my my guides always say, of varying degrees, so to put it. But



Birgit: you know for me it was abused being abused by a friend of the family as as a kid like 10 or 11 years old, and you know it kind of snowballed from there and then.



Birgit: because we don't heal from trauma at that age. I think times have changed now. But you know, at that time I was a kid. I didn't even know what was happening, so I bottled it up, and from that it kind of snowballed. I mean, I lost my dad when I was 14 to coronary heart disease.



Birgit: He was extremely spiritual, extremely spiritual, but he was out of a job and he was just tired of life



Birgit: and didn't take his medication kind of like. Hopped on the bicycle, and cycled, and fell off his bike and took a last breath. And that was kind of it.



Birgit: and he was 44. So he's he's very, very young.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Really



Birgit: And yeah, and



Birgit: that was really hard on my mom. And you know also my sister and I



Birgit: losing your dad at that age, but it's always losing a it's always difficult losing a parent at any age.



Birgit: And



Birgit: yeah, I I mean, I was already suffering. I mean, I was. I was tall and I was skinny, but I was also bullied in high school in Holland, and that didn't help.



Birgit: and I was just scared. I was just scared of boys.



Birgit: and



Birgit: I would find another route to the classroom if I saw a guy in the hallway, which is, you know, crazy.



Birgit: But that's how deeply ingrained that fear was.



Birgit: And even when we went to Belgium for a what do you call like school trip? So?



Birgit: And we went to the our dens, the forest, and there was this kid, and he can't even remember it.



Birgit: you know, and and he held up my arm in front of the whole class, and he's like, look how skinny she is, which is horrific for me. Horrific.



Birgit: Yep.



Birgit: yeah. And



Birgit: I remember to this day but a lot of the Times police will not remember the impact they made on those that they've really hurt.



Birgit: And



Birgit: yeah, also, you know, I I walked around like the hunchback of Notre Dame, because I just wanted to be invisible.



Birgit: So my mom put me on this course when I was about 16, a modeling course just to crick up my confidence. But you know, when you carry that much trauma.



Birgit: it doesn't



Birgit: lighten the it doesn't lighten the weight.



Birgit: And you know, even in the modeling industry, I mean. I tried. I tried it and



Birgit: nobody liked my look. They were like oh, you look too much like Brooke, like Brooke Shields or Nikki Taylor, and I thought, Well, that's great. But I wasn't thick skinned. I really wasn't thick skin, thick skinned. I was naive


::I'm I'm like, like, you know,:



Birgit: and whenever I went to castings throughout the years I was always rejected, always regardless of where I went in the world.



Birgit: And that's why I could never live on. Live on it. I otherwise I'd be living under a bridge. But instead, you know, I I learned how to bartend. I was doing hostessing work. I was doing promotional gigs.



Birgit: And



Birgit: yeah, that's how I



Birgit: that's how I managed, and I did some gigs here and there. Freelance



Birgit: so but with the agent of 25 I also lost my stepdad to to cancer.



Birgit: and that was tough. It was like a



Birgit: he always said, You know, you're like a daughter to me



Birgit: and my mom was



Birgit: leaning quite heavily on me.



Birgit: and I didn't really have an outlet. And so I



Birgit: I had these friends, these friends, and I take full responsibility. But I rolled into drugs for several months, you know, Molly and I blacked out, and



Birgit: it was just horrific.



Birgit: But yeah, I was still working.



Birgit: But there's 1 thing I do remember.



Birgit: And



Birgit: I didn't really talk about this. It's funny, but it's popped in my head.



Birgit: Remember going to the funeral home



Birgit: where my stepdad, you know was always was, and my mom said



Birgit: to me, Take his favorite Teddy with you and put it in the casket.



Birgit: So I did. But I'm standing there, and it was like so overbearing. It's like he was standing in a corner watching me, and I was like, no, I can't have this right now. So bear in the casket, and I ran out the door.



Birgit: And yeah, I mean I I mean I I still miss him, but I I



Birgit: from time to time he he pops in



Birgit: and



Birgit: So yes, I rolled into drugs, and from one day to the next I was just like, Yeah, I can't. I can't be doing this suffering blackouts, not knowing what's happening.



Birgit: And I also rolled into dysfunctional relationships, which was a given, of course, because I was so broken on the inside. And that's exactly what I needed.



Birgit: I needed these experiences so that they would trigger. They would trigger me. I was like this little donkey. I was like, Whoa! What did I do wrong? You know a lot of the times it's like, but



Birgit: why don't they want to be with me. And why? Why can't I be happy? It was very, very often like that. So I I had so many dysfunctional well, not so many, several dysfunctional relationships, and I kind of hit Rock Bottom, and I think it was 2,000 and



Birgit: 2,009 in Holland when my ex was like a part time. Crack, addict, and



Birgit: he was held for ransom. I needed to help him out. I needed to help the police, and it was like



Birgit: I had never seen this, never seen this, and he wanted to get better, you know. Get rid of his addiction. But he couldn't



Birgit: enter Rehab in Holland because he needed to have a Dutch social, you know, and he was from the Us. But



Birgit: there are so many things that I did, and it was a repetitive pattern where I wanted to fix them.



Birgit: and you cannot fix another. It's really about fixing and repairing yourself, and I wasn't looking at myself.



Birgit: and in a way I enabled them because I was paying for so much.



Birgit: And it wasn't just this person. It was another one after that, and it like. I finally came to the realization many years later. It's like, Why are you doing this? Why are you paying their bills? Why are you getting groceries for them. Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to find them jobs.



Birgit: you know, and it was all really



Birgit: to keep to keep my own hurt at bay because I was afraid of hurting them. And I was really a doormat for many, many people.



Birgit: It was like, Oh, yeah, yeah, we can go to Brigita. We can ask her, because she will never say, No, she's like, Yeah, I'll help you help you. And that's what it was. But when I hit that rock bottom because it was a pretty scary experience.



Birgit: and I mean he got deported. I helped the police out, and he got deported back to the Us.



Birgit: But I downed a whole box of ibuprofens, and I was already back in the Uk because my mom had just she'd moved me in space of several days from Holland back to the Uk. And I just downed a whole box of ibuprofens, and I was like, Oh, do you know what I don't really care anymore.



Birgit: But I woke up like 12 h later, and I thought to myself.



Birgit: I can't live like this.



Birgit: And so I went to see a counselor about.



Birgit: as I always say, the counselor said to me at the end of my



Birgit: whole, you know story. She's like, Oh, Brigita, you're gonna be fine. You're strong enough.



Birgit: And that was the onset to my holistic journey because I



Birgit: wanted to get better. I didn't want to go on like this.



Birgit: And so I studied many healing modalities. But I commenced with Reiki reiki healing.



Birgit: and it was amazing. That was amazing for me. And so I studied level one and 2 in the space of like one and a half years.



Birgit: Studied eft as well the emotional freedom technique which I really love, because it's so simple of tapping out the emotions out of the



Birgit: traumatic experience. That's that's what it is, because we're energy.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Seem like it. It should be doing anything, but it is so freaking, powerful.



Birgit: Yes.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It's just like



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: all I have to do is tap on a few things.



Birgit: And.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And magically things happen.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I don't know why it works, but I've had it. I've had experiences where it has worked.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It's just like



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: every experience I've ever had with it.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It does work.



Birgit: Yes, it does



Birgit: and people always think that healing should be extremely difficult.



Birgit: But it's actually not. It's really simple. But it doesn't really matter how we decide to heal. I I you know, I always say to people, just because something doesn't resonate



Birgit: with what I may do. You may find something else that resonates with your soul. And that's exactly what you've got to do.



Birgit: And



Birgit: yeah, yeah, I became a meditation teacher as well. I studied aromatherapy aromatouch relaxation therapy. Oh, angelic Reiki! So many things. And every little bit was like a piece of the puzzle.



Birgit: And don't think my life was rosy after that, because life's not like that. And I I just had to go through a lot more experience. And



Birgit: I also.



Birgit: When I moved to the Us. To Saint Petersburg in Florida, I'd met someone else. Oh, my gosh! And he was super needy. He's doing well for himself now. I'm really glad. But he lost his mom. He had a reckless, and he was like a relentless pug. He, you know, by on my leg, and he wouldn't let go.



Birgit: and so I had to help him, and he moved from an hour away to 2 doors down for me, which wasn't helping my cause and you know I sold my home to to get away from him at the time.



Birgit: And



Birgit: yeah, I know it's really it's it's insane. And then they had to move out, you know, and I helped him financially as well, and that's the thing where I said. You know, I enabled them, but I had to learn, and it was like the guys up there. You know, the universe is long. Let's see what Brigita is going to do now. And she did it again.



Birgit: And



Birgit: but I also



Birgit: so yeah, I moved somewhere else, and it was a bit of a money pit. So I made a loss on that house. But that was a learning curve for me. But what did happen is, I was so exasperated I was often I would be lying on the floor and crying, screaming at the University. Don't want to go on like this anymore, you know. Please help me.



Birgit: And so there was a little breadcrumb that I became aware of in the form of combo combo healing, which is the Shamanic frog medicine, and



Birgit: very, very physical and amazing healing, because you purge.



Birgit: And it's just time because I didn't do too much research on it because I don't like to cap my expectations. I am like that. But I I went, and it was in Florida and I went to see the shaman, and he burned 4 points in my leg.



Birgit: so that burnt the the top skin 4 points, and then he put the frog poison on there well, in 10 seconds, where I was



Birgit: purging into the bucket



Birgit: and it lasted for several hours, you know you run up and down to the toilet, and the shaman helps you because it comes out everywhere



Birgit: but you feel so cleansed after that. And I went.



Birgit: I went like I went another time the second time round, and it was much easier for me. But what it did do for me when I went home



Birgit: is, I made a whole bucket list of things that I wanted to do.



Birgit: So it was like, you know, I promised my stepdad back in 2,000 that I would start running for charity and for cancer. And I finally started to do that in like 2,016



Birgit: so a little late. But I still started to do it. And I went skydiving because I had a fear of heights



Birgit: which was a little bit insane. So these were things that I just wanted to do. I got a I got rid of so much stuff in my house just to declutter it.



Birgit: and and then my guides kicked me out of my house and said, You've got to go to this fair. I'm like, I'm not going. Yes, you are. So I went because it was only a 5 min walk, and that's where I meant my



Birgit: mentor, Alanya Starhawk, and she is an Akashic record healer. So she actually helps people walk through past lives.



Birgit: and it's pretty powerful because it's again, it's energy.



Birgit: So because my ex was so relentless in Florida, I was in this like fight or flight mode for a long time.



Birgit: and you know we do it to ourselves. But



Birgit: She cleared a past life where he



Birgit: poisoned me, and she cleared that, and it was really funny what happened after that, because



Birgit: the energy changed and he let me be.



Birgit: which was great. So for the time that I was still in the in, in the Us. I just did my own thing.



Birgit: and I was, I mean, yes, I was teaching people. I did a lot of workshops. I attuned people because I was. I'm a Reiki master



Birgit: and



Birgit: yeah. And then I did a workshop on channeling, and when I did that it was



Birgit: I, you know I zonked out during the meditation. I have no idea where I went, but when everybody was saying they saw the ascended masters got messages you name. It was really upset on the inside, and there was a really simple exercise that Alanya gave. And it's



Birgit: it's really sitting there with a pen and paper or a notepad.



Birgit: and saying to the universe, Are you guys, you know I'm ready and open to receive.



Birgit: And that's exactly what I did when I got back home. I did that, and I think my my was so far gone that I didn't even think it just flowed, and when I read it back. It was really old English prose.



Birgit: and I started to do it every single day, and after that I just got my cards out.



Birgit: What it was. The ascendant masters, the archangels. You name it and I just picked a card and asked if they had a message to convey to me, and that's for me. That's how it's.



Birgit: And I finally thought, you know what, I'm actually good at something. But it's really about finding your niche. And I mean, I still channel a lot cause I really really love it. But yeah, I mean, over the years I learned like language as well. And yeah, you know, I keep learning, and I keep growing and and evolving. That doesn't mean my life is easy.



Birgit: It's been a tough 2 years, but I understand the experiences that happen to me. And so that's that shift in perspective where we're not the victim anymore. But it's like, okay. You know, what?



Birgit: How can we release this experience? How can we heal from it? And we take the steps to do it? So life becomes easier because we don't huff and puff like the big bad wolves we just.



Birgit: we reflect



Birgit: rather than, as I always say, deflect.



Birgit: and it becomes easier.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Do you feel like? It's a a process of relaxing into



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: how you feel about different situations.



Birgit: Yes.



Birgit: that's a good point. Yes, absolutely



Birgit: absolutely. I look back now. And honestly, Jill.



Birgit: people don't always understand it, but



Birgit: I'm thankful for everything that I've been through. Without it I wouldn't have a story to tell. That's for sure. I wouldn't even have. I wouldn't be able to write any books, but and and to inspire and to empower others. But



Birgit: life is just a series of



Birgit: of experiences, some fortunate, some unfortunate. It's just how you how you view it, but never, never remain stagnant where you are.



Birgit: and we do that, and then life passes us by.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: A lot of it has to do with how we perceive



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: what's going on. The in the.



Birgit: Yes.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Experiences and



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: could actually change the past just by



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: reconsidering how you're remembering those experiences.



Birgit: Yes.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yeah. So I know you're an author, and I know you're coming out with a new book. Let's talk about that for a minute.



Birgit: Yes, it's called Child of the Sun, en route to enlightenment in India. Well, I'm very far from enlightenment still. Yeah, cause I'm learning every single day. But that was an amazing journey. I've actually been invited back to the art of living center in Bangalore recently. So sure, if I'll go this year or early next year, we'll see. But yes.



Birgit: it's really about breath work, meditation.



Birgit: and how. And I I think meditation is so powerful, especially when you do it in the morning and and in the evening, because you just let go. And I love guided meditations. I used to love Davici. You know, at 20 min. But I'm very much into the psychic soul, or



Birgit: whispers of the world love that one



Birgit: that's amazing. And



Birgit: yeah. So I talk. I talk about a lot of things. I talk about depression.



Birgit: a friend of mine. She passed away many years ago, but she was at the art of living, and when she returned to the Uk. I think 2 years later, she



Birgit: who committed suicide



Birgit: life got too much for her. She was very, she was very young, but she was such a beautiful soul.



Birgit: And so I talk about that. Of course it's infused with the many Channel messages from the Indian deities



Birgit: like Krishna, Ganesh.



Birgit: Shiva.



Birgit: Kali.



Birgit: Hanumann, and of course, Saint Germain, because I work a lot with the ascended Master Saint Germain, and also Archangel Michael, and everyone channels them differently. But they've always



Birgit: channeled about the wisdom of life in a humorous way.



Birgit: and we do take life very seriously.



Birgit: and I know to say you know what we don't get a lot. We don't get out of life, anyway, but it's really about



Birgit: the the underlying understanding that



Birgit: it's just an experience.



Birgit: That's what we need to understand. So



Birgit: yeah, I talk about relationships. And I love, I talk about the twin twin Flame aspect



Birgit: because I went through a horrendous period this June and July. Where my ex



Birgit: from 2,009, I thought he had made changes after 15 years.



Birgit: and I had done so much healing work. And that was a really powerful experience, because it was he.



Birgit: We had mental health issues. He was self medicating. He was just screaming and shouting at me, very abusive. He pretty much destroyed my home, so I had to cleanse. It completely. Took me 2 days, because I was pretty much bent and working and sleeping in my spare bedroom.



Birgit: and I'd had enough, and that was the very 1st time that I actually stood up for myself and told me get out of my house.



Birgit: And he did, and then he came back again, and.



Birgit: you know, lost a lot of weight a week later went for his money, whatever happened to it.



Birgit: He's back in the Us. Now. But he came back again the next day, and I had enough, and I called Security, and they advised me to call. The cops called the cops, and they escorted him off the the urbanization



Birgit: and



Birgit: that was and I understood the experience.



Birgit: And it needed to happen because I needed to close the door. After 15 years I needed to close that door.



Birgit: and I was surprised at how mentally strong I was. I bounced back pretty quick, but what happened was the trauma hit me so hard physically.



Birgit: It was like, I mean. Yes, I had acid reflux. It was like I couldn't move. I suffered from inflammation of my whole rib cage, so I could hardly breathe and walk.



Birgit: And I remember saying to the universe, after 4 days, I said, and I went to see the doctor as well.



Birgit: and she said to me, Brigita, why did you wait so long? And she's like, why do you keep going? You keep going? You keep working. You keep at it.



Birgit: I said, because that is kind of who I am, I said. It's just physically it hit me hard.



Birgit: and so



Birgit: I cried out to the universe, and I said, I don't want to live this like this. I really need some help in getting better



Birgit: and funnily enough. The next day it started to ease. It started to ease.



Birgit: and I am also not ashamed to say, you know what. When I need to get healing. I will get it. So I have a go to light language, healer, Louise wrote. She's amazing.



Birgit: And she cleared a lot



Birgit: a lot of the layers. And you know I'm I'm fine now.



Birgit: And again it was just an experience.



Birgit: And it's there is no point



Birgit: and



Birgit: saying, Yeah, but but



Birgit: you know. Maybe this person will change. Maybe we can get back together. No, if if you're not singing from that same hymn sheet, just take a deep bow in gratitude, and shut the door and say goodbye. It's okay. We're all here to learn from one another.



Birgit: Yet to me he wasn't a villain. My ex wasn't a villain. He was just a beautiful reflection and a teacher something he was like chaos. It was like chaos that needed to enter my life.



Birgit: To make me see and to.



Birgit: you know, make me make me open my eyes, and I think I look back, and I think it was a wonderful experience, because I learned so much. And now that I've shut the door when we shut doors, yeah, other other doors do open



Birgit: things start to flow. We don't always see that when we're in it, when we're in in an experience, but once we get out of it and we heal, we shut the door. Other things come into our lives. That's the way the universe works. That's you know.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It is. It's totally the way the universe works. It's like



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: it's almost like changing timelines. You.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: When you close one door, you just kind of step into a different timeline that's going to take you in a different direction. Because, had you stayed in that situation, then, a whole different cascade of events would have



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: ensued. Because.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: you know, actions have reactions and consequences. And



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: by by closing the door on that, you're allowing other



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: experiences to unfold. It's kind of like you get to write your story, you get to write the ending of your story, and at any moment you can change timelines.



Birgit: Yes.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Plot twist whatever you want to call it. But you can just like, decide. I'm not going to continue on this trajectory. I'm going to do something that's gonna cause



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: a change in trajectory.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And it it might not. When you're pivoting.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Often it doesn't feel like anything has changed, really.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: because it doesn't have to be a dramatic thing. I mean, what you just went through was a dramatic thing. But we make these kinds of decisions every day in our life.



Birgit: Reduce.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And they're going to cause a different outcome.



Birgit: Yes, there's.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Like so many different outcomes that we can experience at any given time



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: absolutely.



Birgit: Certainly.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Kind of circles back to your your thoughts about meditating in the morning and at night. I I love that because



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: that is when I meditate. Also, it's when your body is naturally slowed down, instead of trying to do it in the middle of the day, when you're all revved up, and you have to really drag your drag your mind back to like. Let's just like, slow down here.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: You get so much more clarity



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: it during.



Birgit: Yes.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Those times in in a shorter, actually a shorter period of time.



Birgit: I agree.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So I know you have a coaching program. You you do coach people.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It's at some level.



Birgit: Yeah, so it's light language healing that I do. So it's and these are people often ask me what is light language, and it's, you know, it's like the cosmic language of love. It's frequency, because we are frequency.



Birgit: And this is something it's I. I was sitting down, and it was several days ago, and I put this in into my book. And it's like, you know, actually, you're right. This is Saint Germain, and he says, you know your sacred geometry, geometry, you are frequency fine tune yourself.



Birgit: That's how simple it is.



Birgit: And I said, Yeah, I understand that. But it's really about explaining that to people because they see their experiences and everything that they go through as being real.



Birgit: And yeah, it is real to apply. I call it an illusion. It's just an experience. But



Birgit: people need to just



Birgit: elevate themselves. It's like, you know, when you change your perspective, it's like when you're up in a plane when I was skydiving it was like, Oh, my gosh! The world down there is so small, and we



Birgit: we make



Birgit: drama out of everything.



Birgit: And it's like, why do we do that? Because it's so minuscule compared to compared to the whole universe, so to speak.



Birgit: Yeah, so. But light language is is



Birgit: You're not going to understand it on a



Birgit: conscience. Level. Your mind's like what the heck, what is she doing? And but but your soul understands the light code just beautifully. And that is actually what it's all about. And it's been a very interesting process for me, because



Birgit: I'm 1 of these freaky ones at night. Sometimes the light language will just come out, and it's before sleep.



Birgit: And it's like it's been changing. And I love that I love that.



Birgit: And there's a really great great exercise, by the way, where you use the unemployed angels



Birgit: or the volunteer angels, and I call upon them. I used to call upon them years ago, and I recently started calling upon them again. And I write it down. And I I ask



Birgit: for everything that I write down every task that I have that I would like to help with, whether it's with health or anything else. I say.



Birgit: I asked. An unemployed angel, of the highest vibrational love and compassion to help me with or to assist me with.



Birgit: and you write it down, and as you write it, and as you keep asking an unemployed angel, for however many tasks you have, you can just feel the energy in the room, cause they are there like that, and they've helped me in the past couple of weeks, and I can just cross it off. And every time I cross something off it's like, thank you so much for helping me with that.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Just simple things that.






Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: People can employ in their own lives.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: sing in angel language. Sometimes it'll it just comes out, but it comes out as music to me.



Birgit: That's amazing.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Don't usually do it in company freaks people out. But it



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: yeah.



Birgit: It's amazing.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: You feel good.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and it's just you don't have to. You don't have to understand it. It doesn't have to mean anything. It just comes out, and



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: it it's not even like.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: but you're



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: You're not even conscious of it. If you could just like, shut your mind off and just let it come out. It's really beautiful. And it's



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: yeah.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It's it's an interesting experience



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: for you to have for yourself.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: But I know the power in having someone else



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: share light language over you.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: which is different.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Okay.



Birgit: They are.



Birgit: yeah, it's



Birgit: that they exist.



Birgit: Sure. There. It's it's like wanting to come through right now, but



Birgit: because they're talking about. It's really funny they're talking about normally, I ask. You know, I I don't mind giving a demo of light language, happy to do it. But they're actually talking about



Birgit: people.



Birgit: Oh, what is it? Did you?



Birgit: Okay.



Birgit: People opening up their inner loads as flower and allowing themselves to blossom within their inner world, but also their outer world. Because what they're saying I mean, my, like, my guys are saying, everything starts from within.



Birgit: and when you nurture your inner garden.



Birgit: You will nurture your outer garden



Birgit: and your environment.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Of that. I'm just.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I was talking to somebody on Facebook today. She had posted something about



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: the new being and the old being.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: yeah, what are you? What are you trying to



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: be new about?



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And she was talking about a farm that was in her family for 80 years.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: it reminded me of a rose bush, a really old rose bush, because rose bushes can live for hundreds of years that the root.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: even grapes, are like this. The root is what's so old. Every year a new crop comes, and their blossoms are beautiful and sweet.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: But they're all nourished by this really old.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: old peace.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yeah, kind of



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: it's like the lotus flower that blooms within you. We're we're all old.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: are are



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: we? Are part of the. I am the the source.



Birgit: Yes, we are. Yes.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: We're all connected. And and



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: each of us has that that spark, the lotus flower inside of us that can blossom if we allow it, and it's it's totally our choice.



Birgit: Yes, it is.



Birgit: Oh, absolutely and just we do, just because we don't get it right in this lifetime. That doesn't matter.



Birgit: And.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It's about.



Birgit: Doesn't.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Experience. And there's not a right and a wrong. There's just an experience, yeah, and how we perceive it



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and how we choose to change our perception of this at any given time. Yeah.



Birgit: And does it matter how long it takes us to heal? No, it doesn't matter. You have to do it at your own pace.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And healing is the journey.



Birgit: Yes.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: That's the whole thing. We all have trauma.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: It's the point.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And to be able to find joy



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: in life, even though



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: you've had these experiences. It's like, how can we learn the lesson from the experience.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: no matter how bad it was? And there are some people that go through things that are like so horrible, but.



Birgit: There!



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Conscious of. Okay, that's the experience I had. And instead of getting stuck in victimhood, or in being a bully, or in being responsible for everybody's happiness.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and and we all kind of like cycle through each of those



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: little categories from time to time. But it's being able to sit in the center and say, Hmm.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: but now I'm okay.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Now



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: things are good. In this moment I choose



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: to be at peace. I choose love, I choose happiness. I don't have to think about what went on in the past, and I don't have to think about what's going on in the future. I can.



Birgit: This? Is it.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: With this right now.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: and enjoy it.



Birgit: Yeah, I was a when I was in India.



Birgit: Ravi, Shankar Guruji. I call him Guruji. He he said. You know



Birgit: you cannot breathe in the past.



Birgit: You can't breathe in the future, but you can breathe in the present moment, and that is where you create. That is where you make the changes, and you know we are all divine alchemists. We change things from lead



Birgit: to gold. We change things from the heaviness



Birgit: healing that, and we become a far more enlightened version of ourselves.



Birgit: And that's what it's all about, unless we want to remain as lead. And you know, go ahead. But yeah, and that's just alchemizing our experiences.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Going from darkness to light.



Birgit: Yes.



Birgit: absolutely! I called Darknet.



Birgit: It darkness is



Birgit: I called it. Down



Birgit: they came with this word, and they called it decalcification.



Birgit: It's a decalcification within yourself. So



Birgit: of the bacteria



Birgit: and infusing that with the antibiotics of light.



Birgit: Oh, well, that's that's pretty cool. And then they go. Yeah, it's like from orbit to orbit.



Birgit: I'm like, Yeah, that makes sense.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: That a lot.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So be



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: your book is coming out beginning of November.



Birgit: Yes.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: November. Okay? So



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: as listeners are listening to this episode, you'll be able to find her book, her brand new book over on her website.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: And why don't you share that with the audience?



Birgit: Yeah. So the website's gonna be, well, my website is Can I just add something? So there are exercises in there as well. There is. There are mantras in there and other little things to help you along your way



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Awesome.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So it's



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: it's an experiential read



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: rather than just a light. Read.



Birgit: It. It's a you know. I I do take the Mickey out of myself because I'm not taking the Mickey, but I I see life very differently now. So I take a lot of things very light hearted.



Birgit: And that's basically the



Birgit: the key ingredient or the main ingredient of the book. And that's very much reflected within the channeled messages as well.



Birgit: So it will be a joy to read, because that's what they're saying as well. It's all about, not just returning to that love for ourselves and each other, but finding that joy and cultivating that joy within.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Yes.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: the purpose of life is to experience joy.



Birgit: Yes.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I look forward to reading it, too.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: how can people get in touch with you if they want light healing?



Birgit: Yeah. So again, through my website. But powersoul But I'm also on Instagram and on Youtube.



Birgit: Okay, yeah, my Instagram is universal light warriors, and my Youtube is power, soul healing.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Perfect.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: So what's the one thing you hope the audience takes away from the conversation we've had today?



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: I know we've.



Birgit: That's life.



Birgit: that life is all about transformation.



Birgit: Yeah, we we started out as as a caterpillar.



Birgit: And eventually we keep transforming and we transform into this beautiful butterfly.



Birgit: and we just keep growing and expanding our consciousness through the levels of through. You know, we level up



Birgit: through our experiences.



Birgit: And once, you know, once we heal them, life becomes



Birgit: simpler, it becomes easier to understand. It's like as we age. As we grow older we understand life more than when we're like 15 years old.



Birgit: and



Birgit: live your life with passion and with purpose. Whatever you decide to do, because it's all about



Birgit: how you feel about yourself. It doesn't matter what other people think of you. It's really important how you feel about yourself



Birgit: and just follow your inner guide.



Birgit: Follow your inner guide



Birgit: to your yellow brick road of yellow blah blah, your yellow brick road of happiness. Yes.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Little tough to get out.



Birgit: Yes, you know.



Jill Hart-The Coach's Alchemist & Host of the You World Order Showcase Podcast: Thank you so much for for joining me today.



Birgit: No, thank you so much for having me, Joe.

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