In this unmissable episode, Amanda Smith highlights the significance of addressing the mind-body connection and the psychological component in holistic healing for entrepreneurs with chronic health issues, offering a comprehensive program for long-term health and personal growth.
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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we are speaking with Amanda Smith from the Body Whisperer. Healing she helps entrepreneurs who want to heal from minor chronic.
::And major chronic health issues to grow their dream business.
::And life faster. Welcome to the show, Amanda. I'm so excited to have you here. I've been talking to other healers today, and this is just like my favorite topic. How bodies work, how healing works, energy. Just like the whole thing.
::So welcome to the show.
::Thanks for joining me.
::Speak with.
::Yeah. Thank you.
::So much Jill for having me on letting me share all the good news about body whisper healing and how I help the chronically ailed or chronically ill get over that chronic thing so that they can do what they were supposed to do in their life.
::And generally that's entrepreneurs, since we like to live up to our potential in grand ways.
::And those chronic?
::Things they just kind of nag at us and.
::Hold us back. So how? How does that work with you?
::Oh well. So the chronic things are the things that that just like you said, they hold us back, right. They get in the way of being able to focus on what we're trying to do be, you know, just living sometimes. Sometimes they just get.
::In the way of being.
::And for me, the way I operate, the way that I work with my clients is we first come together and make sure we're a good fit. And that means I.
::Can actually read.
::Their body, which that's all energy work. I am literally tapping into their bodies energy and checking to see. Can I?
::Can I see what's going on in their body?
::Is it exactly what they think it is, or is it? Does it go beyond that? And I actually feel their pain, their chronic condition in my.
::And so I can very specifically pinpoint, hey, this is what's going on for you. This is what I'm feeling. And ohh you didn't mention this, but is this going on too? And usually in that moment, they're just like.
::Oh, wow. OK yeah, you can. You can see this. And then sometimes when they block what they don't want me to see, that's usually the spot that we've got to dig deeper on. And I've got to find out, are they willing to go there? Are they willing to have those tough conversations? Because when it comes to our chronic conditions in our body?
::Sometimes they're in places that we don't really want to address. We don't really want to talk about or we don't really want to heal that thing yet. We're not there yet. And for me, if I know that there's something that is nagging the body.
::To heal first I got to address it first. Otherwise the thing that you want me to heal isn't going to heal. And if I heal it, it's not going to stick. And for me, we got to get to the root cause. If we don't get to the root cause and heal that far.
::You're going to see this chronic condition come up time and time again. It's your karmic thing. And then of course, there's sole contracts. Sometimes you have a chronic thing that you were supposed to work on in this lifetime, and I can't heal it for you, but I can guide you through how to handle it.
::So yeah, that's how I work.
::Very interesting, very interesting.
::So what do you?
::Feel about the mind body connection in all of this.
::Oh, OK, so I did a deep, deep dive into neurobiology this.
::Year, neurology, neurobiology. The brain is such a powerful thing, and we know this. And there were some huge explosions in this knowledge around neurobiology and neurology.
::During COVID.
::We had the opportunity to really like find out some of the coolest things about it so.
::There's a couple of ways to see how this works in the body.
::The brain is the most powerful part of your body, so it's going to give you the issues it's going to send the pain signals, or it's going to show up in certain ways. But then of course, there's the emotional body and the spiritual body, right? The spiritual body is really like that ancestral stuff, epigenetics, that fun word where, oh, yeah, you're.
::You got this through your DNA, right? Your first cell was alive and your mother's body, when your mother was inside her mother.
::You get to experience at very directly all of their stuff. In those moments, all of their chronic conditions or all of their emotional upheaval, and it comes in at a cellular level. So there's that side of the house that we have to work through.
::And then there's the emotional piece where certain parts of your body are going to show you. Hey, here's this thing and a bunch of other people have studied, like ohh well, if your left knee hurts, that's usually something to do with your.
::It's like, OK, so that comes from the emotional connection. So I deal in those four sheaths the mind, the body, the spirit and the emotional body. And so.
::If you want me to tell you an interesting.
::When I'm looking at.
::Story about that.
::Yes, please.
::OK so.
::My mother and I had.
::But a terrible relationship. We'll just put it that way and.
::I mean like.
::She didn't love me, and I know this because she said she.
::Didn't love me.
::Which is fine, but and there was a reason.
::For that, we're all good now.
::Everybody's doing the best they.
::Can all the time.
::It was the sole contract for sure, but I had surgery on my right knee, had cartilage removed because it was torn.
::That my right knee has.
::This was long. I was like 15 or 16.
::We're talking about.
::That, that emotional connection and.
::Yeah, that relational, emotional.
::Yeah, yeah.
::Connection of the body.
::Just proving your point for you.
::The right knee is actually dad.
::So hopefully relationship with Dad.
::That's really interesting.
::Yeah, it could have been and it could have. And this this plays out in other ways and it's everybody is different. I can't stress that enough. Everybody is different because you had issue with your left knee, your right knee had to support you more.
::So it took the hit. So that's where that crazy balance comes in. And digging deeper into it like we would have deeper conversations around it to see, OK, is that what was going on, where we were leaning into that right side more and it just got burned out because usually when cartilage is the issue.
::We've got that.
::Rubbing and it's an overuse sort of thing that's going on in that joint. So that could have been what was going on, like you're really leaning into your right.
::Gone all time.
::The cartilage was completely gone, yeah.
::That's another.
::And they removed the cartilage.
::But my dad was gone all the.
::Time I was in military.
::OK. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So there's the connection. Yeah. Dad was gone. Cartilage is gone. Yep. So the, it's that.
::It's just like so.
::Cool, right? It's that emotional stuff that shows up in our body. And Louise Hay, I love.
::Absolutely. Love her book. You can heal you.
::Body that is by far that was one of my we'll call it the Gateway book, to really diving into understanding this piece of the body and how all of that connection happens.
::But seeing that other people have done these.
::Studies as well.
::And we have common connection like each finger represents something and of course, we know reflexology. You know, the nerve bundles are at certain points in our hands and.
::Our feet, our.
::Teeth are also one of those points where they connect to the Vagus nerve, the vagus nerve.
::Connects to all.
::Of our organs and.
::Now and then we're back to the brain cause the vagus nerve connects back to the brain. And that's your nervous system. And all of that neurobiology fun. So, yeah, that's a such a fun.
::Rabbit hole.
::I know and not only.
::Is your body like all connected, which is? You know when you go to the doctor and he's.
::Like oh, it's.
::Just this one little thing. And you're like, no, nothing is just one little thing. Everything is connected and it's not even just connected on, like, the physical level. It's connected on us energetic level and.
::Spiritual level and an emotional level, and on a chemical level that you're not even looking at so.
::It's like I don't know why you bothered.
::Because we had.
::To specialize. I can appreciate where Western medicine went when it came to specializing, and they were like, OK, the body is so complex that you're only going to study the brain and you're only going to study the heart and you're only going to study, you know, surgery for people that.
::That have injuries that are.
::Right. And we had to specialize like that. But when we didn't look at the whole body, when we stopped looking at the whole body, which is what our General practitioner in the Western world is supposed to do, they're supposed to look at the whole thing. But even our general practitioners start to specialize because the body is so complex. So I can appreciate it.
::But then you've got people like me who are like, OK, well, you, your knee hurts and there's things that we can do to retrain your brain to make your knee stop hurting because ultimately pain is a signal from the brain.
::But also, let's address this emotional piece.
::Let's address the psychological piece of it as well. And if we aren't doing that and I can't stress this one enough, if you get something fixed by a doctor but you didn't work on the psychological piece, it's going to come to haunt you again.
::I can't stress that one enough. You've got to close the door on the psychological piece of why that happened. And if you decided to go down the hole of having surgery or some sort of major intervention, you've also got to deal with the trauma of that and close the door on the psychological piece of having to have a surgery or having to have major.
::Medical intervention.
::Yeah, because they.
::Do impact and they can continue to impact you. And there's science about pain that has.
::To do with.
::You could be in chronic pain, but it the injury is gone and it is really all in your head and you can just rewire.
::The neurology in your head.
::And the pain goes away because it doesn't actually exist.
::OK, I have a story to.
::Tell with that one.
::That's a personal.
::Story. So I had gluten intolerance to the point of if I even had a just a little bit.
::I was down and out. Migraines got very angry, had liver pain or, well, it wasn't. We thought it was liver pain for a really long time. It was actually intestinal pain.
::I had healed it. I'd gone to an east West doctor. She was Ayurvedic MD's here in Colorado where I live, and she did a phenomenal job of helping supplement me so that we could heal it physically.
::But I still couldn't have gluten, and I found an energy healer. Or actually he found me and he became one of my teachers. Cable Jones. Name dropped right there. Real time healing cable Jones, he.
::Worked with me on the psychological piece and what I love to say about this is and so yesterday Dumbledore, the actor passed away Harry Potter reference here and I've got my Dumbledore. I've got my Harry Potter shirt on to honor him.
::Table basically Dumbledore, the psychological piece out of.
::My head and if you.
::Guys have watched Harry Potter, you know?
::He pulled things with his wand out of his head and dropped it into this bowl in the movie, and if he wanted to see that memory again, he could just stick his face into the bowl and boom. It came back. But this is.
::What cable did for?
::Me. He energetically pulled the memory out of me. That was psychologically.
::Stopping me from completely healing my gut, and after that moments literally moments after that I was supposed to fly home from New York.
::Or was it?
::Chicago anyways. Big City and it was New York and he was like.
::We're going to go get a burger.
::And I was like, OK, well, I'm supposed to go on a plane and this.
::Could get ugly. He was like.
::Trust. Trust the work that we just did. Trust it. And I was just like, OK, I'm going to. I'm.
::Going to have faith.
::That this is going to work.
::And so.
::I had my burger and I've never had a reaction since.
::Amazing. I know, right?
::That was the power of understanding, like that psychological piece is the thing that ends that chronic condition. It ends it.
::It's just.
::Yeah, it's just so amazing when our minds can do to heal, but also, you know, keep us trapped in in situations where it really just wants us to pay attention to something, to look at this.
::Yes, yes.
::And the problem.
::The problem with that is we get we get bogged down with all the details, right? It's just like trying to understand the entire body in Western medicine, specializing. It's the same thing when you're trying to figure out, OK, well, I've got this condition.
::And I thought it was healed, but it came back. What am I not doing? I did it and it went away the first time I got to level up from the last time, but I don't know what to do because there's too many options. This is where someone like me comes in. I am my background is mechanical and aerospace engineering.
::I worked on multiple NASA programs and I was a phenomenal problem solver and now I problem solve for the body and that's my gift. That is the true essence of what I can do is I can piece together all of your stuff and go.
::Well, This is why.
::And this is what we need to do and.
::This is how we heal it.
::And people always go well. Yeah. You. You nailed like you nailed that. And then when they're healed, they're like.
::Holy cow.
::Like I didn't think I was going to get to the other side of.
::This and now they.
::Are and. They're just like Hallelujah.
::So do you work with people online and off?
::Yes. So I live in Colorado, Denver area. So I work with some people here in the Denver.
::Area if need be, I can.
::Travel to you as long as.
::You pay for it.
::In person isn't necessary though. Working online is easy peasy for me I work with.
::Some of my clients are on the opposite side of the world. I work with people in Pakistan, so I know I can still dive into your body and feel everything that's going on. Even though you're on the other side of the planet. And since I'm a NASA dork.
::I want to try and work with astronauts so that ones still in the making so that I can test to see.
::Can I feel people who?
::Are off planet and not in our electric magnetosphere.
::And of course you do it one.
::On one.
::I do one-on-one. I also do group.
::Oh, OK. So how does that work?
::Yeah, yeah, I.
::So group work. This is my heel to grow program. It's a six month long program and the way that it works is you come in whenever you find me and decide that you want to work with me. So it's not like we have to start On this date and.
::Work done On this date.
::It's a rolling wave of people coming in.
::And the way we work is hybrid, where we're in Group, but we also work 1:00 to 1:00 and that one to one in the beginning is your body scan. I'm going to go through your entire body and extra body, the oric level and beyond.
::And find out and piece puzzle everything that you need to understand in order to move forward, and then we'll meet in Group and we'll do a check in and see how things are going and.
::Then I'll give you a.
::Little more information that you might need to further your healing so that you can get back to really living your purpose, which that's the ultimate goal.
::And I tend to focus on entrepreneurs in that group because a lot of.
::Them are seeking.
::Their purpose, and then once they've figured out what their purpose is, then they want to grow from there. So that's what I do. That's my specialty in the group.
::Sounds amazing.
::Thank you.
::Is there?
::Is there other? Are there other points that you would like to make?
::Not to put you on the spot.
::Other points I'd like to make on.
::When you're working with people, how do you?
::Do you?
::Do you work in terms of trying to help their mindset? Is it just their bodies? Is it just?
::The difference between what's going on in their head.
::And their bodies?
::Ah, it depends. Some people need a different Ave. to access the deeper stuff, and then by deeper stuff. It's usually the psychological stuff is the deeper stuff and some people need to access it through the body. So we'll address the body, body and then all of a sudden we're starting to work.
::Into the mind.
::Peace. And then we can work into the spiritual peace and my people are secretly spirit.
::Well, they always end up going like, yeah, you know, I believe in XY and Z. And I'm like, yeah.
::Well, that's yeah.
::That's how you landed here.
::But yeah, we always call.
::To our own.
::We do, we do. We should, we should.
::Be accessing information from our bigger spiritual team. I I'm a firm believer in this, and ultimately that could be your ancestors. That could be your angels. That could be your guides. We all have different names for these things, but ultimately, yeah.
::When you land serendipitously with a helper, someone that's gonna really work you through your issues.
::That you landed there because your team said. Go, please. Right. But some people need to start from that spiritual side. Some people need to, like, understand they have a spirit team. And that Spirit team is here to help them. And it's not me actually doing the work. It's.
::I'm just here to guide them on what they need to do.
::To help you. That's the deeper stuff. That's the.
::Secretly spiritual stuff.
::Some people need to talk through their stuff, which is the psychological piece, and then we can address what's going on in the body because the body will hold them back from being able to live their full purpose. So it always comes back to the body, but it might not start at the body. It might start somewhere else. Emotions. That's the.
::If you come in and you're balling your eyes out. Yeah, we're going to start there.
::Yeah, because it's easy to see.
::Exactly, exactly. It's also easy to feel. It's easy to feel when somebody's holding.
::Back their emotions.
::And it's like.
::Oh, you know and, uh, asking questions is my way in. I'm going to ask a boatload of questions because curiosity is something, but a lot of those questions are verification.
::Of what I've already started to feel.
::And it's like, OK.
::When did you start knowing that you were intuitive and?
::A long time ago, couple of lifetimes ago. In this lifetime, I.
::Was awake at 4:00.
::That was when I personally recognize things.
::I was extra sensitive.
::At that young age, and I started to shut down some of my players. So Claire audience was one that I shut down right away. And I visual the visuals. I shut down right away because it was too intense. I didn't know how to decipher it, understand it. But I still let Claire sentient. The feeling of things.
::Roll through me. And so I knew my entire life that I was doing this.
::I didn't know other people.
::Were like me until:::He came up to me at a conference and he was like, you realize, like, you're feeling everybody here. There were 500 participants at this this conference. He's like, you're feeling everybody's pain.
::I don't know how you're walking around, and I was just like, I know that I can tap in and figure out whose pain.
::mes it's not clear. And so in:::And I was like, Hallelujah. Like, somebody gave me a control panel to work with.
::And then I could start to control and then I could start to figure.
::Out. OK now.
::If I shut everybody else down and I just dial in on this one person, I can really start to help them. And that's when the underground version of what I do.
::Started and by underground I mean I was healing people covertly. I was not telling them. Hey, I'm fiddling in your.
::Face I would check in with their spirit and be like hey can I? Can I help them? And their spirit would say yes, but I never got a verbal confirmation from them. A conscious confirmation from them.
::And I didn't start doing that until recently until 20/20 was the first time.
::I got paid.
::do this kind of work and then:::Two was the first time that I went public with it.
::And now here we are, body, whisper healing and I'm. I'm all out there now.
::How did that go?
::Over it, I mean, you come from a.
::Then engineering background, which is like.
::So diametrically opposed, I mean, the people that are generally engineers are like.
::This is how the world.
::Is there's not any of this other stuff?
::And it totally explains to me why you would hide in that environment because you know you're like, I'm just going to deny all this stuff that I'm feeling. It's just it's mechanical, it's straightforward. It's one or zero, black or white.
::We have to mess with the Gray stuff cause.
::You get rockets up into space.
::Kind of I.
::I still dabble in the aerospace world.
::Because I know that I get, I receive certain information.
::That can further aerospace, but also terrestrially on planet. So UM.
::Radiation protection is something that I'm still fiddling with in the aerospace side of the house, but that that science brain helps me anchor and ground and be able to stay on planet mentally because when I was a kid, my mom would always say you're such a space case.
::Because I would space out and I was, I was not in my body. I was.
::See you later.
::But the coming out coming out party.
::It's been slow.
::It's been very slow. I had a bunch of family members pass away over COVID and I just like with my family. I was just like, you know what, like you y'all need to know, like I'm still connected to them and we're still having conversation.
::And I can drop little bits to them of, hey, you know this person said this or I'll spin it because some of them aren't ready to hear it that way. I'll spin it and say, ohh, you know, this family member probably would have said something like this, even though they're like in my ear going. And I said it just tell him.
::Just tell him I said it.
::But being fully comfortable.
::Outing myself like this.
::Took a lot of time because I didn't feel safe and safety. If we look at Maslow's hierarchy right, Safety's number two on that.
::List and I didn't feel safe because I know.
::Secret societies like to use people like.
::Me for higher knowledge and higher connection and I know that this is not normal.
::But anymore, what is I mean now that we've made it through COVID?
::What's normal?
::You know the other side.
::Of COVID is like the whole world changed.
::We went through this this doorway called COVID and now we're.
::Whole new world.
::Opportunity and things that looked really bad before.
::COVID are just like.
::It's not a thing.
::Well, and we're also we're also coming to grips, I think as a planet we're coming to grips with the fact that there are certain systems in place that need to change drastically change, like burn it down and start over change. And one of those is the medical side of the world. And if you didn't recognize that during.
::COVID you had your eyes shut and you were probably really sick the entire time.
::I call it the medical industrial complex.
::It is.
::We've also got that educational world. We've got that in the.
::Financial World, I mean.
::It's just like all designed to suck money out of the public coffer. It's bankrupted the country.
::And it's going to continue to do that as.
::Long as we're.
::Sheep and continue to listen, but people that are listening to your podcast, I'm certain, are awake.
::Not work, but awake. They see that there's another way and they might not know the answer to that and not. And we're still as a globe, trying to figure that out. But they know there's got to be a better way.
::Yeah, the EU world order.
::Where everybody is working hard to be their very best.
::They compete with themselves to be the very best at the gift that they were uniquely given and.
::They don't have to compete with each other because everybody's just competing with themselves. But as a group, we're pushing each other up and I love that so much and I see the change happening and it's because of coaches and people just caring enough to.
::Step into their superpowers and.
::Disregard the fear that they may be feeling about coming out about who they are and how they can uniquely help other people, and it's just it's so beautiful and it's so magical to me.
::I just I.
::I really love that it's happening.
::Kiss me, hope.
::years, I mean we've got the:::ing to come through. And then:::So there's just been this stepping up and this leveling up across these this time and man is it a great time to be alive to watch.
::Wow, right. It's just like I got goosebumps. Honestly, it's just like it's so exciting I have.
::Never. I have never.
::Felt like there was more opportunity.
::For our global healing than there is right now and just to raise the whole consciousness up.
::Because everybody is everybody's part of it, there's.
::Like nobody is left behind.
::hink personally, I believe on:::Of what? What grand future we do have or could have.
::Hopefully we'll have.
::Wasn't that out there to scare it?
::That there's just enough people.
::That are like.
::Envisioning a better a better world for everybody that's, you know, kinder, better and more sustainable.
::Yes. And on a global level?
::And on a.
::Global level it's.
::Just like.
::It's happening.
::It just makes me so excited.
::Game and what?
::What great opportunities, right you have the podcast that, I mean you world order. I absolutely love that name because we are. We are.
::We are leveling up.
::In our individual ways, but as a collective, and I say that very specifically in our individual waves because it does, it comes through like a rolling.
::Wave so yeah.
::Lots of drops and.
::Motion, but they all come together to form the ocean. They're all connected.
::Yep, exactly.
::But they're each individual.
::So how do people get in?
::Touch with you if they want to work with you. that's where you can find me. That's my website. I do free 20 minute consultations to do an initial body scan to.
::See if we're a good fit.
::And then to see what direction you should go, whether it's the individual one to one version or into that group that we were talking about the.
::Build to grow program. So that's my offering to anybody.
::Who is being called?
::Perfect. And what's the one thing you'd want to leave the audience with today?
::Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that.
::The psychological piece is the last piece to heal.
::In order to end the chronic conditions.
::Thank you, Amanda. This has been amazing. I really appreciate you taking time today.
::Thank you, Jill. It's been an honor and a pleasure.